43 resultados para malmquist total factor productivity

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This paper examines structural changes that occur in the total factor productivity (TFP) within countries. It is possible that some episodes of high economic growth or economic decline are associated with permanent productivity shocks, therefore, this research has two objectives. The Örst one is to estimate the structural changes present in TFP for a sample of 81 countries between 1950(60) and 2000. The second one is to identify, whenever possible, episodes in the political and economic history of these countries that may account for the structural breaks in question. The results suggest that about 85% of the TFP time-series present at least one structural break, moreover, at least half the structural changes can be attributed to internal factors, such as independence or a newly adopted constitution, and about 30% to external shocks, such as oil shock or shocks in international interest rates. The majority of the estimated breaks are downwards, indicating that after a break the TFP tends to decrease, implying that institutional rearrangements, external shocks, or internal shocks may be costly and from which it is very di¢ cult to recover.


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We develop and calibrate a model where differences in factor endowments lead countries to trade intermediate goods, and gains from trade reflect in total factor productivity. We perform several output and growth decompositions, to assess the impact that barriers to trade, as well as changes in terms of trade, have on measured TFP. We find that for very poor economies gains from trade are large, in some cases representing a doubling of GDP. Also, that an improvement in the terms of trade - by allowing the use of a better mix of intermediate inputs in the production process - translates into productivity growth.


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We develop and calibrate a model where diferences in factor en-dowments lead countries to trade di¤erent goods, so that the existence of international trade changes the sectorial composition of output from one country to another. Gains from trade re ect in total factor productivity. We perform a development decomposition, to assess the impact of trade and barriers to trade on measured TFP. In our sample, the median size of that e¤ect is about 6.5% of output, with a median of 17% and a maximum of 89%. Also, the model predicts that changes in the terms of trade cause a change of productivity, and that efect has an average elasticity of 0.71.


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This Paper Tackles the Problem of Aggregate Tfp Measurement Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (Sfa). Data From Penn World Table 6.1 are Used to Estimate a World Production Frontier For a Sample of 75 Countries Over a Long Period (1950-2000) Taking Advantage of the Model Offered By Battese and Coelli (1992). We Also Apply the Decomposition of Tfp Suggested By Bauer (1990) and Kumbhakar (2000) to a Smaller Sample of 36 Countries Over the Period 1970-2000 in Order to Evaluate the Effects of Changes in Efficiency (Technical and Allocative), Scale Effects and Technical Change. This Allows Us to Analyze the Role of Productivity and Its Components in Economic Growth of Developed and Developing Nations in Addition to the Importance of Factor Accumulation. Although not Much Explored in the Study of Economic Growth, Frontier Techniques Seem to Be of Particular Interest For That Purpose Since the Separation of Efficiency Effects and Technical Change Has a Direct Interpretation in Terms of the Catch-Up Debate. The Estimated Technical Efficiency Scores Reveal the Efficiency of Nations in the Production of Non Tradable Goods Since the Gdp Series Used is Ppp-Adjusted. We Also Provide a Second Set of Efficiency Scores Corrected in Order to Reveal Efficiency in the Production of Tradable Goods and Rank Them. When Compared to the Rankings of Productivity Indexes Offered By Non-Frontier Studies of Hall and Jones (1996) and Islam (1995) Our Ranking Shows a Somewhat More Intuitive Order of Countries. Rankings of the Technical Change and Scale Effects Components of Tfp Change are Also Very Intuitive. We Also Show That Productivity is Responsible For Virtually All the Differences of Performance Between Developed and Developing Countries in Terms of Rates of Growth of Income Per Worker. More Important, We Find That Changes in Allocative Efficiency Play a Crucial Role in Explaining Differences in the Productivity of Developed and Developing Nations, Even Larger Than the One Played By the Technology Gap


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A presente pesquisa aplica o modelo de fronteira estocástica de produção para as indústrias de transformação e da construção civil, assim como para o comércio e os serviços no Brasil, de forma a identificar as fontes de crescimento dos principais setores de atividade da economia brasileira, quais sejam: acumulação de capital físico, emprego da mão-de-obra, e produtividade total de fatores (PTF). Conforme Kumbhakar (2000), a evolução da PTF é decomposta em progresso técnico, mudanças da eficiência técnica, mudanças da eficiência alocativa e efeitos de escala. O estudo parte de dados de 1996 a 2000 das principais pesquisas anuais do IBGE realizadas com firmas: PAIC, PIA, PAC e PAS.


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This article analyses the relationship between infrastructure and total factor productivity (TFP) in the four major Latin American economies: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. We hypothesise that an increase in infrastructure has an indirect effect on long-term economic growth by raising productivity. To assess this theory, we use the traditional Johansen methodology for testing the cointegration between TFP and physical measures of infrastructure stock, such as energy, roads, and telephones. We then apply the Lütkepohl, Saikkonen and Trenkler Test, which considers a possible level shift in the series and has better small sample properties, to the same data set and compare the two tests. The results do not support a robust long-term relationship between the series; we do not find strong evidence that cuts in infrastructure investment in some Latin American countries were the main reason for the fall in TFP during the 1970s and 1980s.


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Este trabalho investigou o problema da determinação da produtividade total dos fatores em diversos setores industriais. Tal determinação se dá por meio de estimação de funções de produção, obtendo-se a produtividade a partir do resíduo destas estimações. A questão que aflora deste procedimento é a existência de correlação entre os resíduos e as variáveis explicativas, implicando em diversos vieses, entre eles o de simultaneidade, de variáveis omitidas e de seleção. Neste trabalho foram abordados diversos métodos de estimação de funções de produção, entre eles os métodos de Olley e Pakes e Levinsohn e Petrin. Todos os métodos foram aplicados a diversos setores da economia. A escolha dos setores se deu com base na intensidade tecnológica de cada um, sendo então escolhidos quatro setores de alta intensidade tecnológica e quatro de baixa intensidade tecnológica. A hipótese básica, fio condutor deste trabalho, é que os diversos métodos de estimação de funções de produção apresentam diferentes resultados quando aplicados a setores de diferentes intensidades tecnológicas. Um dos objetivos deste estudo foi identificar se determinado método seria mais adequado a setores de baixa intensidade tecnológica, enquanto outro seria mais apropriado a setores de alta intensidade tecnológica. Conclui-se que o método de Olley e Pakes é levemente superior ao de Levinsohn e Petrin em ambos os grupos de setores, mas não a ponto de se descartar o segundo método. A sensibilidade dos resultados aos diferentes métodos sugere que todos devem ser consultados. Um resultado adicional deste trabalho é a constatação de que houve queda ou estagnação da produtividade nos setores selecionados para a década de 1996 a 2005.


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Due to widespread government intervention and import-substitution industrialization, there has been a general presumption that Latin America has been much less productive than the leading economies in the last decades. In this paper, however, we show that until the late seventies Latin America had high total factor productivity (TFP) levels relative to the US and other regions. It is only after the late seventies that we observe a fast decrease of relative TFP in Latin America. Results are robust to the use of diferent methodologies and data sources.


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This article investigates the impact of trade protection on the evolution of labor productivity and total factor productivity (TFP) of the Brazilian manufacturing sector. An annual panel-dataset of 16 industries for the years 1985 through 1997, a period that includes a major trade liberalization, was used. The regressions reported here are robust to openness indicator (nominal tari®s and e®ective protection rate were used), control variables and time period and suggest that barriers to trade negatively a®ects productivity growth at industry level: those sectors with lower barriers experienced higher growth. We were also able to link the observed increase of industry productivity growth after 1991 to the widespread reduction on exective protection experienced in the country in the nineties.


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We study the impact of distortions in the investment goods sector on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP). We develop a two-sector neo-classical growth model in which TFP in the capital goods sector relative to TFP in the consumption sector is inversely related to the price of investment relative to consumption, so that we use relative prices to measure TFP in the investment goods sector. The model is calibrated to Brazil and we nd that distortions in the investment goods sector may explain most of the decline in Brazilian TFP relative to the United States since the mid-1970s.


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The implications of technical change that directly alters factor shares are examined. Such change can lower the income of some factors of production even when it raises total output, thus offering a possible explanation for episodes of social conflict such as the Luddite uprisings in 19th century England and the recent divergence in the U. S. between wages for skilled and unskilled labor. An explanation also why underdeveloped countries do not adopt the latest technology but continue to use outmoded production methods. Total factor productivity is shown to be a misleading measure of technical progress. Share-altering technical change brings into question the plausibility of a wide class of endogenous growth models.


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Este trabalho avalia a evolução da produtividade industrial brasileira — utilizando um painel de 16 setores da indústria de transformação no período 1985/97 — e o papel da abertura econômica neste processo. Os resultados mostram que a produtividade da indústria brasileira, seja ela medida pelo conceito de produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) ou de produtividade do trabalho, passou por duas fases distintas: de 1985 a 1990, há um processo de estagnação e de 1990 a 1997, a indústria passa a apresentar significativas taxas de crescimento. A abertura comercial, caracterizada por menores tarifas nominais e menores taxas de proteção efetiva, exerce um efeito positivo sobre o aumento da produtividade. Em todas as regressões do modelo — em que se utilizam técnicas de estimação em painéis — não se pode rejeitar a hipótese de que aumentos nas barreiras comerciais implicam menores taxas de crescimento da produtividade do trabalho e da PTF. Este resultado confirma a evidência internacional de que países mais abertos crescem mais rápido e desestimularia a adoção de políticas de restrição comercial como estratégia de desenvolvimento e de proteção à indústria nacional.


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Initial endogenous growth models emphasized the importance of external effects and increasing retums in explaining growth. Empirically, this hypothesis can be confumed if the coefficient of physical capital per hour is unity in the aggregate production function. Previous estimates using time series data rejected this hypothesis, although cross-country estimates did nol The problem lies with the techniques employed, which are unable to capture low-frequency movements of high-frequency data. Using cointegration, new time series evidence confum the theory and conform to cross-country evidence. The implied Solow residual, which takes into account externaI effects to aggregate capital, has its behavior analyzed. The hypothesis that it is explained by government expenditures on infrasttucture is confIrmed. This suggests a supply-side role for government affecting productivity.


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Due to widespread government intervention and import-substitution industrialization, there has been a general perception that Latin America has always been less productive than the leading economies. In this paper, however, we show that until the mid-seventies Latin America had high productivity levels relative to the US and other regions. Moreover, total factor productivity in Latin America increased relative to the US during this period, declining only in the subsequent years.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre infra-estrutura e produtividade total dos fatores (PTF) no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina ¿ Argentina, Chile e México. Primeiramente, foi estimado o impacto da relação capital público-privado sobre a produtividade brasileira. Para tanto, utilizou-se um VECM de maneira a investigar a interação entre essas variáveis tanto no longo prazo como no curto (médio). De fato, comprovou-se que essa relação de complementaridade (capital público-privado) ajuda a explicar a trajetória da PTF de 1950 a 2000. Além disso, a análise de curto (médio) prazo indicou que choques (positivos) nesta relação têm um impacto significativo sobre a PTF, mas o contrário não ocorre. Posteriormente, foi testada a hipótese de cointegração entre as medidas físicas de estoques de infra-estrutura (energia elétrica, rodovias e telefonia) e PTF para os países mencionados, através de duas metodologias ¿ procedimento de Johansen e teste de Saikkonen e Lütkepohl (S&L). As elasticidades estimadas sugerem que os setores de energia e rodovias têm uma influência positiva sobre a PTF, portanto, sobre o crescimento econômico de longo prazo. O setor de telefonia não apresentou resultados robustos de cointegração com a produtividade, o que pode indicar um efeito menos expressivo deste setor sobre o crescimento econômico.