10 resultados para Convexity

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Several works in the shopping-time and in the human-capital literature, due to the nonconcavity of the underlying Hamiltonian, use Örst-order conditions in dynamic optimization to characterize necessity, but not su¢ ciency, in intertemporal problems. In this work I choose one paper in each one of these two areas and show that optimality can be characterized by means of a simple aplication of Arrowís (1968) su¢ ciency theorem.


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The present article initiates a systematic study of the behavior of a strictly increasing, C2 , utility function u(a), seen as a function of agents' types, a, when the set of types, A, is a compact, convex subset of iRm . When A is a m-dimensional rectangle it shows that there is a diffeomorphism of A such that the function U = u o H is strictly increasing, C2 , and strictly convexo Moreover, when A is a strictly convex leveI set of a nowhere singular function, there exists a change of coordinates H such that B = H-1(A) is a strictly convex set and U = u o H : B ~ iR is a strictly convex function, as long as a characteristic number of u is smaller than a characteristic number of A. Therefore, a utility function can be assumed convex in agents' types without loss of generality in a wide variety of economic environments.


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This paper describes properties of upper semi-continuous homothetic preferences. First we give conditions for the existence of an upper semi-continuous representation which is homogeneous of degree one. Then we show that with the additional assumptions of monotonicity or strict convexity, the preference is continuous. Several counterexamples illustrate the tightness of the results.


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In this note, in an independent private values auction framework, I discuss the relationship between the set of types and the distribution of types. I show that any set of types, finite dimensional or not, can be extended to a larger set of types preserving incentive compatibility constraints, expected revenue and bidder’s expected utilities. Thus for example we may convexify a set of types making our model amenable to the large body of theory in economics and mathematics that relies on convexity assumptions. An interesting application of this extension procedure is to show that although revenue equivalence is not valid in general if the set of types is not convex these mechanism have underlying distinct allocation mechanism in the extension. Thus we recover in these situations the revenue equivalence.


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A abordagem do Value at Risk (VAR) neste trabalho será feita a partir da análise da curva de juros por componentes principais (Principal Component Analysis – PCA). Com essa técnica, os movimentos da curva de juros são decompostos em um pequeno número de fatores básicos independentes um do outro. Entre eles, um fator de deslocamento (shift), que faz com que as taxas da curva se movam na mesma direção, todas para cima ou para baixo; de inclinação (twist) que rotaciona a curva fazendo com que as taxas curtas se movam em uma direção e as longas em outra; e finalmente movimento de torção, que afeta vencimentos curtos e longos no mesmo sentido e vencimentos intermediários em sentido oposto. A combinação destes fatores produz cenários hipotéticos de curva de juros que podem ser utilizados para estimar lucros e perdas de portfolios. A maior perda entre os cenários gerados é uma maneira intuitiva e rápida de estimar o VAR. Este, tende a ser, conforme verificaremos, uma estimativa conservadora do respectivo percentual de perda utilizado. Existem artigos sobre aplicações de PCA para a curva de juros brasileira, mas desconhecemos algum que utilize PCA para construção de cenários e cálculo de VAR, como é feito no presente trabalho.Nesse trabalho, verificaremos que a primeira componente principal produz na curva um movimento de inclinação conjugado com uma ligeira inclinação, ao contrário dos resultados obtidos em curvas de juros de outros países, que apresentam deslocamentos praticamente paralelos.


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This paper argues that monetary models can and usually present the phenomenon of over-banking; that is, the market solution of the model presents a size of the banking sector which is higher than the social optima. Applying a two sector monetary model of capital accumulation in presence of a banking sector, which supplies liquidity services, it is shown that the rise of a tax that disincentives the acquisition of the banking service presents the following impacts on welfare. If the technology is the same among the sectors, the tax increases welfare; otherwise, steady-state utility increase if the banking sector is labor-intensive compared to the real sector. Additionally, it is proved that the elevation of inflation has the following impact on the economy's equilibrium: the share on the product of the banking sector increases; the product and the stock of capital increases or reduces whether the banking sector is capital-intensive or laborintensive; and, the steady-state utility reduces. The results were derived under a quite general set up - standard hypothesis regarding concavity of preference, convexity of technology, and normality of goods - were required.


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This paper presents new indices for measuring the industry concentration. The indices proposed (C n ) are of a normative type because they embody (endogenous) weights matching the market shares of the individual firms to their Marshallian welfare shares. These indices belong to an enlarged class of the Performance Gradient Indexes introduced by Dansby&Willig(I979). The definition of Cn for the consumers allows a new interpretation for the Hirschman-Herfindahl index (H), which can be viewed as a normative index according to particular values of the demand parameters. For homogeneous product industries, Cn equates H for every market distribution if (and only if) the market demand is linear. Whenever the inverse demand curve is convex (concave), H underestimates( overestimates) the industry concentration measured by the normative indexo For these industries, H overestimates (underestimates) the concentration changes caused by market transfers among small firms if the inverse demand curve is convex(concave) and underestimates( overestimates) it when such tranfers benefit a large firm, according to the convexity (or the concavity) of the demand curve. For heterogeneous product industries, an explicit normative index is obtained with a market demand derived from a quasi-linear utilility function. Under symmetric preferences among the goods, the index Cn is always greater than or equal the H-index. Under asymmetric assumptions, discrepancies between the firms' market distribution and the differentiationj substitution distributions among the goods, increase the concentration but make room for some horizontal mergers do reduce it. In particular, a mean preserving spread of the differentiation(substitution) increases(decreases) the concentration only if the smaller firms' goods become more(less) differentiated(substitute) w.r.t. the other goods. One important consequence of these results is that the consumers are benefitted when the smaller firms are producing weak substitute goods, and the larger firms produce strong substitute goods or face demand curves weakly sensitive to their own prices.


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This paper presents results of a pricing system to compute the option adjusted spread ("DAS") of Eurobonds issued by Brazilian firms. The system computes the "DAS" over US treasury rates taktng imo account the embedded options present on these bonds. These options can be calls ("callable bond"), puts ("putable bond") or combinations ("callable and putable bond"). The pricing model takes into account the evolution of the term structure along time, is compatible with the observable market term structure and is able to compute risk measures such as duration and convexity, and pricing and hedging of options on these bonds. Examples show the ejJects of the embedded options on the spread and risk measures as well as the ejJects on the spread due to variations on the volatility parameters ofthe short rate.


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Este trabalho visa comparar, estatisticamente, o desempenho de duas estratégias de imunização de carteiras de renda fixa, que são recalibradas periodicamente. A primeira estratégia, duração, considera alterações no nível da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros brasileira, enquanto a abordagem alternativa tem como objetivo imunizar o portfólio contra oscilações em nível, inclinação e curvatura. Primeiro, estimamos a curva de juros a partir do modelo polinomial de Nelson & Siegel (1987) e Diebold & Li (2006). Segundo, imunizamos a carteira de renda fixa adotando o conceito de construção de hedge de Litterman & Scheinkman (1991), porém assumindo que as taxas de juros não são observadas. O portfólio imunizado pela estratégia alternativa apresenta empiricamente um desempenho estatisticamente superior ao procedimento de duração. Mostramos também que a frequência ótima de recalibragem é mensal na análise empírica.


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Ajuste assimétrico de preço é observado em diversos mercados, notavelmente varejo de gasolina: um aumento de custo é passado para os consumidores mais rápido do que uma redução. Eu desenvolvo um modelo de busca dos consumidores que gera essa predição sob aversão à perda. Uma fração dos consumidores ignora os preços no mercado e pode adquirir informação a um custo, o que permite que as firmas tenham lucro com dispersão de preços. Ajuste assimétrico de preço emerge se os consumidores são aversos a perdas em relação a um preço de referência. Custos mais altos tornam os consumidores mais dispostos a procurar, mas também diminui as chances de encontrar preços baixos, gerando uma relação custo-preço convexa.