8 resultados para family impact

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Essa dissertação procura identificar o papel da família no processo de internacionalização de dois negócios familiares: JBS, a maior empresa de proteína animal do mundo e Cutrale um dos líderes mundiais no mercado de suco de laranja. Empresas familiares possuem características que são intrínsecas a esse tipo de empresa. Muitos dos motivos de se internacionalizar ou mesmo o modo como eles se internacionalizam podem ser extremamente característicos. Assim, através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, os dois estudos de caso foram analisados baseados em teorias de internacionalização de empresas familiares. Porém, nessas companhias estudadas, a família não desempenhou um papel relevante no processo de internacionalização das mesmas. Com esses resultados, questões surgiram, como por exemplo, se o tamanho ou segmento da empresa tiveram um impacto na importância do papel que a família possui no processo de internacionalização. Essas questões não eram o foco do estudo porém fornecem muitos subsídios para uma próxima pesquisa.


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This paper develops a family of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models that encompasses most specifications in the literature. The nesting relies on a Box-Cox transformation with shape parameter λ to the conditional duration process and a possibly asymmetric shocks impact curve. We establish conditions for the existence of higher-order moments, strict stationarity, geometric ergodicity and β-mixing property with exponential decay. We next derive moment recursion relations and the autocovariance function of the power λ of the duration process. Finally, we assess the practical usefulness of our family of ACD models using NYSE transactions data, with special attention to IBM price durations. The results warrant the extra flexibility provided either by the Box-Cox transformation or by the asymmetric response to shocks.


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This paper investigates the causal relationship between family size and child labor and education among brazilian children. More especifically, it analyzes the impact of family size on child labor, school attendance, literacy and school progression. It explores the exogenous variation in family size driven by the presence of twins in the family. The results are consistent under the reasonable assumption that the instrument is a random event. Using the nationally representative brazilian household survey (Pnad), detrimental effects are found on child labor for boys. Moreover, significant effects are obtained for school progression for girls caused by the exogenous presence of the young siblings in the household.


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This paper develops a family of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models that encompasses most specifications in the literature. The nesting relies on a Box-Cox transformation with shape parameter λ to the conditional duration process and a possibly asymmetric shocks impact curve. We establish conditions for the existence of higher-order moments, strict stationarity, geometric ergodicity and β-mixing property with exponential decay. We next derive moment recursion relations and the autocovariance function of the power λ of the duration process. Finally, we assess the practical usefulness of our family of ACD models using NYSE price duration data on the IBM stock. The results warrant the extra flexibility provided either by the Box-Cox transformation or by the asymmetric response to shocks.


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This paper presents new evidence of the causal effect of family size on child quality in a developing-country context. We estimate the impact of family size on child labor and educational outcomes among Brazilian children and young adults by exploring the exogenous variation of family size driven by the presence of twins in the family. Using the Brazilian Census data for 1991, we nd that the exogenous increase in family size is positively related to labor force participation for boys and girls and to household chores for young women. We also and negative e ects on educational outcomes for boys and girls and negative impacts on human capital formation for young female adults. Moreover, we obtain suggestive evidence that credit and time constraints faced by poor families may explain the findings.


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We estimate the impact of having attended center-based daycare institutions during early childhood on Math test scores at the 4th grade of elementary school. Because enrollment in daycare centers may depend on unobservable character-istics of the family and the child, we build and estimate a structural model of endogeneous choice of school to deal with the selectivity problem. We nd that attendance to daycare institutions is associated with a gain of approximately 0,04 standard deviation in Math test scores. This result is important to the extent our OLS results as well as most of the studies for Brazil nd no e¤ect associated to daycare attendance, suggesting selectivity may play a role on this finding.


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A partir de uma grande base de dados fornecida por uma instituição de microcrédito do nordeste brasileiro, a relação entre parentesco e inadimplência é analisada. O presente trabalho mostra evidências de que o parentesco entre membros de um grupo solidário afeta positivamente a adimplência. Grupos em que todos os membros possuíam algum laço de parentesco entre si apresentaram uma probabilidade 24% menor de inadimplência do que grupo sem esses laços. Além disso, quando considerado apenas o primeiro empréstimo, grupos com 100% de parentesco entre os membros apresentaram uma probabilidade 45% menor de inadimplência em comparação com membros sem relações de parentesco. Os resultados deste trabalho também mostram que há uma relação negativa entre parentesco e probabilidade de mudança na formação de um grupo solidário. Essas análises permitem fazer inferências acerca dos mecanismos pelos quais o parentesco afeta o desempenho do microcrédito. Os resultados sugerem que o parentesco possui um benefício maior no processo de autosseleção do grupo. Além disso, os resultados também sugerem que o impacto positivo do parentesco nas atividades de automonitoramento compensa o enfraquecimento das atividades de enforcement.


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The empirical evaluation of the effect of land property rights typically suffers from selection problems. The allocation of property rights across households is usually not random but based on wealth, family characteristics, political clientelism, or other mechanisms built on differences between the groups that acquire property rights and the groups that do not. In this paper, we address this selection concern exploiting a natural experiment in the allocation of property rights. Twenty years ago, a homogenous group of squatters occupied a piece of privately owned land in a suburban area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. When the Congress passed an expropriation law transferring the land from the former owners to the squatters, some of the former owners surrendered the land (and received a compensation), while others decide to sue in the slow Argentine courts. These different decisions by the former owners generated an allocation of property rights that is exogenous to the characteristics of the squatters. We take advantage of this natural experiment to evaluate the effect of the allocation of urban land property rights. Our preliminary results show significant effects on housing investment, household size, and school attrition. Contradicting De Soto's hypotheses, we found nonsignificant effects on labor income and access to credit markets.