489 resultados para Manutenção : Gestão : Administração


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar um modelo de avaliação de desempenho da gestão pública municipal que leve em consideração aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da gestão e que permita comparar entre si os diversos Municípios existentes no Brasil. Para possibilitar a identificação e a análise, o meio utilizado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. O levantamento bibliográfico permitiu concluir que não há modelos desenvolvidos que mensurem adequadamente o desempenho da gestão municipal. Além disso, o levantamento bibliográfico forneceu informações sobre a origem dos Municípios e sua evolução no Brasil, as principais características do sistema municipal brasileiro e a função do Município na nossa sociedade, bem como as principais práticas e formas utilizadas na avaliação de políticas públicas. Identificaram-se também nesta etapa do trabalho os tipos de indicadores possíveis de serem utilizados na avaliação da gestão pública e suas características. A seleção de diversos indicadores encontrados na base de dados de órgãos governamentais permitiu a construção de dez índices que sustentaram a construção de um indicador composto que avaliasse a gestão municipal sob diversos aspectos de importância para o cidadão usuário dos serviços públicos. Nem todas as áreas do serviço público municipal puderam ser avaliadas em razão da ausência de dados desagregados por Município. Os resultados demonstraram as potencialidades e as limitações do modelo desenvolvido e confirmaram que o uso do modelo favorece a identificação de governos municipais de acordo com o nível de eficácia e de eficiência.


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In the past there were many lawyers working in the human resources area, nowadays it doesn't happen anymore, because this area wishes to offer a better service. According to some writers, that strategic service is the ideal way for the organization to achieve its goal. Since there are not many researches about this issue, this dissertation will give a support not only for academic but also for professionals that work in private and public organizations. The goal of this dissertation is to identify how professionals, except for the ones who work in the human resources, realize the actions of the human resources in private and public organizations. Besides, this dissertation also makes a comparison between these two kinds of action. The result of this research is neither good nor bad. The goal of this research was to find problems involved on this issue and better solutions for them.


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It is difficult to be precise as to the history of auditing. Everyone who has the responsibility to verify the legitimacy of economic-financial data and answer to one¿s superior may be considered to be an auditor. Verbal audit reports were used during the time of the Roman Empire. In the current world, public administration applies advanced auditing techniques. Brazil is going through a complex process of change in regard to breaking away from the present bureaucratic administrative model toward the management administrative model. Consequently, the procedures of Brazil¿s Audit Courts are adapting to a new administrative paradigm outlined in this study. Operational audits were analyzed beginning with the theoretical basis and presuppositions in the defined context and compared with the traditional audit model, identifying possible contributions to the management administrative model. This qualitative research seeks to explore such contributions beginning with a critical reading of the research of six operational type audits made in the Federal area by the Audit Court, but does not intend to be strictly classified as a theoretical-critical basis to the extent and depth that a study of this type requires, nevertheless, it intends to approach this position. The results obtained of the systematic reading and criticism of the implemented procedures and the filed final reports of the six examples studied demonstrated that they are a model of operational audits with emphasis on the actions of public administrators ¿ evaluating the aspects of competence, productivity and effectiveness of the public administration ¿ not just to be adequate, but essential to the operation of management administration. The final considerations highlight the basic presupposition of management administration, that is, the accountability of public management based on the results of its management obtained with the use of operational audit techniques, seeking the expected rigor of public management in benefit of society.


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Esta dissertação é produto de uma investigação sobre a extensão universitária e as bases institucionais para o seu desenvolvimento. A sua construção teve como norte o objetivo de analisar a estruturação da extensão em uma instituição de educação superior em Administração, o que foi realizado através de explorações teóricas e do estudo de caso da Faculdade de Administração da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Tendo como principal referência o pensamento do Fórum Nacional de Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Universidades Públicas, as dimensões institucionais que orientaram a análise do caso foram: política de gestão, plano acadêmico e infra-estrutura. De acordo com suas caracteristicas atuais na instituição em foco, foi possível compreender que estas bases, que suportam o desenvolvimento da extensão, ainda não estão adequadamente consolidadas. A principal conseqüência deste cenário é o desequilíbrio e dissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Isto, por sua vez, gera a prevalência da reprodução de conhecimentos que muitas vezes foram gerados em ambientes com caracteristicas distintas da sociedade brasileira e da comunidade onde a Universidade está inserida. Diante um cenário onde é urgente a necessidade de conhecimentos comprometidos com a solução de problemas que impedem a sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento do Brasil, é necessário que esta instituição se renove para corresponder aos desafios da sociedade atual.


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O objetivo deste estudo é verificar em que medida a Central de Atendimento ao Público do Banco do Brasil, em Brasília provê a adequada alocação de seus servidores a capacitação desses, e as condições organizacionais necessárias para a automotivação. Considera-se que esses fatores são de suma importância para prestação de um serviço público. Buscou -se ainda verificar se as condições sócio-econômicas e de trabalho não são impeditivas da boa prestação do serviço. Foram aplicados formulários e questionários aos servidores a fim de verificar em que medida estão presentes esses fatores. A conclusão aponta que, apesar de a alocação ser feita de maneira empírica, da necessidade de criação de um sistema de treinamento mais alinhado com os objetivos da instituição, e da baixa cultura de comunicação intraorganizacional ,a gestão de pessoas no Banco Central do Brasil, caminha para um pensamento de melhoria contínua e apresenta soluções para grande parte dos problemas identificados.


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Este estudo objetiva investigar o estágio em que se encontra a auditoria operacional no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ), quais as suas modalidades já foram realizadas, os benefícios gerados para a melhoria da gestão do gasto público e os estágios que faltam para ser considerada plenamente implementada. A pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que no TCE-RJ a auditoria operacional ainda se encontra num estágio embrionário, assim como em quase todos os Tribunais de Contas dos demais estados, e necessita avançar mais para alcançar o estágio pleno, uma vez que este tipo de auditoria amplia os seus papéis para além da fiscalização legal das ações governamentais, ao ter que verificar a existência de eficiência, eficácia, economicidade e efetividade nessas ações. Além de proporcionar o fortalecimento dos controles internos e aperfeiçoamento das rotinas e procedimentos dos órgãos auditados e abrir um canal para interação com os gestores públicos. Para materializar os objetivos fixados, levantamos todas as auditorias com enfoque de auditoria operacional ou de avaliação de programas realizados nos últimos dois anos no TCE-RJ, selecionamos então uma delas para uma análise detalhada dos seus conteúdos e benefícios gerados ao aperfeiçoamento da gestão pública. O estudo analisou, ainda, como os técnicos gestores do Tribunal percebem auditoria operacional, a fim de identificar os benefícios que ela traz e os estágios a serem alcançados para a sua plena implementação.


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The basic thesis of this work is that the school management constitutes a key factor for the quality of education in the school units, and therefore its main manager, the principal, assumes a main role in the school performance. Despite this fact, it has not been attributed to the educational management any priority in the educational management research in the educational area. Thus, this work aimed at investigating the influence on the style of management of the school administrator, so far as the principal is concerned. It was used bibliographical research on the subject and interviews carried out with professors, employees and directors of schools of the public system of education of the State of São Paulo. Amongst the most relevant results it was observed: 92% of the participant professors of the research consider that the performance of the principal influences the quality of education of the school; 93% of the participant employees of the research consider that they had had significant changes in relation to their activity, which resulted from for the varied forms of the directors' performance.


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This study analyzes the possibility of organizational change in the security activity in organizations, assuming a new paradigm: management of risks and loss prevention. Based in this, two different analytical problems had structuralized the research: A) To demonstrate the absence of an activity regulated between the public and private security, presenting as it is played and justifying by means of historical and methodological aspects the responsibility of the actors on the losses generated for the current form of management; B) the challenge of the management of risks and loss prevention, leaving of the estimated one that the acceptability of treatment of the risks is based not only by the evaluation technique, but mainly in the involved intuitive aspects in the decision made. In general lines, the intention to carry through a theoretical quarrel and an analysis of the speech of controllers of organizations, to the end, is to arrive at the conclusion of that if it cannot more admit the different sides of security and a bigger universe, where if does not have to look for to only decide the urgent problem, but also to participate and to contribute in the life of the organization, by means of a cycle of accompaniment of risks based in preventive activities. Moreover, a new involved approach in the process of understanding of the heuristically ones of the organization brings the possibility of uneven benefits in that it concerns to provide actions that if locate inside of one continuum, whose extremities are in playing activities with a maximum degree of risks displaying the life of the organization the concretion of a starter fact of damages and keeping the activity end of the organization stopped in the search of a degree of risk next to zero.


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Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da verificação da eficácia da utilização da Tecnologia da Informação ¿ TI, nas empresas públicas. O estudo pretende proporcionar uma melhor compreensão das causas e circunstâncias que favorecem ou prejudicam os melhores resultados das empresas com a utilização de TI no cumprimento de suas missões. A TI é um componente relativamente novo nas empresas e que propicia transformações radicais em sua atuação. Esta tecnologia vem evoluindo muito rapidamente e tem sido utilizada de maneira intuitiva e fundamentada em bom senso. No início seu papel se restringia somente ao apoio à produtividade das empresas. Atualmente passa a representar uma nova dimensão estratégica. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa se propõe a identificar a adequada utilização da TI pelas empresas públicas em nível estratégico. A aplicação prática será apresentada com fatos observados na Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos ¿ FINEP.


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With the redefinition of the constitutional paper of the State, the federal Government developed through the Ministry of the Federal Administration and of the Reform of the State a ¿Director Plan of the Reform of the State Apparatus¿. Having as main objective the retaking of the capacity of management of the State, this Managing Plan proposes the introduction of the methodologies of modernization of the public administration and the revision in the ways of property of the State. As a complement to this Plan the Program of Quality and Participation in the Public Administration ¿ QPAP ¿ was developed. This Program proposes the accomplishment of some strategic projects. Among those projects it stands out the one of Restructuring and Quality in the Federal Executive Power, which defines as one of the work stages, the dissemination of the strategic planning in all the entities of the public administration. The strategic planning is considered nowadays only one of the stages of the strategic administration and it is fundamental that all elements of sistematization and analysis in all the phases of the administration of an organization are knomn. This dissertation tries to show that the dissemination of the strategic planning in the public institutions, especially in the IBGE, it is opportune and coherent, but that it will also be necessary to do an analysis of all the limitations and challenges that the leaders will face so that the strategic restructuring is implemented with the effective participation and all the employees commitment.


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The Court of Auditors for the State of Pernambuco (know as TCE-PE), during its strategic planning process, realized its need to be recognized by Pernambuco society as an effective instrument in the improvement of public management. This objective is present in its mission statement and in its strategic vision, as declared in the Strategic Plan for the 2008- 2012 period. Withing its pages, we can verify that it is not only the effectiveness of TCE-PE's institutional results that needs to be recognized by society. What we look forward to is that all the results from public management, within its jurisdiction, are also effective. In other words, our goal is to have TCE-PE intervene in Pernambuco's public management sphere in order to improve it, or for it to become more effective. Along the way, some variables will act in its favor, facilitating, while others will act in against it, complicating the attainment of this strategic binomial. The goal of this research is to identify, from the point of view of a management variable, which are the institutional and organizational elements that facilitate or complicate this process.


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Na atualidade os processos de gestão organizacionais nas empresas não podem ser mais concebidos em forma rígida e reativa ás mudanças atuais. Sabe-se que tal conceição errada acarreta conseqüências graves como ineficiência e baixa produtividade no gerenciamento das mesmas. Tais fatos geram uma ineficácia geral das empresas, influenciando negativamente nas políticas das empresas. Em relação á política de Remunerações, a mesma está gerando um forte descontentamento na comunidade trabalhadora e fazendo com que os sindicatos atuem tentando garantir emprego fixo como também igualdade salarial. Um dos grandes problemas que as mesmas empresas enfrentam é, certamente, o da determinação de uma estrutura adequada de salários. Isto porque, se de um lado existe a preocupação de motivar os empregados com salários compensadores, de outro lado existe a preocupação de situar num nível razoável os custos com o pessoal. O salário deixa de ser, para o empregado, o principal motivador, na medida que o próprio empregado considera-se inadequadamente remunerado. Contemplasse pelo menos dois aspectos: o equilíbrio interno e externo. O primeiro se refere a comparação de salário dentro da empresa, e o segundo tem como referência outras empresas do mesmo ramo. Métodos como a descrição e avaliação de cargos permitem estabelecer uma estrutura organizacional congruente solucionando problemas como desequilíbrio interno/externo dos salários. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar e avaliar os planos de cargos e salários do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do serviço público federal no estado do Rio de Janeiro (SINTRASEF), propondo um plano alternativo de remunerações compatível como sua realidade organizacional atual.


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The objective of this work is the study of the existing correlations between the strategical use of the information and the joint and implementation of defense politics and national security in the Legal Amazonian. For in such a way, the proposal was developed from the analysis of the systems of protection and monitoring of the Amazonian (SIPAM/SIVAM), where we search to inquire as these systems have contributed for the definition and implantation of these politics. For the Amazonian, with its natural wealth, threats and vulnerabilities, the perspectives of integration, security and national defense and of sustainable development constitute great challenges to be faced, where the efficient use of the technology is a basic reference that must be incorporated in the strategies and public politics in these areas. One is about a strategical project, conceived with vision of future, protection and development of the . The objective SIPAM/SIVAM the defense and the guarantee of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Legal Amazonian, beyond the systematization and accomplishment of the governmental actions in the region, by means of the intensive use of technological apparatus. In turn, they reflect the priority that the Amazon region has in terms of defense and security for the Country, and symbolize the strategy of the State to protect it. The SIPAM/SIVAM if finds in a boarding line in which the guarantee of the national sovereignty also involves the care with the development of the local population, inside of a proposal educative and integrator. Like conclusion we affirm that of the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new paradigm for the public administration, where the organizations work with a shared set of information, beyond starting to act of integrated form. Thus, when searching permanently the rationalization of efforts and resources, trying an unknown form of institution relationship where infrastructure and products are shared, the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new premise for the Brazilian public administration and contributes to give a new direction to the development of the Amazonian.


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The developed democracies only have results or crystallise, when the exercise of the government policies has two dimensions: the first one, is the dimension of the government decisions making: in which, the governor accomplishes the priorities and orientations submitted to the population by electoral decisions. Then the second dimension, is the functionality of the State: capable to transform policies into convergent actions for accomplishment of the negotiated results. The consolidation of the democracy and the consequent increase of the social demand by decisions and public and government lawsuits, able to generate results that attend collectively the different levels of the society and able to aggregate and articulate additional values to their interests, imposes to the public sector administration, great challenges of public policies. Nowadays, the indispensable condition to guarantee a minimum governmental benchmark, it to overcome these challenges, in the plan of the public administration, demanded for the promotion of the economic development, in the democratic scope, to reach the politician-institutional values of the society. However, It is undeniable, the universality of the challenges of public administration that consequently, are the effects of modern administrative systems. To attempt the best result, the mast satisfy the attributes of speed, flexibility, integration and innovation, amongst others. The diffusion of guided doctrines of public management by results is reflecting in the institutionalization of new types of bureaucratic activities and amongst this context, it is distinguished as a basic importance of what we call Performance Audit. This work intends to describe how the control organs and especially the Accounts Court of the Union, the sensitive demands of the society, and attending to new constitutional order, they are structuring itself to face the new organizational and institutional challenges, in consequence of the gradual redefinition of your task, more and more liable uncertainties, current of the intimate nature of the performance audit, in development, face the traditional audit, which characterizes them in general. Therefore, the main goal of this these, is the analysis of the organizational challenges and consequently ,the lawsuits changes of the organizational structures faced in general by the Brazilian¿s Accounts Courts, which we believe, will help to elaborate paths of propulsive evaluating and restrictive elements to the innovations that are intended to introduce the systems of necessary control in the evaluation of government programs.


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This study aimed to verify the type of Personnel Management adopted during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 at the Municipal General Attorney¿s Office (PGM-RJ) is compatible with the challenges of society and management people in the twenty-first century and why. To enable this conclusion, the means used were the research literature, documentary and field, through a process of self-ethnography. The literature review presented the evolutionary process and culture of public administration in Brazil, the new challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century, the evolutionary process of managing people and its main approaches and models. The field research provided data wich related to them with the literature review, allowed to identify the predominant features of public administration and culture of PGM-RJ and the people management approaches identified. In addition, the study highlights that despite the effort in making changes and advances in the use of many different ideas of functionalist approach, the human resource practices adopted in the PGM-RJ during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 were not fully compatible with the challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century.