19 resultados para General state space

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This paper shows existence of approximate recursive equilibrium with minimal state space in an environment of incomplete markets. We prove that the approximate recursive equilibrium implements an approximate sequential equilibrium which is always close to a Magill and Quinzii equilibrium without short sales for arbitrarily small errors. This implies that the competitive equilibrium can be implemented by using forecast statistics with minimal state space provided that agents will reduce errors in their estimates in the long run. We have also developed an alternative algorithm to compute the approximate recursive equilibrium with incomplete markets and heterogeneous agents through a procedure of iterating functional equations and without using the rst order conditions of optimality.


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This paper has several original contributions. The first is to employ a superior interpolation method that enables to estimate, nowcast and forecast monthly Brazilian GDP for 1980-2012 in an integrated way; see Bernanke, Gertler and Watson (1997, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity). Second, along the spirit of Mariano and Murasawa (2003, Journal of Applied Econometrics), we propose and test a myriad of interpolation models and interpolation auxiliary series- all coincident with GDP from a business-cycle dating point of view. Based on these results, we finally choose the most appropriate monthly indicator for Brazilian GDP. Third, this monthly GDP estimate is compared to an economic activity indicator widely used by practitioners in Brazil - the Brazilian Economic Activity Index - (IBC-Br). We found that the our monthly GDP tracks economic activity better than IBC-Br. This happens by construction, since our state-space approach imposes the restriction (discipline) that our monthly estimate must add up to the quarterly observed series in any given quarter, which may not hold regarding IBC-Br. Moreover, our method has the advantage to be easily implemented: it only requires conditioning on two observed series for estimation, while estimating IBC-Br requires the availability of hundreds of monthly series. Third, in a nowcasting and forecasting exercise, we illustrate the advantages of our integrated approach. Finally, we compare the chronology of recessions of our monthly estimate with those done elsewhere.


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This paper has several original contributions. The rst is to employ a superior interpolation method that enables to estimate, nowcast and forecast monthly Brazilian GDP for 1980-2012 in an integrated way; see Bernanke, Gertler and Watson (1997, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity). Second, along the spirit of Mariano and Murasawa (2003, Journal of Applied Econometrics), we propose and test a myriad of interpolation models and interpolation auxiliary series all coincident with GDP from a business-cycle dating point of view. Based on these results, we nally choose the most appropriate monthly indicator for Brazilian GDP. Third, this monthly GDP estimate is compared to an economic activity indicator widely used by practitioners in Brazil - the Brazilian Economic Activity Index - (IBC-Br). We found that the our monthly GDP tracks economic activity better than IBC-Br. This happens by construction, since our state-space approach imposes the restriction (discipline) that our monthly estimate must add up to the quarterly observed series in any given quarter, which may not hold regarding IBC-Br. Moreover, our method has the advantage to be easily implemented: it only requires conditioning on two observed series for estimation, while estimating IBC-Br requires the availability of hundreds of monthly series. Third, in a nowcasting and forecasting exercise, we illustrate the advantages of our integrated approach. Finally, we compare the chronology of recessions of our monthly estimate with those done elsewhere.


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This paper has several original contributions. The rst is to employ a superior interpolation method that enables to estimate, nowcast and forecast monthly Brazilian GDP for 1980-2012 in an integrated way; see Bernanke, Gertler and Watson (1997, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity). Second, along the spirit of Mariano and Murasawa (2003, Journal of Applied Econometrics), we propose and test a myriad of interpolation models and interpolation auxiliary series all coincident with GDP from a business-cycle dating point of view. Based on these results, we nally choose the most appropriate monthly indicator for Brazilian GDP. Third, this monthly GDP estimate is compared to an economic activity indicator widely used by practitioners in Brazil- the Brazilian Economic Activity Index - (IBC-Br). We found that the our monthly GDP tracks economic activity better than IBC-Br. This happens by construction, since our state-space approach imposes the restriction (discipline) that our monthly estimate must add up to the quarterly observed series in any given quarter, whichmay not hold regarding IBC-Br. Moreover, our method has the advantage to be easily implemented: it only requires conditioning on two observed series for estimation, while estimating IBC-Br requires the availability of hundreds of monthly series. Third, in a nowcasting and forecasting exercise, we illustrate the advantages of our integrated approach. Finally, we compare the chronology of recessions of our monthly estimate with those done elsewhere.


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The first contribution of this paper is to employ a superior interpolation method that enables to estimate, nowcast and forecast monthly Brazilian GDP for 1980-2012 in an integrated way; see Bernanke, Gertler and Watson (1997, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity). The second contribution, along the spirit of Mariano and Murasawa (2003, Journal of Applied Econometrics), is to propose and test a myriad of inter-polation models and interpolation auxiliary series all coincident with GDP from a business-cycle dating point of view. Based on these results, we finally choose the most appropriate monthly indicator for Brazilian GDP. Third, this monthly GDP estimate is compared to an economic activity indicator widely used by practitioners in Brazil - the Brazilian Economic Activity Index - (IBC-Br). We found that our monthly GDP tracks economic activity better than IBC-Br. This happens by construction, since our state-space approach imposes the restriction (discipline) that our monthly estimate must add up to the quarterly observed series in any given quarter, which may not hold regarding IBC-Br. Moreover, our method has the advantage to be easily implemented: it only requires conditioning on two observed series for estimation, while estimating IBC-Br requires the availability of hundreds of monthly series. The third contribution is to illustrate, in a nowcasting and forecasting exercise, the advantages of our integrated approach. Finally, we compare the chronology of recessions of our monthly estimate with those done elsewhere.


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We establish a general Lagrangian for the moral hazard problem which generalizes the well known first order approach (FOA). It requires that besides the multiplier of the first order condition, there exist multipliers for the second order condition and for the binding actions of the incentive compatibility constraint. Some examples show that our approach can be useful to treat the finite and infinite state space cases. One of the examples is solved by the second order approach. We also compare our Lagrangian with 1\1irrlees'.


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We establish a general Lagrangian for the moral hazard problem which generalizes the well known first order approach (FOA). It requires that besides the multiplier of the first order condition, there exist multipliers for the second order condition and for the binding actions of the incentive compatibility constraint. Some examples show that our approach can be useful to treat the finite and infinite state space cases. One of the examples is solved by the second order approach. We also compare our Lagrangian with 1\1irrlees'.


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Neste artigo, foi estimada a taxa natural de juros para a economia brasileira entre o final de 2001 e segundo trimestre de 2010 com base em dois modelos, sendo o primeiro deles o proposto por Laubach e Williams e o segundo proposto por Mesónnier e Renne, que trata de uma versão alterada do primeiro, que segundo os autores perimite uma estimação mais transparente e robusta. Em ambos os modelos, a taxa natural de juros é estimada em conjunto com o produto potencial, através de filtro de Kalman, no formato de um modelo Espaço de Estado. As estimativas provenientes dos dois modelos não apresentam diferenças relevantes, o que gera maior confiabilidade nos resultados obtidos. Para o período de maior interesse deste estudo (pós-2005), dada a existência de outras análises para período anterior, as estimativas mostram que a taxa natural de juros está em queda na economia brasileira desde 2006. A mensuração da taxa natural de juros, adicionalmente, possibilitou que fosse feita uma avaliação sobre a condução da política monetária implementada pelo Banco Central brasileiro nos últimos anos através do conceito de hiato de juros. Em linhas gerais, a análise mostrou um Banco Central mais conservador entre o final de 2001 e 2005, e mais próximo da neutralidade desde então. Esta conclusão difere da apontada por outros estudos, especialmente para o primeiro período.


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This paper analyses general equilibrium models with finite heterogeneous agents having exogenous expectations on endogenous uncertainty. It is shown that there exists a recursive equilibrium with the state space consisting of the past aggregate portfolio distribution and the current state of the nature and that it implements the sequential equilibrium. We establish conditions under which the recursive equilibrium is continuous. Moreover, we use the continuous recursive relation of the aggregate variables to prove that if the economy has two types of agents, the one who commits persistent mistakes on the expectation rules of the future endogenous variables is driven out of the market by the others with correct anticipations of the variables, that is, the rational expectations agents.


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O trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a existência e a relevância dos Efeitos Calendário em indicadores industriais. São explorados modelos univariados lineares para o indicador mensal da produção industrial brasileira e alguns de seus componentes. Inicialmente é realizada uma análise dentro da amostra valendo-se de modelos estruturais de espaço-estado e do algoritmo de seleção Autometrics, a qual aponta efeito significante da maioria das variáveis relacionadas ao calendário. Em seguida, através do procedimento de Diebold-Mariano (1995) e do Model Confidence Set, proposto por Hansen, Lunde e Nason (2011), são realizadas comparações de previsões de modelos derivados do Autometrics com um dispositivo simples de Dupla Diferença para um horizonte de até 24 meses à frente. Em geral, os modelos Autometrics que consideram as variáveis de calendário se mostram superiores nas projeções de 1 a 2 meses adiante e superam o modelo simples em todos os horizontes. Quando se agrega os componentes de categoria de uso para formar o índice industrial total, há evidências de ganhos nas projeções de prazo mais curto.


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The article suggests a new test for strong hysteresis in international trade. The variables that capture the effects of hysteresis are based on the model of Dixit (1989) with calibrations using a state-space model to determine the parameters for each point in time. These variables are then applied to a cointegration test with breaks, where it is possible to verify whether the hysteresis effect is essential in determining the long-term equilibrium.


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The goal of this paper is to evaluate the validity of the Taylor principle for inflation control in 12 developing countries that use inflation targeting regimes: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Turkey. The test is based on a state-space model to determine when each country has followed the principle; then a threshold unit root test is used to verify if the stationarity of the deviation of the expected inflation from its target depends on compliance with the Taylor principle. The results show that such compliance leads to the stationarity of the deviation of the expected inflation from its target in all cases. Furthermore, in most cases, non-compliance with the Taylor principle leads to nonstationary deviation of the expected inflation.


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This thesis has three chapters. Chapter 1 explores literature about exchange rate pass-through, approaching both empirical and theoretical issues. In Chapter 2, we formulate an estate space model for the estimation of the exchange rate pass-through of the Brazilian Real against the US Dollar, using monthly data from August 1999 to August 2008. The state space approach allows us to verify some empirical aspects presented by economic literature, such as coe cients inconstancy. The estimates o ffer evidence that the pass-through had variation over the observed sample. The state space approach is also used to test whether some of the "determinants" of pass-through are related to the exchange rate pass-through variations observed. According to our estimates, the variance of the exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy and trade ow have infuence on the exchange rate pass-through. The third and last chapter proposes the construction of a coincident and leading indicator of economic activity in the United States of America. These indicators are built using a probit state space model to incorporate the deliberations of the NBER Dating Cycles Committee regarding the state of the economy in the construction of the indexes. The estimates o ffer evidence that the NBER Committee weighs the coincident series (employees in nonagricultural payrolls, industrial production, personal income less transferences and sales) di fferently way over time and between recessions. We also had evidence that the number of employees in nonagricultural payrolls is the most important coincident series used by the NBER to de fine the periods of recession in the United States.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar a Curva de Juros Mensal para o Brasil através de três fatores, comparando dois tipos de métodos de estimação: Através da Representação em Espaço de Estado é possível estimá-lo por dois Métodos: Filtro de Kalman e Mínimos Quadrados em Dois Passos. Os fatores têm sua dinâmica representada por um Modelo Autorregressivo Vetorial, VAR(1), e para o segundo método de estimação, atribui-se uma estrutura para a Variância Condicional. Para a comparação dos métodos empregados, propõe-se uma forma alternativa de compará-los: através de Processos de Markov que possam modelar conjuntamente o Fator de Inclinação da Curva de Juros, obtido pelos métodos empregados neste trabalho, e uma váriavel proxy para Desempenho Econômico, fornecendo alguma medida de previsão para os Ciclos Econômicos.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com base, principalmente, nas contribuições de autores psicanalíticos que, na abordagem do processo de formação da personalidade, enfatizam as primeiras relações que o indivíduo estabelece no seu ambiente imediato, especialmente, com a 'pessoa maternal'. Por outro lado, enfoques que podem ser considerados complementares, são também utilizados, na medida em que auxiliam a compreensão dos complexos fatores envolvidos na formação das fronteiras individuais. São, desse modo, focalizados, em duas etapas fundamentais (e principais), os processos que, no desenvolvimento normal, levam, a partir de um estado geral de indiferenciação, à distinção entre 'EU' e o 'OUTRO' e a um resultante sentimento de identidade pessoal. São, também, abordados os desenvolvimentos não satisfatórios e suas prováveis implicações nos distúrbios psicopatológicos posteriores. A importância da 'pessoa maternal' é destacada por sua ativa participação no progresso da criança 'rumo à independência'. Além de suprir 'suficientemente bem' as suas necessidades, ela deve, amorosamente, permitir à criança vivenciar a si mesma como um ser 'real', para que ela possa alcançar o sentimento do 'EU'. Os limites do indivíduo podem ser, finalmente, visualizados, não apenas em termos de uma dimensão espacial (limites físicos) e de uma dimensão temporal (continuidade de ser), mas, sobretudo, em termos de 'uma dimensão relacional. É neste campo que o indivíduo pode realizar urna diferenciação genuína, ou tornar-se um reflexo das diferenciações de outros.