7 resultados para integrated vector management

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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A introdução de novas tecnologias administrativas é tema de grande relevância para acadêmicos e executivos. Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a questão das modas e modismos em gestão empresarial por meio de uma investigação sobre a adoção e implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão. Tais sistemas, popularizados nos últimos anos, representam investimentos vultosos para as empresas. Pressionadas pelo aumento da competição, empresas em todo o mundo os tem adotados. Estabelecemos e testamos as hipóteses que o processo de tomada de decisão sobre a implantação é inconsistente, que a estratégia de implantação é inadequada e que os resultados são decepcionantes. Ao final, para explicar o fenômeno, propomos um quadro conceitual que inclui fatores substantivos, fatores institucionais e fatores políticos.


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This exploratory study, with the aim of bringing mediation and arbitration - which have been so far mainly discussed under the legal point of view - to the context of business management, tries to identify up to which point these services can be recognized as a valid alternative to manage conflicts in the inter-organizational strategic relationships. This kind of relationship is present in strategic alliances, joint ventures and in existing supply chains and distributions channels¿ partnerships. Analyzing the theoretical reference framework three knowledge areas were associated and integrated: conflict management and negotiation; mediation and arbitration, as the most common Alternative Dispute Resolutions-ADRs; and strategic alliances, supply chains and distribution channels. This review of literature and documents was complemented with a research among two target groups: the potential consumers of mediation and arbitration services in the organizational field; and the potential suppliers for those services. The objectives of the research were, on one side, to evaluate if the two institutes can be recognized as efficient to manage conflict between business partners, meaning, if there is an actual demand for them; and on the other hand, research also investigated if there is a concrete availability of specialized services to attend that demand. The study showed that, although incipient there is a market potential for the use of mediation and arbitration services as conflict management tools within inter-organizational strategic relationships.


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Este estudo investiga qual a contribuição do Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI) na promoção da accountability da Administração Pública Federal no Brasil, com base na pesquisa documental e na percepção dos usuários do sistema. O modelo de análise da accountability ocorre a partir da investigação das suas definições e dimensões, segundo levantamento do referencial teórico abrangendo o campo da administração pública e da previsão na legislação brasileira. São definidas três dimensões para descrição da accountability: transparência, prestação de contas e responsabilização. Na condução da metodologia, inicialmente essas dimensões foram tratadas pela pesquisa documental, por meio da investigação no SIAFI – Manual Web da existência de mecanismos de accountability, com a aplicação de técnicas voltadas a levantar as expressões e instrumentos do sistema que possibilitam a promoção da accountability. O resultado dessa análise evidenciou funcionalidades, que foram posteriormente escritas na forma de questões de avaliação, segundo escala Likert de 4 pontos, a fim de identificar a eficácia percebida por quatro grupos de usuários do sistema: gestor, operador, agente de controle e agente de investigação. O questionário foi aplicado via internet aos usuários de 128 órgãos do Governo Federal, tendo retornado 287 formulários respondidos. O tratamento e análise dos resultados permitiram observar que o sistema é percebido como eficaz na promoção da accountability, apesar da necessita de melhorias e de treinamento de seus usuários. Além disso, foram identificadas divergências estatisticamente significativas nas respostas dos perfis de usuários, apontando uma não uniformidade nessa percepção segundo a origem do usuário e finalidade de sua relação com o sistema.


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A Tese analisou nas Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas, em sua primeira etapa, através da literatura, e descreveu: o seu papel na sociedade – suas definições, concepções, fases e processos; aspectos políticos, econômicos sociais, legais, de gestão, sucesso, perenidade, insucesso e mortalidade da realidade brasileira; dados comparativos das Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas em alguns países e a Grande Empresa. Prosseguindo, o Modelo Conceitual da Gestão por Sustentabilidade Integrada, suas Dimensões, Componentes e Variáveis, como Gestão Profissional para as empresas fundamentada no Empreendedorismo em dois ramos da literatura: a Econômica e a Gerencial; e o panorama mundial e brasileiro do Empreendedorismo. Na sequência a Gestão por Sustentabilidade Integrada em dois cenários: no Cenário I – o impacto na Gestão, Sucesso e Perenidade das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais do Estado do Maranhão; e no Cenário II – o impacto da Perenidade das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais no Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado do Maranhão. Na segunda etapa, apresenta os resultados e análises de dados da Pesquisa de Campo realizada na amostra das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais do Estado do Maranhão em 14 (quatorze) municípios, representando o universo dos 170 (cento e setenta) que tem indústrias formais com base no cadastro da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Maranhão (2006). A partir da análise da literatura e da visão dos gestores da amostra industrial, a Tese analisou a problemática de “Como a Gestão por Sustentabilidade Integrada favorece a Gestão, Sucesso e Perenidade das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais do Estado do Maranhão e da perenidade dessas Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas no Desenvolvimento Industrial?”, em que os resultados confirmam que “A Gestão das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais do Estado do Maranhão, quando aplicada na Gestão por Sustentabilidade Integrada, na visão dos gestores , favorece a Gestão, Sucesso e Perenidade das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas”; e “A perenidade das Micro, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas industriais do Estado do Maranhão, na visão dos gestores, impacta positivamente no Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado do Maranhão”. Finalizando, apresenta as limitações, recomendações da pesquisa para futuras investigações e as conclusões.


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This study will collaborate by bringing some detailed analysis and findings on a special case study of a discontinuous product development process, trying to answer how the discontinuous product development process takes place and the main factors that influence this process. Additionally, it tried to explore some explanations for the difficulties generally faced by the companies to sustain innovation. The case is about the Motorola cell phone RAZR V3, launched in 2004. RAZR V3 was noted by industry experts as game-changing feat of design and engineering, selling more than 110 million units by end of 2008 and recognized as one of the fastest selling products in the industry. The study uses a single case methodology, which is appropriate given the access to a phenomenon that happened inside corporate dominium and it is not easily accessed for academic studies, besides being a rare case of success in the cellular phone industry. In order to magnify the understanding of the phenomenon, the exploration was extended to contrast the RAZR development process and the standard product development process in Motorola. Additionally, it was integrated a longitudinal reflection of the company product development evolution until the next breakthrough product hitting the cellular phone industry. The result of the analysis shows that discontinuous products do not fit well traditional product development process (in this case, stage-gate). This result reinforces the results obtained on previous studies of discontinuous product development conducted by other authors. Therefore, it is clear that the dynamics of discontinuous product development are different from the continuous product development, requiring different treatment to succeed. Moreover, this study highlighted the importance of the management influence in all the phases of the process as one of the most important factors, suggesting a key component to be carefully observed in future researches. Some other findings of the study that were considered very important for a discontinuous product development process: have champions (who believe and protect the project) and not only one champion; create a right atmosphere to make flow the creative process; question paradigms to create discontinuous products; simple guiding light to focus the team; company culture that accepts and knows how to deal with risks; and undoubtedly, have a company strategy that understands the different dynamics of continuous and discontinuous product development processes and treat them accordingly.


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This research aimed to apply the sociometric theory and its methodology to create an integrated multicultural work team. The study focused on the application of the sociometry theory, developed by Jacob L. Moreno in 1934, to analyze the small multicultural group. In the beginning, a review of the literature was done to have a better understanding of Sociometric Theory as well as the modern tools and software developed to analyze and map the social networks. After this part of the study, the qualitative study was done, in which 26 students from 12 countries, which studied together in a Corporate International Master (2014-2015), developed by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, Corporate Master of Business Administration from ESADE Business School and FGV/EBAPE, were surveyed and asked them to choose people, among the selected group, who they attracted, rejected or they were neutral towards, in 4 different scenarios: work team, leadership, trip (leisure time) and personal problem. Additionally, there were, two questions asked about how they felt when they answered the survey and which question(s) was/were difficult to answer and why. The focus on these two questions was to understand the emotional state of the respondents when they answered the survey and related this emotional state to the Sociometric Theory. The sociometric matrix, using Microsoft Excel, was created using the answers and the total of the positive, negative and neutral choices were analyzed for each scenario as well as the mutualities and incongruences of the choices. Furthermore, the software Kumu was used to analyze the connections between the people in the selected group using three metrics: size, degree centrality and indegree. Also Kumu was used to draw the social maps or sociometric maps. Using the relationship level analyses of the sociometric matrix and maps, it was possible to create an integrated multicultural work team. In the end, the results obtained suggest that it is possible to apply the sociometric methodology to study the relationships inside companies, project teams and work teams and identify the best work team based on the interrelationship between the people as well as the lack of communication among the team members, project team or inside the company as a whole.


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The study presents the results and recommendations deriving from the application of two supply chain management analysis models as proposed by the Supply Chain Council (SCOR, version 10.0) and by Lambert (1997, Framework for Supply Chain Management) on the logistics of cash transfers in Brazil. Cash transfers consist of the transportation of notes to and from each node of the complex network formed by the bank branches, ATMs, armored transportation providers, the government custodian, Brazilian Central Bank and financial institutions. Although the logistic to sustain these operations is so wide-ranged (country-size), complex and subject to a lot of financial regulations and security procedures, it has been detected that it was probably not fully integrated. Through the use of a primary and a secondary data research and analysis, using the above mentioned models, the study ends up with propositions to strongly improve the operations efficiency