134 resultados para Real interest rates


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Este trabalho analisa a variação da taxa de aluguel e do custo de moradia nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro para o período de Janeiro de 2008 a Janeiro de 2014 utilizando uma abordagem quantitativa com base na expectativa de longo prazo da taxa de juros reais, na expectativa de inflação e na valorização do preço dos imóveis em uma janela de 1 ano. Os resultados indicam que a expectativa de longo prazo da taxa de juros reais tem um impacto relevante na variação da taxa de aluguel durante o período abordado, bem como a expectativa de inflação, mas em magnitude menor, enquanto a valorização passada de 1 ano não tem poder explicativo sobre a taxa de aluguel.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de testar a qualidade preditiva do Modelo Vasicek de dois fatores acoplado ao Filtro de Kalman. Aplicado a uma estratégia de investimento, incluímos um critério de Stop Loss nos períodos que o modelo não responde de forma satisfatória ao movimento das taxas de juros. Utilizando contratos futuros de DI disponíveis na BMFBovespa entre 01 de março de 2007 a 30 de maio de 2014, as simulações foram realizadas em diferentes momentos de mercado, verificando qual a melhor janela para obtenção dos parâmetros dos modelos, e por quanto tempo esses parâmetros estimam de maneira ótima o comportamento das taxas de juros. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos pelo Modelo Vetor-auto regressivo de ordem 1, e constatou-se que o Filtro de Kalman aplicado ao Modelo Vasicek de dois fatores não é o mais indicado para estudos relacionados a previsão das taxas de juros. As limitações desse modelo o restringe em conseguir estimar toda a curva de juros de uma só vez denegrindo seus resultados.


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A tradicional representação da estrutura a termo das taxas de juros em três fatores latentes (nível, inclinação e curvatura) teve sua formulação original desenvolvida por Charles R. Nelson e Andrew F. Siegel em 1987. Desde então, diversas aplicações vêm sendo desenvolvidas por acadêmicos e profissionais de mercado tendo como base esta classe de modelos, sobretudo com a intenção de antecipar movimentos nas curvas de juros. Ao mesmo tempo, estudos recentes como os de Diebold, Piazzesi e Rudebusch (2010), Diebold, Rudebusch e Aruoba (2006), Pooter, Ravazallo e van Dijk (2010) e Li, Niu e Zeng (2012) sugerem que a incorporação de informação macroeconômica aos modelos da ETTJ pode proporcionar um maior poder preditivo. Neste trabalho, a versão dinâmica do modelo Nelson-Siegel, conforme proposta por Diebold e Li (2006), foi comparada a um modelo análogo, em que são incluídas variáveis exógenas macroeconômicas. Em paralelo, foram testados dois métodos diferentes para a estimação dos parâmetros: a tradicional abordagem em dois passos (Two-Step DNS), e a estimação com o Filtro de Kalman Estendido, que permite que os parâmetros sejam estimados recursivamente, a cada vez que uma nova informação é adicionada ao sistema. Em relação aos modelos testados, os resultados encontrados mostram-se pouco conclusivos, apontando uma melhora apenas marginal nas estimativas dentro e fora da amostra quando as variáveis exógenas são incluídas. Já a utilização do Filtro de Kalman Estendido mostrou resultados mais consistentes quando comparados ao método em dois passos para praticamente todos os horizontes de tempo estudados.


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A crise bancária que atingiu a Coreia do Sul em 2002 está relacionada, em grande parte, com a grande velocidade de crescimento e penetração da população no segmento de cartões de crédito, fazendo com que o país recebesse a denominação de “República dos Cartões de Plástico” pela mídia internacional. Em 2003, como resultado deste crescimento, o sistema financeiro do país precisou ser socorrido pelo governo sul coreano, pois o endividamento do consumidor havia saído do controle. Atualmente, alguns estudos indicam que o Brasil pode estar caminhando para uma situação semelhante, compensando o alto nível de endividamento da população sul-coreana, com as altas taxas de juros cobradas neste segmento pelos bancos brasileiros. Com base na experiência da Coreia do Sul, este trabalho explora as principais causas deste fenômeno, a motivação da população em buscar este tipo específico de financiamento, a dicotomia dos agentes ao tratar deste crescimento e quais medidas podem ser tomadas para evitar um possível colapso no sistema financeiro.


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We study the asset pricing implications of an endowment economy when agents can default on contracts that would leave them otherwise worse off. We specialize and extend the environment studied by Kocherlakota (1995) and Kehoe and Levine (1993) to make it comparable to standard studies of asset pricillg. We completely charactize efficient allocations for several special cases. We illtroduce a competitive equilibrium with complete markets alld with elldogellous solvency constraints. These solvellcy constraints are such as to prevent default -at the cost of reduced risk sharing. We show a version of the classical welfare theorems for this equilibrium definition. We characterize the pricing kernel, alld compare it with the one for economies without participation constraints : interest rates are lower and risk premia can be bigger depending on the covariance of the idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Quantitative examples show that for reasonable parameter values the relevant marginal rates of substitution fali within the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds.


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This paper presents optimal rules for monetary policy in Brazil derived from a backward looking expectation model consisting of a Keynesian IS function and an Augmented Phillips Curve (ISAS). The IS function displays'a high sensitivity of aggregate demand to the real interest rate and the Phillips Curve is accelerationist. The optimal monetary rules show low interest rate volatility with reaction coefficients lower than the ones suggested by Taylor (1993a,b). Reaction functions estimated through ADL and SUR models suggest that monetary policy has not been optimal and has aimed to product rather than inflation stabilization.


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In this paper I use Taylor's (2001) model and Vector Auto Regressions to shed some light on the evolution of some key macroeconomic variables after the Central Bank of Brazil, through the COPOM, increases the target interest rate by 1%. From a quantitative perspective, the best estimate from the empírical analysis, obtained with a 1994 : 2 - 2004 : 2 subsample of the data, is that GDP goes through an accumulated decline, over the next four years, around 0.08%. Innovations to interest rates explain around 9.2% of the forecast erro r of GDP.


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Using data from the United States, Japan, Germany , United Kingdom and France, Sims (1992) found that positive innovations to shortterm interest rates led to sharp, persistent increases in the price leveI. The result was confirmed by other authors and, as a consequence of its non-expectable nature, was given the name "price puzzle" by Eichenbaum (1992). In this paper I investigate the existence of a price puzzle in Brazil using the same type of estimation and benchmark identification scheme employed by Christiano et aI. (2000). In a methodological improvement over these studies, I qualify the results with the construction of bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. Even though the data does show the existence of a statistically significant price puzzle in Brazil, it lasts for .only one quarter and is quantitatively immaterial.


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The 90s have witnessed a resumption in capital flows to Latin America. due to the conjugation of low interest rates in the US and economic reforms in most LA countries. In Brazil. however. substantial capital flows have becn induced by the extremely high domestic interest rates practiced by the Central Bank as a measure of last reson given the absence of successful stabilization policies. These very high interest rates were needed to prevent capital flight in a context of a surprisingly stable inflation rate above 20% a month. and keep interest bearing govemment securities preferable to foreign assets as money substitutes. We carefully describe how this domestic currency substitution regime (interest bearing govemment securities are substituted for MIas cash holdings) requires the Central Bank to renounce aoy control over monerary aggregates. In this domestic currency substitution regime. hyperinflation is the most likely outcome of an isolated (i.e.. without fiscal adjusanents) attempt by the Brazilian Central Bank to control money.


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This paper provides evidence on the relationship between rnonetary policy and the exchange rate in the aftermath of currency crises. It ana1yzes a large data set of currency crises in 80 countries in the period 1980 to 1998. The rnain question addressed is: can rnonetary policy significantly alter the probability of reversing the post-crisis undervaluation through nominal appreciation rather than higher int1ation? We find that tight rnonetary policy facilitates the reversal of currency undervaluation through nominal appreciation rather than inflation. When the econorny is also facing a banking crisis, depending on the specification, tight rnonetary policy rnay not have the same effect.


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The paper analysis a general equilibrium model with two periods, several households and a government that has to finance some expenditures in the first period. Households may have some private information either about their type (adverse selection) or about some action levei chosen in the first period that affects the probability of certain states of nature in the second period (moral hazard). Trade of financiai assets are intermediated by a finite collection of banks. Banks objective functions are determined in equilibrium by shareholders. Due to private information it may be optimal for the banks to introduce constraints in the set of available portfolios for each household as wellas household specific asset prices. In particular, households may face distinct interest rates for holding the risk-free asset. The government finances its expenditures either by taxing households in the first period or by issuing bonds in the first period and taxing households in the second period. Taxes may be state-dependent. Suppose government policies are neutml: i) government policies do not affect the distribution of wealth across households; and ii) if the government decides to tax a household in the second period there is a portfolio available for the banks that generates the Mme payoff in each state of nature as the household taxes. Tben, Ricardian equivalence holds if and only if an appropriate boundary condition is satisfied. Moreover, at every free-entry equilibrium the boundary condition is satisfied and thus Ricardian equivalence holds. These results do not require any particular assumption on the banks' objective function. In particular, we do not assume banks to be risk neutral.


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This paper constructs a unit root test baseei on partially adaptive estimation, which is shown to be robust against non-Gaussian innovations. We show that the limiting distribution of the t-statistic is a convex combination of standard normal and DF distribution. Convergence to the DF distribution is obtaineel when the innovations are Gaussian, implying that the traditional ADF test is a special case of the proposed testo Monte Carlo Experiments indicate that, if innovation has heavy tail distribution or are contaminated by outliers, then the proposed test is more powerful than the traditional ADF testo Nominal interest rates (different maturities) are shown to be stationary according to the robust test but not stationary according to the nonrobust ADF testo This result seems to suggest that the failure of rejecting the null of unit root in nominal interest rate may be due to the use of estimation and hypothesis testing procedures that do not consider the absence of Gaussianity in the data.Our results validate practical restrictions on the behavior of the nominal interest rate imposed by CCAPM, optimal monetary policy and option pricing models.


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This paper presents a structural monetary úamework featunng a demand function for non-monetary uses of gold, such as the one drawn by Barsky and Summers in their 1988 analy8ÚI of the Gibson Paradox as a natural concomitant of the gold standard period. That structural model predicts that the laws of behavior of nominal prices and interest rates are functions of the rules set by the government to command the money supply. !ta fiduciary vemon obtaina Fisherian relationships &8 particular cases. !ta gold atandard 801ution yields a modelsimilar to the Barsky and Summers model, in which interest rates are exogeneous and subject to shocb. This paper integrates governnment bonds into the analysis, treats interest rates endogenously, and ahifts the responsibility for the shocb to the government budgetary financing policies. The Gibson paradox appears as "practically" the only cl&18 of behavioral pattern open for interest rates and price movements under apure gold standard economy. Fisherian-like relationshipe are utterly ruled out.


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This paper presents an interpretation of the European crisis based on the balance of payments imbalances within the Eurozone and highlighting the role of the “internal” real exchange rates as a primary cause of the crisis. It explores the structural contradictions that turn the Euro into a “foreign currency” for each individual Eurozone country. These contradictions imply the inability of national central banks to monetize the public and private debts, which makes the Euro crisis a sovereign crisis similar to those typical of emerging countries, but whose solution presents additional obstacles.


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Multivariate Affine term structure models have been increasingly used for pricing derivatives in fixed income markets. In these models, uncertainty of the term structure is driven by a state vector, while the short rate is an affine function of this vector. The model is characterized by a specific form for the stochastic differential equation (SDE) for the evolution of the state vector. This SDE presents restrictions on its drift term which rule out arbitrages in the market. In this paper we solve the following inverse problem: Suppose the term structure of interest rates is modeled by a linear combination of Legendre polynomials with random coefficients. Is there any SDE for these coefficients which rules out arbitrages? This problem is of particular empirical interest because the Legendre model is an example of factor model with clear interpretation for each factor, in which regards movements of the term structure. Moreover, the Affine structure of the Legendre model implies knowledge of its conditional characteristic function. From the econometric perspective, we propose arbitrage-free Legendre models to describe the evolution of the term structure. From the pricing perspective, we follow Duffie et al. (2000) in exploring Legendre conditional characteristic functions to obtain a computational tractable method to price fixed income derivatives. Closing the article, the empirical section presents precise evidence on the reward of implementing arbitrage-free parametric term structure models: The ability of obtaining a good approximation for the state vector by simply using cross sectional data.