69 resultados para Capitalist urbanization
A melhora na situação econômica do Brasil, observada nos últimos anos, resultou em um aumento expressivo no número de IPOs realizados no mercado brasileiro tornando o mecanismo de desinvestimento através do mercado de capitais em uma boa opção para os fundos de Private Equity/Venture Capital, fato que não era visto no período anterior a 2004. No período de janeiro de 2004 a maio de 2007 foi possível notar um fato inédito para o mercado brasileiro, dos 61 IPOs que ocorreram, 26 foram realizados por firmas que tinham um fundo de Private Equity/Venture Capital como acionista. Devido a assimetria de informação, o preço de emissão é tipicamente inferior ao preço de mercado da ação após o IPO, sendo esse “fenômeno” conhecido na literatura como underpricing. Essa dissertação busca examinar o papel de certificação que um fundo de Private Equity/Venture Capital pode exercer nas emissões de ações no Brasil no período de 2004 a maio de 2007, reduzindo assim a assimetria de informação existente, através de uma análise do underpricing dos IPOs de empresas que tem fundos de Private Equity/Venture Capital como acionistas, e de empresas que não tem. Encontramos evidência que sugere que no mercado brasileiro apenas empresas com um bom grau de governança e transparência tem acesso ao Mercado de capitais através de IPOs, tirando, desta forma, a importância do poder de certificação exercido pelos fundos de Private Equity/Venture Capital em reduzir a assimetria de informação existente.
Neoliberalism and developmentalism are the two alternative forms of economic and political organization of capitalism. Since the 2008 global financial crisis we see the demise of neoliberalism in rich countries, as state intervention and regulation increased, opening room for a third historical developmentalism (the first was mercantilism, the second, Fordism). Not only because of major market failures, not only because the market is definitely unable to assure financial stability and full employment, an active macroeconomic policy is being required. Modern economies are divided into a competitive and a non-competitive sector; for the coordination of the competitive sector the market is irreplaceable and regulation as well as strategic industrial policy will be pragmatically adopted following the subsidiarity principle, whereas for the non-competitive sector, state coordination and some state ownership are usually more efficient. Besides, the fact that capitalist economies are increasingly diversified and complex is an argument against the two extremes – against statism as well as neoliberalism – in so far that they require market coordination combined with increased regulation. But the third developmentalism probably will not be progressive as was the second, because the social-democratic political parties are disoriented. They won the battle for the welfare state, which neoliberalism was unable to dismantle, but the competition of low wage developing countries and immigration continue to offer arguments to conservative political parties that defend the reduction of the cost of labor contracts or the or precarization of labor.
This thesis demonstrates the exercise of slave labor in the context of free or decent work, in contemporary times, supported by the federal constitution 1988 Brazil than places like fundamentals "the dignity of the human person" and "the social values of work and free enterprise" , and is as fundamental objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil "build a free, just and united society," "guarantee national development", "eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social and regional inequalities", "promote the well all without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination. " It is considered that the analytical work category interacts both conceptually as an integral part of the capitalist development model as a driving force to the definition of State Capable. The panorama of acquired rights and rights infringed upon evidences the presence, or not, of the Brazilian state. Highlights, however, as state functions are being performed under the auspices of the Democratic State of Rights. So the original question that motivated this work is: To what extent the Brazilian government is structured to implement measures that can eradicate modern-day slavery? This question led to questions as: The Brazilian state has never failed in implementing the policy of "eradication to work analogous to slavery"? The answer the research questions were outlined using the dialectical materialist historical method under a sociological perspective in order to draw relationships and interrelationships between the current situation of the concept contemporary slavery and its historical roots. In the theoretical framework considers the conceptual approach regarding the capable state in order to answer the question regarding the eradication policy to contemporary forced labor and the Brazilian nation-state's ability to put it into action. In this sense, it employed concepts such as state, nation-state and capable state, from the interpretations of Bresser-Pereira, including the discussion regarding the formation of the arrangements and conservative and progressive political alliances. The research subject was analyzed from the reports published in 2013 by the Ministry of Labour after the Special Group of the inspection actions for Mobile Inspection (GEFM) to Combat Labour Analogous to Slave. The study of public policies related to the eradication program to work analogous to slavery takes up the discussion regarding the conditionality of free labor, or decent, in contemporary Brazil, and reveals that in Brazil the effectiveness or efficacy of government actions comply with governing the Federal Constitution-88, namely, to preserve "the dignity of the human person" and "the social values of work and free enterprise" is an ongoing process. There are advances, but these are conditioned to Brazil stage in the formation of the nation state and the national society.
The acronym BRICS was a fad among the media and global investors. Now, the acronym sounds passé. However, the group of countries remains important, from both political and economic reasons. They have a large aggregate size, 28% of the global GDP and 42% of the world’s population, high growth potential due to the current significant misallocation of resources and relatively low stock of human capital, structural transformation is in progress and one of them, China, is taking steps to become a global power and a challenger to the US dominance. This paper provides a brief overview of the five economies, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. We focus on some aspects of their history, the Chinese initiatives in international finance and geopolitical strategic moves, their growth experience and structural transformation over the last 35 years, trade and investment integration into the global economy and among themselves, the growth challenges faced by their economies and the potential gains to the Brazilian economy from a stronger integration with the other BRICS. In association with its efforts to be a global power, China aims to become a major player in global finance and to achieve the status of global currency for the renminbi, which would be the first currency of an emerging economy to attain such position. Despite the similarities, the BRICS encompass very diverse economies. In the recent decades, China and India showed stellar growth rates. On the other hand, Brazil, Russia and South Africa have expanded just in line with global output growth with the Russian economy exhibiting high volatility. China is by far the largest economy, and South Africa the smallest, the only BRICS economy with a GDP lower than US$ 1 trillion. Russia abandoned communism almost 25 years ago, but reversed many of the privatizations of 90’s. China is still ruled by communism, but has a vibrant private sector and recently has officially declared market forces to play a dominant role in its economy. Brazil, Russia and South Africa are global natural resources powerhouses and commodity exporters while China and India are large commodity importers. Brazil is relatively closed to international trade of goods and services, in marked contrast to the other four economies. Brazil, India and South Africa are dependent on external capital flows whereas China and Russia are capital exporters. India and South Africa have younger populations and a large portion living below the poverty line. Despite its extraordinary growth experience that lifted many millions from poverty, China still has 28% of its population classified as poor. Russia and China have much older populations and one of their challenges is to deal with the effects of a declining labor force in the near future. India, China and South Africa face a long way to urbanization, while Brazil and Russia are already urbanized countries. China is an industrial economy but its primary sector still absorbs a large pool of workers. India is not, but the primary sector employs also a large share of the labor force. China’s aggregate demand structure is biased towards investment that has been driving its expansion. Brazil and South Africa have an aggregate demand structure similar to the developed economies, with private consumption accounting for approximately 70%. The same similarity applies to the supply side, as in both economies the share of services nears 70%. The development problem is a productivity problem, so microeconomic reforms are badly needed to foster long-term growth of the BRICS economies since they have lost steam due a variety of factors, but fundamentally due to slower total factor productivity growth. China and India are implementing ambitious reform programs, while Brazil is dealing with macroeconomic disequilibria. Russia and South Africa remain mute about structural reforms. There are some potential benefits to Brazil to be extracted from a greater economic integration with the BRICS, particularly in natural resources intensive industries and services. Necessary conditions to the materialization of those gains are the removal of the several sources of resource misallocation and strong investment in human capital.
This paper, first, situates the nation-state historically, as a product of the capitalist revolution. Second, it distinguishes the state (the law system and the organization that guarantees it) from the nation-state or country (the territorial political unit formed by a nation, a state and a territory). Third, it defines nation, civil society and class coalitions, understanding that they are forms of society politically organized, which role is to act as intermediary between society and the state. Fourth, it uses these concepts plus the ones of relative autonomy and of anteriority to understand the ever changing relation between the state and society, where in early moments the state or its elites assumed the lead, and later, as democratization takes place, the protagonist role changed gradually to the people. The paper emphasizes the class coalitions, and argues that behind the two basic forms or economic and political organization of capitalism – developmentalism and economic liberalism – there are the correspondent class coalitions
This paper distinguishes three types of countries (rich, middle-income, and pre-industrial) and focus on the latter, which, in contrast to the other two, didn’t complete their industrial and capitalist revolutions. Can pre-industrial countries be governed well and embody the principles of consolidated democracies? Today these countries are under pressure from the imperial West to eschew institutions and developmental strategies that, in the past, allowed rich and middle-income countries to industrialize. At the same time, they are pressured by these same Western parties (and by its own people) to be democratic, even though their societies are not mature enough to fulfill that. In fact, no country completed its industrial and capitalist revolution within the framework of even a minimal democracy, suggesting that such demands are unfair. Added to this, pre-industrial countries are extremely difficult to govern because they usually don’t have a strong nation and capable states. This double pressure to renounce development strategies that have worked for the West while being required to become a democracy represents a major obstacle to their development.
A economia compartilhada teve origem na década de 1990 nos Estados Unidos impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos que propiciaram a redução dos custos das transações on-line peer-to-peer (SHIRKY, 2008), viabilizando a criação de novos modelos de negócio baseados na troca e no compartilhamento de bens e serviços entre pessoas desconhecidas (SCHOR, 2015). A economia compartilhada é constituída por práticas comerciais que possibilitam o acesso a bens e serviços, sem que haja, necessariamente, a aquisição de um produto ou troca monetária (BOTSMAN; ROGERS, 2011). Atualmente, a economia compartilhada está tomando forma no Brasil, por meio da expansão de modelos de negócio que visam ao compartilhamento, à troca e à revenda de produtos e serviços. Assim, objetivando expandir o conhecimento sobre este fenômeno econômico, realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em quatro empresas representantes dessa economia, com o objetivo de conhecer os seus modelos de negócio, enfatizando uma abordagem holística para compreender como essas organizações realizam seus negócios (ZOTT; AMIT; MASSA, 2011). Como resultado deste estudo, constata-se que a economia compartilhada abrange uma extensa gama de modelos de negócio (SCHOR, 2014), dentre os quatro casos estudados foram observados três modelos de negócio distintos. Ademais, por meio dos casos estudados, evidencia-se que as empresas da economia compartilhada tendem a desenvolver sinergias com empresas da economia tradicional para garantir sua sustentabilidade, visto que, das quatro empresas estudadas, três já estão desenvolvendo transações business-to-business com parceiros da economia tradicional, constatando-se assim o surgimento de uma economia híbrida constituída pelo mercado capitalista e pelas iniciativas de compartilhamento (RIFKIN, 2014). Todavia, verifica-se que a aproximação com empresas tradicionais não significa o abandono da essência de compartilhamento e sustentabilidade socioambiental, inerentes às propostas de valor das atividades da economia compartilhada.
A abordagem da Variedades de Capitalismo (VoC) tem se mostrado uma poderosa e influente lente de análise da literatura mais antiga do capitalismo comparativo. Inicialmente concebida para aplicação imediata em economias capitalistas desenvolvidas do Norte, tem sido manejada para explicar aspectos econômicos e institucionais em contextos diversos. O presente trabalho traz como questão a adequação e suficiência dessa abordagem para compreensão de economias em desenvolvimento na América Latina. Partindo de uma aplicação teórica dessa abordagem para analisar as economias políticas da região e procedendo à uma avaliação crítica do sucesso dessa aplicação, a hipótese do presente trabalho é a de que, embora útil para explicar muitos aspectos dessas economias em desenvolvimento, ela é insuficiente e falha na compreensão completa desses capitalismos, sobretudo por não captar o papel preponderante do estado em suas conformações.
Starting from the perspective of heterodox Keynesian-Minskyian-Kindlebergian financial economics, this paper begins by highlighting a number of mechanisms that contributed to the current financial crisis. These include excess liquidity, income polarisation, conflicts between financial and productive capital, lack of intelligent regulation, asymmetric information, principal-agent dilemmas and bounded rationalities. However, the paper then proceeds to argue that perhaps more than ever the ‘macroeconomics’ that led to this crisis only makes analytical sense if examined within the framework of the political settlements and distributional outcomes in which it had operated. Taking the perspective of critical social theories the paper concludes that, ultimately, the current financial crisis is the outcome of something much more systemic, namely an attempt to use neo-liberalism (or, in US terms, neo-conservatism) as a new technology of power to help transform capitalism into a rentiers’ delight. And in particular, into a system without much ‘compulsion’ on big business; i.e., one that imposes only minimal pressures on big agents to engage in competitive struggles in the real economy (while inflicting exactly the opposite fate on workers and small firms). A key component in the effectiveness of this new technology of power was its ability to transform the state into a major facilitator of the ever-increasing rent-seeking practices of oligopolistic capital. The architects of this experiment include some capitalist groups (in particular rentiers from the financial sector as well as capitalists from the ‘mature’ and most polluting industries of the preceding techno-economic paradigm), some political groups, as well as intellectual networks with their allies – including most economists and the ‘new’ left. Although rentiers did succeed in their attempt to get rid of practically all fetters on their greed, in the end the crisis materialised when ‘markets’ took their inevitable revenge on the rentiers by calling their (blatant) bluff.