8 resultados para School Performance

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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In this paper we test whether the disclosure of test scores has direct impacts on student performance, school composition and school inputs. We take advantage of the discontinuity on the disclosure rules of The National Secondary Education Examination (ENEM) run in Brazil by the Ministry of Education: In 2006 it was established that the 2005 mean score results would be disclosed for schools with ten or more students who took the exam in the previous year. We use a regression discontinuity design to estimate the e ects of test disclosure. Our results indicate that private schools that had their average scores released in 2005 outperformed those that did not by 0.2-0.6 in 2007. We did not nd same results for public schools. Moreover, we did not nd evidence that treated schools adjusted their inputs or that there was major changes in the students composition of treated schools. These ndings allow us to interpret that the main mechanism driving the di erences in performance was the increased levels of students', teachers' and principals' e ort exerted by those in schools that had scores publicized.


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We study the effects of a conditional transfers program on school enrollment and performance in Mexico. We provide a theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamic educational decision and process inc1uding the endogeneity and uncertainty of performance (passing grades) and the effect of a conditional cash transfer program for children enrolled at school. Careful identification of the program impact on this model is studied. This framework is used to study the Mexican social program Progresa in which a randomized experiment has been implemented and allows us to identify the effect of the conditional cash transfer program on enrollment and performance at school. Using the mIes of the conditional program, we can explain the different incentive effects provided. We also derive the formal identifying assumptions needed to provide consistent estimates of the average treatment effects on enrollment and performance at school. We estimate empirically these effects and find that Progresa had always a positive impact on school continuation whereas for performance it had a positive impact at primary school but a negative one at secondary school, a possible consequence of disincentives due to the program termination after the third year of secondary school.


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The basic thesis of this work is that the school management constitutes a key factor for the quality of education in the school units, and therefore its main manager, the principal, assumes a main role in the school performance. Despite this fact, it has not been attributed to the educational management any priority in the educational management research in the educational area. Thus, this work aimed at investigating the influence on the style of management of the school administrator, so far as the principal is concerned. It was used bibliographical research on the subject and interviews carried out with professors, employees and directors of schools of the public system of education of the State of São Paulo. Amongst the most relevant results it was observed: 92% of the participant professors of the research consider that the performance of the principal influences the quality of education of the school; 93% of the participant employees of the research consider that they had had significant changes in relation to their activity, which resulted from for the varied forms of the directors' performance.


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Active participation of Brazilian civil society, coupled with the 2007 education development plan, launched by the Brazilian government provides an interesting example of the influences of the Dakar Goals. The two domestic initiatives share the same name, spirit and direction proposed in Dakar 2000. We analyse here changes in the Brazilian policies and indicators related to the Dakar Education Goals since its creation, we note: (i) an increase in enrolment over the relevant period; (ii) access to primary education was nearly universal by 2000; (iii) over-aged youth and adult students fell considerably during the period, but access did not expand; (iv) illiteracy has been falling at a rate which, if sustained, will enable us to meet the goal; (v) gender discrimination did not take place in Brazil; (vi) most pupil proficiency indicators have progressively deteriorated from what was already a low standard. In summary, quantity indicators did improve over the period while most quality indicators worsened.


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This work consists of three essays organized into chapters that seek to answer questions at first sight unrelated, but with one common denominator, which is the scarcity of public resources devoted to education, overall, especially in lower education. . The first chapter deals with the scarcity of resources devoted to education in a context of population aging. Two hypotheses were tested for Brazilian municipalities on the relationship between the aging of the population and educational expenditure. The first, already proven in the literature, is that there is an intergenerational conflict for resources and the increase of the share of elderly in the population reduces the educational expenditure. The second, proposed here for the first time, is that there should be reduction of competition for resources if there is a relationship of co-residence between young and old. The results indicated that an increase in the share of elderly reduces the educational expenditure per youth. But the results also illustrate that an increase in the share of elderly co-residing with youth (family arrangement more common in Latin American countries) raises the educational expenditure, which reflects a reduction of competition for resources between generations. The second chapter assesses the allocative efficiency of investments in Higher Education. Using the difference between first-year and last-year students’ scores from Enade aggregated by HEI as a product in the Stochastic Production Function, is possible to contribute with a new element in the literature aimed at estimating the production function of education. The results show that characteristics of institutions are the variables that best explain the performance of students, and that public institutions are more inefficient than the private ones. Finally, the third chapter presents evidence that the allocation of public resources in early childhood education is important for a better future school performance. In this chapter was calculated the effects of early childhood education on literacy scores of children attending the 2nd grade of elementary school. The results using OLS and propensity score matching show that students who started school at the ages to 5, 4, and 3 years had literacy scores between 12.22 and 19.54 points higher than the scores of those who began school at the ages 6 years or late. The results also suggest that the returns in terms of literacy scores diminish in relation to the number of years of early childhood education.


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Apesar de serem muitas as análises sobre tendências do Ensino Superior no Brasil, sobre o nível de qualidade das instituições ou sobre políticas de cotas sociais ou raciais, são raras as investigações destinadas a melhor compreender a decisão pela busca do Ensino Superior por parte dos concluintes do Ensino Médio público. Trabalhos empíricos desenvolvidos com esse objetivo costumam focalizar indivíduos já em graduação, desconsiderando aqueles que poderiam buscar o Ensino Superior e não o fizeram. Na cidade de São Paulo, esse contingente representa 81% dos 123.000 concluintes do ensino médio, todos os anos. Este trabalho busca explorar fatores que expliquem a decisão pela busca do ensino superior a partir do perfil e grau de envolvimento da família, do desempenho escolar e da condição de trabalho dos componentes de uma amostra com 52 jovens que entre 2007 e 2009 terminaram o ensino médio em escolas estaduais da Capital. A contribuição desta pesquisa decorre da excepcional variedade de dados colecionados desses indivíduos, observados em dois anos distintos: 2007 e 2010, e dados secundários sobre seu histórico escolar e sobre a qualidade das escolas em que estudaram. Este trabalho exploratório foi ainda complementado com estudos de caso de seis indivíduos tomados em amostra, submetidos a uma entrevista em profundidade para observar outras possíveis informações relevantes para compreender a decisão pela busca ou não do ensino superior. Dentre as evidências colhidas, surpreendeu o fato que o desempenho em matemática dos indivíduos e a qualidade da escola onde estudaram não explicaram a busca por formação superior. Renda e escolaridade dos pais mostraram-se menos influentes que a posse de computador no domicílio. Da parte da família, a presença do pai e da mãe (biparentais) e com mais elevadas expectativas de escolarização dos filhos mostraram-se importantes indicadores pela busca de maior escolarização por parte dos filhos.


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Este estudo avalia o programa Cartão Família Carioca (CFC), do município do Rio de Janeiro. Através de dados administrativos, estimamos o impacto dos incentivos introduzidos pelo CFC sobre a frequência e desempenho dos alunos em testes padronizados. Encontramos efeitos positivos sobre ciências e negativos para português, além de impacto no sentido de reduzir as faltas dos alunos participantes.


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This research attempts to analyze the effects of open government data on the administration and practice of the educational process by comparing the contexts of Brazil and England. The findings illustrate two principal dynamics: control and collaboration. In the case of control, or what is called the "data-driven" paradigm, data help advance the cause of political accountability through the disclosure of school performance. In collaboration, or what is referred to as the "data-informed" paradigm, data is intended to support the decision-making process of administrators through dialogical processes with other social actors.