155 resultados para Relacionamento estratégico


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Este trabalho analisa diversas correntes de pensamento acerca do tema estratégia e apresenta o modelo de análise estratégica originalmente desenvolvido pelo professor Luciano Zajdsznajder - ex-professor da cadeira Pensamento Estratégico na Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública. As doutrinas estratégicas aqui abordadas pertencem a duas áreas de atuação: militar e empresarial. Na área militar, analisamos os principais elementos das obras de Sun Tzu, Carl von Clausewitz e B.H. Liddell Hart. Na esfera empresarial, são analisados os seguintes autores: Michael Porter, H. Igor Ansoff e Francisco Gracioso. O modelo do professor Zajdsznajder é, então, apresentado e analisado. Este modelo fundamenta-se na análise das cinco principais possibilidades de orientação estratégica - ou seja, o pensamento, os modelos mentais que determinam as ações e decisões estratégicas -, que são: o conflito, a coerção, a competição, a negociação e a doação. São fornecidos diversos exemplos de empresas cujas estratégias fundamentam-se em cada uma das cinco orientações e são observadas, inferidas e analisadas as conseqüências dessas opções. Finalmente, concluímos que a orientação da doação apresenta, no atual ambiente de mercado, vantagens sobre as demais orientações como fundamento para a formulação de estratégias de marketing.


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The objective of this work is the study of the existing correlations between the strategical use of the information and the joint and implementation of defense politics and national security in the Legal Amazonian. For in such a way, the proposal was developed from the analysis of the systems of protection and monitoring of the Amazonian (SIPAM/SIVAM), where we search to inquire as these systems have contributed for the definition and implantation of these politics. For the Amazonian, with its natural wealth, threats and vulnerabilities, the perspectives of integration, security and national defense and of sustainable development constitute great challenges to be faced, where the efficient use of the technology is a basic reference that must be incorporated in the strategies and public politics in these areas. One is about a strategical project, conceived with vision of future, protection and development of the . The objective SIPAM/SIVAM the defense and the guarantee of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Legal Amazonian, beyond the systematization and accomplishment of the governmental actions in the region, by means of the intensive use of technological apparatus. In turn, they reflect the priority that the Amazon region has in terms of defense and security for the Country, and symbolize the strategy of the State to protect it. The SIPAM/SIVAM if finds in a boarding line in which the guarantee of the national sovereignty also involves the care with the development of the local population, inside of a proposal educative and integrator. Like conclusion we affirm that of the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new paradigm for the public administration, where the organizations work with a shared set of information, beyond starting to act of integrated form. Thus, when searching permanently the rationalization of efforts and resources, trying an unknown form of institution relationship where infrastructure and products are shared, the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new premise for the Brazilian public administration and contributes to give a new direction to the development of the Amazonian.


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Public Management has been faced with a challenge in improving quality of its services to atendent a citizen each day more concerned and self-conscient of his rights. One of major tools used abroad is strategic planning, although its has been designed for a private sector where the focus is profit its been used in the public sector for improving efficiency. Our focus was the Brazilian Navy, especially the Service-Deliver Military Organization (OMPS),who has been using strategic planning searching for continous improving of internal practices. Strategic planning, originated in Military field, has improved its use in the private sector, especially in United States, after the Second World War when it reached 85% of all american private industry. Some of the concepts and models of strategic planning are reviewed, including some criticism and questioning of its aplicability in the public sector, who, by the way, have serious limitations, like: 1) legal matters (separation of powers); 2) citizen dependency - actions are taken in a vote-profits bases; and 3) burocratic culture, including resistency for changes. Our primary target was to investigated the validity of the strategic planning tool in the Brazilian Navy, searching for define the profile and the comittment of all actors involved in the process, comparing teory and practice. The survey used in the search was individual and anonimous using Likert scale of four options, where each respondent shown his percepetion of the strategic planning used in each of the two investigated organizations All data are shown in the appendices and the results pointed for a non-coerency of the speech and pratice of strategic planning and its models in the analised organizations.


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This study investigates in the National Commission of Nuclear Energy the Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in terms of perceptions, actions, and posture of the administrative agents which could facilitate the engagement of the employees of that public organization in the TQM implantation, based on NBR ISO 9000. The central question of this research is: which characteristics of the administrative actions and sense of the managerial posture manifested in the implantation, implementation and maintenance for the achievement of objectives and goals of the Quality System-ISO 9000, could contribute to engage the IRD professionals in the process? The research finds prevalence of the Quality technical knowledge over the attention on professionals' managerial posture, identifies a lack in that Norm about how to deal with its administrative requirements in practical terms, driving the researcher to look for support especially in Deming to face the critical reading of that organizational context. The field research was conceived under the paradigm of constructivism, facilitating the description of beliefs, perceptions, feelings and values manifested in the employees discourses, actions and re-actions to establish relations between Quality theory and that concrete reality. A phenomenologic approach, only as a complementary level, was sufficient to favor the researcher insertion in that institution where he is still working, but in the new and contingent role of researcher. To apprehend the organization managerial stile, to comprehend beyond its characteristics and to grasp the orientation of the managerial posture in terms of possibilities for Quality implementation were the core of this study. The TQM theory was interpreted as a living philosophy, an administrative posture the meaning of which is a permanent Quality improvement in the CNEN/IRD management processes in its internal and external organizational relations. The procedural nature of the CNEN/IRD public service legal regime, political implications and performance evaluation which reveals only partially the organizational reality should not obstruct the Institute drive to assume the spirit of serving the public as a Quality management philosophic commitment. Conclusions show some progress reorienting initiatives in organizational management taking place in three different levels: operational, toward the employees' expectations of values and organizational processes integration; HR administration, in search of better communication; strategic, through expectations on a possible visionary leadership". Finally, at the academic level, the perception that future studies in search of the establishment of relationships between TQM and the organization culture can favor new progress."


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Esta dissertação procura analisar o planejamento estratégico e a evolução do pensamento estratégico, objetivando identificar a possibilidade de adequação da utilização de suas técnicas, para contribuir no desenvolvimento da metodologia empregada no controle da gestão dos recursos públicos. Com esse propósito, a pesquisa bibliográfica é centrada no estudo do referencial teórico, e enfatiza a investigação das práticas e dos fenômenos organizadonais à luz da teoria da gestão estratégica. Nesse sentido, também é apresentada a análise dos resultados da pesquisa de campo, onde fica caracterizado a carência de estudo, pesquisa e desenvolvimento das práticas de controle; retratando a ausência de um pensamento estratégico voltado para o desenvolvimento dessa poUtica pública. As reflexões sobre as observaçôes colhidas no estudo, levaram à conclusão da necessidade fundamental da utilização do pensamento estratégico e da gestão estratégica, como um exercfcio contínuo de aperfeiçoamento da metodologia de ação de controle da gestão dos recursos públicos, voltada ao melhor cumprimento da missão institucional.


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The Strategic Planning is the managerial process that it makes possible to establish one heading for being followed by the company, with views to obtain an optimization level in this relationship with the external atmosphere. In the small company¿s improvement the general performance of the results and the use of resources, however it is still little known and used. These organizations need administration tools to be capable to promote the business growth and to guarantee the survival more and more in this market competitive. This way, it is done necessary to approach the strategic planning in a complex less way and the objective of this research is to provide larger knowledge regarding the Strategic Planning in the personal computer and small companies, to verify the limitations in the implantation, to analyze the reasons for the low effectiveness of the use in companies of this load and to identify the consultants interviewees close to the best way to implant it. The understanding of these limitations aids the small intrepreneur and the consultant in the implantation of the strategic planning as increment of competitiveness as this use provides reflections, guidelines for the activities of the organization, as well as it makes possible adaptation and answer capacity to the changes of the market.


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O objetivo deste estudo é propor um plano de marketing de relacionamento para ser utilizado pela Genyus Baterias na construção de relacionamentos duradouros com os participantes da cadeia de relacionamentos. Para isto são revistos conceitos na área de marketing de relacionamento. Partindo do plano de marketing sugerido por Gordon (1999), foram verificadas quais estratégias deste plano foram ou estão sendo utilizadas pela Genyus Baterias. O plano de marketing utilizado possui oito fases: plano para um plano (fase O), avaliação do cliente (fase 1), referencial (fase 2), avaliação da empresa (fase 3), declaração de oportunidade (fase 4), estado futuro (fase 5), caso empresarial (fase 6) e administração de mudança e implementação (fase 7); dentro dessas fases são analisadas diversas estratégias de marketing de relacionamento para garantir a sua eficácia e para que a organização atinja seus objetivos na formação de relacionamentos e no alcance de uma posição diferenciada no mercado de baterias. Verificou-se que a organização estudada não possui um plano de marketing de relacionamento e, através desta pesquisa a organização poderá utilizar o plano criado para obter eficácia na utilização do marketing de relacionamento.


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Este trabalho procura compreender um ambiente de negócios bastante específico. As empresas, diante dos fenômenos da globalização e do crescimento das exigências impostas pelos consumidores (produtos melhores a preços mais baixos), buscarão diversas soluções para enfrentar estes desafios. Soluções para otimizar as suas redes de suprimentos serão uma das possíveis respostas para este problema. As redes de suprimentos, quanto mais eficazes, estarão agregando mais valor ao produto final causando um impacto mínimo nos custos do produto, e terão uma papel importante na estratégia da empresa para vencer este desafio. Ao longo dessa dissertação serão avaliadas as relações existentes entre cliente e fornecedor e focadas algumas variáveis que influenciam este relacionamento. Através da análise das estratégias de verticalização, estaremos avaliando outras possibilidades de fornecimento que possam ser mais atraentes para as empresas, no que diz respeito à gerência de sua rede de fornecedores. O trabalho está centrado na análise da estratégia de verticalização e como são criadas as condições que favorecem a desverticalização, conduzindo a empresa para a solução de fornecimento através de uma produção "in house". O setor industrial será tomado como exemplo deste tipo de relacionamento, mais especificamente, o segmento de produção de embalagens plásticas. A produção "in house" , como será descrito mais detalhadamente adiante, se estabelece da seguinte forma: uma unidade produtiva de um fornecedor estratégico é construída dentro do ambiente físico do cliente. Desse local, o fornecedor supre as necessidades do cliente de um ou diversos itens necessários para a realização da sua atividade industrial. Diversas questões serão exploradas neste trabalho, dentre elas, em que situações vale a pena manter uma operação integrada verticalmente ou optar pela terceirização desta operação, que um dia foi verticalizada? Sob que condições esta seria uma boa solução para o fornecimento de insumos básicos para a produção? Este trabalho se desenvolverá a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica assim como de um trabalho de campo, envolvendo a análise de diversas situações reais. vi Como identificar se a verticalização de um segmento oferecerá as vantagens esperadas? Quais são os principais fatores que devemos levar em conta para esta análise? Que tipo de modelo de desverticalização pode ser o mais adequado para a empresa cliente? Que medidas podem ser promovidas para se incrementar uma relação com o fornecedor "in house" ? Este estudo apresenta algumas propostas para responder às questões acima.


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The motivation of this study is based on the expectation of understanding, at least in part, the reason why the brazilian academic production ¿ which is among the largest if compared to the developing countries, has not been translated in a useful way into concrete technology transference for the production sector. The supposition that different cultures and subcultures, in terms of values, behavior, practices among organizations and groups of selected actors involved in that process,- which is the central problem of this study, and peculiar to the technology context, has elected that relationship process the object of this research this study theoretical fundaments rely on culture and technology to analyze the subcultures which manifest themselves through the typified groups of researchers, in the public organizations, small scale employers, acting on technology based companies in the private sector (ebts) and mediators. Who also act in the process the preliminary step was the case study. Several qualitative methods an procedures were used. And the investigation has advanced toward interacting interviews, at the end added by the focal group method. The conclusions reject the existence of incompatibility among the subject groups points of view, however, points out some divergent values, the presence of mutual stereotypes and also confirms the supposition that the research platform is strongly influenced by the financial factor. Although, the study reveals that the presence of common objectives which lay behind the cited divergences make possible to present a core of practical suggestions to implement the studied relationships for the benefit of the production sector as well. The peculiarities perceived while dealing with that singular context suggest futures research to clarify possible new and obscure areas in that complex relationships.


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A presente dissertação investiga questão dos conflitos no relacionamento entre franqueadores franqueados. apresentado um referencial teórico onde franchising se insere no contexto dos canais de marketing, bem como as causas mais freqüentes de surgimento de conflitos entre franqueadores franqueados e as formas de solução existentes. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória, baseada no Estudo de Casos, realizada junto a uma rede de franquias atuante no ramo varejista, onde se procura destacar os conflitos observados no contexto da relação franqueador franqueado evidenciar como seus integrantes os previnem os administram. Por fim, recomendações são apresentadas.


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This paper presents a study carried out with customers with credit card of a large retailer to measure the risk of abandonment of a relationship, when this has already purchase history. Two activities are the most important in this study: the theoretical and methodological procedures. The first step was to the understanding of the problem, the importance of theme and the definition of search methods. The study brings a bibliographic survey comprising several authors and shows that the loyalty of customers is the basis that gives sustainability and profitability for organizations of various market segments, examines the satisfaction as the key to success for achievement and specially for the loyalty of customers. To perform this study were adjusted logistic-linear models and through the test Kolmogorov - Smirnov (KS) and the curve Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) selected the best model. Had been used cadastral and transactional data of 100,000 customers of credit card issuer, the software used was SPSS which is a modern system of data manipulation, statistical analysis and presentation graphics. In research, we identify the risk of each customer leave the product through a score.


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Esta dissertação objetiva transmitir subsídios não somente para um repensar estratégico bem como e, principalmente, para uma ampla visão da eterna dicotomia quanto a determinação de centralizar ou descentralizar o processo decisório e as atividades nas empresas. Considerando-se, o acirramento crescente da concorrência e a pressão econômica capitaneada pela mundialização dos produtos e serviços, como sendo os principais influenciadores desta inquietação. Será analisado o setor de comércio varejista, mais especificamente supermercados e hipermercados e, as razões e motivos pelos quais os seus executivos podem ter optado por conduzir suas organizações para um determinado posicionamento estratégico-gerencial bem como, às conseqüentes vantagens e desvantagens destas escolhas. As conclusões a serem obtidas com esta dissertação objetivam estimular a reflexão das organizações, profissionais e estudiosos acerca dos impactos tangíveis e intangíveis quando estiverem definindo ou reconsiderando o seu posicionamento estratégico-gerencial, e, ainda, levaram a macro-conclusão de que não existe um único modelo aplicável para todas as situações e que, infinitas configurações e aplicações podem ser consideradas. Palavras ¿ chaves: estratégia, centralização de poder, administração de aspectos conflitantes, fatores motivacionais e psicológicos, mudanças,transformações organizacionais e humanização das empresas.


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The Information Technology (IT) is a concept which has gained importance for organizations. It is expected that the strategic use of IT not only sustain the business operations of enterprises, but mainly leverage the initiative of new competitive strategies. However, these expectations on the earnings with the IT not have been achieved and questions arise about the return of the investments in IT. One of the causes is credited to the lack of alignment between the strategies of business and IT. The search of strategic alignment between IT and business takes to the necessity of measure it. This assessment can help identify whether the perceptions of business executives and IT executives, about the strategic alignment of IT, are similar or different. The objective of this work is to investigate the perceptions of business executives and IT executives in relation to the IT strategic alignment implemented in a selected organization. It was conducted a case study, in a company that provides services to the financial market. As a result, this work identified that there is no statistically significant difference between the perceptions of business executives and IT executives, related to the level of IT strategic alignment maturity implemented in the organization, and highlighted factors that promote this alignment: (a) senior management supports the IT (b) IT takes part of strategic planning, (c) IT understands the business of the company, and (d) there is a partnership between business and IT executives. Additionally, it was proposed that these similar perceptions result from the sharing of assumptions, knowledge and common expectations for the IT strategic alignment between the two groups of executives interviewed, and that led the company to achieve a higher level of IT strategic alignment. Each Practice of Strategic Alignment was examined separately. Although not have statistically significant differences between the perceptions of business executives and IT executives, the practices of Communication, Measures of Value and Competence, and Skills were better assessed by business executives and the practices of Governance and Partnerships have been better perceived by IT executives. The practice of Scope and Architecture and the IT Strategic Alignment, showed no differences in perceptions between the two groups of executives.


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Land, capital and work dictated the organizations¿ success in the industrial era. Added to these factors, the intangible assets are considered the key complement to determine business¿ sustainability in the knowledge era. The globalization creates a new dynamic in the markets and the knowledge management becomes focal point to the organizations. It becomes more common the incorporation of inter-organizational nets to improve business, in a strategy win-win where the tacit knowledge, noncodified, which is shared. More specifically, the innovation management, one of the intangible assets aspects, plays an important role in the Federal Government agenda, through the PDP and other market players. BNDES made significant progress to assist companies¿ demands in the knowledge era, among them: the adoption of the Intangible Assets BSC methodology to evaluate companies¿ credit risk and the partnership with Brightom University (UK) to train innovation management to companies¿ managers. Besides the initial steps, what are the challenges that BNDES will face from now on? In the bibliographic review, it is analyzed the competitive factors in the knowledge era, the evolution of the intangible assets concept, the consolidation of the networking as business strategy, evaluation its advantages and disadvantages, some innovation definitions and its management through the identification of the development level of the Brazilian companies¿ in this aspect. After that, it is analyzed the management tool so-called Balanced Scorecard, which is fundamental to the Intangible Assets BSC. The actions already implemented by BNDES, Sebrae and FINEP focused on the subject are identified in order to evaluate the integration level among those actions. Then, it is demonstrated the relevancy of the subject not only to BNDES, but also to society. This study faces the subject by the preparation of a diagnostic from 30 actives SMEs investments from BNDESPAR portfolio, a BNDES subsidiary, adopting the BSC methodology through questionnaire. The objective is to certify if there is enough space to elaborate an action plan focused on creating value to companies considering them intangible assets and, if it is viable, how this toll can be useful and adequate to achieve such objective. The questionnaire content, answered by the training participants in the innovation management program, is also evaluated to check the suggestions of actions to maximize the expected feedback. In the conclusion, it is verified that the tool so-called Intangible Assets BSC is adequate to the management activity of the investments in PMEs from BNDESPAR portfolio and there is enough space to adopt measures focused on creation of companies¿ value, mentioning some examples and highlighting some preliminary academicals contributions to improve the tool and also suggests other steps that BNDES can adopt to optimize the actions already implemented.