64 resultados para income convergence
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
This paper examines the real convergence hypothesis across Brazilian states. In order to test for the existence of income convergence the or- der of integration of real Gross State Product (GSP) per capita series is examined as well as their di¤erences with respect to the São Paulo state which is used as a benchmark state. Both parametric and semiparametric methods are used and the results show that convergence is achieved in the cases of Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Cata- rina and convergence is weakly achieved in the cases of Ceará, Maranhao, Pará, Paraná and Sergipe .The states of Espírito Santo, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte show no convergence. O artigo examina a hipótese de convergência real entre os estados brasileiros. Para testar a existência ou não da convergência da renda a ordem da integração da série do produto real bruto do estado per capita é examinada assim como suas diferenças com respeito ao estado de São Paulo que é usado como base. Foram utilizados métodos paramétricos e semiparametric e os resultados mostram que ocorre convergência nos estados: Alagoas, Amazonas, Baía, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina e ocorre convergência fraca nos estados: Ceará, de Maranhão, Pará, Paraná e Sergipe. Nos estado
O estudo apresenta uma abordagem nova e alternativa dentro da literatura empírica que trata do crescimento econômico e da desigualdade da distribuição de renda. Ao se filiar ao arcabouço teórico e prático da Análise de Fronteira Estocástica ¿ AFS, o estudo analisa, inicialmente, os efeitos de evolução da produtividade total de fatores, PTF, e de suas componentes (eficiência técnica, progresso tecnológico, eficiência de escala e eficiência alocativa) sobre o crescimento econômico. Em específico, avalia em que medida as diferenças de padrões de desenvolvimento tecnológico dos países condicionam o crescimento. Após tratar da evolução da desigualdade da distribuição do produto por trabalhador de dois grupos de países, denominados desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, relaciona a medida de desigualdade L de Theil com as componentes da PTF e mostra que não há convergência das rendas per capita desses grupos de países porque o hiato tecnológico entre eles aumentou ao longo do tempo. Por fim, identifica o papel do progresso tecnológico na dinâmica da distribuição de renda dentro dos países, recuperando a idéia fundamental de Kuznets de que ele (o progresso tecnológico) é o motor do desenvolvimento, e conclui que avanços tecnológicos têm efeitos mais gerais sobre as economias: além de promover o crescimento econômico, também têm reflexos diretos sobre a produtividade do trabalho, e conseqüentemente sobre os salários, com resultados mais eqüitativos da distribuição da renda.
Several empirical studies in the literature have documented the existence of a positive correlation between income inequalitiy and unemployment. I provide a theoretical framework under which this correlation can be better understood. The analysis is based on a dynamic job search under uncertainty. I start by proving the uniqueness of a stationary distribution of wages in the economy. Drawing upon this distribution, I provide a general expression for the Gini coefficient of income inequality. The expression has the advantage of not requiring a particular specification of the distribution of wage offers. Next, I show how the Gini coefficient varies as a function of the parameters of the model, and how it can be expected to be positively correlated with the rate of unemployment. Two examples are offered. The first, of a technical nature, to show that the convergence of the measures implied by the underlying Markov process can fail in some cases. The second, to provide a quantitative assessment of the model and of the mechanism linking unemployment and inequality.
The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on output convergence among the Mercosur countries and associates, using multivariate time-series tests. The methodology is based on a combination of tests and estimation procedures, both univariate and multivariate, applied to the differences in per capita real income. We use the definitions of time-series convergence proposed by Bernard & Durlauf and apply unit root and tests proposed by Abuaf & Jorion and Taylor & Sarno. In this same multivariate context, the Flôres, Preumont & Szafarz and Breuer, MbNown & Wallace tests, which allow for the existence of correlations across the series without imposing a common speed of mean reversion, identify the countries that convergence. Concerning the empirical results, there is evidence of long-run convergence or, at least, catching up, for the smaller countries, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, towards Brazil and, to some extent, Argentina. In contrast, the evidence on convergence for the larger countries is weaker, as they have followed different (or rather opposing) macroeconomic policy strategies. Thus the future of the whole area will critically depend on the ability of Brazil, Argentina and Chile to find some scope for more cooperative policy actions.
This paper applies to the analysis of the interstate income distribution in BraziI a set of techniques that have been widely used in the current empirical literature on growth and convergence. Usual measures of dispersion in the interstate income distribution (the coefficient of variation and Theil' s index) suggest that cr-convergence was an unequivoca1 feature of the regional growth experience in BraziI, between 1970 and 1986. After 1986, the process of convergence seems, however, to have sIowed down almost to a halt. A standard growth modeI is shown to fit the regional data well and to expIain a substantial amount of the variation in growth rates, providing estimates of the speed of (conditional) J3-convergence of approximateIy 3% p.a .. Different estimates of the long run distribution implied by the recent growth trends point towards further reductions in the interstate income inequality, but also suggest that the relative per capita incomes of a significant number of states and the number of ''very poor" and "poor" states were, in 1995, already quite c10se to their steady-state values.
Recent advances in dynamic Mirrlees economies have incorporated the treatment of human capital investments as an important dimension of government policy. This paper adds to this literature by considering a two period economy where agents are di erentiated by their preferences for leisure and their productivity, both private information. The fact that productivity is only learnt later in an agent's life introduces uncertainty to agent's savings and human capital choices and makes optimal the use of multi-period tie-ins in the mechanism that characterizes the government policy. We show that optimal policies are often interim ine cient and that the introduction of these ine ciencies may take the form of marginal tax rates on labor income of varying sign and educational policies that include the discouragement of human capital acquisition. With regards to implementation, state-dependent linear taxes implement optimal savings, while human capital policies may require labor income taxes that depend directly on agents' schooling.
This paper investigates the income inequality generated by a jobsearch process when di§erent cohorts of homogeneous workers are allowed to have di§erent degrees of impatience. Using the fact the average wage under the invariant Markovian distribution is a decreasing function of the discount factor (Cysne (2004, 2006)), I show that the Lorenz curve and the between-cohort Gini coe¢ cient of income inequality can be easily derived in this case. An example with arbitrary measures regarding the wage o§ers and the distribution of time preferences among cohorts provides some insights into how much income inequality can be generated, and into how it varies as a function of the probability of unemployment and of the probability that the worker does not Önd a job o§er each period.
Our work is based on a simpliÖed heterogenous-agent shoppingtime economy in which economic agents present distinct productivities in the production of the consumption good, and di§erentiated access to transacting assets. The purpose of the model is to investigate whether, by focusing the analysis solely on endogenously determined shopping times, one can generate a positive correlation between ináation and income inequality. Our main result is to show that, provided the productivity of the interest-bearing asset in the transacting technology is high enough, it is true true that a positive link between ináation and income inequality is generated. Our next step is to show, through analysis of the steady-state equations, that our approach can be interpreted as a mirror image of the usual ináation-tax argument for income concentration. An example is o§ered to illustrate the mechanism.
This paper explores the use of an intertemporal job-search model in the investigation of within-cohort and between-cohort income inequality, the latter being generated by the heterogeneity of time preferences among cohorts of homogenous workers and the former by the cross-sectional turnover in the job market. It also offers an alternative explanation for the empirically-documented negative correlation between time preference and labor income. Under some speciÖc distributions regarding wage offers and time preferences, we show how the within-cohort and between-cohort Gini coe¢ cients of income distribution can be calculated, and how they vary as a function of the parameters of the model.
By mixing together inequalities based on cyclical variables, such as unemployment, and on structural variables, such as education, usual measurements of income inequality add objects of a di§erent economic nature. Since jobs are not acquired or lost as fast as education or skills, this aggreagation leads to a loss of relavant economic information. Here I propose a di§erent procedure for the calculation of inequality. The procedure uses economic theory to construct an inequality measure of a long-run character, the calculation of which can be performed, though, with just one set of cross-sectional observations. Technically, the procedure is based on the uniqueness of the invariant distribution of wage o§ers in a job-search model. Workers should be pre-grouped by the distribution of wage o§ers they see, and only between-group inequalities should be considered. This construction incorporates the fact that the average wages of all workers in the same group tend to be equalized by the continuous turnover in the job market.
Lawrance (1991) has shown, through the estimation of consumption Euler equations, that subjective rates of impatience (time preference) in the U.S. are three to Öve percentage points higher for households with lower average labor incomes than for those with higher labor income. From a theoretical perspective, the sign of this correlation in a job-search model seems at Örst to be undetermined, since more impatient workers tend to accept wage o§ers that less impatient workers would not, thereby remaining less time unemployed. The main result of this paper is showing that, regardless of the existence of e§ects of opposite sign, and independently of the particular speciÖcations of the givens of the model, less impatient workers always end up, in the long run, with a higher average income. The result is based on the (unique) invariant Markov distribution of wages associated with the dynamic optimization problem solved by the consumers. An example is provided to illustrate the method.