35 resultados para ANALISIS ECONOMICO
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Devido crescente importância assumida pelos estudos de viabilidade economico-finariceiros, tem-se observado nos últimos anos, principalmente no Brasil, um interesse relevante pela matéria, muito particularmente pelos estudos de viabilidade de projetos de transporte, destinados a captarem recursos das diversas entidades internacionais de financianento. O desenvolvimento do presente estudo visa, não apenas apresentar as técnicas usuais de análise, como também criticá-las e oferecer alternativas para sua reformulação. O trabalho resultou da experiência adquirida durante elaboração do Plano diretor de Transportes pelo GEIPCT, sendo maioria dos exemplos numéricos elaborados com base nas diversas Diretrizes emitidas nas duas fases de pesquisa. Muito embora se observe um aparente conflito entre alguns itens, tal resulta em grande parte, por estarem as novas técnicas de análise ainda em fase de pesquisa comprovação para serem utilizadas na revisão do Plano Diretor, sendo tais conflitos aparentes considerados portanto, bastante naturais em se tratando de um trabalho de reformulação.
Na teoria econômica costuma-se analisar comportamento de longo prazo de um agente supondo que mesmo está sujeito um determinado tipo de restrição de recursos intertemporal. equação de restrição orçamentária intertemporal do governo nos diz que um aumento nos gastos públicos não acompanhado de um aumento na receita do governo), deve futuramente ou ser reduzido ou ser seguido por um aumento de receitas. Além disso, aumento futuro nas receitas somado as reduções futuras nos gastos do governo deve ser igual ao choque inicial em termos de valor presente. No curto prazo governo tem interesse em se desviar da sua posição de equilíbrio de longo prazo.Causas políticas institucionais são úteis para explicar tal desvio como por exemplo: redistribuição intergeracional, ilusão fiscal, papel estratégico da dívida pública, conflito distribucional, etc. Um modelo teórico de análise de impulso resposta usado para descobrir qual mecanismo usado pelo governo brasileiro para alcançar equilíbrio orçamentário de longo prazo. principal conclusão do estudo que maior parcela dos déficits públicos no Brasil eliminada, independentemente da sua fonte geradora, por aumentos futuros nos impostos. Também foi discutido que imposto inflacionário vem sendo usado para garantir equilíbrio orçamentário de longo prazo. Com base nesses resultados, mudanças políticas institucionais são propostas, tais como: criação de leis que restringem tamanho da razão déficit-PIB como também criação de um banco central independente.
After more than forty years studying growth, there are two classes of growth models that have emerged: exogenous and endogenous growth models. Since both try to mimic the same set of long-run stylized facts, they are observationally equivalent in some respects. Our goals in this paper are twofold First, we discuss the time-series properties of growth models in a way that is useful for assessing their fit to the data. Second, we investigate whether these two models successfully conforms to U.S. post-war data. We use cointegration techniques to estimate and test long-run capital elasticities, exogeneity tests to investigate the exogeneity status of TFP, and Granger-causality tests to examine temporal precedence of TFP with respect to infrastructure expenditures. The empirical evidence is robust in confirming the existence of a unity long-run capital elasticity. The analysis of TFP reveals that it is not weakly exogenous in the exogenous growth model Granger-causality test results show unequivocally that there is no evidence that TFP for both models precede infrastructure expenditures not being preceded by it. On the contrary, we find some evidence that infras- tructure investment precedes TFP. Our estimated impact of infrastructure on TFP lay rougbly in the interval (0.19, 0.27).
We construct and simulate a theoretical model in order to explain particular historical experiences in which inflation acceleration apparently helped to spur a period of economic growth. Government financed expenditures affect positively the produtivity growth in this model so that the distortionary effect of inflation tax is compensated by the productive effect of public expenditures. We show that for some interval of money creation rates there is an equilibrium where money is valued and where steady state physica1 capital grows with inflation. It is a1so shown that zero inflation and growth maximization are never the optimal policies.
In this note the growth anti welfare effects of fiscal anti monetary policies are investigated in three economies where public investment is part of the productive process It is shown that growth is maximized at positive levels of income tax and inflation but that there is no direct relationship between government size, productivity and growth or between inflation and growth. However, unless there are no transfers or public goods in the economy, maximization of growth does not imply welfare maximization and the optimal tax rate and government size are greater than those that maximize growth. Money is not superneutral anti the optimal rate of money creation is below the maximizing rate of growth.
This paper is about economies with a representative consumer. In general a representative consumer need not exist, although there are several well known sets of sufficient conditions under which Qne will. It is common practice, however, to use the representative consumer hypothesis without specifically assuming any of these. We show, firstly, that it is possible for the utility of the representative consumer to increase when every actual consumer is made worse off. This shows a serious shortcoming of welfare judgements based on the representatíve consumer. Secondly, in economies where this does not occur, there exists a social welfare function, which we construct, which is consistent with welfare judgements based on the utility of the representative consumer. Finally we provide a converse to Samuelson' s 1956 representative consumer result, which relates it to Scitovsky's community indifference curves.
this article addresses the welfare and macroeconomics effects of fiscal policy in a frarnework where govemment chooses tax rates and the distribution of revenues between consumption and investment. We construct and simulate a model where public consumption affects individuaIs' utility and public capital is an argument of the production function. The simulations suggest that by simply reallocating expenditures from consumption to investment, the govemment can increase the equilibrium leveIs of capital stock, hours worked, output and labor productivity. Funhennore, we 'show that the magnitude and direction of the long run impact of fiscal policy depends on the size of the elasticity of output to public capital. If this parameter is high enough, it may be the case that capital stock, within limits, increases with tax rates.