36 resultados para Globalização - Brasil

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This dissertation adds new evidences and explanations to two distinct streams of debate. The first one refers to the globalisation (or dissemination) of technological innovative capabilities in the context of newly industrialised economies. The second one refers to common generalisations about the deterioration of the innovative capabilities in Latin American countries after 1990. This study was motivated by a lack of empirical studies focused on the relationship between the globalisation of innovative capabilities and sources to build them up in emerging organisations, especially R&D institutes. This dissertation is focused on the globalisation of innovative capabilities at the information and communication technology industry in Brazil. The globalisation of innovative capabilities is measured by the technological capabilities types and levels of 18 national R&D institutes related to this industry. Besides, this dissertation examines sources to build up innovative capabilities in the sampled institutes, namely: their intra-organisational learning processes and the linkages established with firms and the technological infra-structure. The study is based on first-hand empirical evidences, collected by different data-gathering sources in an extensive fieldwork. The data were examined with analytical frameworks, organised in the light of the theoretical basis of the study. The study has found the dissemination of innovative capabilities has been occurring in the Brazilian ICT industry with the involvement of the technological infra-structure with innovative activities. Besides that, the variety of the intra-organisational learning processes and the types of linkages established with technological infra-structure and firms have been influencing the development of innovative capabilities. The evidences that emerge from this study contradict common generalizations and arguments about the inexistence of innovative activities and about the technological infra-structure weakness in emerging or newly industrialized economies.


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This dissertation seeks to add new evidence to the international debate on globalization of innovation in the developing countries context. Globalization of innovation, in this dissertation, is defined and measured by the types, levels and rate of innovative technological capability accumulation and the underlying technological learning processes (sources of capabilities) at the firm level in late-industrializing countries ¿ or developing countries. This relationship is examined within a large transnational corporation (TNC) subsidiary of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Brasil: Motorola do Brasil during over the period from 1996 to 2006. In the international literature there is a strong debate on the extent to which innovative technological capabilities have been spreading internationally. But, the most of the studies are focused on early industrialized countries. In other words, there is still a scarcity of analysis, mainly at the firm level, from the perspective of developing countries. This dissertation supports itself in analytical basis developed in the international literature on accumulation of technological capabilities and learning in the context of developing countries. The learning processes examined in this dissertation are: (i) intra-firm learning processes; (ii) inter-firm learning processes (links between mother and sister companies); and (iii) links between the firm and other organizations of the innovation system (universities, research institutes, among others). Based on first-hand empirical evidence, qualitative and quantitative, collected on the basis of extensive fieldwork, this dissertation examines these issues with adequate level of detail and depth, in this large company in Brazil. The study results suggest that: Concerning the path of the technological capability accumulation, the firm exhibited heterogeneity in the path of accumulation of technological capabilities to distinct functions. For the functions Software Engineering and Process and Management Project the firm reached the Level 6 (Innovative Intermediate Superior), on a scale that ranges from 1 to 7; In relation to technological capability sources, the firm deliberately sought and built sources of knowledge in order to develop and sustain its innovative technological capabilities. The dissertation, thus, contributes to adding new empirical evidence to the debate on globalization of innovative capabilities from a late-industrializing perspective.


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This dissertation seeks to add new evidence to the international debate on globalization of innovation in the developing countries context. Globalization of innovation, in this dissertation, is defined and measured by the types, levels and rate of innovative technological capability accumulation and the underlying technological learning processes (sources of capabilities) at the firm level in late-industrializing countries ¿ or developing countries. This relationship is examined within a large transnational corporation (TNC) subsidiary of the information and communication technology (ICT) sector in Brasil: Motorola do Brasil during over the period from 1996 to 2006. In the international literature there is a strong debate on the extent to which innovative technological capabilities have been spreading internationally. But, the most of the studies are focused on early industrialized countries. In other words, there is still a scarcity of analysis, mainly at the firm level, from the perspective of developing countries. This dissertation supports itself in analytical basis developed in the international literature on accumulation of technological capabilities and learning in the context of developing countries. The learning processes examined in this dissertation are: (i) intra-firm learning processes; (ii) inter-firm learning processes (links between mother and sister companies); and (iii) links between the firm and other organizations of the innovation system (universities, research institutes, among others). Based on first-hand empirical evidence, qualitative and quantitative, collected on the basis of extensive fieldwork, this dissertation examines these issues with adequate level of detail and depth, in this large company in Brazil. The study results suggest that: Concerning the path of the technological capability accumulation, the firm exhibited heterogeneity in the path of accumulation of technological capabilities to distinct functions. For the functions Software Engineering and Process and Management Project the firm reached the Level 6 (Innovative Intermediate Superior), on a scale that ranges from 1 to 7; In relation to technological capability sources, the firm deliberately sought and built sources of knowledge in order to develop and sustain its innovative technological capabilities. The dissertation, thus, contributes to adding new empirical evidence to the debate on globalization of innovative capabilities from a late-industrializing perspective.


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Trata da concorrência que a indústria de defensivos agrícolas, instalada no país, está exposta em conseqüência da globalização dos mercados e da formação dos mercados regionais. Analisa as principais estratégias utilizadas por esta indústria, para a manutenção da sua participação de mercado. Aponta as principais tendências percebidas para o agribusiness e para a agricultura nacional


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Ainda existe muito questionamento sobre a eficiência da comunicação Global. A tese aborda as variáveis que influenciam o processo de globalização e as conseqüências sobre a CIMG - Comunicação Integrada de Marketing Global, estabelecendo um paralelo sobre a sua aplicação no Brasil por meio de pesquisa junto às agências de São Paulo, Brasil. Apresenta novas definições para a comunicação integrada de marketing em três níveis de abrangência geográfica e propõe um modelo das condições necessárias para que a comunicação possa produzir melhor resultado.


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A inflação diminuiu significativamente no mundo a partir de meados da década de 80. Mesmo tendo atingido níveis historicamente baixos em ao final da década de 90, a inflação continuou diminuindo no início do século vinte e um. Este trabalho discute as razões por trás desta queda na inflação mundial e avalia se a redução na inflação no Brasil nos últimos anos foi favorecida pela globalização ou por fatores globais. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho indicam pouca ou nenhuma sensibilidade da inflação no Brasil a fatores globais, como o hiato do produto do resto do mundo e preços de importação. A maior abertura econômica é foi a única variável relacionada com a globalização que se mostrou como significante na determinação da inflação no Brasil. Apesar da pouca relação dos determinantes da inflação no Brasil com o resto do mundo, o hiato do produto global foi uma variável significante na determinação do hiato do produto no Brasil.


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Nesta dissertação se propõe a analisar a política cultural do Brasil no exterior e em especial sua participação no processo de criação do Mercosul Cultural. O presente ensaio verifica até que ponto o Brasil conta com uma política cultural no exterior que possa realmente promover difundir e intercambiar a cultura brasileira em âmbito internacional. Buscou-se dentre os vários modelos existentes de política pública marcos teóricos que pudessem servir como parâmetros na análise da política cultural externa brasileira, utilizando-se principalmente as fases de uma política pública e o modelo ótimo normativo de Dror. De maneira geral o autor procurou examinar ao lado da análise da política cultural do Brasil no exterior o processo de integração internacional e a participação do Brasil na globalização enfatizando a cultura como fator fundamental no processo de regionalização promovido atualmente pela Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai.


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Esta dissertação analisa as transformações ocorridas na indústria editorial de livros no Brasil frente à abertura da economia iniciada em 1990 até a atualidade. São utilizados três conjuntos de determinantes da globalização sugeridos pela teoria (tecnológico, político e econômico) como dimensões de análise. A partir de dados bibliográficos, documentais e entrevistas com empresários e dirigentes de entidades representativas da indústria concluiu-se que estes determinantes apontados pela teoria realmente implicaram em transformações significativas na indústria editorial brasileira e revelaram-se critérios úteis para avaliação do impacto da globalização não só na indústria em geral, como também em setores industriais específicos.


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The objective of this study was to identify the real organizational status of major law firms in Brazil compared to fordism and post-fordism organizational economic paradigms. In order to fulfill the objectives, an exploratory-explanatory research was carried out through case studies. The two major Brazilian law firms, according the study developed by the newspaper Gazeta Mercantil (PANORAMA SETORIAL ¿ ESCRITÓRIOS DE ADVOCACIA, 2002), Pinheiro Neto Advogados (PN) and Tozzini, Freire, Teixeira e Silva Advogados (TFTS), were researched. The case study was based on multiple evidence analysis: semi-structured interviews, documents and records analysis, and direct observations. The report of the research was structured by presenting a detailed introduction about lawyer and the law firms, including their historics main characteristics and factors which lead up to the constitution of these firms, showing the relationship among information technologies, globalizations and the need of strategic recontextualization of law firms. The data collected showed how these aspects presented in the studied unities. It was concluded through this research that PN and TFTS present an organizational development compatible to what is frequently practised in the organizations as far as contemporary organizational techniques and tools are concerned; neither fordism nor the transitional process to post-fordism, intensified the division of work of the lawyer; the new information technologies are essential for the maintenance of the sustained competitive advantage within the post-fordism scenario.


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The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.


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Procede à mensuração e à interpretação do processo evolutivo da indústria bancária no Brasil, de maneira sistemática, sob uma perspectiva histórica e comparada. Mostra como o sistema financeiro, e em particular o segmento bancário, desenvolveram-se a partir de um modelo calcado na especialização e segmentação das instituições financeiras, determinado pelas reformas do biênio 1964-65; como e por que ocorreram desvios posteriores em relação a esse modelo; e identifica duas novas fases críticas - a desregulamentação ocorrida em 1988, face à criação do banco múltiplo e extinção da carta-patente, e a regulamentação baixada em 1994, que elevou as exigências para a abertura, funcionamento e expansão das atividades das instituições financeiras. Levanta um questionamento sobre a nova fase que advirá com o processo de globalização das economias e dos mercados


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Esta tese pretende investigar, através de uma pesquisa de campo, a importância que os executivos da alta cúpula da empresa e os gerentes de recursos humanos atribuem a essa área. Os dados obtidos foram confrontados com a teoria de recursos humanos no sentido de se buscar uma comparação entre a teoria e a prática do processo de admiuistrar as pessoas.


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A discussão sobre a reformulação do Estado é tema que se faz presente no nosso cotidiano, já que o Estado brasileiro se encontra em meio a uma fase de transição, enfrentando o dilema da redefinição de suas funções e conseqüentemente sua nova estrutura. Diversos outros países já se depararam e vêm se deparando com esse mesmo desafio de estabelecer de que maneira deve ocorrer o redirecionamento e a transformação do Estado face às novas condições que predominam em meio a um contexto de revolução tecnológica, "enterro" do paradigma socialista, globalização, entre outros


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O presente trabalho versa sobre os impactos do novo paradigma tecno-econômico sobre a condução de políticas de desenvolvimento regional, enfocando a emergência de vantagens competitivas dinâmicas, a partir da desterritorialização dos empreendimentos. Tomando como base os novos requisitos locacionais, bem como os processos de globalização e regionalização, analisa a proposta de política regional e inserção competitiva do Governo Federal Brasileiro presente nos planos plurianuais de investimento para os período de 1996/99 e 200-2003, destacando, também o papel das esferas subnacionais de governo