25 resultados para Opening of cracks
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Latin America has recently experienced three cycles of capital inflows, the first two ending in major financial crises. The first took place between 1973 and the 1982 ‘debt-crisis’. The second took place between the 1989 ‘Brady bonds’ agreement (and the beginning of the economic reforms and financial liberalisation that followed) and the Argentinian 2001/2002 crisis, and ended up with four major crises (as well as the 1997 one in East Asia) — Mexico (1994), Brazil (1999), and two in Argentina (1995 and 2001/2). Finally, the third inflow-cycle began in 2003 as soon as international financial markets felt reassured by the surprisingly neo-liberal orientation of President Lula’s government; this cycle intensified in 2004 with the beginning of a (purely speculative) commodity price-boom, and actually strengthened after a brief interlude following the 2008 global financial crash — and at the time of writing (mid-2011) this cycle is still unfolding, although already showing considerable signs of distress. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the financial crises resulting from this second cycle (both in LA and in East Asia) from the perspective of Keynesian/ Minskyian/ Kindlebergian financial economics. I will attempt to show that no matter how diversely these newly financially liberalised Developing Countries tried to deal with the absorption problem created by the subsequent surges of inflow (and they did follow different routes), they invariably ended up in a major crisis. As a result (and despite the insistence of mainstream analysis), these financial crises took place mostly due to factors that were intrinsic (or inherent) to the workings of over-liquid and under-regulated financial markets — and as such, they were both fully deserved and fairly predictable. Furthermore, these crises point not just to major market failures, but to a systemic market failure: evidence suggests that these crises were the spontaneous outcome of actions by utility-maximising agents, freely operating in friendly (‘light-touch’) regulated, over-liquid financial markets. That is, these crises are clear examples that financial markets can be driven by buyers who take little notice of underlying values — i.e., by investors who have incentives to interpret information in a biased fashion in a systematic way. Thus, ‘fat tails’ also occurred because under these circumstances there is a high likelihood of self-made disastrous events. In other words, markets are not always right — indeed, in the case of financial markets they can be seriously wrong as a whole. Also, as the recent collapse of ‘MF Global’ indicates, the capacity of ‘utility-maximising’ agents operating in (excessively) ‘friendly-regulated’ and over-liquid financial market to learn from previous mistakes seems rather limited.
Latin America has recently experienced three cycles of capital inflows, the first two ending in major financial crises. The first took place between 1973 and the 1982 ‘debt-crisis’. The second took place between the 1989 ‘Brady bonds’ agreement (and the beginning of the economic reforms and financial liberalisation that followed) and the Argentinian 2001/2002 crisis, and ended up with four major crises (as well as the 1997 one in East Asia) — Mexico (1994), Brazil (1999), and two in Argentina (1995 and 2001/2). Finally, the third inflow-cycle began in 2003 as soon as international financial markets felt reassured by the surprisingly neo-liberal orientation of President Lula’s government; this cycle intensified in 2004 with the beginning of a (purely speculative) commodity price-boom, and actually strengthened after a brief interlude following the 2008 global financial crash — and at the time of writing (mid-2011) this cycle is still unfolding, although already showing considerable signs of distress. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the financial crises resulting from this second cycle (both in LA and in East Asia) from the perspective of Keynesian/ Minskyian/ Kindlebergian financial economics. I will attempt to show that no matter how diversely these newly financially liberalised Developing Countries tried to deal with the absorption problem created by the subsequent surges of inflow (and they did follow different routes), they invariably ended up in a major crisis. As a result (and despite the insistence of mainstream analysis), these financial crises took place mostly due to factors that were intrinsic (or inherent) to the workings of over-liquid and under-regulated financial markets — and as such, they were both fully deserved and fairly predictable. Furthermore, these crises point not just to major market failures, but to a systemic market failure: evidence suggests that these crises were the spontaneous outcome of actions by utility-maximising agents, freely operating in friendly (light-touched) regulated, over-liquid financial markets. That is, these crises are clear examples that financial markets can be driven by buyers who take little notice of underlying values — investors have incentives to interpret information in a biased fashion in a systematic way. ‘Fat tails’ also occurred because under these circumstances there is a high likelihood of self-made disastrous events. In other words, markets are not always right — indeed, in the case of financial markets they can be seriously wrong as a whole. Also, as the recent collapse of ‘MF Global’ indicates, the capacity of ‘utility-maximising’ agents operating in unregulated and over-liquid financial market to learn from previous mistakes seems rather limited.
This paper generates and organizes stylized facts related to the dynamics of selfemployment activities in Brazil. The final purpose is to help the design of policies to assist micro-entrepreneurial units. The 'first part of the paper uses as a main tool of analysis transitional data constructed from household surveys. The longitudinal information used covers three transition horizons: 1-month, 12-month and 5-year periods. Quantitative flows analysis assesses the main origins, destinies and various types of risks assumed by microentrepreneurial activities. Complementarily, logistic regressions provides evidence on the main characteristics and resources of micro-entrepreneurial units. In particular, we use the movements from self-employment to employer activities as measures of entrepreneurial success. We also use these transitions as measures of employment creation intensity within the self-employed segment.The second part of the paper explores various data sources. First, we attempt to analyze the life-cycle trajectories and determinants of self-employment. We use cohort data constructed from PME and qualitative data on financial and work history factors related to the opening of small bussiness from the informal firms survey implemented during 1994. Second, we apply a standart Mincerian wage equation approach to self-employment profits. This exerci se attempts to capture the correlation patterns between micro-entrepreneurial performance and a variety of firms leveI variables present in the 1994 Informal Survey. Finally, we use a a survey on the poor enterpreneurs of Rocinha favela as a laboratory to study poor entrepreneurs resources and behavior.In sum, the main questions pursued in the paper are: i) who are the Brazilian selfemployed?; ii) in particular: what is relative importance among the self-employed of subsistence activities versus those activities with growth and capital accumulation potential?; iii) what are the main static and dynamic determinants ofmicro-entrepreneurial success?; iv) what is the degree ofrisk associated with micro-entrepreneurial activities in Brazil?; v) What is the life-cycle profile of self-employment?; vi) what are the main constraints on poor entrepreneurs activities?.
Desde o início dos anos oitenta, o governo federal brasileiro passou a substituir a receitas de impostos tradicionais por receita de contribuições sociais (cumulativas) na composição da sua receita total (mudança de gestão). Alega-se que este procedimento é uma conseqüência das regras de compartilhamento estabelecidas (receitas de impostos do governo federal são compartilhadas com estados e municípios enquanto que receitas de contribuição não o são).Existem argumentos na literatura mostrando que este processo de descentralização das receitas teve sua origem na mudança de regime político (militar para democrático), outros com a nova Constituição de 1988 e, por último, outros afirmando que ele só foi possível porque a ineficiência das contribuições foi encoberta pela ineficiência alocativa da inflação. Por outro lado, fatos ocorridos no mesmo período, embora não citados na literatura, poderiam explicar ou ajudar na explicação deste comportamento. Entre eles, a fragmentação do poder executivo a partir de 1989 com a primeira eleição presidencial e/ou o processo de abertura da economia a partir dos anos noventa. Usando a técnica de OLS, observou-se que a Nova Constituição e a abertura da economia explicariam esta mudança de gestão. De qualquer forma, independente do que esteja explicando esta mudança, ela é apontada como altamente prejudicial a competitividade das exportações brasileiras. Existem várias proxies tentando medir este efeito, nenhuma delas considerando uma medida de gestão. Resolvemos realizar esta tentativa. Como tínhamos desconfiança da exogeneidade da variável representativa da abertura da economia no teste anterior, tratamos a questão com o instrumental de séries de tempo. No longo prazo, descobrimos que a mudança de gestão afeta negativamente as exportações e positivamente a abertura da economia por ser menos punitiva com as importações em termos de competitividade (as contribuições incidem apenas na comercialização dos produtos importados). JEL classification: H27; H77, H87.
Entre 1990 e 1995 observou-se uma melhora significativa na distribuição da renda pessoal brasileira. Enquanto a renda dos 10% mais ricos cresceu menos de 10%, a dos 20% mais pobres aumentou quase 30%. Este trabalho procurou analisar as causas dessa melhora. Entre os diversos fatores analisados um forte cnadidato foi a abertura da economia que provocou um aumento nas exportações líquidas de bens relativamente intensivos em trabalho pouco qualificado e um aumento nas importações líquidas de bens relativamente intensivos em trabalho qualificado. Estas alterações de demandas podem ter provocado estes aumentos diferenciados de salários.
Esta pesquisa analisa a difusão da hegemonia neoliberal no Brasil, nos anos 90, através da grande imprensa nacional - os periódicos Jornal do Brasil, O Globo, Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo. Por tratar-se de veículo ideológico, a imprensa possui papel-chave no que tange tanto à formulação quanto à transmissão de uma dada hegemonia. No caso, esta se expressa na redefinição, em escala global, do papel do Estado e do Mercado, no sentido de orientar (e difundir) reformas em direção a este último. Concretamente, temas como privatização, abertura das economias e desproteção à força de trabalho, entre outros, constituem uma nova Agenda, em substituição ao modelo intervencionista (keynesiano e/ou desenvolvimentista) vigente entre os anos 30 e os anos 80.
This work is analyzing the challenges which the National Petrol Agency is facing to regulate the Petrol industry in Brazil after the Monopoly crash in the period between 1997 until 2005. Due to the necessities of adaptation of its political strategies to the rules which determine the international economic flows, Brazil was forced to use the Economic Regulation in order to control the market. The regulation established in Brazil is not indifferent to imperfect markets. Thus can be find a conflict of interests among companies, the government and consumers within this process of regulation. The established agency does not have enough autonomy for administrating a regulation. The State with its paternalism power does not allow the agency to fulfill its function for which it was established, even though its function was established by law. A regulating policy which is clearly defined will establish a strong and independent agency with a clear limitation of its competences, avoiding divergent interpretation which prioritizes investments and promotes economic development. The agency will have the challenge to regulate the companies that enter the sector, allowing the opening of the market for new initiatives of investments which contribute to the welfare of the country and breaking at the same time the monopoly that is lead by Petrobras since 1953. Combining a stable set of rules with agility in order to adapt to changes will provide the regulator with a great decision-making power. The flexibility in the regulation will improve the correcting of the rules that were set in the beginning, being more efficient, which are based on acquired experience and achieved results. The structure of the agency and the flexibility of the regulation should be orientated on the promotion of competition in order to achieve economic and social development.
The changes that have occurred in the Brazilian work market, mainly due to the opening of the economy in the 90th decade, have caused, as a consequence, the unemployment in the formal sector, with the reduction of posts of work in the industry and the precarization of the laborwork. In order to face these questions, it¿s necessary an analysis of the alternative measures, among them, the creation of the cooperative societies, which have increased about 90,8% in the last years. The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the functions of the work cooperatives, just in face of the changes of the Brazilian society. The analysis was directed towards a group of eight work cooperatives that work in lots of areas of professionals in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study reveals the existence of false work cooperatives, whose sole purpose is to intermediate the handiwork with the intention of benefiting enterprises that intend to decrease their own costs of production, just contributing for the precarization of the relations of work. The structure of the Judicial Power offers solutions that protect the workers who are exploited through fraudulent actions, by the false cooperatives, handiworkers. It can be noticed that this structure is enough to answer the challenges presented. It means that it is too bad to apprehend the revival of the work cooperativism and that it must be combated. Of course, it is maniqueist conception that distorts reality and disdains positive aspects of cooperative system. The results of the search have permitted to point out the main characteristics of the work cooperatives analyzed, the profile of the cooperative workers, and also the main obstacles to the development of the cooperative system in Brazil today . A long the analysis of tributary and labor questions and about the participation of the cooperative workers in the management of the cooperative - the most questionable points - it could be observed the development of real cooperative practices, trying to establish the differences between these and the fraudulent ones, also studied in this work. This study represents a contribution to all those who intend to study new relations of work in a critical away and from experiences in development.
The present Study of Case has an objective to describe the development of the Project for the opening of a new unit of a bilingual educational organization in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro. The study of case shows the reasons for the growth of the bilingual educational institutions, growth of the west zone and the decision of the opening of a new unit of the School in question in this specific area. The School in study solicited for its identity to be maintained undisclosed. It opted for the realization of a study of case to describe the development of the project, in a systemized way, through a bibliography and documental research. The limitation of this case is based on the fact of being a single study case. This project can be generalized for other projects within the same institution or replicated to other educational institutions, even if it¿s not bilingual.
This dissertation studies the innovative technological capabilities available in the merger and acquisitions processes and the relationship between these processes with the technological capabilities accumulation to get convergence of technology and services. This study was examined in fourteen companies of the telecommunications industry during 2002 to 2007. Starting on 1990 there were from one end a profusion of studies on the technological capabilities as source of competitive advantages; from another end there are studies on merger and acquisitions with the objective to evaluate the motivations derived from technological factors and stimulation to the competition and the opening of the market. However few of the empirical studies of long stated period that examine the correlation of these events in the industry of telecommunications under the optics of the technological qualification in the level of the companies and for the strategic perspective of enterprise based on the dynamics abilities. An analytical framework already available in the literature was used to describe the contribution of the merger and acquisitions processes for the accumulation of innovative technological capabilities in the studied companies. However the framework was adapted specifically for the industry of Telecommunications. This dissertation also studies the importance of the strategic merger and acquisitions as organizational form in the complementation of technological capability for external sources. Such empirical evidences had been collected from information and data bases published for the own companies who had been examined in this dissertation. Regarding the results, it was found that: 1. In terms of participation with ingress technological capabilities in strategic merger and acquisitions the equipment manufacturers had entered with 71% to 55 of the technological capabilities and the service operator company had entered with 61% to 71 technological capabilities. 2. In terms of implications of the merger and acquisitions for the configuration of resultant technologic capabilities, it was found that the equipment manufacturers had increased 31% the ratio of convergence of technology and the operators of services had increased 4% the ratio for the change in the organizational structure. 3. Regarding the accumulation technological capability to obtain convergence of technology and services was verified the increase these technological capabilities after the merger and acquisitions process in the companies studied. Considering the limitation of this study, the evidences found in this dissertation suggest that the companies use the processes of strategic merger and acquisitions to search for external complementation of their knowledge base to compete in the globalization market. The result demonstrates that this movement has implied in an alteration and accumulation of capability from organization on innovative technological activities regarding the convergence of technology and services.
REPETRO, the special tax regime for importing and exporting goods for the exploration and drilling of oil and gas, aims at bringing foreign assets to Brazil enjoying a suspension or even an exemption of taxes, so that Brazilian industry may profit from about 8 billion American dollars in investments. The creation of normative devices as well as the management of the REPETRO model are under the exclusive responsibility of the Brazilian Internal Revenue Services. REPETRO was created in 1999 and is composed of the following customs treatments: importation of goods with suspension of taxes by use of the drawback special regime, suspension mode for national exporting industry; exportation with fictitious exit for the national industry; temporary admission of goods or assets used in oil exploration and production, attending to the needs of both the national and foreign market. Considering the inability of the Brazilian government in restructuring its foreign trade model so that a strong investment in technology could provide for the sector¿s needs, we must ask how we can change REPETRO to help the various companies in the oil business? The issue is very important for one of our main economic activities, though not enough studied. The energy sector has a strategic importance for the development and the economic independence of any country. The winds of globalization lead Brazil to open its economy in the last decade and the national policy for exploration and drilling (E&D) was altered. The government created a new agency dedicated to market control and energy policies, the National Agency for Oil and Biofuels (ANP). With the opening of the market, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras, the Brazilian giant, lost the monopoly of the oil business. The P-50 Platform, with a capacity for 180,000 barrels per day, was imported based on REPETRO. When it began operating on April 21st, 2006, Brazil achieved self-sufficiency in oil production. The present work intends to estimate the main variables affecting the importation and exportation of goods and assets for E&D, showing how REPETRO works. We also intend to look at the results yielded by the REPETRO model for the development of the production of oil and gas in Brazil, as well as show proposals for its modernization. It has been established that even though since its implementation the REPETRO model has brought fiscal advantages through the reduction of tax costs relating to foreign commerce operations and the incentive of investments in the E&D area with the increase in the national oil production there remain the following limitations: lack of preparation and of knowledge of the model; lack of adjustement of the model to the reality of actitity of E&D of oil and gas; taxes over the pre-operational stage or investment in oil production stage; non-allowance of full access by the national industry to the supply of goods and products relating to the industrialization of goods allowed by REPETRO; other fiscal and administrative difficulties. We conclude that the REPETRO model is important for the development of the area of E&D of oil and gas, but not completely effective. It is necessary to change it or create a new model based on a new perspective of the customs treatment of the activities of exploration and production, minimizing administrative procedures relating to the operations of exportation and importation.
The partnerships have become the subject of study as an innovative element in the production management and a strategic option in the entrepreneurial activities that characterize this momentum of great instability due to the globalization of the financial dimension and the opening of captive markets all over the world.The objective of this research was to investigate and evaluate the in-fluence and relevance of the factor process approach among the other critical factors identified for the strategic management of partnerships. In view of the service offer of Telecommunications, mainly in the Case Study of Telemar Corporate, that belongs to the Tele Norte Leste Group S.A. (Telemar) responsible for rendering services to the corporate market. A research was performed in the Diretoria de Produtos Empresariais - DPE, a unit of the Telemar Corporate, analyzing these critical factors in 3 clusters related to the constitution of part-nerships: the definition of the strategic objectives, the quality of the human re-sources applied and the management of the partnership processes. The Theoretical Reference contributed to the definition of contemporary concepts on the management and the classification of the partnerships as well as the identification of the critical factors. The research was methodological and exploratory, using in this Case Study the field search through the employment of interviews and questionnaires in a selected sample. It was possible to identify that among the more relevant critical factors the process approach, is the most influential and relevant for the management of the partnerships at Telemar Corporate. It is succeeded by other factors equally important, such as the definition of objectives and the strategic intention that confirms the initial hypothesis of this study.
A Ciência da Localização é amplamente utilizada por várias outras ciências, inclusive pelo Marketing, que, com o apoio da Geografia, forma o Geomarketing, área de estudo cada vez mais utilizada para a localização do ponto-de-venda. Na divisão do composto do Marketing, uma das estratégias é o canal de distribuição em que se encontra o Marketing de varejo. A localização do ponto-de-venda é uma das preocupações do empresário varejista, quando decide abrir uma loja ou uma nova loja para aumentar a sua rede. A abertura de um ponto-de-venda pode ser realizada intuitivamente pelo próprio varejista ou por um profissional do Marketing, com estudos técnicos e pesquisas. Nesse contexto, a criação de uma unidade escolar pode passar pelo mesmo processo técnico usado na abertura de lojas comerciais. O Colégio Americano Batista, situado no Centro de Vitória, Estado do Espírito Santo, instituição quase centenária, encontrava-se dentro do processo de transferência do comércio da cidade para outra área e, com isso, poderia sofrer as conseqüências desse processo. O presente trabalho concentra-se em estudar o impacto provocado pela abertura de novas unidades no total de matrículas da Instituição.
Em decorrência do atual processo de transformação da indústria do petróleo no Brasil, iniciado com base na Nova Lei do Petróleo - Lei n° 9.478, de 6 de agosto de 1997, assim como da respectiva abertura do mercado nacional, que poderá se consolidar a partir do ano 2001, são esperadas mudanças na estrutura da cadeia petrolífera brasileira. Tais modificações deverão ser causadas pelo aumento da concorrência, como conseqüência da entrada de novos agentes no setor, bem como entre o produto nacional e o importado, caracterizando um novo cenário de cunho competitivo no mercado de derivados de petróleo. Desta forma, a importação e exportação de petróleo e seus derivados por novos agentes, associado com a movimentação destes produtos e a utilização da infra-estrutura existente para transporte e armazenagem, são questões que merecem análises e considerações, sob a ótica da regulação. Dentro deste processo em curso, é fundamental a avaliação do grau da regulação, uma vez que os mercados legais, estruturados para a competição, atuam dentro de um contexto de regras preestabelecidas e que economias de mercado totalmente desregulamentadas podem acarretar sérias desigualdades para a sociedade. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar quais são os principais fatores críticos, de cunho administrativo e econômico, que devem ser considerados na abertura do setor de transporte de petróleo e seus derivados a outros agentes, de modo a se obter uma efetiva transição para uma economia orientada pelo mercado, dentro do novo modelo de Estado Regulador. Trata-se de uma pesquisa explicativa, por explicitar tais fatores críticos, assim como exploratória, pois é realizada em área onde existe pouco conhecimento e experiência disponível no País, bem como bibliográfica e documental, uma vez que se apoia na consulta a leis, decretos, portarias, documentos de órgãos públicos, livros, artigos etc. O processo de investigação consiste no levantamento da evolução histórica do setor, até o momento atual, na pesquisa da legislação e regulamentação em vigor, dos princípios da teoria da regulação e da experiência internacional, na análise descritiva do setor de transportes nacional, limitando-se ao transporte marítimo e dutoviário de petróleo e derivados, efetuando uma análise crítica do setor frente à Lei 9.478/97 e a abertura do mercado. O estudo identifica os fatores críticos que permitem criar as condições para o estabelecimento de um mercado orientado pela competição, ou seja, a existência de elementos básicos como oferta, demanda, acessibilidade aos serviços pela sociedade, qualidade e segurança, informação sobre preço e utilização dos produtos ou serviços e adequada fiscalização pelo Estado. Tais fatores estão associados ao acesso a informações, ao controle de tarifas, ao estabelecimento de condições de entrada e saída do mercado, ao controle da qualidade dos serviços prestados e à criação de um ambiente de transição de um regime controlado para um regime de mercado competitivo.