20 resultados para cactus rank
This paper introduces the concept of common deterministic shifts (CDS). This concept is simple, intuitive and relates to the common structure of shifts or policy interventions. We propose a Reduced Rank technique to investigate the presence of CDS. The proposed testing procedure has standard asymptotics and good small-sample properties. We further link the concept of CDS to that of superexogeneity. It is shown that CDS tests can be constructed which allow to test for super-exogeneity. The Monte Carlo evidence indicates that the CDS test for super-exogeneity dominates testing procedures proposed in the literature.
The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate in depth the difference between the challenges social and business entrepreneurs face in the growth phase of their business in the particular environment of Brazil. This objective has been achieved through a two-steps methodology. The first step is a set of in-depth interviews carried out with industry experts such as professors, venture capitalists, consultants, fund managers or people involved in the support of growing startups (i.e. accelerators). These interviews allowed, first, to build a general perspective on the environment entrepreneurs operate into and to identify a list of challenges entrepreneurs face in the growth process of their business. This list was completed with the additional challenges identified in the previous literature. The second step of the methodology was to test the relevance of these challenges in the mind and experience of social and traditional entrepreneurs. A questionnaire was then submitted to 145 social and 286 traditional entrepreneurs. The results were statistically analyzed to test the relative relevance of these challenges for one group of entrepreneurs with respect to the other. The outcome of the analysis was significant. The most relevant challenges identified were, for both groups, taxation, bureaucracy, finding the right employees, creating effective teams, measuring firm performance and social value creation and obtaining funds. On the other side motivation, innovation, competition and lack of market space for growth represented the least relevant issues in the minds of entrepreneurs. This rank however did not differ significantly from social to traditional entrepreneurs. This testifies that in Brazil social and traditional entrepreneurs face the same set of challenges despite the widespread belief of the opposite.
Esta tese tem como objetivo principal investigar como ocorre a disseminação de competências operacionais entre matriz e unidades fabris de redes de manufatura. Este objetivo principal se desdobra em cinco objetivos secundários: (i) Definir o conceito de competência operacional; (ii) Identificar os possíveis fatores que influenciam a disseminação de competências operacionais em rede de manufatura sob a ótica de seus atores; (iii) Identificar as possíveis inter-relações entre esses fatores que possam favorecer a disseminação de competências operacionais em uma rede de manufatura, sob a percepção dos atores; (iv) Investigar e analisar como as organizações interagem para promover o reforço ou a criação de competências operacionais entre suas diversas unidades, observando sua dinâmica e a interação entre os atores; (v) Analisar como a combinação entre fatores internos (nível micro) e fatores externos (do ambiente competitivo) influenciam e são influenciados por essa dinâmica. Para tanto, apresenta-se uma pesquisa qualitativa no campo de Estratégia de Operações baseada na Teoria da Coevolução, dividida em dois estudos. O primeiro estudo, de cunho exploratório, procura identifica os antecedentes da disseminação de competências. Através da condução de um focus group e posteriormente entrevistas semi-estruturadas com Executivos de Operações, foi possível elencar os principais fatores que influenciam o processo de disseminação de competências. O segundo trabalho é um estudo de casos múltiplos, conduzido com 4 redes de manufatura. Pode-se observar que a coevolução das unidades fabris e disseminação de competências é um processo gradativo, possui fatores motivacionais cumulativos, envolve atores de dimensões distintas e com velocidade de absorção distintos. A partir dos achados, foi possível identificar que a maturidade da construção de competências operacionais evolui ao passo do nível de maturidade que a manufatura se encontra.
This paper infers the impact the publication “Guia Exame” (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using the event-study analysis based on the variation of net worth subsequently to the event of being rated, according to the methodology applied by the guide to rank the funds. We used five years of fund ratings according to Guia Exame (2000-2004) and analyzed the changes of these funds’ net worth. We also compared the event amongst different categories of funds. The results found confirm the expected effects according to star rankings and asset manager size in all years.
This doctoral dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the Brazilian cabinet according to the concepts of a multiparty presidential system. Appointing politicians as ministers is one of the most important coalition-building tools and has been widely used by minority presidents. This dissertation will therefore analyze the high-level Brazilian national bureaucracy between 1995 and 2014. It argues that the ministries – or departments – are not equal, and that allied parties therefore take into account the different characteristics of a ministry when demanding positions as a patronage strategy or for use as other kinds of political assets. After reviewing the literature on the theme, followed by a comparative analysis of the Brazilian, Chilean, Mexican, and Guatemalan cabinets, all the Brazilian ministries will be weighed and ranked on a scale that is able to measure their political importance and attractiveness. This rank takes into account variables such as the budgetary power, the ability to spend money according the ministers’ will, the ability to hire new employees, the ministries’ influence over other governmental agents such as companies, agencies, and so on, the ministers’ tenure in office. Finally, a proxy is provided that seeks to identify the normative power a department may hold. All of these characteristics will then be taken into account in considering the representatives’ opinion, thus helping to ascertain whether the cabinet appointment has been coalescent among the several parties that belong to the president’s coalition.