21 resultados para financial results

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Devido à grande competitividade do mercado atual, estão em vantagem competitiva aquelas empresas que conhecem profundamente seus resultados financeiros, para que a partir deste conhecimento seus gestores possam tomar decisões visando a maximização do lucro. Dentro deste pensamento, esta pesquisa trata da alavancagem como instrumento de estratégia operacional, para isso apresenta o estudo de caso de uma obra de construção civil, setor este cuja mão-de-obra é um significante insumo, cujos funcionários de produção trabalham horas extras, aumentando o lucro da empresa. O objetivo do presente trabalho é demonstrar como a alavancagem operacional pode ser utilizada como instrumento de estratégia operacional neste contexto. Quanto aos fins se trata de uma pesquisa descritiva e aplicada; quanto aos meios é bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Foi realizada na obra de construção da nova sede da Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Maranhão que está sendo executada pela empresa Petra Construções Ltda na cidade de São Luís.


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A realização de negócios em um mundo globalizado implica em aumentar a exposição das empresas não-financeiras a diversos riscos de origem financeira como câmbio, commodities e taxas de juros e que, dependendo da evolução destas variáveis macroeconômicas, podem afetar significativamente os resultados destas empresas. Existem diversas teorias acadêmicas que abordam sobre os benefícios gerados por programas de gestão de riscos em empresas não-financeiras como redução dos custos de financial distress e custos de agência bem como o uso de estratégias de hedge para fins fiscais. Tais iniciativas contribuiriam, em última instância, para a criação de valor para o negócio e poderiam garantir uma melhor previsibilidade dos fluxos de caixa futuros, tornando as empresas menos vulneráveis a condições adversas de mercado. Este trabalho apresenta dois estudos de caso com empresas não-financeiras brasileiras que possuíam exposições em moeda estrangeira e que não foram identificadas operações com derivativos cambiais durante o período de 1999 a 2005 que foi caracterizado pela alta volatilidade da taxa de câmbio. Através de modelos de simulação, algumas estratégias com o uso de derivativos foram propostas para as exposições cambiais identificadas para cada empresa com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da utilização destes derivativos cambiais sobre os resultados das empresas no que se refere à agregação de valor para o negócio e redução de volatilidade dos fluxos de caixa esperados. O trabalho não visa recomendar estratégias de hedge para determinada situação de mercado mas apenas demonstra, de forma empírica, quais os resultados seriam obtidos caso certas estratégias fossem adotadas, sabendo-se que inúmeras outras poderiam ser criadas para a mesma situação de mercado. Os resultados sugerem alguns insights sobre a utilização de derivativos por empresas não-financeiras sendo um tema relativamente novo para empresas brasileiras.


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O objetivo dessa dissertação é estabelecer um modelo quantitativo de gestão de riscos estratégicos de um ativo de produção de petróleo, notadamente o valor em risco do seu fluxo de caixa e de sua rentabilidade. Para tanto, foi utilizado um modelo de fluxo de caixa onde a receita operacional foi definida como variável estocástica. A receita operacional foi estimada a partir de uma função de perdas que descreve o volume de produção de petróleo, e de uma trajetória de preços definida por um modelo geométrico browniano sem reversão a média e com volatilidade descrita por um processo GARCH. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o modelo proposto é capaz de fornecer informações importantes para a gestão de riscos de ativos de produção de petróleo ao passo que permite a quantificação de diferentes fatores de risco que afetam a rentabilidade das operações. Por fim, o modelo aqui proposto pode ser estendido para a avaliação do risco financeiro e operacional de um conjunto de ativos de petróleo, considerando sua estrutura de dependência e a existência de restrições de recursos financeiros, físicos e humanos.


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A mudança do perfil demográfico e epidemiológico das populações, com progressivo envelhecimento populacional e aumento de portadores de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, somado a necessidade da ampliação da oferta de serviços de saúde e crescentes custos em saúde, impõe enormes desafios aos sistemas e serviços de saúde. A eficiência organizacional dos serviços de saúde tem papel importante tanto na racionalização dos custos quanto na melhoria da qualidade e segurança assistencial. Tendo papel central nos sistemas de saúde como centros difusores de conhecimento, capacitação profissional, incorporação de tecnologias, prestação de serviços de maior complexidade aos pacientes e, consequentemente, elevados custos destes serviços, aos hospitais é fundamental a busca por essa eficiência. Este estudo buscou analisar se existe trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade em organizações hospitalares e identificar quais determinantes poderiam estar associados com maiores ou menores escores de eficiência. Utilizou-se dois modelos de análise de envelopamento de dados (data envelopment analysis, DEA), sem e com variáveis de qualidade, com retornos variáveis de escala e orientados para resultado. Foram estudados 47 hospitais gerais públicos do estado de São Paulo. No modelo sem variáveis de qualidade 14 deles foram considerados eficientes, enquanto que 33 no modelo com estas variáveis. O coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os dois modelos foi de 0,470 (correlação moderada). Não há evidências de que haja trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade nestas organizações hospitalares. Hospitais eficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade, também o foram com variáveis de qualidade, assim como houve hospitais ineficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade que foram eficientes com estas variáveis. Não foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05) entre eficiência e as características dos hospitais estudados, como acreditação, modelos de gestão, porte hospitalar e atividades de ensino, apesar de alguns achados de maior ou menor escore de eficiência para alguns determinantes. Desta maneira, concluiu-se que a utilização de variáveis de qualidade é um fator fundamental na determinação da eficiência de organizações de saúde, e não podem estar dissociadas. Gestões eficientes também estão relacionadas à obtenção de melhores resultados assistenciais sem a necessidade que se tenha de optar em alcançar melhores resultados econômico-financeiros ou melhores resultados assistenciais.


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Researchers have made different attempts to investigate the interaction between the quality and efficiency of a country’s institutions and a country’s economic performance. Within this framework, emphasis has been put on the relationship between the legal institutions and the financial system as essential factors in creating and enhancing overall economic growth. The link between legal institutions and the financial systems, however, is still somewhat controversial. This paper reports on a survey administered to 1,362 participants regarding preferences for investment under different legal and financial institutions. Results suggest that the performance of a country‘s legal institutions affects the willingness to invest money in that country and that people of different gender, age, political traditions, and professional experience react differently to these institutions.


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This article investigates the existence of contagion between countries on the basis of an analysis of returns for stock indices over the period 1994-2003. The economic methodology used is that of multivariate GARCH family volatility models, particularly the DCC models in the form proposed by Engle and Sheppard (2001). The returns were duly corrected for a series of country-specific fundamentals. The relevance of this procedure is highlighted in the literature by the work of Pesaran and Pick (2003). The results obtained in this paper provide evidence favourable to the hypothesis of regional contagion in both Latin America and Asia. As a rule, contagion spread from the Asian crisis to Latin America but not in the opposite direction


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The objective of this paper is to present and compare the process and the results of the implementation of the anti-money laundering system in Brazil and Argentina. Considering that the internal transformations cannot be discussed without a clear understanding of the international apparatus, attention will be given to the description of the “international policy” designed and conducted by FATF. Therefore, its incorporation into two different national realities, the Brazilian and the Argentinean ones, will shed light not only on the transnational transformations both States underwent but also on the anti-money laundering regime itself. The paper is divided into five parts. The first one presents a brief introduction on the emergence and development of the relationship between financial regulation and criminal policy. The two following sections are designed to present an overview of the anti money laundering system in Brazil and Argentina and of the role of FATF in their implementation process. The fourth section presents two Brazilian examples of situations in which full advantage of the FATF regime was taken: the National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering and the BacenJud, a communication channel between the financial system and the judicial power. To conclude, final comments will be presented in connection with the central questions of the project this paper is part of .


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This paper develops a framework to test whether discrete-valued irregularly-spaced financial transactions data follow a subordinated Markov process. For that purpose, we consider a specific optional sampling in which a continuous-time Markov process is observed only when it crosses some discrete level. This framework is convenient for it accommodates not only the irregular spacing of transactions data, but also price discreteness. Further, it turns out that, under such an observation rule, the current price duration is independent of previous price durations given the current price realization. A simple nonparametric test then follows by examining whether this conditional independence property holds. Finally, we investigate whether or not bid-ask spreads follow Markov processes using transactions data from the New York Stock Exchange. The motivation lies on the fact that asymmetric information models of market microstructures predict that the Markov property does not hold for the bid-ask spread. The results are mixed in the sense that the Markov assumption is rejected for three out of the five stocks we have analyzed.


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Why did house prices fall in 2007‐2009? This is the fundamental question to most Americans, and to those who lent them money. Most homeowners did not care why residential real estate prices rose. They assumed prices always rose, and they should simply enjoy their good fortune. It was not until prices began to fall that people were left searching for answers. How much did regulation or lack thereof play in the role of the devastation? To what degree did greed and unrealistic consumer expectation have on the real estate bubble? Using existing literature as well as face to face interviews of experienced leaders within the real estate industry in California who experienced both the up and down of the real estate cycle, the overarching purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions and beliefs of the leaders and drivers within the real estate industry about the cause of the real estate bubble that occurred sharply in 2008 . Specifically, this project will focus on the opinions of real estate industry leaders who worked in the center of the subprime universe located in Irvine, California, during 2004‐2008. Comparing the mainstream beliefs with the interviewees it is fair to say that the main finding in the mainstream beliefs are reflected very well with the finding of the subject’s opinion. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters starting with “introduction”, followed by chapter 2 “Literature Review”. Chapter 3 is “Research Methodology” followed by chapter 4 “Data Presentation”. Finally, the results are discussed in chapter 5 “Analysis and Discussion” and conclusions in Chapter 6.


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O aumento de empresas que operam internacionalmente requer o desenvolvimento de líderes mundiais para colocar as estratégias em prática. Embora este processo de desenvolvimento é importante para o mundo corporativo, muitos futuros executivos são graduados de escolas de administração de empresas que estão intimamente ligados ao mundo de negócios e, portanto, desempenhão um papel importante no processo. Esta pesquisa examina se os programas europeus “Master in Management” classificado pelo Financial Times em 2010 selecionam aqueles candidatos que são mais adequados para o desenvolvimento de liderança global. Portanto, três anteriores meta-estudos são sintetizados para produzir um perfil de competências classificadas de um líder global. Então, informações sobre os critérios de admissão dos programas de mestrado são coletadas e comparadas com este perfil. Os resultados mostram que seis competências são medidas por mais da metade dos programas: proficiência em Inglês, capacidade analítica (racionamento lógico e quantitativo), capacidade de comunicação, conhecimento do negócio global, determinação para alcançar, motivação e capacidade interpessoal. Além disso, as habilidades operacionais requerentes pelos líderes globais não são significativas no processo de admissão e o foco é sobre as habilidades analíticas. Comparação dos resultados com o perfil anteriormente desenvolvido abrangente indica que uma quantidade significativa de programas pode subestimar o significado de habilidades pessoais e características para o desenvolvimento de líderes globais.


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It is well known that cointegration between the level of two variables (labeled Yt and yt in this paper) is a necessary condition to assess the empirical validity of a present-value model (PV and PVM, respectively, hereafter) linking them. The work on cointegration has been so prevalent that it is often overlooked that another necessary condition for the PVM to hold is that the forecast error entailed by the model is orthogonal to the past. The basis of this result is the use of rational expectations in forecasting future values of variables in the PVM. If this condition fails, the present-value equation will not be valid, since it will contain an additional term capturing the (non-zero) conditional expected value of future error terms. Our article has a few novel contributions, but two stand out. First, in testing for PVMs, we advise to split the restrictions implied by PV relationships into orthogonality conditions (or reduced rank restrictions) before additional tests on the value of parameters. We show that PV relationships entail a weak-form common feature relationship as in Hecq, Palm, and Urbain (2006) and in Athanasopoulos, Guillén, Issler and Vahid (2011) and also a polynomial serial-correlation common feature relationship as in Cubadda and Hecq (2001), which represent restrictions on dynamic models which allow several tests for the existence of PV relationships to be used. Because these relationships occur mostly with nancial data, we propose tests based on generalized method of moment (GMM) estimates, where it is straightforward to propose robust tests in the presence of heteroskedasticity. We also propose a robust Wald test developed to investigate the presence of reduced rank models. Their performance is evaluated in a Monte-Carlo exercise. Second, in the context of asset pricing, we propose applying a permanent-transitory (PT) decomposition based on Beveridge and Nelson (1981), which focus on extracting the long-run component of asset prices, a key concept in modern nancial theory as discussed in Alvarez and Jermann (2005), Hansen and Scheinkman (2009), and Nieuwerburgh, Lustig, Verdelhan (2010). Here again we can exploit the results developed in the common cycle literature to easily extract permament and transitory components under both long and also short-run restrictions. The techniques discussed herein are applied to long span annual data on long- and short-term interest rates and on price and dividend for the U.S. economy. In both applications we do not reject the existence of a common cyclical feature vector linking these two series. Extracting the long-run component shows the usefulness of our approach and highlights the presence of asset-pricing bubbles.


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Best corporate governance practices published in the primers of Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission and the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute promote board independence as much as possible, as a way to increase the effectiveness of governance mechanism (Sanzovo, 2010). Therefore, this paper aims at understanding if what the managerial literature portraits as being self-evident - stricter governance, better performance - can be observed in actual evidence. The question answered is: do companies with a stricter control and monitoring system perform better than others? The method applied in this paper consists on comparing 116 companies in respect to the their independence level between top management team and board directors– being that measured by four parameters, namely, the percentage of independent outsiders in the board, the separation of CEO and chairman, the adoption of contingent compensation and the percentage of institutional investors in the ownership structure – and their financial return measured in terms return on assets (ROA) from the latest Quarterly Earnings release of 2012. From the 534 companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Sao Paulo – Bovespa – 116 were selected due to their level of corporate governance. The title “Novo Mercado” refers to the superior level of governance level within companies listed in Bovespa, as they have to follow specific criteria to assure shareholders ´protection (BM&F, 2011). Regression analyses were conducted in order to reveal the correlation level between two selected variables. The results from the regression analysis were the following: the correlation between each parameter and ROA was 10.26%; the second regression analysis conducted measured the correlation between the independence level of top management team vis-à-vis board directors – namely, CEO relative power - and ROA, leading to a multiple R of 5.45%. Understanding that the scale is a simplification of the reality, the second part of the analysis transforms all the four parameters into dummy variables, excluding what could be called as an arbitrary scale. The ultimate result from this paper led to a multiple R of 28.44%, which implies that the combination of the variables are still not enough to translate the complex reality of organizations. Nonetheless, an important finding can be taken from this paper: two variables (percentage of outside directors and percentage of institutional investor ownership) are significant in the regression, with p-value lower than 10% and with negative coefficients. In other words, counter affirming what the literature very often portraits as being self-evident – stricter governance leads to higher performance – this paper has provided evidences to believe that the increase in the formal governance structure trough outside directors in the board and ownership by institutional investor might actually lead to worse performance. The section limitations and suggestions for future researches presents some reasons explaining why, although supported by strong theoretical background, this paper faced some challenging methodological assumptions, precluding categorical statements about the level of governance – measured by four selected parameters – and the financial return in terms of financial on assets.


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This dissertation analyses quantitatively the costs of sovereign default for the economy, in a model where banks with long positions in government debt play a central role in the financial intermediation for private sector's investments and face financial frictions that limit their leverage ability. Calibration tries to resemble some features of the Eurozone, where discussions about bailout schemes and default risk have been central issues. Results show that the model captures one important cost of default pointed out by empirical and theoretical literature on debt crises, namely the fall in investment that follows haircut episodes, what can be explained by a worsening in banks' balance sheet conditions that limits credit for the private sector and raises their funding costs. The cost in terms of output decrease is though not significant enough to justify the existence of debt markets and the government incentives for debt repayment. Assuming that the government is able to alleviate its constrained budget by imposing a restructuring on debt repayment profile that allows it to cut taxes, our model generates an important difference for output path comparing lump-sum taxes and distortionary. For our calibration, quantitative results show that in terms of output and utility, it is possible that the effect on the labour supply response generated by tax cuts dominates investment drop caused by credit crunch on financial markets. We however abstract from default costs associated to the breaking of existing contracts, external sanctions and risk spillovers between countries, that might also be relevant in addition to financial disruption effects. Besides, there exist considerable trade-offs for short and long run path of economic variables related to government and banks' behaviour.


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Aiming at empirical findings, this work focuses on applying the HEAVY model for daily volatility with financial data from the Brazilian market. Quite similar to GARCH, this model seeks to harness high frequency data in order to achieve its objectives. Four variations of it were then implemented and their fit compared to GARCH equivalents, using metrics present in the literature. Results suggest that, in such a market, HEAVY does seem to specify daily volatility better, but not necessarily produces better predictions for it, what is, normally, the ultimate goal. The dataset used in this work consists of intraday trades of U.S. Dollar and Ibovespa future contracts from BM&FBovespa.


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In this paper, we show substantial empirical evidence that house prices are more sensitive to shocks to percapita income, in countries where housing finance is more developed. This result is consistent with the theoretical framework developed in the paper, where we study the impact ofprogressive relaxation of financiai constraints on housing demand and equilibrium house prices. Our results are consistent with recent literature on financiai constraints and business investment, which argues that the investment of less constrained firms can be more sensitive to changes in cash flow. More broadly, our results challenge the traditional view that financiai development leads to smaller fluctuations in key economic variables. The policy implications are c1ear and important. Even iffinancial development is desirable for other reasons, the potential associated increase in volatility should be an explicit policy concern.