3 resultados para Hyper-redundant manipulators
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
During the 1980¿s and the 1990¿s, the Brazilian federal government started to set up a new public administration policy called ¿managerial¿ conceived of new patterns of efficiency and effectiveness and extremelly concerned about optimizing state administration to grant best results for people. This decision has been taken due to three main reasons; (i) the worst fiscal crisis considering the last decades; (ii) exhaustion on interfering with Brazilian economy due to its opening to globalization, and (iii) extremelly deep-rooted burocratic methods. The Brazilian state reform presented as a diagnosis of the human resource government area: (i) gradual raising costs in payroll, allied to (ii) huge raising inefficiency in public services, and (iii) civil servants are unprepared to improve better responses to currents citizen demands and to adopt new methods of management based on the best professional performance and the best quality of public services. We have concluded that the federal government often tries to make civil servants redundant instead of adopting a real policy of management that would give them better conditions to improve their performance. This paper presents a concrete proposal to improve quality in civil servants performance by taking advantage of information technology and of our assumed country¿s democratization. We suggest that the Brazilian state reform must be and should be a new path of social growth and development not only in economic basis.
In the first essay, "Determinants of Credit Expansion in Brazil", analyzes the determinants of credit using an extensive bank level panel dataset. Brazilian economy has experienced a major boost in leverage in the first decade of 2000 as a result of a set factors ranging from macroeconomic stability to the abundant liquidity in international financial markets before 2008 and a set of deliberate decisions taken by President Lula's to expand credit, boost consumption and gain political support from the lower social strata. As relevant conclusions to our investigation we verify that: credit expansion relied on the reduction of the monetary policy rate, international financial markets are an important source of funds, payroll-guaranteed credit and investment grade status affected positively credit supply. We were not able to confirm the importance of financial inclusion efforts. The importance of financial sector sanity indicators of credit conditions cannot be underestimated. These results raise questions over the sustainability of this expansion process and financial stability in the future. The second essay, “Public Credit, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability”, discusses the role of public credit. The supply of public credit in Brazil has successfully served to relaunch the economy after the Lehman-Brothers demise. It was later transformed into a driver for economic growth as well as a regulation device to force private banks to reduce interest rates. We argue that the use of public funds to finance economic growth has three important drawbacks: it generates inflation, induces higher loan rates and may induce financial instability. An additional effect is the prevention of market credit solutions. This study contributes to the understanding of the costs and benefits of credit as a fiscal policy tool. The third essay, “Bayesian Forecasting of Interest Rates: Do Priors Matter?”, discusses the choice of priors when forecasting short-term interest rates. Central Banks that commit to an Inflation Target monetary regime are bound to respond to inflation expectation spikes and product hiatus widening in a clear and transparent way by abiding to a Taylor rule. There are various reports of central banks being more responsive to inflationary than to deflationary shocks rendering the monetary policy response to be indeed non-linear. Besides that there is no guarantee that coefficients remain stable during time. Central Banks may switch to a dual target regime to consider deviations from inflation and the output gap. The estimation of a Taylor rule may therefore have to consider a non-linear model with time varying parameters. This paper uses Bayesian forecasting methods to predict short-term interest rates. We take two different approaches: from a theoretic perspective we focus on an augmented version of the Taylor rule and include the Real Exchange Rate, the Credit-to-GDP and the Net Public Debt-to-GDP ratios. We also take an ”atheoretic” approach based on the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure to model short-term interest. The selection of priors is particularly relevant for predictive accuracy yet, ideally, forecasting models should require as little a priori expert insight as possible. We present recent developments in prior selection, in particular we propose the use of hierarchical hyper-g priors for better forecasting in a framework that can be easily extended to other key macroeconomic indicators.
O comércio de etanol entre Brasil e Estados Unidos é fortemente guiado por uma assimetria regulatória, que agrega valor ao etanol brasileiro ao gerar uma de-manda americana pelo produto derivado da cana de açúcar. A demanda advém dos mandatos de consumo de biocombustíveis estabelecidos no programa americano conhecido como Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). A assimetria emerge pelo fato de RFS dar ao etanol brasileiro a classificação de Biocombustível Avançado, tornando-o para os Estados Unidos um produto mais nobre que o etanol derivado do amido de milho produzido domesticamente. Apesar dos processos produtivos tornarem os dois produtos diferenciados quanto ao teor de emissão de CO2 em seus ciclos de vida, o produto final é o mesmo: etanol anidro combustível. Portanto, quando a aquisição de etanol brasileiro pelos Estados Unidos é tal que torna o balanço do-méstico de oferta e demanda deficitário no Brasil, faz-se necessária a importação brasileira de etanol americano. Esse vai e vem do produto ocorre de forma simultâ-nea e, por isso, considera-se a existência de um fluxo redundante de etanol, geran-do custos logísticos, transacionais e emissões de CO2 que poderiam ser evitados. Dado que o objeto do interesse americano pelo produto brasileiro é o baixo índice de emissões de CO2 no ciclo de vida do etanol de cana de açúcar, o fluxo redun-dante de etanol pode ser substituído por transações de Créditos de Biocombustível Avançado, uma nova ideia que é desenvolvida ao longo deste trabalho. Para cada Crédito transacionado, os Estados Unidos contabilizarão em seu balanço a emissão de CO2 correspondente ao volume equivalente de etanol de cana de açúcar, trans-ferindo para o Brasil as emissões correspondentes ao mesmo volume de etanol de-rivado do amido de milho. A substituição do fluxo físico pela transação de contratos é a fonte de economia proposta no título deste trabalho.