6 resultados para Zimmermann, WilhelmZimmermann, WilhelmWilhelmZimmermann

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Há um consenso histórico de que houve sérios problemas disciplinares com as praças das Forças Armadas na década de 1960. Diversos historiadores e autoridades militares consideram a questão como uma das principais causas da tomada do poder pelo Exército Brasileiro. As análises, no entanto, não costumam levar em consideração aspectos particulares de cada Força. No Exército, em função do grande número de levantes ocorridos na década de 1930, foi adotada uma estrutura de doutrinação nos moldes do que Michel Foucault chama de “docilização dos corpos”. As transformações implementadas durante os anos 40 e 50 permitiram o atingimento de um elevado padrão disciplinar, que evitou que seus sargentos participassem mais ativamente daquele cenário político problemático. Este trabalho pretende demonstrar que a adoção dessa sistemática contribuiu significativamente para que os sargentos do Exército obedecessem a cadeia hierárquica, seguindo as determinações de seus chefes. Os sargentos foram, na verdade, muito mais colaboradores do que opositores do golpe de estado. A disciplina venceu a política.


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Exchange rates are important macroeconomic prices and changes in these rates a ect economic activity, prices, interest rates, and trade ows. Methodologies have been developed in empirical exchange rate misalignment studies to evaluate whether a real e ective exchange is overvalued or undervalued. There is a vast body of literature on the determinants of long-term real exchange rates and on empirical strategies to implement the equilibrium norms obtained from theoretical models. This study seeks to contribute to this literature by showing that the global vector autoregressions model (GVAR) proposed by Pesaran and co-authors can add relevant information to the literature on measuring exchange rate misalignment. Our empirical exercise suggests that the estimate exchange rate misalignment obtained from GVAR can be quite di erent to that using the traditional cointegrated time series techniques, which treat countries as detached entities. The di erences between the two approaches are more pronounced for small and developing countries. Our results also suggest a strong interdependence among eurozone countries, as expected


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Real exchange rate is an important macroeconomic price in the economy and a ects economic activity, interest rates, domestic prices, trade and investiments ows among other variables. Methodologies have been developed in empirical exchange rate misalignment studies to evaluate whether a real e ective exchange is overvalued or undervalued. There is a vast body of literature on the determinants of long-term real exchange rates and on empirical strategies to implement the equilibrium norms obtained from theoretical models. This study seeks to contribute to this literature by showing that it is possible to calculate the misalignment from a mixed ointegrated vector error correction framework. An empirical exercise using United States' real exchange rate data is performed. The results suggest that the model with mixed frequency data is preferred to the models with same frequency variables


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Exchange rate misalignment assessment is becoming more relevant in recent period particularly after the nancial crisis of 2008. There are di erent methodologies to address real exchange rate misalignment. The real exchange misalignment is de ned as the di erence between actual real e ective exchange rate and some equilibrium norm. Di erent norms are available in the literature. Our paper aims to contribute to the literature by showing that Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate approach (BEER) adopted by Clark & MacDonald (1999), Ubide et al. (1999), Faruqee (1994), Aguirre & Calderón (2005) and Kubota (2009) among others can be improved in two following manners. The rst one consists of jointly modeling real e ective exchange rate, trade balance and net foreign asset position. The second one has to do with the possibility of explicitly testing over identifying restrictions implied by economic theory and allowing the analyst to show that these restrictions are not falsi ed by the empirical evidence. If the economic based identifying restrictions are not rejected it is also possible to decompose exchange rate misalignment in two pieces, one related to long run fundamentals of exchange rate and the other related to external account imbalances. We also discuss some necessary conditions that should be satis ed for disrcarding trade balance information without compromising exchange rate misalignment assessment. A statistical (but not a theoretical) identifying strategy for calculating exchange rate misalignment is also discussed. We illustrate the advantages of our approach by analyzing the Brazilian case. We show that the traditional approach disregard important information of external accounts equilibrium for this economy.


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O estudo busca identificar quais variáveis são as mais relevantes para previsão da taxa de câmbio real efetiva e analisar a robustez dessas previsões. Foram realizados testes de cointegração de Johansen em 13 variáveis macroeconômicas. O banco de dados utilizado são séries trimestrais e os testes foram realizados sobre as séries combinadas dois a dois, três a três e quatro a quatro. Utilizando esse método, encontramos modelos que cointegravam entre si, para os países analisados. A partir desses modelos, foram feitas previsões fora da amostra a partir das últimas 60 observações. A qualidade das previsões foi avaliada por meio dos testes de Erro Quadrático Médio (EQM) e Modelo do Conjunto de Confiança de Hansen (MCS) utilizando um modelo de passeio aleatório do câmbio real como benchmark. Todos os testes mostram que, à medida que se aumenta o horizonte de projeção, o passeio aleatório perde poder preditivo e a maioria dos modelos são mais informativos sobre o futuro da taxa de câmbio real efetivo.


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Economic performance increasingly relies on global economic environment due to the growing importance of trade and nancial links among countries. Literature on growth spillovers shows various gains obtained by this interaction. This work aims at analyzing the possible e ects of a potential economic growth downturn in China, Germany and United States on the growth of other economies. We use global autoregressive regression approach to assess interdependence among countries. Two types of phenomena are simulated. The rst one is a one time shock that hit these economies. Our simulations use a large shock of -2.5 standard deviations, a gure very similar to what we saw back in the 2008 crises. The second experiment simulate the e ect of a hypothetical downturn of the aforementioned economies. Our results suggest that the United States play the role of a global economy a ecting countries across the globe whereas Germany and China play a regional role.