86 resultados para exportação


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The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.


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This study approaches the question of organizations in search for competitiveness when globalization, knowledge and technological advances in the First World is a challenge in developing countries. The case study research focus on Bahia Sul ¿ a large organization which belongs to the important sector of paper and cellulose, especially in terms of exports. This study analyses an organization in that underpriviledged situation of a third world country in which the majority of organizational strategies are heavily thrown on people who are simultaneously reduced to instruments for economic results and who are highly demanded in terms of productivity and creativity. Due to that reality, references chosen present two key contrasting concepts. Mass man, going back to Taylor¿s blue collars as well as to Marcel¿s knowledgeable but empty words man, whose abilities do not feet his needs, in contrast with rogerian expectations of person as a mutable and continuously enriched human being and with habermasian position looking for political and decision making participation in work an social situations. Results show a strong presence of mass man, despite his technological knowledge, and scarce indications of the social man and which appears in mere aspirations out of labor situations. Conclusions emphasize a need for coherence between organizational practices in search for competitiveness and expectations on persons¿ performance because they stimulate exchanges in terms of working places for obedience and some material comfort which is aggravated by the fact that any possibility of personal fulfillment is interpreted as only possible in out of work situations. Competitiveness in such a context is not to be expected.


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This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning process on the technological capabilities accumulation. This relationship was examined at the Electrolux do Brasil S/A ¿ Guabirotuba Unity ¿ in Curitiba/PR, over the period of 1980 to 2000. The Brazilian factory products White Goods destined to the Brazilian market as well as to exportation. The Swedish group Electrolux, to which the Brazilian factory belongs to, produces and sell goods to more then 150 countries. Regardless their importance, studies on the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying learning process are still scarce in Brazil, especially those focusing on the eletrodomestics products, and more specifically on the refrigerators and freezers industry. Based on a case study in the Electrolux do Brasil S/A, from 1980 to 2000, this investigation examined the influence of the learning process in the paths of the technological capabilities accumulation in the firm. The learning processes were analyzed in the light of the analytical framework proposed by Figueiredo (2001). This framework consists in four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. The technological capabilities accumulation were studied considering two technological functions: Process and Production Organization Activities and Products Activities. The evidences to classify and describe the paths of technological capabilities accumulation as well as to analyse the learning were mainly qualitative. This investigation joins other previous studies, in which there was noticed that the learning process have great involvement on technical changes, playing a relevant role on the technological capabilities of a company. Based on the investigation done and on the practical utilization of the analytical structure proposed by Figueiredo (2001), we infer that the way and the speed of technological capabilities accumulation are related to how the various learning processes were used by the company. One implied that, in levels from one to six, the studied company cumulated capabilities to level (5). Regarding technological competence, it approached industrialized countries firms, which present level (6), advanced.


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The research contemplates the dilemma faced by small rural communities producers¿ in north-eastern Brazil maintaining last longing relationships. Due to difficult social conditions in distant regions, small producers utilize practices of commercial exclusivity to obtain sustainability. In the Lago do Junco community case, located in the state of Maranhão, the babaçu oil exports¿, the social environmental appeal guarantee the cluster participants sustainability and the representation of women in society. But social problems related to the lack of formal education e the absence of relationship with local aid organizations causes the non compliance with market demands, leading the cluster to a non-innovative trap. In the honey community case in Simplício Mendes, located in the state of Piauí, the closest relationship with the external aid agents increased the conversion of market demands in reality. The analysis reveal possibilities on obtaining economic sustainability for small producers thru the conscientious utilization of nature resources guaranteeing the harmony between the environmental preservation and the development of both activities, apiculture in Piauí and babaçu oil processing in Maranhão.


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Trade history between Brazil and the United States is long and complicated but it is only in recent years that the trade balance has become more equal in terms of both imports and exports. As Brazil continues to establish its position in the world economy and expand its export market it is only natural that it seeks to increase exports to its single largest trading partner, the United States, and maintain the market share already established. In order to achieve success in these regards Brazil must have a deep understanding of the American political economy system. Part of this entails understanding barriers that must be overcome by Brazilian businesses to access United States markets, particularly the access of certain products at the industry level.


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Discute os conceitos de competitividade. Descreve os estudos empíricos de competitividade da economia brasileira e do setor siderúrgico. Investiga os ganhos de competitividade e a participação dos incentivos fiscais na receita de exportação do setor siderúrgico.


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Aplica-se um modelo de orientação para o mercado externo no Brasil,verificando seu grau de ajustamento. Calcula-se o grau de orientação para o mercardo externo de uma amostra de exportadores brasileiros e procura-se variáveis que o expliquem


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Estudo nas empresas exportadoras de Piracicaaba-SP, verificando a ocorrência de solicitações de comprovação de conformidade a normas de segurança e saúd no trabalho e a padrões trabalhistas como pré-requisito para a exportação dos produtos; a obtençaõ de vantagens comerciais decorrentes de conformidade com normas de segurança e saúde no trabalho; a conformidade destas empresas em relação a itens selecionados da legislação nacional e perfil destas empresas de acordo com os parâmetros escolhidos


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No mercado internacional, não se vislumbra uma melhoria significativa nos preços reais de nossos principais produtos tradicionais de exportação. Assim mesmo, pode-se afirmar, que o reduzido fluxo de financiamento externo sobre os países latino-americanos e as restrições comerciais em nossos mercados tradicionais de exportação, são condições adversas que se manterão no mediano prazo


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Partindo-se da análise da experiência brasileira com os Consórcios de Exportação na década de 80, este trabalho objetiva revisar o potencial dos Consórcios como uma estrutura capaz de lançar as micro, pequenas e médias empresas ao comércio internacional e proporcionar o aprendizado em Marketing Internacional. Como conclusão, sugere-se uma estrutura coletiva de cooperação voluntária visando as atividades de Exportação e Importação, necessárias à sobrevivência dessas empresas em um ambiente de internacionalização econômica e regionalização de mercados


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A conjuntura atual demonstra a necessidade de uma visão global dos negócios. Apesar de muitas empresas manterem políticas de atuação restritas ao seu mercado doméstico, as empresas precisam se adaptar a esta nova realidade. Competidores, fornecedores e clientes podem estar localizados em qualquer parte do mundo. Fatores como a integração econômica; o crescente fortalecimento do eixo Europa Ocidental, EUA/Canadá, Japão; o crescimento das economias emergentes na América Latina e Ásia; têm aumentado a competição global e já fazem parte do dia-a-dia de muitas empresas


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Esta dissertação trata da estratégia de negócios no mercado internacional, sob o enfoque do grau de padronização da estratégia de marketing.


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Trata da inserção do Brasil no contexto do Comércio Exterior e tem como principal objetivo analisar o setor automobilístico e explicar a criação do regime automotivo brasileiro para a geração de moeda de exportação. A escolha do tema decorre do fato de atuarmos profissionalmente na indústria automobilística, particularmente na área de exportação de uma das fabricantes de veículos, instaladas no Brasil. Em vista disso, em determinado ponto de nosso trabalho, iremos adotar a posição de uma empresa fictícia denominada "Cia A" para podermos ser mais elucidativos em nossa proposta. Apresentamos a seguir a estrutura da Monografia que é composta de uma introdução sobre a atual Política de Comércio Externo do Brasil e três capítulos brevemente descritos abaixo:


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No contexto da globalização, apresenta os conceitos de marketing internacional e global, e demonstra a formulação de um plano estratégico de penetração no Mercosul de um empresa industrial norte-americana de ferramentas de usinagem


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Ainda existe muito questionamento sobre a eficiência da comunicação Global. A tese aborda as variáveis que influenciam o processo de globalização e as conseqüências sobre a CIMG - Comunicação Integrada de Marketing Global, estabelecendo um paralelo sobre a sua aplicação no Brasil por meio de pesquisa junto às agências de São Paulo, Brasil. Apresenta novas definições para a comunicação integrada de marketing em três níveis de abrangência geográfica e propõe um modelo das condições necessárias para que a comunicação possa produzir melhor resultado.