11 resultados para Investments, Foreign, and employment

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This paper provides evidence of the effects of adult literacy on individuals’ income and employability in Brazil based on information obtained from the monthly employment survey (PME). The OLS results indicate that after controlling for observable characteristics, there is a 21.25% increase in wages for individuals who become literate; however, there is no significant impact on employability. Moreover, the findings show an 8.1% increase in the probability of being employed in the formal sector. We also explore the longitudinal structure of the dataset to control for unobservable fixed characteristics of individuals. The fixed-effects estimators show smaller effects compared to the OLS estimators. We find that literacy has a 4.4% effect on wages and a 4.3% impact on the probability of being formally employed. The effects are significantly different from zero.


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This paper analyzes the effects of the mlmmum wage on both, eammgs and employment, using a Brazilian rotating panel data (Pesquisa Mensal do Emprego - PME) which has a similar design to the US Current Population Survey (CPS). First an intuitive description of the data is done by graphical analysis. In particular, Kemel densities are used to show that an increase in the minimum wage compresses the eamings distribution. This graphical analysis is then forrnalized by descriptive models. This is followed by a discussion on identification and endogeneity that leads to the respecification of the model. Second, models for employment are estimated, using an interesting decomposition that makes it possible to separate out the effects of an increase in the minimum wage on number of hours and on posts of jobs. The main result is that an increase in the minimum wage was found to compress the eamings distribution, with a moderately small effect on the leveI of employment, contributing to alleviate inequality.


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My presentation focuses on the implementation of a macroeconomic policy regime which, I believe, is capable of simultaneously attaining several targets, including the promotion of growth and employment and the prevention of external and financial crises.


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This work presents a fully operational interstate CGE model implemented for the Brazilian economy that tries to quantify both the role of barriers to trade on economic growth and foreign trade performance and how the distribution of the economic activity may change as the country opens up to foreign trade. Among the distinctive features embedded in the model, modeling of external scale economies, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs provides an innovative way of dealing explicitly with theoretical issues related to integrated regional systems. In order to illustrate the role played by the quality of infrastructure and geography on the country‟s foreign and interregional trade performance, a set of simulations is presented where barriers to trade are significantly reduced. The relative importance of trade policy, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs for the country trade relations and regional growth is then detailed and quantified, considering both short run as well as long run scenarios. A final set of simulations shed some light on the effects of liberal trade policies on regional inequality, where the manufacturing sector in the state of São Paulo, taken as the core of industrial activity in the country, is subjected to different levels of external economies of scale. Short-run core-periphery effects are then traced out suggesting the prevalence of agglomeration forces over diversion forces could rather exacerbate regional inequality as import barriers are removed up to a certain level. Further removals can reverse this balance in favor of diversion forces, implying de-concentration of economic activity. In the long run, factor mobility allows a better characterization of the balance between agglomeration and diversion forces among regions. Regional dispersion effects are then clearly traced-out, suggesting horizontal liberal trade policies to benefit both the poorest regions in the country as well as the state of São Paulo. This long run dispersion pattern, on one hand seems to unravel the fragility of simple theoretical results from recent New Economic Geography models, once they get confronted with more complex spatially heterogeneous (real) systems. On the other hand, it seems to capture the literature‟s main insight: the possible role of horizontal liberal trade policies as diversion forces leading to a more homogeneous pattern of interregional economic growth.


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Whether human capital increases or decreases wage uncertainty is an open ques- tion from an empirical standpoint. Yet, most policy prescriptions regarding human capital formation are based on models that impose riskiness on this type of invest- ment. We slightly deviate from the rest of the literature by allowing for non-linear income taxes in a two period model. This enables us to derive prescriptions that are robust to the risk characteristics of human capital: savings should be discouraged, human capital investments encouraged and both types of investment driven to an e¢ cient level from an aggregate perspective. These prescriptions are also robust to what choices are observed, even though the policy instruments used to implement them are not.


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This paper investigates the impact of FDI on the productivity of Portuguese manufacturing sectors. Model specification is improved by considering the choice of the most appropriate interval of the technological gap for spillovers diffusion. We also allow for sectoral variation in the coefficients of the spillover effect; idiosyncratic sectoral factors are identified by means of a fixed effects model. Inter-sectoral positive spillover effects are examined. Significant spillovers require a proper technological differential between foreign and domestic producers and favourable sectoral characteristics. They may occur in modern industries in which the foreign firms have a clear, but not too sharp, edge on the domestic ones. Agglomeration effects are also one pertinent specific influence.


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Whether human capital increases or decreases wage uncertainty is an open question from an empirical standpoint. Yet, most policy prescriptions regarding human capital formation are based on models that impose riskiness on this type of investment. In a two period and finite type optimal income taxation problem we derive prescriptions that are robust to the risk characteristics of human capital: savings should be discouraged, human capital investments encouraged and both types of investment driven to an efficient level from an aggregate perspective. These prescriptions are also robust to the assumptions regarding what choices are observed, despite policy instruments being not.


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Este trabalho faz uma resenha da literatura sobre Fundos Soberanos, destacando tópicos como suas origens, objetivos, impactos de seus investimentos, transparência e atuação destes instrumentos governamentais na recente crise financeira global. Analisa ainda a criação do Fundo Soberano Brasileiro buscando ressaltar seus prós e contras. Ressaltamos a necessidade de se observar superávits consistentes em Conta Corrente no Balanço de Pagamentos para justificar a constituição destes instrumentos. A simples existência de elevados volumes de reservas internacionais não serve como prerrogativa para sua criação, devendo-se analisar a sustentabilidade e volatilidade das fontes das divisas. Ainda, destacamos que os Fundos Soberanos são veículos de investimentos governamentais cuja relevância no mercado financeiro não justifica os temores que possam causar desequilíbrios relevantes, apesar das críticas e questionamentos em relação à falta de transparência na divulgação de informações acerca de seus investimentos.


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This paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment on the productivity performance of domestic firms in Portugal. The data comprise nine manufacturing sectors for the period 1992-95. Relatively to previous studies, model specification is improved by taking into consideration several aspects: the influence of the “technological gap” on spill-overs diffusion and the choice of its most appropriate interval; sectoral variation in the coefficients of the spill-overs effect; identification of constant, idiosyncratic sectoral factors by means of a fixed effects model; and the search for inter-sectoral positive spillover effects. The relationship between domestic firms productivity and the foreign presence does take place in a positive way, only if a proper technology differential between the foreign and domestic producers exists and the sectoral characteristics are favourable. In broad terms, spillovers diffusion is associated to modern industries in which the foreign owned establishments have a clear, but not too sharp, edge on the domestic ones. Besides, other specific sectoral influences can be pertinent; agglomerative location factors being one example.


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We investigate the impact of foreign direct investment on the productivity of domestic firms, using sectoral data for Portugal. An improved analysis takes into account the most appropriate interval for the technological gap between foreign and domestic firms. Sectoral variation of spillovers, idiosyncratic sectoral factors and the search for inter-sectoral effects provide new insights on the subject. Significant spillovers require a proper technology differential between the foreign and domestic producers and favourable sectoral characteristics. Broadly, they occur in modern industries in which foreign firms have a clear, but not too sharp, edge on the domestic ones. Agglomeration effects are also identified as pertinent specific influences.


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Essa tese é composta por três artigos na área de Economia da Educação que buscam investigar a questão do ensino médio técnico no Brasil. O primeiro e segundo artigos se inserem na literatura de avaliação de impacto dos tipos de ensino médio realizado, o de formação geral ou técnica, sobre os resultados do mercado de trabalho. Esse é um tema cada vez mais explorado em estudos empíricos internacionais, mas que ainda merece atenção dos pesquisadores no Brasil, seja para preencher lacunas no que se refere à identificação do efeito causal dessa política, seja porque o ensino técnico profissionalizante tenha se tornado alvo de maiores investimentos públicos nos últimos anos. Dessa forma, os dois artigos têm o propósito de estimar o efeito causal das habilidades técnicas adquiridas nos cursos técnicos de nível médio sobre os salários dos trabalhadores, no entanto se diferem pela fonte de dados utilizada. No primeiro artigo são utilizados os dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (IBGE) de 2007 e nossa contribuição está na estratégia de identificação do efeito causal, ao resolver o problema de auto seleção com o método de duplas diferenças (DD). Diversos testes de robustez foram realizados para dar suporte ao impacto positivo e estatisticamente significante que encontramos das habilidades técnicas sobre os salários, embora este seja restrito ao subgrupo de trabalhadores com no máximo o ensino médio completo. No segundo artigo foram utilizadas duas fontes de dados ainda não exploradas para esse fim, os microdados do ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) entre os anos de 2004 e 2006 e os dados da RAIS (Relação Anual de Informações Sociais) de 2009 a 2012 identificados por indivíduo (CPF). Por ser possível observar as notas dos jovens ao final do ensino médio, conseguimos separar os impactos do ensino médio técnico nos salários relacionados às habilidades técnicas específicas obtidas nos cursos técnicos, daqueles relacionados às habilidades gerais dos indivíduos (cognitivas ou não). Implementamos a estratégia de duplas diferenças e mais uma vez encontramos impacto positivo sobre os salários anuais dos jovens que concluíram o ensino médio técnico. Dessa vez nossos resultados são positivos tanto para os jovens que pararam seus estudos no ensino médio como para aqueles que concluíram o ensino superior. Verificamos a existência de heterogeneidade do efeito por região do país e nos quartis de distribuição de notas médias por escola no ENEM, indicando que os efeitos são crescentes com a qualidade oferecida pelas escolas. O terceiro artigo tem por objetivo estudar o mercado de trabalho no que diz respeito às ocupações tipicamente preenchidas por profissionais com nível médio técnico e analisar os diferenciais de salários dessas ocupações. A partir das ideias desenvolvidas no estudo, almejamos que ele seja orientador de políticas que relacionem educação técnica com demandas do mercado, com a finalidade de melhorar o matching entre formação e emprego. Entre as contribuições deste artigo estão a identificação e classificação das ocupações típicas de nível médio técnico pelo diferencial de salários, a correspondência entre as ocupações e as formações técnicas, a análise da atual oferta de vagas nos cursos correspondentes e o destaque para os cursos que parecem necessitar de maiores investimentos para o suprir as necessidades de mais profissionais.