5 resultados para Degenerate Hopf bifurcation

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This paper explores the link between environmental policy and economic growth by employing an extension of the AK Growth Model. We include a state equation for renewable natural resources. We assume that the change in environmental regulations induces costs and that economic agents also derive some utility from capital stock accumulation vis-`a-vis the environment. Using the Hopf bifurcation theorem, we show that cyclical environmental policy strategies are optimal, providing theoretical support for the Environmental Kuznets Curve.


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Asymmetric kernels are quite useful for the estimation of density functions with bounded support. Gamma kernels are designed to handle density functions whose supports are bounded from one end only, whereas beta kernels are particularly convenient for the estimation of density functions with compact support. These asymmetric kernels are nonnegative and free of boundary bias. Moreover, their shape varies according to the location of the data point, thus also changing the amount of smoothing. This paper applies the central limit theorem for degenerate U-statistics to compute the limiting distribution of a class of asymmetric kernel functionals.


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The main objective of this paper is to propose a novel setup that allows estimating separately the welfare costs of the uncertainty stemming from business-cycle uctuations and from economic-growth variation, when the two types of shocks associated with them (respectively,transitory and permanent shocks) hit consumption simultaneously. Separating these welfare costs requires dealing with degenerate bivariate distributions. Levis Continuity Theorem and the Disintegration Theorem allow us to adequately de ne the one-dimensional limiting marginal distributions. Under Normality, we show that the parameters of the original marginal distributions are not afected, providing the means for calculating separately the welfare costs of business-cycle uctuations and of economic-growth variation. Our empirical results show that, if we consider only transitory shocks, the welfare cost of business cycles is much smaller than previously thought. Indeed, we found it to be negative - -0:03% of per-capita consumption! On the other hand, we found that the welfare cost of economic-growth variation is relatively large. Our estimate for reasonable preference-parameter values shows that it is 0:71% of consumption US$ 208:98 per person, per year.


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Com a proximidade da Copa 2014, esta edição do Cadernos FGV Projetos aborda a cadeia produtiva do futebol e seus reflexos no crescimento do PIB brasileiro. Se bem aproveitada, a Copa, seus novos estádios (arenas) e a maior profissionalização da gestão dos clubes poderão levar o futebol brasileiro fora do campo à mesma posição dele dentro das quatro linhas. A publicação conta com entrevistas do ministro do Esporte Aldo Rebelo, do coordenador técnico da seleção brasileira, Carlos Alberto Parreira, do presidente da Fifa Joseph Blatter, entre outros profissionais de renome da área. A versão em inglês foi lançada no evento II World Economy and Brazil, inaugurando um novo projeto gráfico, em formato mais leve e compacto, o que representa um melhor aproveitamento de papel (paperless). Para chegar a este novo formato, foi realizada uma pesquisa com Think Tanks utilizando como referência editorial modelos internacionais, como o da London Business School.


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This paper considers model worlds in which there are a continuum of individuaIs who form finite sized associations to undertake joint activities. We show that if there are a finite set of types and the commodity space contains lotteries, then the c1assicaI equilibrium results on convex economies can be reinterpreted to apply. Furthermore, in this lottery economy deterministic aIlocations (that is, degenerate lotteries) are generally not Pareto optimal, nor are they equilibria. In the interests of making the model seem more "natural," we show that the set of equilibria in a decentraIization in which individuaIs first gamble over vaIue transfers and then trade commodities in a deterministic competitive market economy are equivalent to those of our competi tive economy with a lottery commodity space.