4 resultados para Government-controlled corporation

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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The present paper aspires to join two different debates: (i) what is the State’s best organizational model to promote distinctive public services; and (ii) what role Law should perform in the promotion of a nation’s economic and social development. More specifically, this study examines whether the institutions created by the Brazilian normative system are able to balance the antagonist interests of the State and minority shareholders in a Government-Controlled Corporation. In this pursuit, this paper analyzes the changes that occurred in SABESP S.A. during the period between the years of 2000 – 2010, of major transformations in the Brazilian Water and Sewage sector. At that time, the company was introduced to the Novo Mercado of BM&FBovespa, was forced to execute agreements with conceding authorities and started to be monitored by ARSESP, an independent regulatory agency. Initial findings suggest that these institutions were able to create incentives for the company to strive for a more efficient performance, often succeeding in aligning the contrasting interests of the State and minority shareholders. Final conclusions are that: (i) Government-Controlled Corporations can be powerful public policy promotion instruments in sectors that are complex and capital intensive; and (ii) Law can and should perform a much more active role in sponsoring economic and social development than merely acting to diminish transaction costs to allow for the adequate functioning of markets.


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Esse artigo buscou examinar como o tipo de controlador afeta a relação remuneração e desempenho da diretoria nas empresas brasileiras no período de 2010 a 2013. Primeiramente, o controle no Brasil ainda é majoritariamente exercido por firmas familiares, e que o capital também é concentrado, sendo em média 65% do capital detido pelos 5 maiores acionistas. Quanto a análise econometrica os resultados indicaram que: As empresas de controle familiar e governamental remuneram seus gestores com um valor menor em relação os outros tipos de controle; Não foi possível fazer inferência acerca da influência do controlador nas empresas institucionais; As empresas sem controlador remuneram o seu gestor com um valor maior de remuneração. Por fim, quanto ao desempenho, em nenhuma das equações o ROA foi significativo, demonstrando fracos mecanismos de remuneração ou capacidade do gestor em determinar sua compensação


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The present study is focused on the analysis of the three main governmental measures occurred in 2000-2006 in Russian defense industry: the creation of the holding structures, the establishing of the state monopoly in arms export, and creation of the United Aviation Construction Corporation (Ob¿edinennaya Aviastroitel¿naya Corporatziya), which was initiated by the President and Government of Russian Federation in 2006. The last project assumes the consolidation and joining of all producers of civil and military aviation into one united corporation in order to save the technological and productive potential of the sector after serious crisis in 1990-s. On the other hand, this project can be considered as one of the measures to establish state control and hierarchy in the defense industry. The current project tries to analyze the necessity and the possible impacts of restructuring processes. In order to perform such analysis, I need to observe the evolution of the sector, which involves the description of the restructuring and reforming of the industry since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The current situation in aviation sector was shaped by number of reforms performed by Government of Russian Federation, which I describe in phases: conversion, privatization, decentralization, followed by evident desire of the state to establish control over some companies. Later on, I am trying to understand the reasons lying behind all reforms of 2000-2006 and the integration of the industry. I also try to predict which impacts on the companies it will have. The last part presents the main conclusions of the paper.


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How isolated is Venezuela’s government from the people it supposedly represents? Very isolated indeed, according to a study commissioned by beyondbrics from Marco Ruediger and colleages at FGV DAPP, the department of public policy analysis at the Fundação Getulio Vergas in Rio de Janeiro. The study, derived from activity on Twitter, demonstrates the extreme polarisation of opinion in the country and suggests that Venezuela’s media, often either controlled or suppressed by the government, is increasingly lining up with opposition voices.