48 resultados para Wages and Labor Productivity


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The impact of a mandatory tax on profits which is transferred to workers is analyzed in a general equilibrium entrepreneurial model. In the short run, this distortion reduces the number of firms and the aggregate output. In the long run, if capital and labor are bad substitutes, it fosters capital accumulation and increases the aggregate output. In a small open economy with free movement of capital, it improves the welfare of the economy's average individual. One concludes that the benefits of sharing schemes may go beyond the short run employment-stabilization goal focused by the profit sharing literature.


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One of the Main Subjects to Be Discussed, in Order to Adjust Latin American Economies to a Regional Integration Network, as Imposed By Mercosul or Other Economic Common Markets, is Related to the Employment and Other Labor Markets Public Policies. the Question to Be Posed Is: Having in Mind the Characteristics of Different Labor Markets and Labor Forces, What are the Impacts of Governmental Measures Presented in the Diverse Economic Conditions of Those Countries. Having in Mind These Impacts, This Paper Aims to Examine the Requisites to Adjust the Labor Structure Standards of Latin American Countries and What Would Be the Reforms to Be Performed By These Countries in Order to Prepare These Markets and Labor Forces to Adapt to Regional Integration Networks Represented By Mercosul, Alca or Other Common Markets. There are Evaluated the Impacts of the Globalization Process, Economic Stabilization and Reform Policies Undertaken By Some Selected Latin American Countries Since the Eighties on the Labor Structure Standards, Considering the Specific Adjustment Measures to Cope With the Negative Effects of These Policies. Next, Some Cases of Europe Union (Eu) Countries Measures to Prepare to Integration is Examined, in Order to Provide Some Elements to Better Understand the Possibilities to Handle With the Extensive Changes in External Conditions. in Sequence Some Statistical Indicatives of the Impacts of These Measures on the Occupational Structuring are Analyzed For a Group of Selected Latin American and Eu Countries.


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I investigate the role of sectoral di¤erences in labor productivity and the process of structural transformation (reallocation of labor across sectors) in accounting for the time path of aggregate productivity across six Latin American countries (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela) during the period from 1950 to 2003. Although they have started the process of structural transformation in di¤erent times, all of them went through a common process. I consider a simple three-sector-model of structural transformation and calibrate it to the experience of the six latin american economies. I use the model to measure sectoral labor productivity di¤erences between these countries and the United States. I have found that the services sector can explain the recent decrease of labor productivity in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, after these countries had gone through a catch up in relative productivity (considering the United States as a benchmark) during the period from 1950 to 1980. Among Latin American economies, only the Chilean one has been catching up in relative productivity from 1980 to the present. There are some cases like Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela that the ine¢ ciency of all sectors was responsible for the failure in reducing the gap of productivity in relation to the United States during the last years of the sample.


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The organization climate research is a widely used human resources tool grounded on the managerial discourse that preaches that listening to employees's opinions is relevant for the identification of corporate aspects that demand improvement. This study aims at desmistifying this discourse by means of analytical tools from the Critical Administration Studies, namely: denaturalized view of administration, detachment between intentions and performance and search for emancipation. The study is grounded on the assumption that the organizational climate research derives from functionalist theory, which benefits a dominating class, in name of productivity and for the maintenance of the status quo, therefore contributing for individual alienation at work. The study was designed to identify elements that show the relation between an organizational climate research tool and the social control over individuals in an organization - here the research conducted in 2005 by Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S/A - Eletrobrás, the Brazilian power sector holding company. The theoretical section presents an overview of corporate paradigms relevant for a sound understanding of the organizational climate concept. Data analysis was conducted by means of the post-modern method of binary deconstruction: the questions contained in the tool's questionnaire were grouped into categories and then analyzed in terms of the fallowing conceptual pairs: well-being/productivity, autonomy/control, ethics/ competitiveness and participation/alienation. The analysis showed that the organization climate research tool is used as a resource for social control and power, because it contributes to individual alienation as it satisfies some specific individual demands, therefore preventing the individual form a thorough understanding of how the system works. Besides, the helps anticipate, mitigate and conceal the conflicts arising from the opposing interests of capital and labor.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos evidência sobre os efeitos da alfabetização de adultos na renda e probabilidade de empregos dos indivíduos. Os dados longitudinais disponibilizados pela Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME) permitem controlar os efeitos fixos não-observáveis dos indivíduos gerando uma estimação mais robusta e consistente dos efeitos analisados. De modo geral, os resultados deste trabalho indicam retorno de 9,3% em rendimentos para indivíduos que se alfabetizam. Mostramos evidência que sugerem que esse efeito no salário se deve a acréscimos de produtividade e não por um aumento na formalização dos trabalhadores alfabetizados. Ademais, observamos que o efeito na renda é mais proeminente em certos grupos de indivíduos: mulheres, residentes de Salvador e pessoas entre 45 e 60 anos


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The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, it intends to provide theoretical elements to analyze the relation between real exchange rates and economic development. Our main hypothesis is very much in line with the Dutch disease literature, and states that competitive currencies contribute to the existence and maintenance of the anufacturing sector in the economy. This, in turn, brings about higher growth rates in the long run, given the existence of increasing returns in the industrial sector, and its importance in generating echnological change and increasing productivity in the overall economy. The second objective of this paper is empirical. It intends to analyze examples of successful exchange rate policies, such as Chile and Indonesia in the eighties, as a benchmark for comparison with countries where currency overvaluation has taken place, such as Brazil. In the latter case, the local currency is being inflated by large capital inflows, due to high domestic interest rates and to a boom in demand and prices of commodities in the international markets. It will be argued that the industrial sector bears most of the burden when the currency appreciates, and that Brazil risks at deindustrialization if there are no changes in the exchange rate regime


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The recently released "Educational PAC" attempts to place basic education at the center of the social debate. We have subsidized this debate, offering a diagnosis of how different education levels can impact individuals' lives through broad and easily interpreted indicators. Initially, we analyze how much each educational level reaches the poorest population. For example, how are those in the bottom strata of income distribution benefited by childcare centers, private secondary education, public university or adult education. The next step is to quantify the return of educational actions, such as their effects on employability and an individual's wages, and even health as perceived by the individual, be that individual poor, middle class or elite. The next part of the research presents evidence of how the main characters in education, aka mothers, fathers and children, regard education. The site available with the research presents a broad, user-friendly database, which will allow interested parties to answer their own questions relative to why people do not attend school, the time spent in the educational system and returns to education, which can all be cross-sectioned with a wide array of socio-demographic attributes (gender, income, etc.) and school characteristics (is it public, are school meals offered, etc.) to find answers to: why do young adults of a certain age not attend school? Why do they miss classes? How long is the school day? Aside from the whys and hows of teaching, the research calculates the amount of time spent in school, resulting from a combination between absence rates, evasion raters and length of the school day. The study presents ranks of indicators referring to objective and subjective aspects of education, such as the discussion of the advantages and care in establishing performance based incentives that aim at guiding the states in the race for better educational indicators.


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This article presents a group of exercises of level and growth decomposition of output per worker using cross-country data from 1960 to 2000. It is shown that at least until 1975 factors of production (capital and education) were the main source of output dispersion across economies and that productivity variance was considerably smaller than in late years. Only after this date the prominence of productivity started to show up in the data, as the majority of the literature has found. The growth decomposition exercises showed that the reversal of relative importance of productivity vis-a-vis factors is explained by the very good (bad) performance of productivity of fast (slow) growing economies. Although growth in the period, on average, is mostly due to factors accumulation, its variance is explained by productivity.


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Estudo exploratório com o objetivo de identificar que fatores têm agilizado e/ou restringido a prestação jurisdicional trabalhista no Estado do Espírito Santo, assim como que ações agilizadoras poderiam ser adotadas. Analisa os fatores elencados por trinta entrevistados diretamente relacionados à organização em estudo, à luz da abordagem sistêmica da Administração e de suas características de "burocracia togada". A orientação da proposta de mudança é no sentido de tratar a Justiça do Trabalho do Espírito Santo como uma organização sujeita a critérios de eficiência, eficácia e produtividade, melhorando sua atuação basicamente no que diz respeito à agilidade e à valorização do ser humano (no âmbito interno, ou seja, seus recursos humanos; e no externo, seus usuários). Conclui pela necessidade de inovações que conduzam a soluções diferentes das convencionais, como o aumento do número de juizes, juntas e tribunais. A melhoria do sistema de informações e a avaliação dos resultados, além de mudanças na legislação trabalhista, sobretudo a processual, são algumas ações que podem conduzir à superação dos fatores restritivos, o que resultará em um benefício coletivo.


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Este trabalho apresenta relações entre a produtividade do trabalho e as capacitações que ocorreram nas Organizações Militares (OM) de telemática do Exército Brasileiro (EB), que representam o Sistema de Telemática do Exército (SisTEx). O período do estudo se dá entre janeiro de 2010 e julho de 2011. O SisTEx é melhor caracterizado pelo Centro Integrado de Telemática do Exército (CITEx), pelos Centros de Telemática de Área (CTA) e pelos Centros de Telemática (CT), subordinados ao Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia (DCT) e dispostos ao longo de todo o território nacional. O estudo trata do conceito de produtividade do trabalho e do processo de capacitação no SisTEx. Fala sobre as áreas do conhecimento de interesse sistêmico e das áreas estratégicas que devem ser atendidas com capacitações, mostrando os resultados que surgiram em função das capacitações realizadas. Propõe sugestões para alinhar as necessidades de capacitação com as áreas estratégicas, destacando a importância das capacitações no planejamento estratégico, passando pelos interesses individuais. Relaciona estratégias que representam um diferencial competitivo na agregação de valor aos usuários. Traz comentários sobre a utilização do ensino a distância(EAD) e presencial para realização das capacitações. Trata da interferência das capacitações na produtividade e na percepção sobre o retorno do investimento (ROI). Relaciona, ainda, as capacidades do SisTEx com os estudos de inovação tecnológica no setor de serviços. Destaca as capacitações realizadas na áreas da segurança da informação e defesa cibernética. Considera que é possível melhorar a produtividade do trabalho em função das capacitações que ocorrem no SisTEx, que contribuem como um vetor de modernidade e transformação que agem diretamente no processo produtivo, proporcionando assim uma aceleração no desenvolvimento da qualidade dos serviços de TI prestados. Traz recomendações de estudos futuros para verificar a velocidade de acumulação das capacidades tecnológicas, o uso do EAD para capacitações de maior complexidade técnica e a criação de métricas para cálculo efetivo do ROI. Para tal, foi feito um estudo bibliográfico sobre a produtividade do trabalho e o processo de capacitação do SisTEx. O método adotado foi o do estudo de caso. Foram feitos questionamentos (survey) e enquetes/votações (poll) que foram aplicados nos chefes, exchefes de CTA/CT e nos discentes do SisTEx, militares que realizaram capacitações no período considerado.


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This thesis is comprised of three chapters. The first article studies the determinants of the labor force participation of elderly American males and investigates the factors that may account for the changes in retirement between 1950 and 2000. We develop a life-cycle general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds Social Security legislation and Medicare. Individuals are ex ante heterogeneous with respect to their preferences for leisure and face uncertainty about labor productivity, health status and out-of-pocket medical expenses. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy in 2000 and is able to reproduce very closely the retirement behavior of the American population. It reproduces the peaks in the distribution of Social Security applications at ages 62 and 65 and the observed facts that low earners and unhealthy individuals retire earlier. It also matches very closely the increase in retirement from 1950 to 2000. Changes in Social Security policy - which became much more generous - and the introduction of Medicare account for most of the expansion of retirement. In contrast, the isolated impact of the increase in longevity was a delaying of retirement. In the second article, I develop an overlapping generations model of criminal behavior, which extends prior research on crime by taking into account individuals' labor supply decisions and the stigma effect that affects convicted offenders, lowering their likelihood of employment. I use the model to guide a quantitative assessment of the determinants of crime and of a counterfactual experiment in which an income redistribution policy is thought as an alternative to greater law enforcement. The model economy considered in this paper is populated by heterogeneous agents who live for a realistic number of periods, have preferences over consumption and leisure, and differ in terms of their age, their skills as well as their employment shocks. In addition, savings may be precautionary and allow partial insurance against the labor income shocks. Because of the lack of full insurance, this model generates an endogenous distribution of wealth across consumers, enabling us to assess the welfare implications of the redistribution policy experiment. I calibrated the model using the US data for 1980 and then use the model to investigate the changes in criminality between 1980 and 1996. The main results that come out of this study are: 1) Law enforcement policy was the most important factor behind the fall in criminality in the period, while the increase in inequality was the most important single factor promoting crime; 2) Stigmatization is not a free-cost crime control policy; 3) Income redistribution can be a powerful alternative policy to fight crime. Finally, the third article studies the impact of HIV/AIDS on per capita income and education. It explores two channels from HIV/AIDS to income that have not been sufficiently stressed by the literature: the reduction of the incentives to study due to shorter expected longevity and the reduction of productivity of experienced workers. In the model individuals live for three periods, may get infected in the second period and with some probability die of Aids before reaching the third period of their life. Parents care for the welfare of the future generations so that they will maximize lifetime utility of their dynasty. The simulations predict that the most affected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be in the future, on average, thirty percent poorer than they would be without AIDS. Schooling will decline in some cases by forty percent. These figures are dramatically reduced with widespread medical treatment, as it increases the survival probability and productivity of infected individuals.


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A presente tese pretende contribuir criticamente para o entendimento das intrincadas relações existentes entre o Estado, o capital e a produção acadêmica. Para isso, se propôs a interpretar as relações acadêmicas de produção na pós-graduação em Administração no Brasil articulando-as com categorias analíticas mais amplas, delineadas de forma a fornecer um quadro, ao fundo, da economia-política. O pressuposto de que a atual intensificação dos ritmos de produção acadêmica contrasta com um passado – idealizado – de ciência contemplativa precisou ser confrontado com o desenvolvimento histórico da educação superior e da pós-graduação no país objetivando-se demover certas mitificações do debate. O Estado, em sua versão reformada a partir do ideário friedmaniano, o conceito de capital monopolista e a teoria do processo de trabalho forneceram suporte teórico-metodológico – e empírico – para a interpretação do quadro político-econômico proposto. Para a passagem do geral para o particular – das conexões entre o Estado e o capital à produção acadêmica – recorreu-se à coleta de dados em duas frentes: (i) analisou-se a produção acadêmica de todos os 168 pesquisadores-doutores bolsistas (até março de 2014) em Produtividade em Pesquisa (PQ) do CNPq na área de Administração e (ii) realizou-se entrevistas em profundidade com pesquisadores-doutores e doutorandos dos mais variados programas de pós-graduação em Administração do país. Os resultados foram inquietantes: verificou-se que está em curso um processo de intensificação da incorporação da mão-de-obra formada por alunos-orientandos às estruturas pedagógico-produtivas dos cursos de pós-graduação. Os orientandos respondem pela parcela mais substantiva do total da produção acadêmica, enquanto que os processos de trabalho aprofundam re-significações das atribuições dos cursos de pós-graduação e intensificam a divisão do trabalho, com impactos diversos nas relações entre os sujeitos da pós-graduação. Quando se procede ao movimento analítico inverso – das relações no interior da pós-graduação em Administração no Brasil para o quadro da economia-política posicionado ao fundo – observa-se que o Estado (principalmente através da CAPES e do CNPq) e o mercado capitalista acadêmico (tendendo a poucas empresas de capital monopolista) acrescentam determinações fundamentais às relações acadêmicas de produção. Índices de avaliação baseados em métricas de contabilidade da pesquisa se legitimam como monopólios epistemológicos da qualidade e se institucionalizam pelas ações coordenadas da CAPES e do CNPq no conjunto do sistema oficial de pós-graduação. Metas de produção são estabelecidas e re-significadas pelos sujeitos. No limite, define-se até mesmo o tipo de ciência que se produz na área. Conclui-se que a resistência aos atuais padrões intensificados de produção acadêmica passa pelo entendimento crítico de todas essas relações que se costuram e se estruturam no interior da pós-graduação.


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The impact of a mandatory tax on profits which is transferred to workers is analyzed in a general equilibrium entrepreneurial model. In the short run, this distortion reduces the number of fmns and the aggregate output. In the long run, if capital and labor are bad substitutes, it fosters capital accumulation and increases the aggregate output. In a small open economy with free movement of capital, it improves the welfare of the economy's average individual. One concludes that the benefits of sharing schemes may go beyond the short run employment-stabilization goal focused by the profit sharing literature.


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Employing a embodied technologic change model in which the time decision of scrapping old vintages of capital and adopt newer one is endogenous we show that the elasticity of substitutions among capital and labor plays a key role in determining the optimum life span of capital. In particular, for the CD case the life span of capital does not depend on the relative price of it. The estimation of the model's long-run investment function shows, for a Panel data set consisting of 125 economies for 25 years, that the price elasticity of investment is lower than one; we rejected the CD specification. Our calibration for the US suggests 0.4 for the technical elasticity of substitution. In order to get a theoretical consistent concept of aggregate capital we derive the relative price profile for a shadow second-hand market for capital. The shape of the model's theoretical price curve reproduces the empírical estimation of it. \lVe plug the calibrate version of the long-run solution of the model to a cross-section of economies data set to get the implied TFP, that is, the part of the productivity which is not explained by the model. We show that the mo dei represent a good improvement, comparing to the standard neoc!assical growth model with CD production function and disembodied technical change, in accounting the world diversity in productivity. In addition the model describes the fact that a very poor economy can experience fast growth based on capital accumulation until the point of becoming a middle income economy; from this point on it has to rely on TFP increase in order to keep growing.


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This article presents a group of exercises of leveI and growth decomposition of output per worker using cross-collntry data from 1960 to :2000. It is shown that at least llntil 197.5 factors of production (capital anel education) ",ere the main source of output dispersion across ecoIlomies and that productivity variance was considerably srnaller than in late years. Qnly after this date the prominence of productivity started to sho\\' up in the data. as the majority of the litcrature has found. The gro\\'th decomposition exercises showecl that t he reversal of relative irnportance of proeluctivity vis-a-\'is factors is explainecl by the very good (bad) performance of procluctivity of fast (slow) growing cconomies. Although growth in the pcriod, on avcragc. is mostly clue to factors accumulation. its variance is explained by productivity.