24 resultados para History of Brazilian Republic


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Labor force participation among youth is extremely high in Brazil when compared to countries with a similar economic background. In Argentina and Chile labor force participation, among those with 10 to 14 years old, is around 1% while in Brazil this rate is as high as 17 %. For the those between 15 and 19 years old these figures are around 10% in Chile, 15% in Argentina and 53% in Brazil. On the other hand the data on school attendance give a more optimistic picture. The percentage of children, between 10 and 14 years old, enrolled in school increased steadily from 79% to 95% from 1981 to 1998 and with age between 15 and 19, from 46% to 66% in the same period. These figures are close to the ones presented by Chile and Argentina. around 99% among the youngest group and around 70% for the 15 to 19 years old group. The objective of the paper is to understand the determinants of the time allocation decision of the Brazilian youth during the last twenty years. Using a multinomial logit regression we investigate the conditional effect of various micro and macro variables on the time allocation decision for the 1991 to 1998 period. Our main findings are: working and studying became the most likely allocation among the youngest in the poor rural areas and, in general, to study, whether working or not, became less dependent on family background for the youngest group but not for the older.


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With the increasing importance of digital communication and its distinct characteristics, marketing tools and strategies adopted by companies have changed dramatically. Among the many digital marketing tools and new media channels available for marketers, the phenomenon known as social media is one of the most complex and enigmatic. It has a range that still is quite unexplored and deeply transforms the present view on the promotion mix (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Conversations among users on social media directly affect their perceptions on products, services and brands. But more than that, a wide range of other subjects can also become topics of conversations on social media. Hit songs, sporting events, celebrity news and even natural disasters and politics are topics that often become viral on the web. Thus, companies must grasp that, and in order to become more interesting and relevant, they must take part in these conversations inserting their brands in these online dynamic dialogues. This paper focuses on how these social interactions are manifested in the web in to two distinct cultures, Brazil and China. By understanding the similarities and differences of these cultures, this study helps firms to better adjust its marketing efforts across regions, targeting and positioning themselves, not only geographically and culturally, but also across different web platforms (Facebook and RenRen). By examining how companies should focus their efforts according to each segment in social media, firms can also maximize its results in communication and mitigate risks. The findings suggest that differences in cultural dimensions in these two countries directly affect their virtual social networking behavior in many dimensions (Identity, Presence, Relationships, Reputation, Groups, Conversations and Sharing). Accordingly, marketing efforts must be tailored to each comportment and expectations.


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This paper reports the results of a survey intended to discover the manner in which Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is understood and used in Brazil. The focus is upon SSM papers published in national and international journals, and conferences, incorporating a refereeing procedure. To be included in the survey, publications had to meet at least one of the following criteria: (a) authorship is clearly of Brazilian nationality; or, (b) authorship is affiliated to a Brazilian institution; or (c) application is set in Brazil. Similar surveys reporting on the United Kingdom, Australia and, to a lesser extent, Spain have been published previously in the literature. This paper, therefore, contributes to the growing international understanding and usage of SSM. Ultimately the paper serves as an initial map of the developing context in Brazilian SSM theory and practice.


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As vendas globais de produtos FT cresceram de forma consistente nos últimos anos. De acordo com a FLO, as vendas cresceram de menos de € 1 bilhão em 2004 para cerca de € 5,5 bilhões em 2013. Apesar do movimento ainda estar engatinhando no Brasil, alguns esforços visando a institucionalização da FT estão sendo tomados. Por exemplo, o Schneider (2012) mostrou que existe um mercado potencial para os produtos FT no Brasil. Entretanto, ele ainda não é bem desenvolvido. Portanto, há uma necessidade de compreender melhor as variáveis que afetam a intenção de compra destes produtos. Estudos anteriores identificaram fatores que são considerados previsores de intenção de comprar produtos FT. Considerando esses fatores, o presente estudo tem como objetivo determinar as variáveis que estão mais relacionadas com a intenção de compra e disposição para pagar por produtos FT no Brasil. Com base nas respostas de 124 entrevistados, os resultados mostram que a intenção de compra de produtos FT no Brasil está ligada a atitudes de consumo éticas dos consumidores, o interesse e qualidade dos produtos, baixo ceticismo e percepção de relevância acerca do conceito FT. Os resultados também mostraram dois grupos antagônicos de consumidores a respeito de suas atitudes. O grupo dos "ativistas" tem atitudes positivas, de alta intenção de compra e disposição a pagar mais. Por outro lado, os "incrédulos" têm atitudes negativas, baixa intenção de compra e não estão dispostos a pagar mais. Com base nos resultados deste estudo, organizações e indivíduos que visam fomentar o mercado FT no Brasil podem entender melhor o consumidor e tomar decisões de marketing mais assertivas, considerando a relevância dos fatores que afetam a intenção de comprar, como também as diferenças entre os consumidores.


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Conventional wisdom holds that economic analysis of law is either embryonic or nonexistent outside of the United States generally and in civil law jurisdictions in particular. Existing explanations for the assumed lack of interest in the application of economic reasoning to legal problems range from the different structure of legal education and academia outside of the United States to the peculiar characteristics of civilian legal systems. This paper challenges this view by documenting and explaining the growing use of economic reasoning by Brazilian courts. We argue that, given the ever-greater role of courts in the formulation of public policies, the application of legal principles and rules increasingly calls for a theory of human behavior (such as that provided by economics) to help foresee the likely aggregate consequences of different interpretations of the law. Consistent with the traditional role of civilian legal scholarship in providing guidance for the application of law by courts, the further development of law and economics in Brazil is therefore likely to be mostly driven by judicial demand.


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Programas de saúde e bem-estar têm sido adotados por empresas como forma de melhorar a saúde de empregados, e muitos estudos descrevem retornos econômicos positivos sobre os investimentos envolvidos. Entretanto, estudos mais recentes com metodologia melhor têm demonstrado retornos menores. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se características de programas de saúde e bem-estar agem como preditores de custos de internação hospitalar (em Reais correntes) e da proporção de funcionários que têm licença médica, entre Abril de 2014 e Maio de 2015, em uma amostra não-aleatória de empresas no Brasil, através de parceria com uma empresa gestora de ‘big data’ para saúde. Um questionário sobre características de programas de saúde no ambiente de trabalho foi respondida por seis grandes empresas brasileiras. Dados retirados destes seis questionários (presença e idade de programa de saúde, suas características – inclusão de atividades de screening, educação sobre saúde, ligação com outros programas da empresa, integração do programa à estrutura da empresa, e ambientes de trabalho voltado para a saúde – e a adoção de incentivos financeiros para aderência de funcionários ao programa), bem como dados individuais de idade, gênero e categoria de plano de saúde de cada empregado , foram usados para construir um banco de dados com mais de 76.000 indivíduos. Através de um modelo de regressão múltipla e seleção ‘stepwise’ de variáveis, a idade do empregado foi positivamente associada e a idade do programa de saúde e a categoria ‘premium’ de plano de saúde do funcionário foram negativamente associadas aos custos de internação hospitalar (como esperado). Inesperadamente, a inclusão de programas de screening e iniciativas de educação de saúde nos programas de saúde e bem-estar nas empresas foram identificados como preditores positivos significativos para custos de admissão hospitalar. Para evitar a inclusão errônea de licenças-maternidade, apenas os dados de licença médica de pacientes do sexo masculino foram analisados (dados disponíveis apenas para duas entre as companhias incluídas, com um total de 18.957 pacientes do sexo masculino). Analisando estes dados através de um teste Z para comparação de proporções, a empresa com programa de saúde que inclui atividades voltadas a cessação de hábitos ruins (como tabagismo e etilismo), controle de diabetes e hipertensão, e que adota incentivos financeiros para a aderência de funcionários ao programa tem menor proporção de empregados com licençca médica no período analisado, quando comparada com a outra empresa que não tem estas características (também conforme esperado). Entretanto, a companhia com menor proporção de funcionários com licença médica também foi aquela que adota programa de screening entre as atividades de seu programa de saúde. Potenciais fontes de ameaça à validade interna e externa destes resultados são discutidas, bem como possíveis explicações para a associação entre programas de screening e educação médica a piores indicadores de saúde nesta amostra de companhias são discutidas. Novos estudos com melhor desenho, com amostras maiores e randômicas são necessários para validar estes resultados e possivelmente melhorar a validade interna e externa destes resultados.


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Moving into a new and foreign market can be challenging, especially when such market has a different culture and working environment in comparison to the home market. Thus, it is of utter importance to adjust a company’s strategy to the new market conditions. Currently, there are no concrete guidelines of what aspects are most important when moving from a developing market such as Brazil into a more sophisticated market like Europe, or vice versa. The present study will examine two companies from the same industry, but with different cultural backgrounds and its strategic similarities and differences for operating in multiple international markets. The data was collected via semi-structured interviews with the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs’) from both companies, using an interview guideline that is based on three different theoretical frameworks. The aim is to give recommendations to these two industries of how to efficiently use existing theoretical frameworks and which aspects are most significant when moving into a new market while keeping in mind a company’s size and background.


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The recent process of accelerated expansion of the Brazilian economy was driven by exports and fixed capital formation. Although the pace of growth was more robust than in the 1990´s, we can still witness the existence of certain macroeconomic constraints to its continuation in the long run such as, for instance, the exchange rate overvaluation in particular since 2005, and in general the modus operandi of monetary policy. Such constraints may jeopardize the sustainability of the current pace of growth. Therefore, we argue that Brazil still lies in a trap made up of high interest and low exchange rates. The elimination of the exchange rate misalignment would bring about a great increase in the rate of interest, which on its turn would impact negatively upon investment and hence upon the sustainability of long run economic growth. We outline a set of policy measures to eliminate such a trap, in particular, the adoption of an implicit target for the exchange rate, capital controls and the abandonment of the present regime of inflation targeting. Recent events seem to go in this direction.