9 resultados para Computer Knowledge Bank on Medical Diagnostics
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
This thesis seeks to examine the difference between manufacturing and service firms with respect to the effects of knowledge on performance, and the influence of market turbulence in this relationship. Empirical data, resulting from a survey, was collected from more than 1,206 firms, involving several sectors. Two samples were analyzed, one with 334 manufacturing and other with 509 service firms. The findings indicate no significant difference in the importance of knowledge on performance between these sectors in the absence of market turbulence: knowledge development (KD) has a stronger effect than culture of competitiveness (CC) on firm performance. However, under market turbulence, manufacturers differ from service providers. The positive effect of KD is enhanced, while the positive effect of CC remains the same for manufacturing firms. On the other hand, the positive effect of KD is diminished, while the positive effect of CC is enhanced for service firms. This supports the argument concerning differences in the nature of manufacturing and service industries. From a managerial point of view, results confirm the importance of knowledge, irrespective of firm sector or market turbulence. However, while industrial firms should center efforts on KD, service firms must find a balance where knowledge development (e.g. norms, processes, routines) does not impair their culture of competitiveness (e.g. learning, innovation, action). The thesis contributes to existing literature by proposing that: (1) the positive effect of knowledge on performance is confirmed; (2) under turbulent markets manufacturing and service firms have different responses concerning the influence of knowledge on performance; (3) a multidimensional performance construct based on cost, profitability, and growth is an interesting way to evaluate firm sustained competitive advantage, rather than one-dimensional constructs; (4) the CC x KD interaction, found relevant for supply chains in previous studies, is not supported for firms; (5) differences in unit of analysis, e.g. from supply chains to firms, result in different effects of KD and CC on firm performance; (6) existing scales can be improved with the addition of more diverse indicators, capturing a wider range of concepts (e.g. information transfer measurement); and (7) results from previous studies are supported for Brazilian firms, contributing for theory generalization.
Issues related to the reality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals are being incorporated into institutional and social discourses, and show the challenges that must be overcome towards citizenship. The inclusion of gay rights in the domain of institutions like the United Nations and the Brazilian Secretariat of Human Rights are a response to broader movements that places the gay subject as an important topic of debate in the social-political sphere. In this scenario, some institutions deserve close attention from researchers related to gay issues, the business environment being a good example. In this domain, diversity has become an important topic of debate between scholars, where the question of sexual identity in most cases does not appear. The literature that actually focuses on the theme is explored through approaches that are not able to break with universalisms and a normatized vocabulary. Therefore, this research explores discursive structures related to sexuality and examines the meanings construed throughout these structures as described by gay individuals working in business. Furthermore, it investigates patterns of discursive normative structures and consequential challenges faced by gay people in the working environment, and also complements the current debate both in the socio-political sphere and in academic reality on LGBT challenges. The Foucauldian notions of discourse, knowledge and power, and the main concepts of queer theory are incorporated to the analysis, as well as concepts related to the politics of post-colonial sexuality, subordination, and hegemonic forces, together with role of reflexivity in modernity and its impacts on secularized mental structures. The research design takes a phenomenological approach and bases its knowledge claim on a participatory perspective, where the sample chosen for data collection consisted of gay individuals working in the business environment, aiming at generate categories of meanings through the description of their experiences.
This work aims at evaluating how effective is knowledge disclosure in attenuating institutional negative reactions caused by uncertainties brought by firms’ new strategies that respond to novel technologies. The empirical setting is from an era of technological ferment, the period of the introduction of the voice over internet protocol (VoIP) in the USA in the early 2000’s. This technology led to the convergence of the wireline telecommu- nications and cable television industries. The Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System (also known as the I/B/E/S system) was used to capture reactions of securities analysts, a revealed important source of institutional pressure on firms’ strategies. For assessing knowledge disclosure, a coding technique and a established content analysis framework were used to quantitatively measure the non-numerical and unstructured data of transcripts of business events occurred at that time. Eventually, several binary response models were tested in order to assess the effect of knowledge disclosure on the probability of institutional positive reactions. The findings are that the odds of favorable institutional reactions increase when a specific kind of knowledge is disclosed. It can be concluded that knowledge disclosure can be considered as a weapon in technological changes situations, attenuating adverse institutional reactions to the companies’ strategies in environments of technological changes.
Programas de saúde e bem-estar têm sido adotados por empresas como forma de melhorar a saúde de empregados, e muitos estudos descrevem retornos econômicos positivos sobre os investimentos envolvidos. Entretanto, estudos mais recentes com metodologia melhor têm demonstrado retornos menores. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se características de programas de saúde e bem-estar agem como preditores de custos de internação hospitalar (em Reais correntes) e da proporção de funcionários que têm licença médica, entre Abril de 2014 e Maio de 2015, em uma amostra não-aleatória de empresas no Brasil, através de parceria com uma empresa gestora de ‘big data’ para saúde. Um questionário sobre características de programas de saúde no ambiente de trabalho foi respondida por seis grandes empresas brasileiras. Dados retirados destes seis questionários (presença e idade de programa de saúde, suas características – inclusão de atividades de screening, educação sobre saúde, ligação com outros programas da empresa, integração do programa à estrutura da empresa, e ambientes de trabalho voltado para a saúde – e a adoção de incentivos financeiros para aderência de funcionários ao programa), bem como dados individuais de idade, gênero e categoria de plano de saúde de cada empregado , foram usados para construir um banco de dados com mais de 76.000 indivíduos. Através de um modelo de regressão múltipla e seleção ‘stepwise’ de variáveis, a idade do empregado foi positivamente associada e a idade do programa de saúde e a categoria ‘premium’ de plano de saúde do funcionário foram negativamente associadas aos custos de internação hospitalar (como esperado). Inesperadamente, a inclusão de programas de screening e iniciativas de educação de saúde nos programas de saúde e bem-estar nas empresas foram identificados como preditores positivos significativos para custos de admissão hospitalar. Para evitar a inclusão errônea de licenças-maternidade, apenas os dados de licença médica de pacientes do sexo masculino foram analisados (dados disponíveis apenas para duas entre as companhias incluídas, com um total de 18.957 pacientes do sexo masculino). Analisando estes dados através de um teste Z para comparação de proporções, a empresa com programa de saúde que inclui atividades voltadas a cessação de hábitos ruins (como tabagismo e etilismo), controle de diabetes e hipertensão, e que adota incentivos financeiros para a aderência de funcionários ao programa tem menor proporção de empregados com licençca médica no período analisado, quando comparada com a outra empresa que não tem estas características (também conforme esperado). Entretanto, a companhia com menor proporção de funcionários com licença médica também foi aquela que adota programa de screening entre as atividades de seu programa de saúde. Potenciais fontes de ameaça à validade interna e externa destes resultados são discutidas, bem como possíveis explicações para a associação entre programas de screening e educação médica a piores indicadores de saúde nesta amostra de companhias são discutidas. Novos estudos com melhor desenho, com amostras maiores e randômicas são necessários para validar estes resultados e possivelmente melhorar a validade interna e externa destes resultados.
This study proposes and uses a multipolar qualitative methodology for the investigation of the meanings of corporate work under the impact of the technical-scientific knowledge. Based on the constructionist epistemology and on a heideggerian approach, this methodology made possible the description of such phenomenon under the Management perspective, but also under the Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy views. Study starts with empirical data, collected by interviews and in publications, and analyzes them based on conceptual contributions from the four referred poles. As a result, this investigation proposes reflexivity, impermanence and entanglement as meanings of the corporate work that culminate in the paradoxical work. It also demonstrates that the impact of knowledge occurs in a reflexive spiral of complexification, continuously affecting individuals and work processes; describes the impermanent character of the work ruled by time, by neophilia and by uncertainties that make precarious the very subjective experience of worker; and proposes that this work becomes entangled due to the way it is managed, and is an entangling work, for embarrassing the individual in its techniques, logics and dissonances. The paradoxical essence that emerges from this appreciation of corporate work is described on the following scopes: its reflexivity does not prevent its rationality to be fragile; its dynamism coexists with the difficulty to achieve substantive organizational changes; its entanglement compromises the possibilities of an apparently reachable well-being; its focus on present ends up to be emptied; and its purpose of individual sustenance becomes unsustainable due to hyperconsumption. But the conclusions of the study do no describe a definitive phenomenon. At the ending, it points out possibilities of living with the paradoxical work as well as possibilities of its transformation.
Industrial segment uses natural resources in a wide scale, but evaluate the use of these resources is a complex and new task. Few is known about existing methodologies of evaluation, mainly because of the fact that the value of this resource is more implicit than explicit. It is known that evaluation methods support the environmental accounting but the industrial community for an effective environmental management of their businesses does not yet use this tool in a regular basis. The main objective of this work is to analyze how companies who develop industrial activities on mining, siderurgy, paper and cellulose segments, are evaluating the use of natural resources for economic development, in terms of methodologies application for environment evaluation. Based on an explore research with companies from the segments previously defined in an intentional sampling and through a case study, it was possible to understand enterprise behavior according to the existing level of knowledge internalized on evaluation methodologies, to go deeper on an analysis of the premises and of the basis of the methodologies in an environmental accounting project of a paper and cellulose segment industry.
A Gestão do Conhecimento vem adquirindo uma importância notória dentro das organizações, tanto públicas quanto privadas. Suas características e aplicações permeiam as discussões acadêmicas e atingem, de forma reflexiva e inovadora, as práticas de trabalho. Seu foco está na elaboração de processos sistemáticos de captura, organização e armazenamento, análise e compartilhamento do conhecimento organizacional (individual e coletivo) voltados à criação de novos conhecimentos, novos produtos, ou novos processos de trabalho. Pretende-se com este estudo levantar os desafios à implantação de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento na Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS), tendo como base o discurso dos principais responsáveis por criar estratégias neste sentido e por conceder os instrumentos necessários à sua implementação. Com fundamento na literatura científica sobre o tema, faz-se uma revisão conceitual de conhecimento e de Gestão do Conhecimento, buscando explicitar suas dimensões que passam pela transversalidade do conhecimento, pela aprendizagem individual e organizacional, pelo compartilhamento do conhecimento e pelos sistemas de informação. Como metodologia, optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo explicativa, desenvolvida por meio de estudo de caso, de forma a aprofundar o entendimento da realidade investigada. Os resultados das entrevistas e da análise documental possibilitaram verificar que a ANS tem adotado algumas práticas isoladas associadas à Gestão do Conhecimento. Constatou-se, no discurso, que existe uma predisposição dos gestores de conseguir maior efetividade em suas ações relativas ao compartilhamento do conhecimento e à implantação de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento na ANS. A pesquisa, contudo, revelou uma desarticulação institucional ocasionada por cultura hierarquizada e fragmentada, que se mostra profundamente desfavorável à um ambiente de criação e compartilhamento do conhecimento.
Este texto aborda o quanto a disponibilização do conhecimento da violência escolar ajuda a promoção da cultura de paz e a mediação de conflitos nas escolas. Mais precisamente, a partir de um levantamento das informações disponíveis na internet dos Sistemas de Registro da Violência Escolar de determinados Entes Federativos Brasileiros e de suas políticas públicas de combate à violência associadas, refletem em estratégias para resolução pacífica de conflitos e em disseminação do conhecimento gerado sobre o tema a todos os envolvidos na questão: os jovens alunos, pais, comunidade escolar e de entorno das escolas.
This paper develops a two-period model with heterogeneous agents to analyze the e¤ects of transfers across locations on convergence, growth and welfare. The model has two important features. First, locations are asymmetric as it is assumed that there are more specialized occupations in the more developed one. Second, the returns on the investment to acquire new technology depend positively on the level of each region’s knowledge and on the level of the world knowledge assumed to be available to all. In one hand, the poor region has a disadvantage as it has a lower stock of knowledge. On the other hand, it has the advantage of not having yet exploited a greater stock of useable knowledge available in the world. Hence, there are two possible cases. When the returns are greater in the poor region, we obtain the following results: (i) the rich location grows slower; (ii) the transfers to the poor location enhances the country’s growth rate; and (iii) there is a positive amount of transfers to the poor region that is welfare improving. When the returns are greater in the rich region, the …rst two results are reversed and transfers to the rich region are welfare improving. In both cases, the optimal amount of transfer increases with the level of income disparity across regions and is not dependent on the level of the country’s economic development (measured by its income per capita). Barriers to the adoption of new technology available in the world can constrain the convergence process as it harms in greater length the poor region. The results do not change whether migration is allowed or not.