34 resultados para Cruz e Sousa. Lírica. Riso. Ironia. Questões sociais


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O primeiro debate do segundo turno entre os candidatos à Presidência, realizado ontem (14) à noite, foi marcado por denúncias de corrupção de ambas as partes e por discussões em torno de programas sociais, seguidas por questões ligadas à economia. Os temas comportamentais, como aborto, drogas e homofobia, que marcaram os debates no primeiro turno, ficaram em segundo plano, marcando uma importante diferença entre a agenda pública debatida antes de 5 de outubro pelos candidatos e a agenda que se coloca para a etapa final da campanha.


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Questões morais como direito ao aborto e legalização de drogas, assim como direitos de minorias – como casamento gay, criminalização da homofobia e racismo – vêm adquirindo peso crescente no debate público. Esses foram alguns dos temas mais discutidos nas redes sociais no último mês, com mais de 338 mil menções. Além de dividirem a opinião de parcelas da sociedade, tais temas são usados por candidatos aos legislativos estaduais e nacional como sinalização aos eleitores de valores ou opiniões. Os eleitores utilizam essas sinalizações como “atalho” para escolher seus políticos e também situá-los no espectro político entre esquerda e direita.


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RIO - A sabatina realizada durante todo o dia de ontem na CCJ do Senado “partidarizou” o debate em torno do jurista Luiz Edson Fachin nas redes sociais, opondo setores pró e contra o governo e obliterando as questões de fundo surgidas durante as discussões. O cenário observado pela análise de redes realizada pela FGV DAPP reproduz em linhas gerais a polarização política, cristalizada desde as eleições do ano passado.


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This thesis demonstrates the exercise of slave labor in the context of free or decent work, in contemporary times, supported by the federal constitution 1988 Brazil than places like fundamentals "the dignity of the human person" and "the social values of work and free enterprise" , and is as fundamental objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil "build a free, just and united society," "guarantee national development", "eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social and regional inequalities", "promote the well all without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination. " It is considered that the analytical work category interacts both conceptually as an integral part of the capitalist development model as a driving force to the definition of State Capable. The panorama of acquired rights and rights infringed upon evidences the presence, or not, of the Brazilian state. Highlights, however, as state functions are being performed under the auspices of the Democratic State of Rights. So the original question that motivated this work is: To what extent the Brazilian government is structured to implement measures that can eradicate modern-day slavery? This question led to questions as: The Brazilian state has never failed in implementing the policy of "eradication to work analogous to slavery"? The answer the research questions were outlined using the dialectical materialist historical method under a sociological perspective in order to draw relationships and interrelationships between the current situation of the concept contemporary slavery and its historical roots. In the theoretical framework considers the conceptual approach regarding the capable state in order to answer the question regarding the eradication policy to contemporary forced labor and the Brazilian nation-state's ability to put it into action. In this sense, it employed concepts such as state, nation-state and capable state, from the interpretations of Bresser-Pereira, including the discussion regarding the formation of the arrangements and conservative and progressive political alliances. The research subject was analyzed from the reports published in 2013 by the Ministry of Labour after the Special Group of the inspection actions for Mobile Inspection (GEFM) to Combat Labour Analogous to Slave. The study of public policies related to the eradication program to work analogous to slavery takes up the discussion regarding the conditionality of free labor, or decent, in contemporary Brazil, and reveals that in Brazil the effectiveness or efficacy of government actions comply with governing the Federal Constitution-88, namely, to preserve "the dignity of the human person" and "the social values of work and free enterprise" is an ongoing process. There are advances, but these are conditioned to Brazil stage in the formation of the nation state and the national society.