99 resultados para Compartilhamento do conhecimento
This article describes some of the current transformations regarding the processes by which information and culture are generated, from the point of view of developing countries. In this brief analysis, the article discusses the role of projects such as Creative Commons for developing countries. It also discusses the idea of legal commons and social commons. While the idea of legal commons can be understood as the voluntary use of licenses such as Creative Commons in order to create a “commons”, the idea of social commons has to do with the tensions between legality and illegality in developing countries. These tensions appear prominently in the so-called global “peripheries”, and in many instances make the legal structure of intellectual property irrelevant, unfamiliar, or unenforceable, for various reasons. With the emergence of digital technology and the Internet, in many places and regions in developing countries (especially in the “peripheries”), technology ended up arriving earlier than the idea of intellectual property. Such a de facto situation propitiated the emergence of cultural industries that were not driven by intellectual property incentives. In these cultural businesses, the idea of “sharing” and of free dissemination of the content is intrinsic to the social circumstances taking place in these peripheries. Also, the appropriation of technology on the part of the “peripheries” ends up promoting autonomous forms of bridging the digital divide, such as the “LAN house” phenomenon discussed below. This paper proposes that many lessons can be learned from the business models emerging from social commons practices in developing countries. The tension between legality and illegality in “peripheral” areas in developing countries is not new. The work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others in the 1970s was paradigmatic for the discussion of legal pluralism regarding the occupation of land in Brazil. This paper aims to follow in that same pioneer tradition of studies about legal pluralism, and to apply those principles to the discussion of “intellectual property” rather than the ownership of land.
O trabalho analisa a evolução do campo de conhecimento em Administração Pública no Brasil com base em trabalho empírico realizado junto a duas revistas especializadas: Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) - (1961-1992) e Revista de Administração (RAE) - (1947-1992). Os artigos nelas publicados foram classificados de acordo com seu locus (objeto empírico analisado) e seu focus (instrumental teórico utilizado).
Continuando a Pesquisa realizada em 1999, a presente pesquisa examinou os conceitos e tecnologias envolvidas na Gestão de Conhecimento no contexto nacional e comparou-os com os conceitos e tecnologias que tem norteado as empresas norte-americanas. Para tanto, utilizamos o Survey como metodologia de pesquisa.
O relatório de pesquisa traz as conclusões do trabalho de investigação sobre a evolução dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em Administração Pública no Brasil, com foco nas mudanças do paradigma de Administração Pública e suas relações com as trajetórias dos cursos. Foram analisados os conteúdos das disciplinas oferecidas no curso de graduação em Administração Pública da EAESP/FGV, por sua importância no ensino superior de Administração no Brasil. Também há estudos sobre o curso de pós-graduação e a cooperação técnica Brasil-Estados Unidos. O relatório traz, também, indicações de novas possibilidades de exploração do tema.
This study proposes and uses a multipolar qualitative methodology for the investigation of the meanings of corporate work under the impact of the technical-scientific knowledge. Based on the constructionist epistemology and on a heideggerian approach, this methodology made possible the description of such phenomenon under the Management perspective, but also under the Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy views. Study starts with empirical data, collected by interviews and in publications, and analyzes them based on conceptual contributions from the four referred poles. As a result, this investigation proposes reflexivity, impermanence and entanglement as meanings of the corporate work that culminate in the paradoxical work. It also demonstrates that the impact of knowledge occurs in a reflexive spiral of complexification, continuously affecting individuals and work processes; describes the impermanent character of the work ruled by time, by neophilia and by uncertainties that make precarious the very subjective experience of worker; and proposes that this work becomes entangled due to the way it is managed, and is an entangling work, for embarrassing the individual in its techniques, logics and dissonances. The paradoxical essence that emerges from this appreciation of corporate work is described on the following scopes: its reflexivity does not prevent its rationality to be fragile; its dynamism coexists with the difficulty to achieve substantive organizational changes; its entanglement compromises the possibilities of an apparently reachable well-being; its focus on present ends up to be emptied; and its purpose of individual sustenance becomes unsustainable due to hyperconsumption. But the conclusions of the study do no describe a definitive phenomenon. At the ending, it points out possibilities of living with the paradoxical work as well as possibilities of its transformation.
This study apprehends the living experiences of the RFFSA employees who still remain in the organization until its final moments of existence. In order to comprehend and analyze these experiences to generate knowledge related to personnel relationships in critical management realities as it is the case in a process of organizational liquidation. Due to the fact that the case study focus on a railroad enterprise, the presence of which is inherent to the history of the nation, social implications related to that liquidation process were investigated under cultural concepts, new organization context, added to a phenomenological approach. Through the consideration of that philosophical dimension of the relationships which constituted the object of this study, the railroader being could be more broadly understood. The employed methods include bibliographic and documental research to describe the organization and to reinforce sources for a deeper study of the railroad employee¿s culture and values. The posture assumed in that investigation was participation with the subjects including the researcher. Some characteristics were extracted out of questionnaires and interviews as a means of answering questions which would not come out trough numbers. What emerges as a fundamental learning in the conclusions can be summarized as follows: the understanding of an organization as a slice detached from society, is a deviation from human relevance paths, since implications of human actions in leabenswelt are ignored and their impacts are not considered concrete. That especial learning which the case study helped to clarify and which is an alert to liquidators and employees, independently of hierarchy, is not limited to liquidation processes. The phenomenon which shows itself in that strategic category of management is that its deviation from human relevance appears in higher dramaticism.
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar o fenômeno das organizações que se articulam em rede com a finalidade de aliar interesses em comum, ou resolver um problema complexo, ou ainda ampliar o raio de alcance de suas ações. Nesse sentido, as organizações que se articulam em rede reconhecem, primeiramente, que não podem alcançar determinados objetivos de forma isolada e necessitam conciliar seus recursos com os de outras organizações, como, por exemplo, financiamentos, informações, conhecimento, ou até mesmo, status, experiência ou legitimidade. Os tipos de rede variam, principalmente, de acordo com o nível de autonomia dos atores que a compõem e com a natureza da relação de interdependência que estabelecem entre si, resultando numa arena permeada por confrontos de opinião, compartilhamento de projetos e um longo processo de construção de relações de confiança. No campo de estudo da administração, as redes correspondem a um novo fenômeno organizacional que traduz a complexidade dos empreendimentos contemporâneos, se utiliza da flexibilidade proporcionada pelas tecnologias de comunicação e incorpora os estilos de gestão que buscam maior participação e compromisso das pessoas envolvidas. Em contraposição ao modelo de organização burocrática, a rede pressupõe uma disposição horizontal dos atores, sejam indivíduos ou instituições, baseada em relações mais simétricas do que hierárquicas, mais cooperativas do que competitivas e mais dinâmicas do que normativas, exigindo novos parâmetros para a coordenação das ações. Esse trabalho busca sistematizar as diferentes perspectivas teóricas, conceitos e idéias relacionados ao tema das redes, com ênfase em modelos de gestão orientados à ação pública, na qual é fundamental conciliar a democratização do processo decisório à efetividade dos empreendimentos, em outras palavras, a racionalidade dialógica é racionalidade instrumental e, nesse sentido, expressam os principais desafios na gestão de redes. No primeiro capítulo se analisa o contexto que propicia a formação das redes, identificando as tendências na gestão de empresas e a reforma na gestão pública, os obstáculos na relação entre estado e sociedade e os desafios da constituição de redes para a superação destes. O capítulo seguinte apresenta o referencial teórico de redes, define os conceitos utilizados no trabalho e discute os aspectos fundamentais da gestão de redes. O último capítulo apresenta a pesquisa empírica, na qual é utilizado o método de estudo de caso, com a finalidade de investigar a dinâmica organizacional e o modelo de gestão de uma rede considerada um caso revelador: o Comitê das Entidades Públicas no Combate à Fome e pela Vida, que atua no Brasil, em âmbito nacional, e atualmente articula mais de 700 organizações.
The present work consists on the development and exploration of a knowledge mapping model. It is aimed in presenting and testing that model in an exploratory manner for the operationalization in theoretical terms and its practical application. For this proposal, it approaches ¿knowledge management¿ by three dimensions of management: processes control, results control and leadership. Assuming the inherently personal character of knowledge and admitting the impossibility for the management to command the individuals knowledge mental processes, this study states the possibility for management to control the organizations information processes, to state and to monitor the objectives and to lead people. Therefore, the developed tool searches to graphically represent the people¿s knowledge, which becomes, consequently, information. Also it evaluates the individual¿s maturity against the identified knowledge and prescribes, according to the Situational Leadership Theory, a style of leadership in compliance with the respective maturities. The knowledge map considered here translates the graphical representation of the relevant knowledge that is said to reach the objectives of the organization. That fact allows the results management for two reasons: first, the knowledge items are directly or indirectly connected to an objective and second, the knowledge map developed indicates a importance grade of the identified knowledge for the main objective stated. The research strategy adopted to explore the model of knowledge mapping and to test its applicability, also identifying its possible contributions and limitations, is the Actionresearch. Following the research strategy¿s prescribed stages, the knowledge map, as considered by this study, was applied in a software development company to hospitals, clinics and restaurants management which is called ¿Tergus Systems and Consulting¿. More precisely, the knowledge map was applied in the customer support company¿s area for hospitals. The research¿s empirical evidences had concluded that the model is applicable with low level of complexity, but with great demand of time. The more important contributions are related to the identification of the relevant knowledge to the department objectives in set with a prescription of the knowledge capture and transference necessities, as well as, the orientation for the appropriate leadership style for each subordinate related to the knowledge item in question.
Nowadays, management of Intellectual Capital seems to be one of the most efficacious alternatives so that companies may permanently develop competitive differentials to enable their survival in a market that confers paradigma status to globalization. Managers are searching for solutions aiming to attract and maintain in their boards professionals that might be able to develop these competitive differentials and assure to their companies the expected results and the business growth. In this environment, the manager¿s functions appears as a strategic function towards the organization¿s routine and yet suggests an evaluation about the professionals performance concerning challenges (efforts) that market requires. The amount of scientific knowledge which these professionals detain about power should be measured as well as the thought that this can improve their performance regarding their capacity to convince (induce) people. This research concerns those that look for empirical evidences and scientific arguments to confirm the supposition that power knowledge may in fact provide a superior performance of those professionals that are in charge of management functions. The reason and results here presented allow to: reevaluate managers duties in private organizations, improve executive training programs so as to be more productive and appropriated, change the selection methods used to recognize such executives and finally suggest a reevaluation about the real adequation of graduation and master degree courses in regards to professionals graduation which are capable to ingress in business market and take over leadership positions.
o aumento da competição despertou nas organizações a necessidade de reverem seus processos. Com o advento do fenômeno da globalização, associado ao desenvolvimento das telecomunicações, da tecnologia da informação e dos processos de logística, os mercados ficaram cada vez mais restritos, fazendo com que a inovação no desenvolvimento de produtos e o correto entendimento das necessidades dos clientes passassem a representar um diferencial de mercado. Para os profissionais, estas mudanças representaram novos desafios no tocante à cobrança por resultados e à manutenção da empregabilidade. No meio de todas estas mudanças, surge no cenário empresarial e acadêmico um novo processo de gestão, conhecido por gestão do conhecimento. Além disso, os efeitos deste novo cenário levou à abertura de mercados até então restritos, dentre eles o de telecomunicações, cujas empresas operadoras brasileiras foram privatizadas em 1998. Entre ela, insere-se a Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações (Embratel), criada em 1965 com a função de integrar o país por meio das telecomunicações. Atuando com um perfil de engenharia por 30 anos, a Embratel se viu obrigada a promover profundas mudanças em seus processos internos e no perfil de seus profissionais para se transformar em uma empresa prestadora de serviços, implantando e reformulando sistemáticas voltadas à aquisição e desenvolvimento de novas competências. Este estudo apresenta uma análise das mudanças do processo da gestão do conhecimento na EmbrateL a partir da privatização do setor de telecomunicações no Brasil. O método utilizado foi a análise de conteúdo, feita com base em dados coletados no campo, em documentos e na bibliografia existente. F oram analisados os principais processos da gestão do conhecimento ao longo da vida da EmbrateL dividindo-a em três períodos: de 1965 a 1994, período essencialmente estatal; de 1995 a 1997, período em que a empresa viveu sua transição para a privatização, e a partir de 1998, período de ambiente privado. O estudo permitiu concluir que, apesar de terem sido observadas mudanças nos indicadores de aquisição e desenvolvimento de conhecimento, a Embratel demonstra ser uma empresa na qual sempre existiu o processo de gestão do conhecimento, o que certamente contribuiu para sua história de sucesso.
In the last years, a number of enterprises ¿ each time greater ¿ have perceived the importance of the strategic management of the intellectual capital in its strategic planning. Factors like globalization of the economy and consequent awareness of specialized work value enclosed in organizational processes and routines, awareness of knowledge as factor of distinct production and low cost of data processing nets, point to a growing replacement of physical force for cerebral in our organizations and in our social lives. This work has the objective to analyze how the information technology, in its present stage, may contribute to creation and development of knowledge, or intellectual capital, in the organization of business. We will use for this purpose the methodology proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi for creation of knowledge in the organizations. The model is based in two basic points: 1) the existence of two types of knowledge, the tacit and the explicit and its several processes of interaction wich generate operational knowledge (internalization), systematic knowledge (combination), shared knowledge (socialization) and conceptual knowledge (externalization); 2) the view that knowledge in principle is individual, belongs to each member of the organization and must be enlarged 'in an organization way'. Considering the characteristics of the methodology used, the proposal is the construction of a knowledge portal in the organization of business, so that it may be used as a tool for helping to create and develop organizational knowledge.
This paper aims to identify the main characteristics undertaken by the brazilian non governmental organization (NGO's) and the political, social, economical and personal factors that have contributed for the impressive growth of these organizations which has been observed on the past two decades. The thesis defended herein is that these organizations were legitimated by the society, despite the lack of transparency that surrounds their practice. By acknowledging that the term has many meanings, and that there is no legal consolidated mark to delimit exactly what a NGO is, the research has adopted a very specific universe: the NGO's affiliated to the Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não-Governamentais (ABONG), located in Rio de Janeiro. The characteristics undertaken by the researched organizations were raised through interviews with its directors, visits to its headquarters and institutional documents that were made available. Mind makers of the Rio de Janeiro¿s society were also interviewed. The data research was also aided by the revision of the available literature. The Social Representation Theory was used in order to have a better understanding of the relationship that society has established with the NGO's. The thesis reveals that the characteristics undertaken by the NGO's are very different. In regards to the factors that have induced the growth of these organizations, we can notice a significant reduction of the States' acting. Also pointed out are the non existence of an adequate legislation, the facilities offered by the partnership established, the prevailing of a positive image for the society, the lack of inspection and the increasing social needs of the country which stand out as possible inductors of the expansion of these organizations.
Land, capital and work dictated the organizations¿ success in the industrial era. Added to these factors, the intangible assets are considered the key complement to determine business¿ sustainability in the knowledge era. The globalization creates a new dynamic in the markets and the knowledge management becomes focal point to the organizations. It becomes more common the incorporation of inter-organizational nets to improve business, in a strategy win-win where the tacit knowledge, noncodified, which is shared. More specifically, the innovation management, one of the intangible assets aspects, plays an important role in the Federal Government agenda, through the PDP and other market players. BNDES made significant progress to assist companies¿ demands in the knowledge era, among them: the adoption of the Intangible Assets BSC methodology to evaluate companies¿ credit risk and the partnership with Brightom University (UK) to train innovation management to companies¿ managers. Besides the initial steps, what are the challenges that BNDES will face from now on? In the bibliographic review, it is analyzed the competitive factors in the knowledge era, the evolution of the intangible assets concept, the consolidation of the networking as business strategy, evaluation its advantages and disadvantages, some innovation definitions and its management through the identification of the development level of the Brazilian companies¿ in this aspect. After that, it is analyzed the management tool so-called Balanced Scorecard, which is fundamental to the Intangible Assets BSC. The actions already implemented by BNDES, Sebrae and FINEP focused on the subject are identified in order to evaluate the integration level among those actions. Then, it is demonstrated the relevancy of the subject not only to BNDES, but also to society. This study faces the subject by the preparation of a diagnostic from 30 actives SMEs investments from BNDESPAR portfolio, a BNDES subsidiary, adopting the BSC methodology through questionnaire. The objective is to certify if there is enough space to elaborate an action plan focused on creating value to companies considering them intangible assets and, if it is viable, how this toll can be useful and adequate to achieve such objective. The questionnaire content, answered by the training participants in the innovation management program, is also evaluated to check the suggestions of actions to maximize the expected feedback. In the conclusion, it is verified that the tool so-called Intangible Assets BSC is adequate to the management activity of the investments in PMEs from BNDESPAR portfolio and there is enough space to adopt measures focused on creation of companies¿ value, mentioning some examples and highlighting some preliminary academicals contributions to improve the tool and also suggests other steps that BNDES can adopt to optimize the actions already implemented.
This paper is a follow up of the study of the evolution of the public policies for education, especially in the areas of improvement in the science and mathematics program, whose main purpose is to qualify teachers is these disciplines. The evaluation of strategies adopted by the Department of education for the implementation and development of the program in the states, which, on a decentralized bases and through its administrative structure is responsible for contracting higher Education Institutions in charge of preparatory courses. It discusses the enforcement of such a strategy and analyses the combined efforts between the federal sphere, represented by the coordination of preparatory courses for Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Departments of Education, Science and Technology of the states, Research Spowsoring Foundations and the Federal Universities, breaking with some governmental traditions. It analyses the greater degree of interaction between the curriculum for public schools and the developments achieved in the many fields of knowledge. It is based on parameters in the proposals disposed by the law of the methods and fundamentals education, methods of curriculum, and national teaching standards, as well as studies carried out in the states that demand the biggest quantity of qualifying projects, trough analyses that are focused on the problems regarding science teaching in the Brazil and the format adopted in the implementation of the program.