5 resultados para Female labor participation

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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We construct a frictionless matching model of the marriage market where women have bidimensional attributes, one continuous (income) and the other dichotomous (home ability). Equilibrium in the marriage market determines intrahousehold allocation of resources and female labor participation. Our model is able to predict partial non-assortative matching, with rich men marrying women with low income but high home ability. We then perform numerical exercises to evaluate the impacts of income taxes in individual welfare and find that there is considerable divergence in the female labor participation response to taxes between the short run and the long run.


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We investigate the effects of augmented life expectancy and health improvements on human capital investment, labor supply and fertility decisions. Our main motivation is the prediction of human capital theory that a longer and healthier life encourages educational investment and female labor force participation, while discouraging fertility. To assess the magnitude of these effects, we explore a national campaign against Chagas disease in Brazil as an exogenous source of adult mortality decline and improvement in health conditions. We show that, relative to non-endemic areas, previously endemic regions saw higher increases in educational investment, measured by literacy, school attendance and years of schooling, following the campaign. Additionally, we find that labor force participation increased in high prevalence areas relative to low prevalence ones. Furthermore, we estimate a substantially higher effect on female labor force participation relative to male, suggesting that longevity gains and health improvements affected women's incentives to work, encouraging women to join the labor force. We do not find significant effects on fertility decisions.


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This paper presents new evidence of the causal effect of family size on child quality in a developing-country context. We estimate the impact of family size on child labor and educational outcomes among Brazilian children and young adults by exploring the exogenous variation of family size driven by the presence of twins in the family. Using the Brazilian Census data for 1991, we nd that the exogenous increase in family size is positively related to labor force participation for boys and girls and to household chores for young women. We also and negative e ects on educational outcomes for boys and girls and negative impacts on human capital formation for young female adults. Moreover, we obtain suggestive evidence that credit and time constraints faced by poor families may explain the findings.


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This paper explores the question: is working as young laborer harmful to an individual in terms of adult outcomes in income? This question is explored through the utilization of a unique set of instruments that control for the decision to work as a child and the decision of how much schooling to acquire. These instruments are combined with two large household survey data sets from Brazil that include retrospective information on the child labor and schooling of working-age adults: the 1988 and 1996 PNAD. Estimations of the reduced form earnings model are performed first by using OLS without controlling for the potential endogeneity of child labor and schooling, and then by using a GMM estimation of instrumental variables models that include the set of instruments for child labor and schooling. The findings of the empirical investigations show that child labor has large negative impact on adult earnings for both male and female children even when controlling for schooling. In addition, the negative impact of starting to work as a child reverses at around age 14. Finally, different child labor activities are examined to determine if some are beneficial while others harmful with the finding that working in agriculture as a child appears to have no negative impact over and above the loss of education.


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Esta pesquisa está inserida em um contexto de crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, especialmente com relação à ascensão da mulher a cargos estratégicos, além de um processo acelerado de envelhecimento populacional, constituindo uma das mais significativas transformações dos últimos anos. A participação feminina em cargos executivos e o processo de envelhecimento são tópicos pouco abordados na literatura acadêmica, tanto isolados quanto inter-relacionados, o que justifica a originalidade deste trabalho. Essas transformações coincidem ainda com o fato de que é a primeira vez que mulheres envelhecem em cargos executivos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo explorar como as mulheres executivas experimentam o processo de envelhecimento. A discussão se mostra relevante na medida em que esta mulher está inserida em um contexto organizacional de dominação masculina, predominantemente jovem, onde se espera que a mulher não ocupe cargos estratégicos. A pesquisa tem como base a perspectiva teórica do construcionismo social de Berger e Luckman (1999) e a abordagem metodológica qualitativa fundamentada nos dados (grounded theory), com base na perspectiva interacionista simbólica de Charmaz (2009). Os dados foram obtidos de 58 entrevistas com mulheres de 40 anos ou mais de idade que ocupam ou ocuparam posição executiva em organizações no Brasil. A pesquisa conclui que, por serem consideradas profissionais mais velhas antes do que os homens e devido aos estigmas associados à idade, as mulheres tendem a omitir o envelhecimento e buscar formas de não o aparentar no ambiente de trabalho. A teoria substantiva apresenta que o envelhecimento é compreendido a partir das noções de morte física, social e executiva e que o renascimento simbólico é uma forma de lidar com as concepções de mortes que persistem no imaginário das mulheres executivas. A teoria é provisória e contingente e reflete a interpretação de uma pesquisadora em particular. Espera-se que ela amplie o campo de estudos da Administração e estimule pesquisadores na continuidade da investigação acerca do envelhecimento de mulheres executivas.