5 resultados para Global legal disorder

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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New emerging international dynamics introduce a global poly-axiological polycentric disorder which undermines the tradition of a unique global legal order in international law. Modern Era was characterized by Western European civilizational model – from which human rights is a byproduct. This consensus had its legitimacy tested by XXst century’s scenario – and the ‘BRICS factor/actor’ is a symptom of this reality. Its empowerment in world politics lead to the rise of distinct groups of States/civilizations provided with different legal, political, economic and social traditions – promoting an unexpected uprise of otherness in international legal order and inviting it to a complete and unforeseeable reframing process. Beyond Washington or Brussels Consensus, other custom-originated discourses (Brasília, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking or Cape Town Consensus, among other unfolded possibilities) will probably henceforth attempt shaping international law in present global legal disorder.


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This article describes some of the current transformations regarding the processes by which information and culture are generated, from the point of view of developing countries. In this brief analysis, the article discusses the role of projects such as Creative Commons for developing countries. It also discusses the idea of legal commons and social commons. While the idea of legal commons can be understood as the voluntary use of licenses such as Creative Commons in order to create a “commons”, the idea of social commons has to do with the tensions between legality and illegality in developing countries. These tensions appear prominently in the so-called global “peripheries”, and in many instances make the legal structure of intellectual property irrelevant, unfamiliar, or unenforceable, for various reasons. With the emergence of digital technology and the Internet, in many places and regions in developing countries (especially in the “peripheries”), technology ended up arriving earlier than the idea of intellectual property. Such a de facto situation propitiated the emergence of cultural industries that were not driven by intellectual property incentives. In these cultural businesses, the idea of “sharing” and of free dissemination of the content is intrinsic to the social circumstances taking place in these peripheries. Also, the appropriation of technology on the part of the “peripheries” ends up promoting autonomous forms of bridging the digital divide, such as the “LAN house” phenomenon discussed below. This paper proposes that many lessons can be learned from the business models emerging from social commons practices in developing countries. The tension between legality and illegality in “peripheral” areas in developing countries is not new. The work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others in the 1970s was paradigmatic for the discussion of legal pluralism regarding the occupation of land in Brazil. This paper aims to follow in that same pioneer tradition of studies about legal pluralism, and to apply those principles to the discussion of “intellectual property” rather than the ownership of land.


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O processo de globalização dos últimos anos evidenciou que as atividades estatais são desagregadas em favor de uma estrutura de relações entre diferentes atores que operam em um contexto global. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa defende que o que pode precisamente ser compreendido como verdadeiramente “global” evidenciado nas últimas décadas do século XX são a transformações das mudanças ambientais em desafios globais. Ao analisar, especificamente, a questão da biossegurança, torna-se importante, portanto, destacar dentro deste contexto de globalização, os aspectos relevantes de governança global (processo no qual diferentes atores estão envolvidos), mais especificamente, a transferência de política, no qual a formulação de políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento social é influenciada por experiências em contextos políticos distintos. Diante disto, foi definido como objetivo de pesquisa analisar como o Protocolo de Cartagena (instrumento legal independente desenvolvido em conformidade com a Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica em 2000, Montreal) influenciou na formulação e na implementação da Política Nacional de Biossegurança (PNB) brasileira (com base na Lei nº 11.105) no que se refere aos alimentos transgênicos no período de 2000-2009. Para isto, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental sobre o tema de estudo e uma pesquisa empírica por meio de entrevista com pessoas que participam diretamente ou indiretamente na PNB e que, se não participam atualmente, já atuaram nesta Política ou acompanharam seu processo de formulação. Os resultados revelaram que é possível concluir que houve a existência de um processo de transferência de política do Protocolo de Cartagena à PNB, porém no formato de aprendizado (ou lesson drawing).


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How to deal with the impacts of the exchange rate on the trade balance of Brazil? There is not a single answer to such question. In order to find out some legal approaches for this matter, this paper aims to describe and analyze the role of the IMF, WTO and the governments of Brazil and the United States on the currency misalignments, especially the extraterritorial effects of such misalignment on the Brazil’s bilateral trade with the United States. The article concludes that the Currency Swap Agreements and other bilateral solutions may minimize the distortions that the Brazilian balance of payment against the USA is carrying, due to the lack of legal solutions for the problem of the exchange rate misalignments that Brazil is facing.


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The idea that life undergoes a process of functional differentiation, and that, as a consequence, law becomes increasingly specialized – and maybe even transforms in its very nature – is now widespread. The specialized clusters of law or regulation are very often called regimes, in the international arena, international or transnational regimes. This paper deals, first, with three strong representations of international regimes and discusses some of their problems. It argues that, in order to make a good use of the category, it is necessary to keep in mind the differentiation between law and non-law in the wider context of governance. It then turns, firstly, to the notion of regimes as fragments of a unified and coherent public international law order and, secondly, as meeting points of regulations emerging from different legal orders as well as from other non-legal sources. Within public international law, regimes are seen as related to what is called the double fragmentation of that legal order. As clusters of regulation within a wider global regulatory order, regimes are put in relation to two types of legal or regulatory pluralism.