8 resultados para Social causes

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Marketing as a social product, has been created, raised and spread alI over the world mainly as a tool to serve private, micro-economic, l?rofit, short run interests. Over the last twenty years,a steadly growing trend has been noticed in this field,due to the evidences that marketing has not delivered what it had promissed: society's needs fullfillment. Several American theorists and practioners marketino and non marketing specialists - are considered to have contributed to this evaluation of the marketing concept which has led to consolidate new "sub-disciolines" in the core o f marketing, name ly: "non business" (not for profi ti non orofit organizations, public services, government) "political candidates", "health, education, social services'; "ideas and social causes" marketing. This paper deals with the latter marketing subdiscipline , that applied to social causes and i ts oocasional contributions to Brazilian socio-economic development, considering both marketing and moral/ethical frameworks. The work suggests that are, have been and will be several possibilities of applying social marketing as a planning and implementing tool for both theorists and practioners of administration.


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This article investigates the causes in the reduction of labor force participation of the old. We argue that the changes in social security policy, in technology and in demography may account for most of the changes in retirement over the second part of the last century in the U.S. economy. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds social security legislation. The model is able to match very closely the increase in the retirement rate of males aged 65 and older. It also quanti es the isolated impact on retirement and on the solvency of the social security system of the di¤erent factors. The model suggests that technological and demographic changes had a strong in uence on retirement, so that it would have increased signi cantly even if the social security rules had not changed. However, as the latter became much more generous in the past, changes in social security policy can account not only for a sizeable part of the expansion of retirement, but also for the most of the observed increase in the social security expenses as a share of GDP.


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The present work aims to identify emerging organizational changes in the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro - TCE/RJ that are happening in the contemporary scenery known as the Age of Information. The search for the comprehension of the institutional dynamics is oriented by concepts originated from the theory of complexity, which believe that the public services external control system can be understood in a political, technical and legal environment with growing levels of learning and innovation. While chasing the possible causes of these changes, we try to prove the hypothesis that the TCE/RJ is turning into a more transparent organization. For this purpose, we define the outlines and reaches of the principle of transparency, based in bibliographical and documental researches, and analyze the phenomenon perceived in a explanation research through semi-structured interviews performed with two groups: a sample representing the universe under jurisdiction entities top level directors and the other obtained in the universe of formal and informal leaderships existing in the educational body of the institution. The conclusion of the present work confirms the initial questions, indicating that the organization is really becoming more and more transparent. The social-technical changes that are happening today at the TCE/RJ are caused by the growing social pressure for more effective results in the control of public expenditures. Under the systemic point of view, we observe cracks in the protective bell-glass that evolves the institution - previously hermetic to the external contingencies and that works today as a SAC - Adaptive Complex System. Aspects such as organization structural changes, the introduction of strategic planning and the growing democratization of the decision process are producing a new organizational culture. The seniority of the Technical Headcount contributes to establish the pre-conditions for the development of a administration where the participation of the TCE/RJ technical employees adds importance to its development as an institution that generates republican effects in the society from its less hermetic decision process.


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The present study of case empirically investigates the existence of indicators that suggest the social exclusion preoccupation from the organizations with a strategic management of human resources focus. The objects of study are two subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise in emergency and first-aid services area. One of them is Portuguese and the other is a Brazilian one. This exploratory research has used a sectional way with a longitudinal perspective, since it has considered a specific verified data referring to 2004 and 2005 years, beyond the deeper interviews with actual managers to an evaluation of these studied perception and its authentication. Our indicators identification sources were principally the individual and social rights and duties broaching and the fundamental guarantees disposed in the Brazilian and Portuguese Constitutions as such as the European Constitution project. The results appoint to great differences of management between both subsidiaries, being the Brazilian one closer to our research proposes, as such as suggest us that the human resource areas, still acting in an instrumentalist way, establish a great barrier to better practices in social inclusion and they would be unprepared for a management with the focus in the employees. Although our study has been realized in a specific activity enterprise, we believe that our results can stimulate the realization of other investigations with the same objectives. In this way, we contribute to a better comprehension of the social exclusion causes and the organizations participations in this process.


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A competitividade e a responsabilidade social têm sido temas de constante discussão nos meios acadêmicos e econômicos. De um lado, as empresas buscam a competitividade através da eficiência, da excelência e da melhora constante de desempenho. Este desempenho, conforme já colocado por Bateman e Strasser (1984), encontra entre suas bases o comprometimento dos empregados com a sua organização. De outro lado, a sociedade, e todos os grupos nela atuantes, cobram de maneira cada vez mais forte e ampla que as empresas ajam de forma socialmente responsável. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho buscou analisar um modelo de comprometimento organizacional e um de responsabilidade social corporativa que fornecessem as bases para a compreensão desses dois construtos e as possíveis relações entre eles. A partir dos modelos estudados, obtiveram-se quatro grupos de interesse para os quais as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa podem ser direcionadas – stakeholders sociais e não sociais, empregados, consumidores e governo – e três dimensões do comprometimento organizacional – afetiva, normativa e instrumental. Através de análises de correlação e de regressão linear simples e algumas ponderações teóricas, concluiu-se que, para a amostra obtida, as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa voltadas aos empregados e aos consumidores possuem relação positiva com os comprometimentos afetivo e normativo, enquanto que as ações de responsabilidade social corporativa voltadas a stakeholders sociais e não sociais e ao governo possuem relação direta apenas com o comprometimento afetivo. As demais relações entre a variável dependente e independente se mostraram inexistentes. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe que os gestores das organizações, conhecedores dos possíveis efeitos benéficos sobre o comprometimento organizacional de seus empregados e, conseqüentemente, seus resultados e desempenho, atuem no sentido de esclarecer e melhorar a percepção de seus empregados sobre as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa. Além de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as causas e antecedentes do comprometimento organizacional, acredita-se que os resultados demonstrados possam direcionar as organizações em suas ações de conscientização sobre responsabilidade social corporativa de forma mais efetiva.


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This article investigates the causes in the reduction of labor force participation of the old. We argue that the changes in social security policy, in technology and in demography may account for most of the changes in retirement over the second part of the last century in the U.S. economy. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds social security legislation. The model is able to match very closely the increase in the retirement rate of males aged 65 and older. It also quanti es the isolated impact on retirement and on the solvency of the social security system of the di¤erent factors. The model suggests that technological and demographic changes had a strong in uence on retirement, so that it would have increased signi cantly even if the social security rules had not changed. However, as the latter became much more generous in the past, changes in social security policy can account not only for a sizeable part of the expansion of retirement, but also for the most of the observed increase in the social security expenses as a share of GDP.


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A disseminação do termo Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e de suas respectivas ações demonstra o grande potencial que as empresas possuem para atenuar ou agravar problemas sociais e ambientais. Hoje, existem diversas métricas que permitem medir a efetividade das ações de Responsabilidade Social praticadas pelas organizações e assim divulgar os feitos em RSC tanto em relatórios para investidores e quanto em outros meios. Esta pesquisa propõe analisar o desempenho em Responsabilidade Social de uma empresa do segmento de logística, pela percepção dos seus funcionários, confrontando-a com o discurso da empresa procurando identificar gaps de percepção. À luz de teorias da Escola de Frankfurt e de estudos em Responsabilidade Social, são analisadas possíveis causas para a existência de gaps entre a percepção dos funcionários e o discurso da empresa. Para delimitar o escopo da pesquisa, dada a amplitude do tema, foram utilizados os Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial para identificar o desempenho em RSC da empresa analisada.


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O relatório de prestação de contas do recurso investido em projetos oriundos de parcerias entre o Estado e as organizações da sociedade civil não pode ser a única forma de avaliação da aplicação de recursos públicos. O presente trabalho analisa a necessidade de ampliar a ótica atual do accountability praticado pelo poder público, com o objetivo de incluir a avaliação do impacto social na análise dos recursos investidos em projetos de parcerias sociais público-privadas. A análise do impacto social provoca alterações substanciais no planejamento de políticas públicas abarcadas pelos projetos implementados. O diagnóstico da eficiência e a eficácia dos recursos investidos em parcerias sociais público-privadas é concretizado com a avaliação do impacto social do projeto.