139 resultados para Marcação a mercado


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As empresas brasileiras tendem a colocar apenas ações preferenciais no mercado. Este trabalho discute algumas das conseqüências dessa prática, procurando demonstrar que esta afugenta os investidores de longo prazo que podem exercer uma dupla função: monitorar algumas atividades da empresa coibindo certas práticas indesejadas da direção e estabilizar o mercado reduzindo as chances de takeovers hostis, mas não dos takeovers sob os quais o monitoramento ocorre, levando em consideração sua natureza de bem público e o problema de reputação, que tipicamente levam a uma oferta subótima desse tipo de atividade. Também é analisado como a presença dos investidores de longo prazo afeta a ação dos arbitradores que procuram extrair sinais do mercado para auferir ganhos com preços fora dos fundamentos.


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Este relatório trata de uma pesquisa sobre o Impacto da Orientação para o Mercado sobre o Desempenho Financeiro. Foi realizada uma revisão teórica e seguiu-se o delineamento de um modelo conceitual. Tal modelo foi testado empiricamente com os dados de uma amostra de 294 executivos de concessionárias de veículos da Ford e Volkswagen operando no Brasil, utilizando-se do método de modelagem de equações estruturais. Em duas etapas anteriores, a mesma análise foi aplicada a amostras ligadas à Fiat e General Motors. Desta feita, o ajustamento global do Modelo revelou-se pequeno. Apenas o vínculo causal entre o componente Orientação para a Concorrência da Orientação para o Mercado mostrou-se como causa significante do Desempenho Financeiro. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura, sendo suas implicações avaliadas. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para compreender tais complexos fenômenos.


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This research argues that Brazil should create conditions for long run financing of development. The end of the inflationary process is just a first step. A second step is the development of an institutional framework to offer good alternatives to investors that have long run targets, such as pension funds etc. Particularly, in the Brazilian market predominates the trade of preferred shares instead of common shares that give more prerrogatives for investors that plan to hold these shares on long term basis. This attitude turns the market more volatile and in this way corporations lose the chance of financing their projects with large amounts of capital and have to rely instead on more debt which weakens their financial strenght.


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O presente estudo busca realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre Assimetria de Informação, de forma a permitir sua análise no mercado brasileiro de capitais. A análise será conduzida com base no modelo de equilíbrio da decisão de emissão-investimento desenvolvido por Myers e Majluf. Este trabalho procurará discutir novas formas de medir Assimetria de Informação através da utilização de modelos estatísticos que permitam, posteriormente, utilizar modelos tais como ARCH e GARCH que consideram a heterocedasticidade da série de dados, desta forma, ampliando o conceito de medida correta sugerido por Nathalie Dierkens.


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The phonographic market has experienced a period of significant change caused by technological evolution. This phenomenon of global proportions has been the subject of considerable debate in the media and in academia. The entry of new actors, as well as piracy and new forms of commercialization of musical products, has significantly altered the relationships of power existing in this field. Therefore, the scope of this article is to analyze the phonographic industry in Brazil as an arena of forces and power struggles, based on notions of the field of cultural production, from the perspective of Bourdieu. This study constitutes a qualitative research and data was analyzed using a descriptiveinterpretative approach. In the case of the sector under scrutiny, and on the basis of the theoretical reference material, it would appear to be correct to affirm that economic capital is what is being sought on the part of the actors who comprise the field. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that the critical incidents that brought about the changes in the structure of the field over the course of time were predominantly of a technological nature. The field of the Brazilian phonographic market is currently experiencing a period of structural alteration that was especially affected by the development of MP3 technology and the emergence of virtual piracy. The fact is that formerly the major recording companies dominated the market and had the necessary resources of power to exercise their role as dominant actors and maintain this position. However, the aforementioned factors favored the entry of new actors in the field and the empowerment of those that prior to this time did not have the resources to compete against this domination.


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O presente trabalho demonstra os principais pressupostos teóricos acerca da Estrutura de Capital, bem como, sua evolução e relevância. Estrutura de capital é um tema ainda controverso na teoria de finanças corporativas. Dentro deste contexto, é revisada a literatura e o desenvolvimento do mercado acionário brasileiro a fim de examinar dentre as duas principais teorias pós Modigliani e Miller (Static Trade-Off Theory e Pecking Order Theory) qual é a preferida e efetivamente utilizada pelas companhias abertas brasileiras.


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The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.


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Inicialmente abordamos as tentativas de integração latino-americana, identificando as duas épocas distintas da problemática em questão. Faz-se menção a vários autores, abrangendo a segunda metade do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do séculos XX, que também defenderam as idéias de união latino-americana. A importância da criação da Comunidade Econômica Européia, a ALALC, A ALADI e o MERCOSUL como impulsionadores da integração. A institucionalização, os mecanismos para implementação e os processos de negociação do MERCOSUL. Em seguida tratamos da globalização e do mercado de trabalhos; a produção internacionalizada marcante no século XX; as novas tecnologias, a cidadania ativa, a reação sindical em novas bases. No terceiro capítulo abordamos a questão trabalhista no MERCOSUL, enfatizando a necessidade de implantação de princípios assegurando benefícios, tendo em vista a tendência comercialista do MERCOSUL. Concluindo, retomamos a relação entre as Centrais e os governos, destacando, ainda, as organizações internacionais como importantes atores no processo de integração. Constatamos o quanto o MERCOSUL está estimulando discussões sobre as possibilidades de alianças entre os atores sociais.


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The objective of this dissertation is to discover and to analyze the way how the consumer uses his/her perception to decide contracting a health plan, to supply elements that can serve to subsidize the State, the market and the consumers, in relation to the knowledge on the process of choice of the consumer and the decisions of purchase and contracting services of private health. The estimated one is to evidence that the brand of health plan is an important variable and decisive to the consumer contracting the service of a company that operates in these sector, because mean for the consumer security about the product, through the symbolism that the same one represents, despite the consumer not knowing to the certainty what is contracting in quality and amount. The theoretical construction is carried through using literature of anthropology of the consumption, theory of modernity, theory of the regulation, economic utilitarism, and marketing. Moreover, referential specific theoretician on the regulation of the market of health plans in Brazil. The health plan market in Brazil is anti-symmetrical and the consumer doesn¿t have knowledge technician who makes possible it to form judgment and to carry through rationality choices. Than the consumer uses to his/her decision symbolic elements that are available to his/her and supply to his/her the security that is look likes in the consumption of this kind of good. These symbolic elements related the confidence and security and are into the strong brands of the companies and are transmitted to the consumer through the mass media. In this dissertation are used as sources of data some information of the regulatory agency of the sector ¿ ANS -, a research of public opinion with health plans users and the results of the application of proper questionnaires for this research.


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O conceito de confiança tem sido introduzido em estudos empíricos sobre marketing no Brasil partir do referencial teórico adotado principalmente nos Estados Unidos Europa. presente dissertação examina confiança, tanto no vendedor como na empresa, valor qualidade do produto percebidos pelos clientes como fatores que afetam satisfação em compras de valor, tal como compra de um imóvel residencial na planta. estudo se baseia nos artigos de Santos (2001), sobre o impacto do gerenciamento de reclamações sobre confiança lealdade do consumidor, de Doney Cannon (1997) sobre confiança no relacionamento entre empresas seus vendedores. estudo empírico trata de um levantamento de corte transversal, no qual foram testadas hipóteses específicas para examinar as relações entre as variáveis, em um processo de pesquisa formal estruturado, com uma amostra de 270 clientes. Os dados foram coletados partir da base de clientes de duas empresas brasileiras fortes nos segmentos em que atuam, uma corretora de imóveis outra incorporadora/construtora, ambas sediadas na cidade de São Paulo. análise dos dados foi feita com base no Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM), através do software Lisrel 8. Os resultados indicam que há confiança no corretor que está realizando venda do imóvel, sendo que satisfação com corretor influencia esta confiança. No entanto, experiências anteriores com corretores de imóveis características do corretor que realizou venda não têm impacto sobre confiança no corretor. Detectou-se também, que valor do produto confiança na construtora percebidos pelo cliente têm influencia sobre satisfação com compra, mas não qualidade percebida. Este estudo dá subsídios futuras pesquisas sobre confiança em compras de valor. São discutidas as limitações da pesquisa as implicações de seus resultados para gestão de marketing no Brasil.


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A presente dissertação tem a finalidade de consolidar o objeto de estudos acadêmicos feitos em face do Curso de Mestrado e realizados pelo autor com base na situação hodierna enfrentada pelo no Banco do Brasil S.A na área de Recuperação de Créditos. A dissertação aduz a caracterização da organização após sua reforrnulação estrutural ocorrida em 1995 e aborda a problemática da inadimplência dos empréstimos concedidos pelo Banco no passado, sugerindo urna análise mais aprofundada do paradoxo "dever de diligência" versus geração de caixa por meio da securitização de créditos em prejuízo e o emprego de alternativas negociais heterodoxas e inovadoras de mercado, fundamentada no conceito financeiro de custo de oportunidade.


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The scope of this dissertation is to assess the attitudes of subscribers to private health insurance schemes and the regulatory strategy of the Ancillary National Health Agency -- ANS in relation to their demands. The ancillary health market features various players, each with their own specific interests and priorities. Consequently, the ANS should strive to maintain the balance between the consumers, the economic intermediaries and the State, ensuring that the Agency's powers to establish norms, as well as to regulate and to supervise each be exercised independently. Many people contend that there are elements not currently incorporated into the current services of the ANS which could contribute to its regulatory strategy. This study was conducted from the standpoint of theories applied to State administration for structural analysis of the ANS and its strategies, in addition to a symbolic and rational approach for a better understanding of the consumers involved. A survey was conducted of existing records of the ANS, as well as data collected from direct observation. Analysis of the data obtained led to the conclusion that the consumer can become a close ally in the regulatory activity of the ANS, to the extent that the latter may acquire more in-depth knowledge of aspects contained in the demands of the former.


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This work focuses on the implications of technological-organizational competences for improvement of performance indicators. This relationship is examined during 1984 to 2005 in three small companies that operate in Rio de Janeiro within adventure tourism, more specifically, within tandem flights on hang-gliding. Based on a comparative case study grounded in both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidences collected in a detailed field search, this study is supported by an existing metric available in literature and adapted to adventure tourism segment. The metric to measure competences is based on four techno-organizational function: (i) product; (ii) sales & marketing; (iii) infra-structure & operational process; (iv) managing systems. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of typical indicators used by this segment to evaluate results. This dissertation contributes to deepening the understanding of how techno-organizational competences affect the competitive performance of companies in this sector of adventure tourism.


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A indústria brasileira de gás liquefeito de petróleo, GLP, tem sido alvo freqüente, nos últimos anos, da atenção de órgãos reguladores, mídia e público em geral. Muitas têm sido as especulações a respeito de seu padrão de conduta publicados na imprensa, variando desde práticas predatórias até a formação disciplinada de cartel. A presente pesquisa, baseada em depoimentos de executivos da indústria e no acesso a dados das firmas dessa indústria tomado públicos - dados financeiros e operacionais - explora qual seja, afinal, o padrão de competição desse oligopólio. O estudo parte da Teoria da Estrutura de Capital aplicada para decisões de competição e mercado - preços e quantidades a ofertar para constatar que, dadas suas escolhas de estrutura de capital, as firmas esta indústria específica simplesmente adotam um padrão tradicional de arrefecimento da competição a partir de sua dívida. A dívida, nesta indústria, é utilizada para a criação de barreiras de entrada. Ainda assim, casos de acirramento da competição e de concentração de mercado foram encontrados, indicando que não haja uma disciplina formal de conduta por parte de suas firmas as quais devem, eventualmente, encontrar dificuldades - ou falta de interesse - na convivência em um mercado em fase de transformação.


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The high degree of flexibility has been pointed as one of the outstanding characteristics of the Brazilian job market. Employability is being a frequent discussion issue among the professionals of the human resources area. The Human Capital Theory and the contemporary discussion concerning Employability argue the relationship of the educational practice and of the production practice in a capitalist economical-social structure as a whole. The education consequences in the individuals' life are reflected in several ways, direct and indirectly. Our objective is to evaluate, with statistics methods, and in that universe of consequences, the explanatory events of the relationships between education-wage and education¿job. The main reason of this work is to evaluate the relationship between education, wage and Employability from a structural model perspective, seeking to compare and to contrast two effective theories: the one from the human capital and other from the Employability. To make this analysis, a database of individuals that are working at the formal work market in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area, had been used. The results showed the education importance on the wage level, as well as, on the Employability factor, whose values and highest taxes correspond to the individuals graduated on the university.