610 resultados para Inovações tecnológicas - Estudo de casos
o objetivo dessa dissertao conhecer as relaes de poder - fonnais e informais - existentes na Rede Ferroviria Federal S.A., em liquidao (RFFSA) e aquelas que atuam sobre a empresa. Para isso, foi utilizado o Mtodo Etnogrfico, observando-se de forma participante a cultura da empresa, complementando assim o levantamento bibliogrfico sobre o Estado, sobre a burocracia - especialmente o hibridismo das empresas estatais - e sobre as relaes de poder entre esses no Brasil. Concluiu-se que: os funcionrios de uma empresa em liquidao no so facilmente motivados e trabalham contra os objetivos organizacionais, j que se apresenta um conflito de interesses; como o processo de liquidao da RFFSA longo, as relaes de poder infonnais se fortificam com o intuito de que a estratgia organizacional no tenha sucesso; a comunicao entre lideres e liderados no atenua os conflitos entre os objetivos organizacionais e de Recursos Humanos, dado que os empregados manipulam o discurso como forma de resistncia liquidao. De forma mais genrica, recomenda-se a reduo da ingerncia poltico-partidria na burocracia estatal, por meio de uma refonna administrativa que considere o aspecto cultural do servio pblico, podendo se desenvolver a idia de "accountability" entre os servidores.
The present study of case empirically investigates the existence of indicators that suggest the social exclusion preoccupation from the organizations with a strategic management of human resources focus. The objects of study are two subsidiaries of a multinational enterprise in emergency and first-aid services area. One of them is Portuguese and the other is a Brazilian one. This exploratory research has used a sectional way with a longitudinal perspective, since it has considered a specific verified data referring to 2004 and 2005 years, beyond the deeper interviews with actual managers to an evaluation of these studied perception and its authentication. Our indicators identification sources were principally the individual and social rights and duties broaching and the fundamental guarantees disposed in the Brazilian and Portuguese Constitutions as such as the European Constitution project. The results appoint to great differences of management between both subsidiaries, being the Brazilian one closer to our research proposes, as such as suggest us that the human resource areas, still acting in an instrumentalist way, establish a great barrier to better practices in social inclusion and they would be unprepared for a management with the focus in the employees. Although our study has been realized in a specific activity enterprise, we believe that our results can stimulate the realization of other investigations with the same objectives. In this way, we contribute to a better comprehension of the social exclusion causes and the organizations participations in this process.
Este trabalho procura compreender quais so os fatores criticos de sucesso na gesto das AABBs - Associaes Atleticas Banco do Brasil Com 1.267 unidades espalhadas por todo o territrio nacionaL as AABBs constituem uma das maiores redes de clubes ligados a uma nica empresa - no caso. o Banco do Brasii - de todo o mundo Para realizar a taret~l foi util izado o referencial terico da perspectiva terico-critica da Escola de Frankfun. mais especificamente as contribuil's de jllrgen Haberma". da segunda gerao frankfuniana Foram le\'adas em conta as cmicas de Habermas racio/lalidade "'.\lrll/l1<:lIlal e o conceiro dele de raol1ul/(lade COl1llllCalll'U, em conexo com as noes de ao gerel/nul nlOnolglclI e a~ilo gerencial dialriglca desell\ol\'idas por Fernando Tenrio As opinies de trs segmentos principais embasam o presente estudo: associados das AABH.\, admilli,\/rl1dorcs do !JUIlCO do !Jrasti e dirigentes das A.A!J!Js A panir desses pontos de vista procurou-se detinir o que caracteriza sucesso na gesto dos clubes: quais so os tipos de racionalidade. de ao gerencial e de prticas administrativas que predominam nas AAB85: como vista e utilizada a infra-estrutura das associaes: como o relacionamento dos dirigentes dos clubes com os administradores do Banco do Brasil e com a Federao Nacional das AABBs - Fenabb impacta a "ida das associaes. e de que forma se d o processo de comunicao das AABBs com os seus associados Os resultados do estudo podem contribuir para a melhoria dos processos de gesto das AABBs. alm de subsidiar as pesquisas sobre a atuao de outras entidades de natureza semelhante.
A organizao do trabalho constitui-se a partir da caracterizao de sua estrutura e dos respectivos impactos do desempenho de papis profissionais. O relacionamento interpessoal no ambiente de trabalho reflete o grau de participao e colaborao dos indivduos. Os indivduos diferem uns dos outros pelas suas atitudes em relao a um trabalho "estimulante" ou no. O valor prtico do estudo, busca analisar o grau de satisfao I insatisfao dos indivduos em relao a si prprios e em relao a empresa. Tambm foi feito um estudo das abordagens motivacionais e suas ligaes com os indivduos acima citados. A maior parte dos autores que contriburam ao desenvolvimento dos temas considerados neste estudo parecem ter querido conciliar dois imperativos: aumentar a rendimento dos trabalhadores e elevar o seu nvel de satisfao no trabalho (este segundo imperativo foi reformulado recentemente em termos de melhora da qualidade de vida no trabalho). Ainda no corpo do trabalho foram apresentados resultados da pesquisa realizada e discutidas algumas das abordagens motivacionais, com a finalidade de fundamentar teoricamente a questo principal que a forma de administrao da empresa o que se trata de satisfao I motivao na empresa TREE TOOLS, escolhida como agente deste estudo de caso.
Deep Changes in the consuming market are demanding a high level of competitive skills from all kind of companies, mainly those directed to sales of consumer goods. How to engage customers is a key factor, a competitive skill, to be learned from successful practices. This Master dissertation is concentrated on the case of a department store, a successful branch of an organization called Quero-Quero, in south of Brazil. Observations, interviews, and a survey, and its analysis, lead to the identification of informal practices and instruments they use to establish durable links with customers. Also the role of all stakeholders is considered both in the survey and analysis.
Com a maIOr interao entre povos, culturas e naes e a conseqente abertura dos mercados, a concorrncia entre as organizaes tem aumentado consideravelmente, forando-as a buscarem diferenciais que lhes garantam a criao e a manuteno de altos nveis de competitividade. A presena de algumas das tcnicas de flexibilizao do processo formal de formulao de estratgias pode ser um indicativo de maior preocupao das empresas com a instabilidade externa, porm, sem necessariamente, dar organizao o poder de adaptar-se continuamente s possveis alteraes. o presente estudo pretende analisar o caso da Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto BolviaBrasil sob o prisma das teorias de Motta, Mintzberg e Grant verificando se o processo de formulao de estratgias da citada organizao se caracteriza pela criao de estratgias emergentes ou deliberadas e se demonstra flexibilidade diante do ambiente externo.
A possibilidade de interagir em tempo real com o consumidor, ao contrrio dos monlogos que normalmente caracterizam os tradicionais meios de marketing, alterou drasticamente o jeito como o Customer Service pode ser oferecido, pois permite pesquisas e compras de produtos e servios on-line, o que representa um maior conforto para o homem contemporneo, cujo tempo bem escasso. O mercado representa um papel central na economia de qualquer nao, facilitando a troca de informaes, bens, servios e pagamentos, alm de criar valores econmicos para compradores, vendedores, intermedirios e para a sociedade de modo geral. Os mercados provem a infra-estrutura fsica que permite que as transaes entre os compradores e os vendedores ocorram. Dessa forma, entende-se que Mercado e Negociao eletrnica so especializaes dos conceitos gerais de Mercado e Negociao. O uso de meios eletrnicos e, mais especificamente, o uso da Internet como recurso para promover o comrcio, tem revolucionado todas as formas de comercializao existentes, promovendo o surgimento de novos tipos de mercados eletrnicos, os mercados baseados em Internet. Com tais vantagens, os mercados eletrnicos geram novas oportunidades de negcios, proporcionam novas estratgias para se atingir o consumidor, o fornecedor e os intermedirios que estejam dispostos a somar valores na integrao cliente/fornecedor. Mercados eletrnicos melhoram as informaes compartilhadas entre compradores e fornecedores e ajudam a reduzir o custo de logstica permitindo promoes rpidas, entregas imediatas e inventrios reduzidos. a infra-estrutura da informao substituindo sistemas de distribuio fsica. Foi, portanto, sobre esta temtica que buscou-se desenvolver todo o trabalho de pesquisa, enfocando-se um caso real: Vitria Web Car, por ser uma organizao que direcionou o seu foco para a qualidade dos servios, como base para o seu crescimento e diferenciao no mercado do varejo virtual brasileiro.
The Internet recruiting has been announced in the job market as a modern tool to attract the best and brightest professionals to the companies. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the Internet resources applied to the Recruitment and Selection process, so as to understand how can these tools make easier recruitment, in which concerns to cost efficiency, time spent and adequacy of the candidates selected to fill the job vacancies. It is also studied the role of the intermediates in the job market, specifically the recruitment consultants for executive search, considering the intensive use of the Internet tools for companies that, in this new way, get in touch directly with a major group of possible candidates. It is also investigated how these new resources to develop in-house capabilities to manage on-line recruiting, will bring savings, better process times and superior qualities of candidates. The study has an empirical section based on a case study of the Companhia Distribuidora de Gs do Rio de Janeiro - CEG, in which the new method with the Internet tools is compared vis--vis the traditional one. The study analyses the new methods impact on the main variables present in the process.Keywords: Labor Market, Recruitment and Selection, On-line Recruitment, Human Resource Management, Internet
This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, its the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.
This present work has the objective to analyze the perspective of the sustainable development from the promotion of the tourism in Vila do Abrao, Ilha Grande. For this, was available the five dimensions of sustainable ecological, economic, social, space and cultural from the own words of the actors involved with the reality of the studied place. The research was applied as a study of case and had as objective to discuss the tourists projects from Vila do Abrao, considered the viability of its sustainable. The discussion wasnt restricted to the economical aspects, but also the social-cultural and environment implications caused by tourism. The dialect method was used. Natives, residents, businesspeople, tourist, authorities, association representatives and others, were interviewed. They were questioned about negative and positive aspects from the local tourism, getting the chance to opinion. The segmented arguments of these actors made the base for new knowledge. This present dissertation arrived at some significant conclusions to the problems that represent barriers to the sustainable mentioned above. In conclusion, were set problems related to government body, whose political interest and insufficient recourses compromise the performance.
The world's record industry has been undergoing a deep crisis over the past years, and has been seeking ways to overcome the fall in legal CD and DVD sales. Paradoxally, consumption of music in its varied forms has been increasing over the same period. Within this adverse scenario, record companies have been trying to adjust their business models so as to encompass other products and services bearing a direct relationship with music. This paper aims at identifying the causes as well as assessing opportunities and initiatives within the market aiming at allowing the record industry to overcome the ongoing crisis. The objective of this paper is to provide an assessment of the current situation and propose alternatives to overcome the crisis, including digital music and the market of concerts and events as potential opportunities for the industry.
Pesquisas recentes nos campos das Finanas e de Economia Industrial vem mostrando que as decises de financiamento corporativo so interdependentes de decises relativas ao mercado de produtos. As teorias apresentadas apiam-se na responsabilidade limitada dos detentores do capital prprio para construir modelos nos quais a dvida utilizada estrategicamente. Altos nveis de endividamento tendem a favorecer o acirramento da concorrncia e a produzir resultados piores do que numa situao de conluio, provocando a adoo de mecanismos de limitao da alavancagem e da concorrncia pelo oligoplio. Evidncias indicam que firmas alavancadas suavizam a concorrncia enquanto firmas menos ou no alavancadas tornam a concorrncia mais acirrada ante a presena de um rival mais alavancado. Dados de corte seccional das firmas participantes do mercado brasileiro de aos planos ao carbono foram tratados pelo mtodo economtrico para verificar o comportamento da varivel de endividamento tendo como variveis explicativas de interesse os preos praticados e as quantidades vendidas pelas firmas e, como variveis de controle, algumas dentre aquelas sugeridas pela teoria da estrutura de capital. Os resultados mostram evidncias de que a varivel de concorrncia "preo" influencia as decises de estrutura de capital das firmas siderrgicas produtoras de aos planos e que a correlao com a alavancagem positiva. No entanto, nenhuma concluso pde ser obtida sobre a varivel quantidade. Clculos adicionais produziram resultados que so indicativos de iniciativas de aumento de concorrncia pelas firmas mais alavancadas da indstria, como reduo de preo, aumento de lucratividade e maior participao de mercado, sugerindo que as circunstncias de expanso de demanda favorecem a ruptura do conluio.
The aim of this research was to detect how strategy changes took place in a successful organization. This was an unique case study focused on O BOTICRIO, a cosmetic and perfumery company in the state of Paran, Brazil. Some information (from primary data) was obtained through interviewing members of the retail development department. Extra information was taken from articles about the company and interviews with members of the board of directors published in newspapers and magazines. The analysis was carried out in an explanatory-descriptive way, with a qualitative approach. The data, other than serving to characterize the company, was used for a number of purposes. They were: to introduce information about strategy changes in the company; to identify factors that gave rise to these changes; to identify the effects of these changes on the organization; to classify the strategy changes. The data revealed that the company is highly receptive to changes. Amongst the factors that caused strategy changes the following two factors stand out: the flexibility that the company presents in adapting to environmental variations and, overall, the interdependency that exists between changes. Confirming the systemic character of organizations, it was found that the changes lead to new changes. When qualifying the strategy changes, it was discovered that the incremental changes were more related to process evolution, i.e., comprehending transformations directly related to the activities to which the changes are associated with. The discontinuous changes, on the contrary, involved transformations throughout the whole company. Of all the changes that were analyzed only two were considered to be truly strategy revolutions. This confirms the idea that organizations usually choose to search for established strategic paths. The strategy changes analyzed produced a resistance level. This resistance was directly proportional to the level of discontinuance that the change had. It was verified, however, that all changes were considered beneficial to the company. The study concludes that other factors are also responsible for the fast expansion of the company. The most important of these are: the constant lauching of new products; the identification of the company with environmental issues; the policy towards employees; the strong marketing strategy; the quality of its products; the excellence on its services; the treatment of consumers; the use of franchise shops; the training provided to all the franchise network and as well as to the employees; and the seek to hire the best professionals to supervise its services. However, it cant be omitted that particular cause of O BOTICRIOs success is the intuition and the feeling of its President.
A Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telgrafos (ECT) tem se engajado no esforo de explorao do mercado brasileiro de mensagens h bridas mediante a prestao de servios de correio hbrido, os quais permitem a remessa eletrnica e a entrega fsica de correspondncias. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o posicionamento estratgico mais adequado para a ECT no mencionado mercado. Para tanto, procurou-se atingir os seguintes objetivos intermedirios: i) apresentar o conceito de correio hbrido, seu processo de funcionamento, prestadores e usurios potenciais do servio; ii) descrever a ECT e analisar seu contexto de atuao; iii) avaliar o mercado potencial de mensagens hbridas que a ECT pretende explorar atravs dos servios de correio hbrido e iv) analisar a estrutura da indstria postal no Brasil. Para a elaborao do estudo, adotou-se, como referencial terico, os seguintes modelos conceituais desenvolvidos por Michael Porter (1989): as cinco foras competitivas, a cadeia de valores e as estratgias competitivas genricas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que a estrutura da indstria postal brasileira recomenda a adoo de uma posio de baixo custo e escopo competitivo amplo no mercado de mensagens hbridas. Alm disso, verificou-se que as solues de correio hbrido constituem um tipo de inovao que pode ter um enorme efeito positivo no apenas sobre o custo, mas tambm sobre a diferenciao. Deste modo, recomenda-se que a ECT explore todas as oportunidades de diferenciao abertas pelo correio hbrido que no comprometam a posio de baixo custo, visto ser este o alvo estratgico primrio.
o estudo tem como principal foco apresentar uma referncia de anlise do comportamento individual dos empregados dos bancos de varejo diante da necessidade de adequao estratgia utilizada para enfrentar o atual mercado competitivo. Mostra a importncia da anlise da dimenso simblica para as organizaes, os negcios e as relaes entre os atores no contexto empresarial. Demonstra as principais mudanas recentes no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, que tem levado as organizaes a inseridas a buscar formas de adaptaes, entre elas rever seus processos de gesto e de programas de treinamento e desenvolvimento de pessoas. Traa o perfil atual do Banco BRC SIA, fazendo um breve histrico e abordando os recursos humanos, a informatizao, o projeto de saneamento fmanceiro e o desempenho operacional dos ltimos anos. Conclui que as caractersticas culturais do Banco BRC SI A, em sua maIOrIa, reduzem a sua capacidade de adequar-se forma de atuao dos bancos privados. Existem poucos traos culturais que favorecem a adaptabilidade do banco, entre os quais podemos citar o compromisso, a dedicao e a lealdade do pessoal ao banco (que j foram maiores no passado). Outros fatores tambm contribuem para dificultar a sua adaptabilidade, tais como o paternalismo, o formalismo, a impunidade, a postura de expectador, entre outras, caractersticas estas comuns s empresas brasileiras, conforme veremos no primeiro captulo. Com relao a isto, ser necessria uma forte dose de persistncia e desejo de quebrar a inrcia da organizao, bem como uma constncia de propsitos, para que as transformaes aconteam e o banco consiga se adaptar ao mercado. No caso, este deve ser o papel da liderana: ser persistente, perspicaz e flexvel o suficiente para chamar o processo a si e conduzi-lo de forma eficaz. Ainda, contatou-se que existem resistncias e dificuldades para a viabilizao das transformaes necessrias para que o banco atue como um banco privado. Algumas resistncias so comuns e outras so especficas e prprias de cada situao observada.