43 resultados para Public debt


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The Brazilian domestic debt has posed two challenges to policy-makers: it has grown very fast and its maturity is extremely short. This has prompted fears that a default or a compulsory lengthening scheme would be imposed. Here, we analyse the domestic public debt management experience in Brazil, searching for policy prescriptions for the next few years. After briefiy reviewing the recent domestic public debt history, we decompose the large rise in federal bonded debt during 1995-2000, searching for its macroeconomic causes. The main culprits are the extremely high interest payments-which, unti11998, were caused by the weak fiscal stance and the quasi-fixed exchange-rate regime; and since 1999, by the impact ofthe currency depreciation On the dollar-indexed and the externai debt-, and the accumulation of assets of doubtful value, much of which may have to be written off in the future. Simulation exercises of the net debt path for the near future underscore the importance of a tighter fiscal stance to prevent the debt-GDP ratio from growing further. Given the need to quickly lengthen the debt maturity, our main policy advice is to foster, and rely more on, infiation-linked bonds.


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We study the desirability of limits on the public debt and of political competition in an economy where political parties alternate in office. Due to rent-seeking motives, incumbents have an incentive to set public expenditures above the socially optimal level. Parties cannot commit to future policies, but they can forge a political compromise where each party curbs excessive spending when in office if it expects future governments to do the same. In contrast to the received literature, we find that strict limits on government borrowing can exacerbate political-economy distortions by rendering a political compromise unsustainable. This tends to happen when political competition is limited. Conversely, a tight limit on the public debt fosters a compromise that yields the efficient outcome when political competition is vigorous, saving the economy from immiseration. Our analysis thus suggests a legislative tradeoff between restricting political competition and constraining the ability of governments to issue debt.


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Este trabalho analisa os efeitos do programa de desestatização brasileiro sobre acumulação da dívida pública no período 1995-1999. objetivo central avaliar se utilização de receitas auferidas com alienação de ativos estatais concessões de serviços públicos no abatimento de dívidas de curto prazo tem efeito significativo sobre redução ou contenção do crescimento da dívida pública alteração do seu perfil, com reflexos sobre as necessidades de financiamento do setor público. Como possível contribuição adicional, esta dissertação apresenta um conjunto de dados, em geral pouco conhecidos, relativos às empresas estatais, ao programa de desestatização dívida pública, considerados de interesse geral. Dentre os principais aspectos discutidos no trabalho destacam-se os seguintes, referentes ao período 1995-1999. economia de juros obtida por meio do uso de recursos da privatização no resgate da dívida mobiliária interna de emissão do Tesouro Nacional atingiu R$ 8,8 bilhões, contra R$ 0,5 bilhão que Tesouro deixou de arrecadar na forma de dividendos das empresas privatizadas. No que tange aos efeitos da privatização sobre os estoques de dívidas, calcularam-se reduções de R$ 27,6 bilhões R$ 30,8 bilhões no saldo nas emissões de títulos competitivos dessa dívida, respectivamente. redução da dívida líquida do setor público alcançou 8,4% do PIB, tendo as privatizações estaduais contribuído com 3,6% do PIB. Adicionalmente, as necessidades de financiamento do setor público foram reduzidas em 5,4% do PIB. Esses são alguns resultados obtidos, por meio de metodologia de cálculo descrita no trabalho utilizando-se dados efetivamente observados, com os valores em moeda corrente preços de dezembro de 1999. Acrescenta-se esses resultados melhoria do desempenho das estatais remanescentes de alguns indicadores fiscais, com impactos positivos sobre dívida e déficit públicos. análise dos resultados indica que contribuição da privatização para redução da dívida do setor público esforço de ajuste fiscal pode ser significativa, mesmo no curto prazo. utilização de receitas de privatização para abater diversas dívidas governamentais as dívidas transferidas para setor privado reduziram carga de juros incidentes sobre dívida, seu estoque déficit público no período sob análise. privatização possibilitou, ainda, melhoria do perfil da dívida reestruturação de passivos do setor público.


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Nos últimos anos, a contabilização do resultado das empresas estatais nos números que medem a necessidade de financiamento do setor público e o estoque da dívida líquida do setor público tem garantido o cumprimento das metas fixadas para o superávit primário mas tem limitado a quantidade de recursos que as empresas do governo podem tomar na forma de empréstimo para fins de investimento. Ao examinarmos o tratamento dado às contas das Empresas Estatais nos acordos do Brasil com o FMI em relação ao estabelecido nos manuais do Fundo, na União Européia e em diplomas legais brasileiros, encontramos discrepância de tratamento, o que nos faz supor que há condições tanto para a inclusão como para a exclusão das contas das Empresas Estatais, não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. Ao considerarmos os manuais e a legislação brasileira, verificamos a possibilidade de se adotar um tratamento similar ao empregado na União Européia, excluindo essas sociedades das contas de déficit e dívida. Essa dissertação se propõe a discutir o tratamento das contas das empresas estatais produtivas no orçamento do setor público, utilizando como exemplo a Petrobras, e analisar duas possibilidades: a primeira é a exclusão das contas dessas estatais não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. A segunda possibilidade é que as contas dessas empresas pelo menos sejam retiradas do cálculo do superávit primário. A Petrobras, por exemplo, possui todos os seus investimentos custeados por recursos próprios oriundos da comercialização de seus produtos ou por captação no mercado. Além disso, a Petrobras não recebe qualquer recurso do governo. Pelo contrário, ela contribui significativamente para a receita pública da União, dos estados e dos municípios, por meio do pagamento de impostos, taxas, contribuições, dividendos e royalties pela extração de petróleo e gás natural, sendo a maior contribuinte individual do Brasil, além da economia de divisas proporcionada ao longo de sua história. Pelos motivos acima expostos, sugerimos a exclusão das contas das empresas estatais produtivas das contas de déficit e de dívida do setor público. Caso esta proposta não seja adotada, sugerimos que pelo menos essas empresas sejam excluídas do cálculo do superávit primário do setor público. Neste documento, analisamos o caso da Petrobras, a empresa estatal federal que apresenta as melhores condições para essas propostas.


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This paper contributes to the debate on whether the Brazilian public debt is sustainable or not in the long run by considering threshold effects on the Brazilian Budget Deficit. Using data from 1947 to 1999 and a threshold autoregressive model, we find evidence of delays in fiscal stabilization. As suggested in Alesina (1991), delayed stabilizations reflect the existence of political constraints blocking deficit cuts, which are relaxed only when the budget deficit reaches a sufficiently high level, deemed to be unsustainable. In particular, our results suggest that, in the absence of seignorage, only when the increase in the budget deficit reaches 1.74% of the GDP will fiscal authorities intervene to reduce the deficit. If seignorage is allowed, the threshold increases to 2.2%, suggesting that seignorage makes government more tolerant to fiscal imbalances.


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In this paper we look at various alternatives for monetary regimes: dollarization, monetary union and local currency. We use an extension of the debt crisis model of Cole and Kehoe ([3], [4] and [5]), although we do not necessarily follow their sunspot interpretation. Our focus is to appraise the welfare of a country which is heavily dependent on international capital due to low savings, for example, and might suffer a speculative attack on its external public debt. We study the conditions under which countries will be better off adopting each one of the regimes described above. If it belongs to a monetary union or to a local currency regime, a default may be avoided by an ination tax on debt denominated in common or local currency, respectively. Under the former regime, the decision to inate depends on each member country's political inuence over the union's central bank, while, in the latter one, the country has full autonomy to decide about its monetary policy. The possibility that the government inuences the central bank to create ination tax for political reasons adversely affects the expected welfare of both regimes. Under dollarization, ination is ruled out and the country that is subject to an external debt crisis has no other option than to default. Accordingly, one of our main results is that shared ination control strengthens currencies and a common-currency regime is superior in terms of expected welfare to the local-currency one and to dollarization if external shocks that member countries suffer are strongly correlated to each other. On the other hand, dollarization is dominant if the room for political ination under the alternative regime is high. Finally, local currency is dominant if external shocks are uncorrelated and the room for political pressure is mild. We nish by comparing Brazil's and Argentina's recent experiences which resemble the dollarization and the local currency regimes, and appraising the incentives that member countries would have to unify their currencies in the following common markets: Southern Common Market, Andean Community of Nations and Central American Common Market.


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Traditionally the issue of an optimum currency area is based on the theoretical underpinnings developed in the 1960s by McKinnon [13], Kenen [12] and mainly Mundell [14], who is concerned with the benefits of lowering transaction costs vis-à- vis adjustments to asymmetrical shocks. Recently, this theme has been reappraised with new aspects included in the analysis, such as: incomplete markets, credibility of monetary policy and seigniorage, among others. For instance, Neumeyer [15] develops a general equilibrium model with incomplete asset markets and shows that a monetary union is desirable when the welfare gains of eliminating the exchange rate volatility are greater than the cost of reducing the number of currencies to hedge against risks. In this paper, we also resort to a general equilibrium model to evaluate financial aspects of an optimum currency area. Our focus is to appraise the welfare of a country heavily dependent on foreign capital that may suffer a speculative attack on its public debt. The welfare analysis uses as reference the self-fulfilling debt crisis model of Cole and Kehoe ([6], [7] and [8]), which is employed here to represent dollarization. Under this regime, the national government has no control over its monetary policy, the total public debt is denominated in dollars and it is in the hands of international bankers. To describe a country that is a member of a currency union, we modify the original Cole-Kehoe model by including public debt denominated in common currency, only purchased by national consumers. According to this rule, the member countries regain some influence over the monetary policy decision, which is, however, dependent on majority voting. We show that for specific levels of dollar debt, to create inflation tax on common-currency debt in order to avoid an external default is more desirable than to suspend its payment, which is the only choice available for a dollarized economy when foreign creditors decide not to renew their loans.


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In this paper we propose a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to evaluate financial adjustments that some emerging market economies went through to overcome external crises during the latest decades, such as default and local currency devaluation. We assume that real devaluation can be used to avoid external debt default, to improve trade balance and to reduce the real public debt level denominated in local currency. Such effects increase the government ability to deal with external crisis, but also have costs in terms of welfare, related to expected inflation, reductions in private investments and higher interest to be paid over the public debt. We conclude that openness improves expected welfare as it allows for a better devaluation-response technology against crises. We also present results for 32 middle-income countries, verifying that the proposed model can indicate, in a stylized way, the preferences for default-devaluation options and the magnitude of the currency depreciation required to overcome 48 external crises occurred as from 1971. Finally, as we construct our model based on the Cole-Kehoe self-fulfilling debt crisis model ([7]), adding local debt and trade, it is important to say that their policy alternatives to leave the crisis zone remains in our extended model, namely, to reduce the external debt level and to lengthen its maturity.


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This thesis is composed by three papers, each one of them corresponding to one chapter. The first and the second chapters are essays on international finance appraising default and inflation as equilibrium outcomes for crisis time, in particular, for confidence crisis time that leads to speculative attack on the external public debt issued by emerging economies. With this background in mind, welfare effects from adopting common currency (chapter 1) and welfare effects from increasing the degree of economic openness (chapter 2) are analyzed in numerical exercises, based on DSGE framework. Cross-countries results obtained are then presented to be compared with empirical evidence and to help on understanding past policy decisions. Some policy prescriptions are also suggested. In the third chapter we look to the inflation targeting regime applied to emerging economies that are subject to adverse shocks, like the external debt crisis presented in the previous chapters. Based on a more theoretical approach, we appraise how pre commitment framework should be used to coordinate expectations when policymaker announcement has no full credibility and self fulfilling inflation may be possible.


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This thesis is composed of three essays referent to the subjects of macroeconometrics and Önance. In each essay, which corresponds to one chapter, the objective is to investigate and analyze advanced econometric techniques, applied to relevant macroeconomic questions, such as the capital mobility hypothesis and the sustainability of public debt. A Önance topic regarding portfolio risk management is also investigated, through an econometric technique used to evaluate Value-at-Risk models. The Örst chapter investigates an intertemporal optimization model to analyze the current account. Based on Campbell & Shillerís (1987) approach, a Wald test is conducted to analyze a set of restrictions imposed to a VAR used to forecast the current account. The estimation is based on three di§erent procedures: OLS, SUR and the two-way error decomposition of Fuller & Battese (1974), due to the presence of global shocks. A note on Granger causality is also provided, which is shown to be a necessary condition to perform the Wald test with serious implications to the validation of the model. An empirical exercise for the G-7 countries is presented, and the results substantially change with the di§erent estimation techniques. A small Monte Carlo simulation is also presented to investigate the size and power of the Wald test based on the considered estimators. The second chapter presents a study about Öscal sustainability based on a quantile autoregression (QAR) model. A novel methodology to separate periods of nonstationarity from stationary ones is proposed, which allows one to identify trajectories of public debt that are not compatible with Öscal sustainability. Moreover, such trajectories are used to construct a debt ceiling, that is, the largest value of public debt that does not jeopardize long-run Öscal sustainability. An out-of-sample forecast of such a ceiling is also constructed, and can be used by policy makers interested in keeping the public debt on a sustainable path. An empirical exercise by using Brazilian data is conducted to show the applicability of the methodology. In the third chapter, an alternative backtest to evaluate the performance of Value-at-Risk (VaR) models is proposed. The econometric methodology allows one to directly test the overall performance of a VaR model, as well as identify periods of an increased risk exposure, which seems to be a novelty in the literature. Quantile regressions provide an appropriate environment to investigate VaR models, since they can naturally be viewed as a conditional quantile function of a given return series. An empirical exercise is conducted for daily S&P500 series, and a Monte Carlo simulation is also presented, revealing that the proposed test might exhibit more power in comparison to other backtests.


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While in the social and in the ethical realms the Cardoso administration was successful, its economic outcomes were frustrating. In this administration’s eight years the investment rate did not increase and income per capita growth lagged, while the public debt and the foreign debt increased substantially. This poor economic performance may be explained by three chained causes: a mistake in agenda setting, the adoption of the Second Washington Consensus, and the alienation of elites. The decision of setting high inflation as the major problem to be tackled instead of achieving equilibrium in foreign accounts represented a major macroeconomic mistake, which can be explained by the Second Washington Consensus. This consensus proposed in the 1990s that highly indebted countries should grow counting on foreign savings, although this is not the experience among OECD countries. The outcome was to evaluate the real, to increase artificially wages and consumption, so that instead of growth what we have been increased indebtedness. Why this flopped strategy was adopted? Rich countries’ interests are not difficult to guess. On the part of Brazil, the only explanation is Brazilian elites’ alienation in relation to the country’s national interest. As a final outcome, the Cardoso administration ends with another balance of payments crisis, which was empowered by the coming presidential elections. Yet, the solvency situation of the Brazilian economy have been improving since the 1999 successful floatation of the real, so that I believe that, adopted a policy that deepens fiscal adjustment, while lowers the interest rate, and avoids new evaluation of the real, the country will eventually be able to avoid default.


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This study analyses the bids¿ dispersion in fixed income government securities auctions issued by the National Treasury of Brazil. We try to estimate the bids¿ variance based on factors that may forecast its movement. We hope to help the security issuer by offering more data before the auction. The basic idea is to relate the market uncertainty with the primary auction of government securities. Results indicates the importance of uncertainty on the bidding decisions. It shows also the need for a liquid secondary market to the selling of long-term fixed income securities.


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This work intends to study the relationship between Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds. In the theoretical framework, the discussion about liquidity preference theories implies considering risk averse investors. Portfolio selection is also discussed, particularly Markowitz efficient frontier. Historical data from November of 1999 to December of 2004 of Brazilian Internal Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are analyzed. Official goals concerning Public Debt's mix and its actual composition are presented, as well as Mutual Fund preferences as buyers of public debt securities. Time series of three securities (LFT, LTN and NTN-C) in Public Debt mix and Mutual Funds portfolio are compared and a similar behavior is identified. Relevant facts of the macroeconomic context which may have affected Public Debt or Mutual Funds are discussed. Some indications of a possible influence of Mutual Funds upon Public Debt Mix are obtained and hypothesis to be tested in future studies are proposed.


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O objetivo da tese é analisar questões relativas à coordenação entre as políticas monetária e fiscal no Brasil após a adoção do regime de metas de inflação. Utiliza-se de um modelo de metas de inflação para uma economia pequena e aberta para a incorporação um bloco de equações que descrevem a dinâmica das variáveis fiscais. Tendo por base os conceitos de Leeper (1991), ambas as entidades, Banco Central e Tesouro Nacional, podem agir de forma ativa ou passiva, e será este comportamento estratégico que determinará a eficiência da política monetária. Foram estimados os parâmetros que calibram o modelo e feitas as simulações para alguns dos choques que abalaram a economia brasileira nos últimos anos. Os resultados mostraram que nos arranjos em que a autoridade fiscal reage a aumentos de dívida pública com alterações no superávit primário, a trajetória de ajuste das variáveis frente a choques tende a ser, na maioria dos casos, menos volátil propiciando uma atuação mais eficiente do Banco Central. Nestes arranjos, o Banco Central não precisa tomar para si funções que são inerentes ao Tesouro. Também são analisadas as variações no comportamento do Banco Central e do Tesouro Nacional em função de diferentes composições da dívida pública. Os resultados mostram que a estrutura do endividamento público será benéfica, ou não, à condução das políticas monetária e fiscal, dependendo do tipo de choque enfrentado. O primeiro capítulo, introdutório, procura contextualizar o regime de metas de inflação brasileiro e descrever, sucintamente, a evolução da economia brasileira desde sua implantação. No segundo capítulo são analisados os fundamentos teóricos do regime de metas de inflação, sua origem e principais componentes; em seguida, são apresentados, as regras de política fiscal necessárias à estabilidade de preços e o problema da dominância fiscal no âmbito da economia brasileira. O terceiro capítulo apresenta a incorporação do bloco de equações fiscais no modelo de metas de inflação para economia aberta proposto por Svensson (2000), e as estimações e calibrações dos seus parâmetros para a economia brasileira. O quarto capítulo discute as diferentes formas de coordenação entre as autoridades monetária e fiscal e a atuação ótima do Banco Central. O quinto capítulo tem como base a mais eficiente forma de coordenação obtida no capítulo anterior para analisar as mudanças no comportamento da autoridade monetária e fiscal frente a diferentes estruturas de prazos e indexadores da dívida pública que afetam suas elasticidades, juros, inflação e câmbio.