184 resultados para Poder executivo, atividades, controle, Brasil


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Nos últimos anos assistiu-se no Brasil a uma diminuição considerável na força de trabalho concentrada na indústria e a um aumento na concentração nos serviços. Esta pesquisa pretende entender como este processo pode ser compreendido a partir de um modelo dinâmico onde as empresas decidem simultaneamente a sua localização. Os índices de concentração utilizados separam o grau de concentração de um setor devido à escala de produção do grau de concentração em função de vantagens regionais. Este tipo de análise exige a construção de índices que permitam esta decomposição. Nesta pesquisa adotou-se o índice de Herfindahl-Hirschman, para a concentração devida à escala, e o índice de Ellison e Glaeser (1997) para a concentração devido às vantagens regionais.


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Estudando o controle do endividamento público no Brasil e Estados Unidos, este trabalho examina a eficácia das restrições constitucionais e legais existentes nestes países, os fatores políticos e de mercado que afetam o deficit público e o nível do endividamento. Enfase especial é atribuída ao papel do Senado no caso brasileiro e aos mecanismos de controle através do mercado no caso americano.


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Este relatório trata de uma pesquisa com o objetivo geral de analisar a Intenção de Comportamento Antiético do executivo de vendas e alguns de seus possíveis determinantes, contemplando lacunas relevantes de conhecimento na realidade brasileira. Trata-se de uma replicação de estudo realizado nos Estados Unidos por SCHWEPKER Jr. (1999). Nesta linha, dois foram os objetivos específicos. O primeiro deles foi descrever o perfil dos construtos Julgamento Moral, Desenvolvimento Moral Cognitivo, Intensidade Concorrencial e Intenção de Comportamento Antiético numa amostra brasileira. O segundo objetivo específico foi investigar, na mesma amostra, as relações potenciais entre Julgamento Moral e Desenvolvimento Moral Cognitivo (variáveis explicativas), Intensidade Concorrencial (variável mediadora) e Intenção de Comportamento Antiético (variável explicada). Dados foram obtidos do principal executivo de vendas de 138 das maiores empresas brasileiras. Na amostra, quanto ao nível médio dos respondentes: a) 36% têm um padrão de Julgamento Moral inferior ou moderado; b) 53% têm um padrão de Desenvolvimento Moral Cognitivo inferior ou moderado; c) 29% têm um padrão de Intenção de Comportamento Antiético inferior ou moderado; d) 33% têm uma percepção de Intensidade Concorrencial inferior ou moderada. Algumas variáveis dos construtos Julgamento Moral, Desenvolvimento Moral Cognitivo e Intensidade Concorrencial possuem uma relação linear significativa com algumas variáveis do construto Intenção de Comportamento Antiético. Ao final deste relatório são apresentadas e discutidas as limitações e conclusões da pesquisa.


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Estudando o controle do endividamento público nos Estados Unidos, este trabalho examina a eficácia das restrições constitucionais e legais existentes naquele país, os fatores políticos que afetam o deficit públic e o nível do endividamento e ainda os mecanismos de controle das finanças públicas através do mercado.


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O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a influência de variáveis políticas na determinação da taxa de câmbio em quatro países latino-americanos que conviveram com elevada inflação e déficit em Transações Correntes nas décadas de setenta e oitenta. Estudos empíricos já haviam demonstrado a influência das eleições. Nenhum, porém, havia incorporado a estrutura de decisão do Executivo e Legislativo neste processo. Só foi possível incorporar o regime político (Autoritário/Democrático) e a divisão de poder no Legislativo de todos os países num modelo standard de taxa de câmbio porque utilizamos a técnica de painel. Obtivemos os seguintes resultados: países classificados como Autoritários apresentaram uma taxa de câmbio mais valorizada e Legislativos mais fragmentados apresentaram uma taxa de câmbio mais desvalorizada. Vimos este último resultado com desconfiança uma vez que, entre os países da amostra, o regime Autoritário era, em alguns casos, uma ditadura militar e o Legislativo pouco intervia nas decisões. Interagimos o regime político com fragmentação e percebemos que o efeito da classificação do regime predomina. No caso, se existir um regime Autoritário, o câmbio resultante da interação ainda será valorizado. A divisão de poder no Legislativo apenas provoca uma redução no impacto da valorização.


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O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o Plano Diretor, instrumento de planejamento, execução e controle das ações desenvolvidas pela Marinha do Brasil, está adequado à ambiência vislumbrada para o século XXI. De forma sistêmica, é construído o referencial teórico sobre assuntos pertinentes ao problema a ser investigado, tais como Teoria da decisão, Teoria orçamentária, gestão estratégica e modelos teóricos de sistemas de planejamento e controle. O resultado da análise das características do sistema e do processo do Plano Diretor indica haver pontos passíveis de serem aperfeiçoados. Ao final, é oferecido um resumo de sugestões de medidas para tornar o Plano Diretor um instrumento up-to-date de gestão orçamentária.


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The phonographic market has experienced a period of significant change caused by technological evolution. This phenomenon of global proportions has been the subject of considerable debate in the media and in academia. The entry of new actors, as well as piracy and new forms of commercialization of musical products, has significantly altered the relationships of power existing in this field. Therefore, the scope of this article is to analyze the phonographic industry in Brazil as an arena of forces and power struggles, based on notions of the field of cultural production, from the perspective of Bourdieu. This study constitutes a qualitative research and data was analyzed using a descriptiveinterpretative approach. In the case of the sector under scrutiny, and on the basis of the theoretical reference material, it would appear to be correct to affirm that economic capital is what is being sought on the part of the actors who comprise the field. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that the critical incidents that brought about the changes in the structure of the field over the course of time were predominantly of a technological nature. The field of the Brazilian phonographic market is currently experiencing a period of structural alteration that was especially affected by the development of MP3 technology and the emergence of virtual piracy. The fact is that formerly the major recording companies dominated the market and had the necessary resources of power to exercise their role as dominant actors and maintain this position. However, the aforementioned factors favored the entry of new actors in the field and the empowerment of those that prior to this time did not have the resources to compete against this domination.


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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é avaliar até que ponto a mudança de mecanismos de controle numa organização pública contribui para melhorar o desempenho na sua atividade fim. Trata-se de um estudo de caso da mudança ocorrida no final de 1999 na Diretoria de Fiscalização do Banco Central do Brasil. Ao receber a atribuição de implementar uma estrutura de prevenção e combate à lavagem de dinheiro através do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, esta organização absorve a equipe de monitoramento de câmbio, originalmente ligada à Diretoria de Assuntos Internacionais, e reorienta sua estrutura de controle, com vistas ao alcance da nova missão. O entendimento dos condicionantes e do modo da mudança, das dimensões e formas de controle organizacional e das diferentes abordagens do desempenho forma o embasamento teórico do estudo. Os dados secundários, básicos para a caracterização das variáveis, foram coletados principalmente em bases de dados, publicações e documentos internos do Banco Central do Brasil. Os resultados encontrados apontam uma flexibilização significativa da organização em foco, que não teve contrapartida favorável no desempenho medido pelos indicadores selecionados para esta pesquisa. Estes resultados, em retrospecto com a implementação da mudança, sugerem a influência de um conjunto de fatores não considerados neste processo, tais como a adequação do pessoal e a legitimação da nova forma de trabalho. Recomenda-se que sejam mantidos pela organização os desenvolvimentos alcançados com a nova estrutura de controle, mas que sejam reforçadas as atividades que geram os resultados positivos em termos de desempenho. Alguns temas para futuros trabalhos são apresentados, destacando-se o estudo dos efeitos da implantação do sistema preventivo nas instituições financeiras supervisionadas pelo Banco Central do Brasil.


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The characteristics of the Brazilian historic context, under which the predominant social relations have developed, have led to a process of income concentration and to the political power of the dominant classes. The slavery abolishment hasn't guaranteed the people the rights secured to privileged citizens in general. Such practices were observed during historic process as the low level literacy shown by the census of 1920, the political domination of oligarchies and the military coup, all as determining factors in process of political power concentration. The social indicators and the corruption are extremely unfavorable to our country, but we wonder if that happens only in underdeveloped societies. It is possible that even the American society, even the most developed societies, under the democratic capitalism, can suffer negative consequences of some corruption in the capitalism system. Our observations have led to the perception that all democratic society must be regulated by the State in order to preserve the stability of the system. It has also been observed that it is necessary more effective popular participation in order to neutralize economic groups¿ pressure. It has also become evident the necessity of reduction of commissioned office in the federal public administration. And, finally, it is fundamental to propose an amendment to the construction that allows the Public Ministry to have access to any bank, fiscal or telephonic information of anyone that is in office: It should be called "The Law of Moral Transparency". Those proposals will only be possible if there is massive popular participation and we hope that they express our people¿s will in order to appose to those who act only to obtain private benefits.


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This work is analyzing the challenges which the National Petrol Agency is facing to regulate the Petrol industry in Brazil after the Monopoly crash in the period between 1997 until 2005. Due to the necessities of adaptation of its political strategies to the rules which determine the international economic flows, Brazil was forced to use the Economic Regulation in order to control the market. The regulation established in Brazil is not indifferent to imperfect markets. Thus can be find a conflict of interests among companies, the government and consumers within this process of regulation. The established agency does not have enough autonomy for administrating a regulation. The State with its paternalism power does not allow the agency to fulfill its function for which it was established, even though its function was established by law. A regulating policy which is clearly defined will establish a strong and independent agency with a clear limitation of its competences, avoiding divergent interpretation which prioritizes investments and promotes economic development. The agency will have the challenge to regulate the companies that enter the sector, allowing the opening of the market for new initiatives of investments which contribute to the welfare of the country and breaking at the same time the monopoly that is lead by Petrobras since 1953. Combining a stable set of rules with agility in order to adapt to changes will provide the regulator with a great decision-making power. The flexibility in the regulation will improve the correcting of the rules that were set in the beginning, being more efficient, which are based on acquired experience and achieved results. The structure of the agency and the flexibility of the regulation should be orientated on the promotion of competition in order to achieve economic and social development.


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China and Brazil have got commercial potentials and strategic partnerships are desired from both sides, but in order to guarantee long term, stable relationship these countries must overcome barriers and obtain mutual gains. The objective of this study was to determine how one can overcome obstacles related to value creation, enhance of competitiveness and international deals in terms of Brazil-China commercial negotiation specifically for soy beans. The CEO of one of the biggest and most important international trading-companies has been contacted and mentioned problems faced by his company in terms of brazillian soy beans sale to chinese clients. Problems such as: the break up of legally based contracts, demanding public pressure, insufficient infra-structure in Brazil for production dispatching, cultural differences, lack of trust, power asymmetry were related and has been analyzed on this study. The perspective used on this study refers to elements, processes and forms of negotiation between these two continental giants.


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The aim of this dissertation is to study the contribution given by the Brazilian court of accounts, with the creation of the ombudsman on those institutions, to the exercise of the social control made by its citizens. Being considered one of the key inventions in the field of the external control of the public management, the ombudsman of the court of accounts is the most important means of control the society may use over the public management, as well as the place where the society and court of accounts might debate and get to an agreement concerning on how to spend the public asset in a way that will benefit the citizens. In order to fulfill the aim of the dissertation, the concepts of citizenship, particularly the deliberative citizenship, were recaptured, as well as the means of control in the public management and the role of the court of accounts as a participant in the external control of the public accounts. Lastly, some of the 18 ombudsman linked to Brazilian courts of account are presented in the dissertation. The Ombudsman of the Courts of Accounts of the states of Paraná and Pernambuco are emphasized once it is understood that they are in the path of transcending the concept of popular participation to the popular sovereignty, in which the debate with the society might, in a near future, decide possibly the course of the audits of those entities.


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This research has verified by which way the representations of the social world can influence choices, referring to political systems models, specially on the power division and organization among central and undernational governments. We studied the history of these choices during the period between 1822-1889, when the question of federalism was closely articulated with problem solutions that were decisive to the construction of the Brazilian State and Nation. Theoretical reference was the approach of social relations developed by French sociologists, historians and psychologists which privilege the articulation between the agents and the social structures. The study has allowed the conclusion that the practices of federalism, during the analyzed period just make sense if they are examined from a network of representations shared by the politic leading circles in reference to de State, the Society and the relations that must exist between them.


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The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.