3 resultados para Wireless Control systems, feedback scheduling, cross-layer, event-triggered

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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The control of the spread of dengue fever by introduction of the intracellular parasitic bacterium Wolbachia in populations of the vector Aedes aegypti, is presently one of the most promising tools for eliminating dengue, in the absence of an efficient vaccine. The success of this operation requires locally careful planning to determine the adequate number of mosquitoes carrying the Wolbachia parasite that need to be introduced into the natural population. The latter are expected to eventually replace the Wolbachia-free population and guarantee permanent protection against the transmission of dengue to human. In this paper, we propose and analyze a model describing the fundamental aspects of the competition between mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia and mosquitoes free of the parasite. We then introduce a simple feedback control law to synthesize an introduction protocol, and prove that the population is guaranteed to converge to a stable equilibrium where the totality of mosquitoes carry Wolbachia. The techniques are based on the theory of monotone control systems, as developed after Angeli and Sontag. Due to bistability, the considered input-output system has multivalued static characteristics, but the existing results are unable to prove almost-global stabilization, and ad hoc analysis has to be conducted.


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Os museus federais, de um modo geral, nas duas últimas décadas, têm apresentado resultados satisfatórios no desempenho de sua missão básica - preservação e difusão do acervo que detêm - sem, necessariamente, contar para isso com apoio e recursos governamentais expressivos. Ao contrário, integrantes de uma área de governo sabidamente desfavorecida de recursos orçamentários, bem como de interesse político, desprovida, ainda, de quadros altamente qualificados, desenvolveram soluções próprias e um estilo peculiar de gestão para lidar com essas dificuldades crônicas. Tais soluções gerenciais (Associações de Amigos, criatividade, abnegação, flexibilidade, intensa participação etc.), alinhadas com um modo orgânico de funcionamento e adequadas até então, acobertam, de uma maneira sutil e arriscada, um quase absoluto despreparo profissional para a implementação de sistemas de controle gerencial orientados para resultados - gestão estratégica, programação e orçamentação, controle de qualidade, capacitação técnica e gerencial, indicadores de resultados e avaliação de programas etc. A crescente concorrência de outros meios de entretenimento e lazer, o aperto no controle do déficit público e a conseqüente pressão no sentido da publicização dessas atividades (fortes candidatas a virarem organizações sociais), somados ao esperado crescimento da cobrança social pela accountabilíty de seus dirigentes formam um cenário nada promissor para essas instituições, até então, imunes aos escândalos ou, pelo menos, a uma avaliação menos favorável pela população e demais stakeholders. O julgamento ainda vigente em grande parte de sua elite técnica de que não existe inteligência no mundo da administração, um mal necessário e de convívio difícil com as artes, reforça o belo desafio a ser enfrentado nos próximos anos pelos dirigentes dessas instituições.


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It is very relevant, for academic or for society purposes as a whole the subject "corruption", a recurring problem that plagues companies and Governments in various parts of the world. Many recent cases draw attention to this topic, but one in particular, the case of corruption of the company Siemens AG, that resulted in the payment of the largest fines in the history on your model, based on the terms of the FCPA since it became law in 1977. This event caters specifically to the objective of this work which is to make an analysis based on agency theory and the codes of good practices of corporate governance on how large companies revising their corporate management systems and practices aiming at the recovery of its institutional image after significant impact on the company, such as the corruption scandal in which Siemens was involved. For this study, we opted for qualitative research as a methodological path contemplating the single case study. In the process of data collection were used data obtained through documentary research about the corruption scandal on public collection available in the internet. Open conversations were made with 3 compliance Department officials of Siemens for the purposes of understanding the case with. At the end of this work, it was observed in the Siemens turnaround process a correlation between what was proposed by the Agency Theory about internal control Systems based on what was accomplished by the company when promoted an extensive restructuring of the Department of compliance and corporate governance system, the improvement of internal controls, as well as the creation of detection tools , control, analysis and prevention of fraud, which were used to minimize the effects generated by the conflict of interest covered by the theory of Agency. KEY WORDS: Corporate Governance; Compliance; Corruption; Turnaround, Agency Theory