4 resultados para digital media convergence
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
FGV Direito Rio
The impact of digitization was felt before it could be described and explained. The Mapping Digital Media project is a way of catching up, an ambitious attempt at depicting and understanding the progress and effects of digitization on media and communications systems across the world. The publication of over 50 country reports provides the most comprehensive picture to date on the changes undergone by journalism, news production, and the media as a result of the transition of broadcasting from analog to digital and the advent of the internet. These extensive reports, all sharing the same structure, cover issues such as media consumption, public media, changes in journalism, digital activism, new regulation, and business models. Reports have been published from nine Latin American countries: Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. Given the recent evolution of Brazil’s media landscape and regulation, and its position as a regional reference, few reports have generated as much expectation as the Brazilian one. This excellent text is key to understanding digitization in Brazil, in Latin America, and in the world at large.
O impacto da digitalização foi sentido antes mesmo de poder ser descrito ou explicado. O projeto Mapping Digital Media (Mapeamento da mídia digital) é uma maneira de atualizar, uma tentativa ambiciosa de descrever e compreender o progresso e os efeitos da digitalização na mídia e nos sistemas de comunicação ao redor do mundo. A publicação de relatórios em mais de cinquenta países oferece um dos levantamentos mais abrangentes sobre as mudanças sofridas pelo jornalismo, pela produção de notícias e pela mídia como resultado da transição do analógico ao digital na radiodifusão e do advento da Internet. Estes relatórios extensos, todos construídos com a mesma estrutura, cobrem questões como: consumo de mídia, sistemas públicos de comunicação, transformações no jornalismo, ativismo digital, novas regulações e modelos de negócio. Foram publicados nove relatórios de países da América Latina: México, Argentina, Colômbia, Peru, Chile, Brasil, Guatemala, Nicarágua e Uruguai. O Brasil tem passado por recentes evoluções no cenário midiático e regulatório, assumindo uma posição regional de destaque, e poucos relatórios geraram tantas expectativas quanto o brasileiro. O excelente texto aqui apresentado é importante para o entendimento da digitalização no Brasil, na América Latina e em um contexto global.
In the contemporary societies, many children are drawn to digital media, using it in ways that were initially unfathomable. Changing digital habits among young children have been affiliated to the rapid development, witnessed in the technological field. Prevalently, new forms of technology are being developed and ingrained into young children’s day-to-day activities. The emergence of new forms of technology has in turn prompted significant changes in digital and media consumption particularly, among young children. Changes in media and digital consumption have in turn instigated linear transition in the analogue media industries. This has resulted in analogue media networks working towards digitalizing their industries in a manner that will befit changing digital habits among young children. This report aims at establishing and analyzing the different ways in which children’s digital habits have changed and revolutionized. To achieve this, the report will critically examine the existing scope of knowledge, with reference to changing digital habits among young audiences. Further, the report also aims at establishing the manner in which children television networks have adapted to the changing digital habits among young audiences. To achieve this, the report will focus on two children television networks, Disney channel, and Nickelodeon. After which, a comparative analysis will be conducted to establish the changes made by each of these television channels, with the aim of adapting to the new digital habits among children.