159 resultados para Renda - Distribuição - Modelos econometrísticos


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar se os brasileiros que moram numa unidade federativa diferente da unidade em que nasceram – os migrantes – formam um grupo positivamente selecionado (isto é, um grupo que seja, em média, mais apto, motivado, empreendedor, agressivo, ambicioso do que outro grupo) da população brasileira. Utilizando a PNAD de 1999, mostramos que os migrantes ganham, em média, mais do que os não-migrantes, no Brasil, inclusive quando controlamos uma série de variáveis importantes na determinação da renda do trabalho. A partir desse resultado concluímos que, de fato, os migrantes, no Brasil, constituem um grupo positivamente selecionado. Como os migrantes saem das regiões mais pobres do país para as mais ricas, este fato pode estar agravando a desigualdade inter-regional de renda do país.


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Esta pesquisa científica foi apresentada como trabalho de conclusão do curso de Doutorado em Economia e reúne três artigos na área de crescimento. O primeiro deles utiliza a metodologia desenvolvida por Kakwani, Khabdker e Son (2004) para analisar a existência de crescimento “pró-pobre” nas regiões brasileiras nos anos de 1995 a 2005. Foram utilizados como suporte medidas de pobreza P(0), P(1) e P(2) e o índice de GINI. Os resultados apontam que tais políticas causaram maior impacto nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. O segundo artigo desenvolve três modelos econométricos em Dados de Painel para calcular as elasticidades renda-pobreza e desigualdade-pobreza para as regiões geográficas do Brasil, de forma desagregada. Para as estimativas foram usadas as medidas de proporção de pobres, hiato da pobreza e hiato da pobreza ao quadrado. Como fora observado que a elasticidade desigualdade-pobreza é maior do que a elasticidade crescimento-pobreza, a redução de desigualdade medida pelo índice de GINI, é mais sensível a queda dos níveis de desigualdade do que no crescimento da renda média. Finalmente, o terceiro artigo utiliza a metodologia desenvolvida por Kraay (2004), para analisar a importância de cada componente do crescimento “pró-pobre” para os estados das regiões do Brasil. No caso do nordeste o crescimento da renda tem sido relativamente mais importante do que a queda da desigualdade como fonte de crescimento “pró-pobre”. Já no sudeste, a redução desigualdade ganha mais relevância quando comparado ao nordeste.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo compreender como é o relacionamento entre as organizações da sociedade civil, atuantes na área de geração de trabalho e renda, no Bairro do Jaguaré, Município de São Paulo, visando ao entendimento de suas implicações. A metodologia utilizada foi a de estudo de caso. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes das organizações pesquisadas. A partir das entrevistas, diversos temas puderam ser analisados: informações sobre as organizações, seus programas, projetos e ações; desafios enfrentados; parcerias; o papel desempenhado por algumas organizações específicas; o relacionamento entre as organizações da sociedade civil atuantes no Jaguaré; e o relacionamento entre as mesmas e o governo. As organizações pesquisadas retratam claramente a variedade de tipos de organizações da sociedade civil existentes, assim como apresentam diferentes missões, tamanhos, modos de funcionamento e impactos. Apesar do grande número de organizações da sociedade civil presentes no Bairro do Jaguaré, percebe-se que há uma ausência de trabalho em rede, de parcerias e de sinergias.


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Este trabalho objetivou demonstrar como as políticas de micro-crédito e micro-finanças podem ser benéficas para uma determinada faixa da sociedade gerando empregos e renda para a população. Mais especificamente o trabalho fez um diagnóstico de oportunidade na distribuição de produtos da Empresa e mostrou através de um plano de experimento de pesquisa-ação em micro-crédito, que o investimento realizado por indivíduos, com a colaboração do Banco é capaz de gerar benefícios para os indivíduos; um novo canal de distribuição pulverizada para a Empresa que por sua vez ampliará o número de pontos de venda; crescimento do faturamento e margens de lucro da empresa, bem como clientes sustentáveis com baixíssima inadimplência para o banco que concedeu o micro-crédito.


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One of the main socioeconomic problems observed in most developing countries is the high income inequality. In Brazil, such issue is particularly relevant, since it possesses one of the worst income distributions in the world. This paper aims at studying the impact of health status on income distribution in Brazil. The methodology is a counterfactual analysis. The database used is that of PNAD 2003. The major contribution of the present study is to detect the impact of health status on income distribution in Brazil. This effect is more significant among the elderly than the others age groups.


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In this paper we investiga te the impact of initial wealth anel impatience heterogeneities, as wcll as differential access to financia! markets on povcrty anel inequality, anel cvaluate some mechanisms that could be used to alleviate situations in which these two issues are alarming. To address our qucstion we develop a dynamic stochastic general cquilibrium modo! of educational anel savings choicc with heterogeneous agents, where individuais differ in their initial wealth anel in their discount factor. We find that, in the long run, more patient households tend to be wealthier anel more educated. However, our baseline model is not able to give as much skewness to our income distribution as it is rcquircd. We then propose a novel returns structure based on empírica! observation of heterogeneous returns to different portfolios. This modification solves our previous problem, evidencing the importance of the changes made in explaining the existing levels of inequality. Finally, we introducc two kinds of cash transfers programs- one in which receiving thc benefit is conditional on educating the household's youngster (CCTS) anel one frec of conditionalities (CTS) - in order to evaluate the impact of these programs on the variables of concern1 Wc fine! that both policies have similar qualitativo rcsults. Quantitatively, howcvcr, the CCTS outperforms its unconclitional version in all fielcls analyzecl, revealing itself to be a preferable policy.


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A presente tese analisou a burocracia dos PTCs no Brasil e no México; especificamente, teve por objetivo mostrar a influência da burocracia articuladora (BA) sobre a diferença nos resultados de focalização, adotando como referência os erros de exclusão estimados para ambos os programas. A articulação analisada incorporou dimensões intergovernamentais e intersetoriais nas cadeias de implementação definidas para ambos os programas, considerando o período de 2003 a 2010, no qual ambas as BAs enfrentaram o desafio de expandir a cobertura do programa e manter a focalização. Esse estudo foi orientado pela a abordagem qualitativa, através do estudo de caso comparado, a partir do qual foi possível interpretar que os melhores resultados de focalização se relacionam com a capacidade de acessar recursos administrativos (federais e municipais) do burocrata brasileiro. Em termos teóricos, a utilização do modelo de Goggin et alii (1990) auxiliou na ponderação de variáveis intervenientes na determinação dos resultados casos individuais.


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This thesis contains three chapters. The first chapter uses a general equilibrium framework to simulate and compare the long run effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and of health care costs reduction policies on macroeconomic variables, government budget, and welfare of individuals. We found that all policies were able to reduce uninsured population, with the PPACA being more effective than cost reductions. The PPACA increased public deficit mainly due to the Medicaid expansion, forcing tax hikes. On the other hand, cost reductions alleviated the fiscal burden of public insurance, reducing public deficit and taxes. Regarding welfare effects, the PPACA as a whole and cost reductions are welfare improving. High welfare gains would be achieved if the U.S. medical costs followed the same trend of OECD countries. Besides, feasible cost reductions are more welfare improving than most of the PPACA components, proving to be a good alternative. The second chapter documents that life cycle general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents have a very hard time reproducing the American wealth distribution. A common assumption made in this literature is that all young adults enter the economy with no initial assets. In this chapter, we relax this assumption – not supported by the data – and evaluate the ability of an otherwise standard life cycle model to account for the U.S. wealth inequality. The new feature of the model is that agents enter the economy with assets drawn from an initial distribution of assets. We found that heterogeneity with respect to initial wealth is key for this class of models to replicate the data. According to our results, American inequality can be explained almost entirely by the fact that some individuals are lucky enough to be born into wealth, while others are born with few or no assets. The third chapter documents that a common assumption adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models is that the population is stable at steady state, that is, its relative age distribution becomes constant over time. An open question is whether the demographic assumptions commonly adopted in these models in fact imply that the population becomes stable. In this chapter we prove the existence of a stable population in a demographic environment where both the age-specific mortality rates and the population growth rate are constant over time, the setup commonly adopted in life cycle general equilibrium models. Hence, the stability of the population do not need to be taken as assumption in these models.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se os brasileiros que moram numa unidade federativa diferente da unidade em que nasceram - os migrantes - formam um grupo positivamente selecionado (isto È, um grupo que seja, em mÈdia, mais apto, motivado, empreendedor, agressivo, ambicioso do que outro grupo) da populaÁ„o brasileira. Subsidiados pela literatura existente sobre o assunto e utilizando a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÌlios (PNAD) de 1999, conseguimos mostrar que os migrantes ganham, em mÈdia, mais do que os n„o-migrantes, no Brasil, sendo que esse resultado se mantÈm quando fazemos uma an·lise bivariada (controlando por estado de nascimento, estado de residÍncia, idade ou educaÁ„o) e quando fazemos uma an·lise multivariada, atravÈs de uma regress„o m˙ltipla (que controla conjuntamente uma sÈrie de vari·veis importantes na determinaÁ„o da renda do trabalho). A partir desse resultado, concluimos que, de fato, os migrantes, no Brasil, constituem um grupo positivamente selecionado.


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This paper investigates the income inequality generated by a jobsearch process when di§erent cohorts of homogeneous workers are allowed to have di§erent degrees of impatience. Using the fact the average wage under the invariant Markovian distribution is a decreasing function of the discount factor (Cysne (2004, 2006)), I show that the Lorenz curve and the between-cohort Gini coe¢ cient of income inequality can be easily derived in this case. An example with arbitrary measures regarding the wage o§ers and the distribution of time preferences among cohorts provides some insights into how much income inequality can be generated, and into how it varies as a function of the probability of unemployment and of the probability that the worker does not Önd a job o§er each period.


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Our work is based on a simpliÖed heterogenous-agent shoppingtime economy in which economic agents present distinct productivities in the production of the consumption good, and di§erentiated access to transacting assets. The purpose of the model is to investigate whether, by focusing the analysis solely on endogenously determined shopping times, one can generate a positive correlation between ináation and income inequality. Our main result is to show that, provided the productivity of the interest-bearing asset in the transacting technology is high enough, it is true true that a positive link between ináation and income inequality is generated. Our next step is to show, through analysis of the steady-state equations, that our approach can be interpreted as a mirror image of the usual ináation-tax argument for income concentration. An example is o§ered to illustrate the mechanism.


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This paper explores the use of an intertemporal job-search model in the investigation of within-cohort and between-cohort income inequality, the latter being generated by the heterogeneity of time preferences among cohorts of homogenous workers and the former by the cross-sectional turnover in the job market. It also offers an alternative explanation for the empirically-documented negative correlation between time preference and labor income. Under some speciÖc distributions regarding wage offers and time preferences, we show how the within-cohort and between-cohort Gini coe¢ cients of income distribution can be calculated, and how they vary as a function of the parameters of the model.


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Several empirical studies in the literature have documented the existence of a positive correlation between income inequalitiy and unemployment. I provide a theoretical framework under which this correlation can be better understood. The analysis is based on a dynamic job search under uncertainty. I start by proving the uniqueness of a stationary distribution of wages in the economy. Drawing upon this distribution, I provide a general expression for the Gini coefficient of income inequality. The expression has the advantage of not requiring a particular specification of the distribution of wage offers. Next, I show how the Gini coefficient varies as a function of the parameters of the model, and how it can be expected to be positively correlated with the rate of unemployment. Two examples are offered. The first, of a technical nature, to show that the convergence of the measures implied by the underlying Markov process can fail in some cases. The second, to provide a quantitative assessment of the model and of the mechanism linking unemployment and inequality.


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By mixing together inequalities based on cyclical variables, such as unemployment, and on structural variables, such as education, usual measurements of income inequality add objects of a di§erent economic nature. Since jobs are not acquired or lost as fast as education or skills, this aggreagation leads to a loss of relavant economic information. Here I propose a di§erent procedure for the calculation of inequality. The procedure uses economic theory to construct an inequality measure of a long-run character, the calculation of which can be performed, though, with just one set of cross-sectional observations. Technically, the procedure is based on the uniqueness of the invariant distribution of wage o§ers in a job-search model. Workers should be pre-grouped by the distribution of wage o§ers they see, and only between-group inequalities should be considered. This construction incorporates the fact that the average wages of all workers in the same group tend to be equalized by the continuous turnover in the job market.


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Lawrance (1991) has shown, through the estimation of consumption Euler equations, that subjective rates of impatience (time preference) in the U.S. are three to Öve percentage points higher for households with lower average labor incomes than for those with higher labor income. From a theoretical perspective, the sign of this correlation in a job-search model seems at Örst to be undetermined, since more impatient workers tend to accept wage o§ers that less impatient workers would not, thereby remaining less time unemployed. The main result of this paper is showing that, regardless of the existence of e§ects of opposite sign, and independently of the particular speciÖcations of the givens of the model, less impatient workers always end up, in the long run, with a higher average income. The result is based on the (unique) invariant Markov distribution of wages associated with the dynamic optimization problem solved by the consumers. An example is provided to illustrate the method.