7 resultados para Legal research
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de identificar e acompanhar os principais desafios que a Prefeitura Municipal de Santos, por intermédio de sua Secretaria de Gestão, encontrou na implantação de seu programa de digitalização de processos administrativos. Realizaram-se entrevistas em campo com quatro visitas à cidade de Santos para verificar a formulação e aplicação concreta do programa, pesquisa de material legal, especialmente do Decreto e da Portaria Municipal que criaram efetivamente a obrigação para que todos os servidores do Município elaborem determinados processos administrativos de maneira unicamente digital. Ainda, outra base de pesquisa foi a comparação da experiência com as de outros entes, poderes e órgãos públicos brasileiros que já adotaram os processos administrativos eletrônicos. A metodologia utilizada para realizar o trabalho deu-se por meio de visitas in loco e entrevistas com os gestores responsáveis e, também, com os usuários do sistema, visando coletar informações a respeito do programa – inclusive seu histórico referente à fase de formulação –, bem como perceber as impressões e expectativas dos servidores. Devido à relevância e atualidade do tema, analisou-se se o programa poderia ser considerado uma política pública, o que resultou numa conclusão positiva, com desdobramentos potenciais para a discussão da implantação e modernização de processos no âmbito da administração pública. Buscou-se, por fim, contribuir com o município para a construção de uma metodologia de avaliação mediante a utilização de indicadores, por meio dos quais torna-se possível medir a eficiência e o impacto da nova sistemática.
New emerging international dynamics introduce a global poly-axiological polycentric disorder which undermines the tradition of a unique global legal order in international law. Modern Era was characterized by Western European civilizational model – from which human rights is a byproduct. This consensus had its legitimacy tested by XXst century’s scenario – and the ‘BRICS factor/actor’ is a symptom of this reality. Its empowerment in world politics lead to the rise of distinct groups of States/civilizations provided with different legal, political, economic and social traditions – promoting an unexpected uprise of otherness in international legal order and inviting it to a complete and unforeseeable reframing process. Beyond Washington or Brussels Consensus, other custom-originated discourses (Brasília, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking or Cape Town Consensus, among other unfolded possibilities) will probably henceforth attempt shaping international law in present global legal disorder.
O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender como os atores públicos que participaram, direta ou indiretamente, da Operação Centro Legal de 2012, qualificaram, em seu discurso, o uso de crack e a região conhecida por “cracolândia”, em São Paulo, notadamente a Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo. O problema de pesquisa consiste na compreensão das diferentes falas que os atores tem em torno do uso de crack e da cracolândia de São Paulo, levando em consideração um quadro teórico que se foca no estudo do estigma, do desvio e do conhecimento enquanto instrumento de poder. A conclusão é que o estigma e o conhecimento de um determinado ramo do campo da psiquiatria foram elementos muito importantes e influentes na construção da imagem verbalizada pelos atores pesquisados com respeito ao uso do crack e à “cracolândia”.
This paper aims to verify the main contributions and adjustments that the paper “Towards a Legal Theory of Finance” from Katharina Pistor may bring to the role of the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) in the Brazilian development financing. In order to do so, I work with two questions in this paper: (i) such theory presents elements which allow analyzing the role of the BNDES and from there, if it is required, adjustments can be made in the governance of the BNDES? and (ii) there are academics and scholars that, together with the theory, also contribute with the improvement of the BNDES role in the development of Brazil?
Almost a full century separates Lewis’ Alice in Wonderland (1865) and the second, lengthier and more elaborate edition of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law (1960; first edition published in 1934). And yet, it is possible to argue that the former anticipates and critically addresses many of the philosophical assumptions that underlie and are elemental to the argument of the latter. Both texts, with the illuminating differences that arise from their disparate genre, have as one of their key themes norms and their functioning. Wonderland, as Alice soon finds out, is a world beset by rules of all kinds: from the etiquette rituals of the mad tea-party to the changing setting for the cricket game to the procedural insanity of the trial with which the novel ends. Pure Theory of Law, as Kelsen emphatically stresses, has the grundnorm as the cornerstone upon which the whole theoretical edifice rests2. This paper discusses some of the assumptions underlying Kelsen’s argument as an instance of the modern worldview which Lewis satirically scrutinizes. The first section (Sleepy and stupid) discusses Lewis critique of the idea that, to correctly apprehend an object (in the case of Kelsen’s study, law), one has to free it from its alien elements. The second section (Do bats eat cats?) discusses the notion of systemic coherence and its impact on modern ways of thinking about truth, law and society. The third section (Off with their heads!) explores the connections between readings of systems as neutral entities and the perpetuation of political power. The fourth and final section (Important, Unimportant) explains the sense in which a “critical anticipation” is both possible and useful to discuss the philosophical assumptions structuring some positivist arguments. It also discusses the reasons for choosing to focus on Kelsen’s work, rather than on that of Lewis’ contemporary, John Austin, whose The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (published in 1832) remains influential in legal debates today.
This position paper argues that at this time of Mexico’s ongoing big transformation, legal educators and researchers in Mexico need to pay greater attention to international economic law, and that a renewal and perhaps some re-orientation of the approach to teaching international economic law, could provide significant contributions to and shape and support both the objectives and outcomes of reform in Mexico. International Economic Law courses and research can be made more useful, not only for students themselves, but also for their contribution towards the role that academics, lawyers, and other epistemic communities need to play in the political, economic and social evolution that is accelerating in Mexico.
5th BRICS Trade and Economic Research Network (TERN) meeting: the impact of mega agreements on BRICS
The BRICS TERN – BRICS Trade and Economics Research Network is a group of independent research institutes established four years ago by five think tanks from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The main objective of the network is to study different aspects of trade and economic relations amongst these five countries. The purpose of the V BRICS TERN Meeting was to analyze and debate the effects of the negotiations of the Mega Agreements, mainly those initiated by the US and the EU, already in negotiation, to each of the BRICS Trade Policies. Both Mega Agreements were examined – the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The studies included the main impacts on trade flows and on the international trade rules system, respecting the perspective of each of the countries concerned. This workshop was an initiative of the Center for Global Trade and Investments (CGTI), a think-tank on International Trade held by FGV Sao Paulo School of Economics. Its main objective is the research on trade regulation, preferential trade agreements, trade and currency, trade and global value chains, through legal analysis and economic modelling. One of its main researches, now, is on the potential economic and legal impacts of the Mega Agreements on Brazil and WTO rules. This meeting was organized in March14, 2014, in Rio de Janeiro, in a perfect timing for introducing such issues in the international agenda, in advance of the 6th BRICS Summit scheduled to be held in Brazil in July 2014.