50 resultados para Labor courts
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
In most developing countries, job regulations and the justice branch interfere on several aspects of labor contracts. Inspired by this fact, we build a model that explores the role of labor courts in the determination of the di¤erence between formal and informal wages. We show that the presence of active labor courts in an environment where labor relations are subject to asymmetries of information reproduces features documented by the empirical literature. The main implications of our model are tested using Brazilian data.
Brazil’s experience shows that the economic and political history of a country is a critical determinant of which labor laws influence wages and employment, and which are not binding. Long periods of high inflation, illiteracy of the workforce, and biases in the design and enforcement of labor legislation bred by the country’s socioeconomic history are all important in determining the reach of labor laws. Defying conventional wisdom, these factors are shown to affect labor market outcomes even in the sector of employment regarded as unregulated. Following accepted practice in Brazil, we distinguish regulated from unregulated employment by determining whether or not the contract has been ratified by the Ministry of Labor, viz., groups of workers with and without signed work booklet. We then examine the degree of adherence to labor laws in the formal and informal sectors, and finds “pressure points” – viz., evidence of the law on minimum wage, work-hours, and payment timing being binding on outcomes – in both the formal and informal sectors of the Brazilian labor market. The findings of the paper imply that in terms of the design of legislation, informality in Brazil is mainly a fiscal, and not a legal phenomenon. But the manner in which these laws have been enforced is also critical determinant of informality in Brazil: poor record-keeping has strengthened the incentives to stay informal that are already built into the design of the main social security programs, and ambiguities in the design of labor legislation combined with slanted enforcement by labor courts have led to workers effectively being accorded the same labor rights whether or not they have ratified contracts. The incentives to stay informal are naturally higher for workers who are assured of protection under labor legislation regardless of the nature of their contract, which only alters their financial relationship with the government. The paper concludes that informality in Brazil will remain high as long as labor laws remain ambiguous and enforced with a clear pro-labor bias, and social security programs lack tight benefitcontribution linkages and strong enforcement mechanisms.
Por meio deste trabalho, analisa-se a gestão da tramitação dos processos judiciais perante Varas do Trabalho como instrumento capaz de auxiliar no alcance da efetividade da atividade jurisdicional e da razoável duração do processo. Busca-se demonstrar o enquadramento da gestão entre as atribuições inerentes à função do juiz e a necessidade de sua adoção na condução da tramitação processual. Procura-se identificar momentos e atos da tramitação processual em que a adoção de técnicas de gestão pode produzir melhores resultados e sugerir práticas que conduzam à otimização dos recursos e legislação processual disponíveis, à maximização e, quando possível, supressão de atos, e à eliminação de “etapas mortas”. Para atingir tais propósitos, abordam-se, inicialmente, aspectos teóricos fundamentais relacionados à gestão das organizações e, de modo particular, à gestão judiciária em Varas do Trabalho. Num segundo momento, afirma-se a possibilidade de gestão do próprio processo (judicial), visando à redução do tempo de sua tramitação e à ampliação da utilidade do seu resultado, salientando-se as repercussões que essa ideia provoca sobre os deveres afetos ao juiz. Por fim, expõem-se propostas de aplicação prática de gestão processual em Varas do Trabalho, abrangentes de vários momentos e atos da tramitação processual e do seu correspondente controle.
Estudo exploratório com o objetivo de identificar que fatores têm agilizado e/ou restringido a prestação jurisdicional trabalhista no Estado do Espírito Santo, assim como que ações agilizadoras poderiam ser adotadas. Analisa os fatores elencados por trinta entrevistados diretamente relacionados à organização em estudo, à luz da abordagem sistêmica da Administração e de suas características de "burocracia togada". A orientação da proposta de mudança é no sentido de tratar a Justiça do Trabalho do Espírito Santo como uma organização sujeita a critérios de eficiência, eficácia e produtividade, melhorando sua atuação basicamente no que diz respeito à agilidade e à valorização do ser humano (no âmbito interno, ou seja, seus recursos humanos; e no externo, seus usuários). Conclui pela necessidade de inovações que conduzam a soluções diferentes das convencionais, como o aumento do número de juizes, juntas e tribunais. A melhoria do sistema de informações e a avaliação dos resultados, além de mudanças na legislação trabalhista, sobretudo a processual, são algumas ações que podem conduzir à superação dos fatores restritivos, o que resultará em um benefício coletivo.
Este trabalho trata dos limites da competência da Justiça do Trabalho para processar os créditos oriundos das reclamações trabalhistas em face da decretação de falência do devedor principal. Através da análise das disposições da Nova Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência à luz da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, serão demonstrados os motivos pelos quais o Juízo Trabalhista não é competente para executar créditos das empresas falidas ou mesmo daquelas que fazem parte do seu grupo econômico ou foram condenadas subsidiariamente nos processos de conhecimento. Os principais motivos dessa limitação são evitar a violação da igualdade de tratamento entre credores, bem como garantir a unicidade, universalidade e indivisibilidade da competência do juízo falimentar.
The neoclassical growth model with two sectors in production is employed in this paper in order to investigate how a change in the tax structure affects informality and welfare. We calibrate and simulate the model and find that welfare always increases when we reduce the tax rate on the demand for labor and adjust the tax rate on the value added so that the government revenue remains constant.
Lawrance (1991) has shown, through the estimation of consumption Euler equations, that subjective rates of impatience (time preference) in the U.S. are three to Öve percentage points higher for households with lower average labor incomes than for those with higher labor income. From a theoretical perspective, the sign of this correlation in a job-search model seems at Örst to be undetermined, since more impatient workers tend to accept wage o§ers that less impatient workers would not, thereby remaining less time unemployed. The main result of this paper is showing that, regardless of the existence of e§ects of opposite sign, and independently of the particular speciÖcations of the givens of the model, less impatient workers always end up, in the long run, with a higher average income. The result is based on the (unique) invariant Markov distribution of wages associated with the dynamic optimization problem solved by the consumers. An example is provided to illustrate the method.
This paper investigates the causal relationship between family size and child labor and education among brazilian children. More especifically, it analyzes the impact of family size on child labor, school attendance, literacy and school progression. It explores the exogenous variation in family size driven by the presence of twins in the family. The results are consistent under the reasonable assumption that the instrument is a random event. Using the nationally representative brazilian household survey (Pnad), detrimental effects are found on child labor for boys. Moreover, significant effects are obtained for school progression for girls caused by the exogenous presence of the young siblings in the household.
This paper measures the degree of segmentation in the brazilian labor market. Controlling for observable and unobservable characteristics, workers earn more in the formal sector, which supports the segmentation hypothesis. We break down the degree of segmentation by socio-economic attributes to identify the groups where this phenomenon is more prevalent. We investigate the robustness of our findings to the inclusion of self-employed individuals, and apply a two-stage panel probit model using the self-selection correction strategy to investigate a potential weakness of the fixed-effects estimator
One of the Main Subjects to Be Discussed, in Order to Adjust Latin American Economies to a Regional Integration Network, as Imposed By Mercosul or Other Economic Common Markets, is Related to the Employment and Other Labor Markets Public Policies. the Question to Be Posed Is: Having in Mind the Characteristics of Different Labor Markets and Labor Forces, What are the Impacts of Governmental Measures Presented in the Diverse Economic Conditions of Those Countries. Having in Mind These Impacts, This Paper Aims to Examine the Requisites to Adjust the Labor Structure Standards of Latin American Countries and What Would Be the Reforms to Be Performed By These Countries in Order to Prepare These Markets and Labor Forces to Adapt to Regional Integration Networks Represented By Mercosul, Alca or Other Common Markets. There are Evaluated the Impacts of the Globalization Process, Economic Stabilization and Reform Policies Undertaken By Some Selected Latin American Countries Since the Eighties on the Labor Structure Standards, Considering the Specific Adjustment Measures to Cope With the Negative Effects of These Policies. Next, Some Cases of Europe Union (Eu) Countries Measures to Prepare to Integration is Examined, in Order to Provide Some Elements to Better Understand the Possibilities to Handle With the Extensive Changes in External Conditions. in Sequence Some Statistical Indicatives of the Impacts of These Measures on the Occupational Structuring are Analyzed For a Group of Selected Latin American and Eu Countries.