5 resultados para Cultural and symbolic resources
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
New emerging international dynamics introduce a global poly-axiological polycentric disorder which undermines the tradition of a unique global legal order in international law. Modern Era was characterized by Western European civilizational model – from which human rights is a byproduct. This consensus had its legitimacy tested by XXst century’s scenario – and the ‘BRICS factor/actor’ is a symptom of this reality. Its empowerment in world politics lead to the rise of distinct groups of States/civilizations provided with different legal, political, economic and social traditions – promoting an unexpected uprise of otherness in international legal order and inviting it to a complete and unforeseeable reframing process. Beyond Washington or Brussels Consensus, other custom-originated discourses (Brasília, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking or Cape Town Consensus, among other unfolded possibilities) will probably henceforth attempt shaping international law in present global legal disorder.
Single ownership of natural resources is conunon in many developing countries and socialist economies. The sole owner is usually the .state or society at large, and governments are responsible for either distributing exploitation rights or engaging in exploitation through their own corporations. • Under this circumstance, the notion of externality may not fully explain pollution problems existent in these nations. This paper studies the case where a single agent owns both exhaustible and renewable resources, and attempts to maximize its welfare. The resources are either perfect or imperfect substitutes. Initially, exhaustible resource extraction does not affect the renewable resource, and sustainable growth is attainable. A lactor of pollution flowing from the extraction of the nc.nrenewable resource into the growth of the renewable resource is introduced. The continuous exploitation of the exhaustible resource leads to the " optimal " extinction of the renewable resource, and sustainable growth is no longer reached. Regulation from a supra governmental agency such as an multinational institution may prove to be of utmost importance, if sustainability is to be achieved. The paper is divided into five sections. Section two provides a brief survey of the relevant literature. Section three presents the model without pollution. This factor is introduced in section four. The final section discusses some possible approaches for attaining sustainable growth, and contains the concluding remarks .
Este trabalho tem por objetivo recuperar parte da trajetória do Palácio Rio Branco que virou museu, por se tratar de um forte símbolo cultural na sociedade acreana. A pesquisa tem como foco a criação em 2002 de um museu nas dependências do Palácio Rio Branco. A partir de sua exposição permanente e de seu acervo, convido o leitor a uma imersão em parte da história da formação e povoamento do Acre. A pesquisa se destina acima de tudo a divulgar o Estado do Acre e sua cultura. O Palácio como símbolo maior da sociedade acreana e do museu
Elaborado a partir de entrevistas, depoimentos e escritos de CLARIVAL DO PRADO VALLADARES (1918-1983), e das críticas dos críticos, até a data de sua morte, esse roteiro tem por objetivo facilitar o trabalho de pesquisadores e estudiosos que desejarem se aprofundar na leitura da vida e obra de um educador brasileiro, que foi, a seu tempo, médico, crítico, iconógrafo, iconólogo, fotógrafo, historiador da arte, poeta e escritor. Clarival Valladares criou, com recursos metodológicos novos, que trouxe da Anatomia Patológica para a História da Arte, condições para a instauração da iconologia (brasileira) - disciplina que procura descobrir o significado dos valores simbólicos que perpassam a criação pictórica - sem a ajuda da qual não poderemos proceder à justa avaliação de nosso acervo cultural e artístico. Com os mesmos recursos, e dentro de urna visão original, em termos de Brasil, Clarival escreveu a História de sua Terra, através dos olhos que a viram e registraram - os artistas. Não só dos artistas consagrados, mas sobretudo dos artistas mais ligados à realidade de sua comunidade e, portanto, da natureza brasileira. Seguindo o roteiro da vida deste Educador, a autora do trabalho, sua filha e discípula, pretende transmitir, ainda, a lição de energia de uma pessoa que, além de ser um pensador, um filósofo, um pesquisador em profundidade, foi um homem de ação.
Lucas (2000) estimates that the US welfare costs of inflation are around 1% of GDP. This measurement is consistent with a speci…c distorting channel in terms of the Bailey triangle under the demand for monetary base schedule (outside money): the displacement of resources from the production of consumption goods to the household transaction time à la Baumol. Here, we consider also several new types of distortions in the manufacturing and banking industries. Our new evidences show that both banks and firms demand special occupational employments to avoid the inflation tax. We de…ne the concept of ”the foat labor”: The occupational employments that are aflected by the in‡ation rates. More administrative workers are hired relatively to the bluecollar workers for producing consumption goods. This new phenomenon makes the manufacturing industry more roundabout. To take into account this new stylized fact and others, we redo at same time both ”The model 5: A Banking Sector -2” formulated by Lucas (1993) and ”The Competitive Banking System” proposed by Yoshino (1993). This modelling allows us to characterize better the new types of misallocations. We …nd that the maximum value of the resources wasted by the US economy happened in the years 1980-81, after the 2nd oil shock. In these years, we estimate the excess resources that are allocated for every speci…c distorting channel: i) The US commercial banks spent additional resources of around 2% of GDP; ii) For the purpose of the firm foating time were used between 2.4% and 4.1% of GDP); and iii) For the household transaction time were allocated between 3.1% and 4.5 % of GDP. The Bailey triangle under the demand for the monetary base schedule represented around 1% of GDP, which is consistent with Lucas (2000). We estimate that the US total welfare costs of in‡ation were around 10% of GDP in terms of the consumption goods foregone. The big di¤erence between our results and Lucas (2000) are mainly due to the Harberger triangle in the market for loans (inside money) which makes part of the household transaction time, of the …rm ‡oat labor and of the distortion in the banking industry. This triangle arises due to the widening interest rates spread in the presence of a distorting inflation tax and under a fractionally reserve system. The Harberger triangle can represent 80% of the total welfare costs of inflation while the remaining percentage is split almost equally between the Bailey triangle and the resources used for the bank services. Finally, we formulate several theorems in terms of the optimal nonneutral monetary policy so as to compare with the classical monetary theory.