21 resultados para Analyzing human behavior


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O presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento das ideias e ações humanas é indissociável do processo de evolução da máquina, destacando o aspecto interativo aí existente: a mente que concebe a máquina e que, por sua vez, passa a servir de modelo para, essa mesma mente construir a sua visão de mundo. O objetivo principal consiste em analisar as bases epistemológicas do processo educacional brasileiro a partir do desenvolvimento da própria máquina, o qual, segundo a teoria aqui adotada, subdivide-se em quatro etapas: a máquina Pré-Clássica, a máquina Clássica, a máquina Cibernética e a máquina Informacional. A hipótese aqui apresentada, e no final confirmada, é a de que, apesar de hoje o mundo estar subjugado às propriedades da maquina informacional, na estrutura do processo educacional brasileiro predominam as características epistêmicas da maquina clássica, devido a nossa educação continuar arraigada em aspectos constitutivos dessa máquina: em sua Iógica (linear), em seu ritmo (padrão de comportamento) e em sua morfologia (elementarização). Através desse estudo procura se evidencia que transformações se operaram (ou não) no processo educacional brasileiro e a necessidade de uma redefinição conceitual e metodológica da própria educação, de forma que se minimize a distância entre a mesma e o progresso tecnológico.


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Mudança de comportamento: eis um fenômeno que suscita dúvidas, polêmicas e toda sorte de questionamentos. Por que ele se dá, por que não se dá, como fazer para que ocorra, como compreendê-la quando se dá de forma autônoma - essas são perguntas presentes na prática de muitos profissionais e no dia a dia mesmo das pessoas. Algumas destas perguntas fazem parte deste estudo, que tem como objetivo examinar o processo de mudança de comportamento diante de uma situação problemática. Para isso,tomaremos como base teórica os pressupostos oferecidos pela epistemologia ecossistêmica de Bateson, visto que esta se apresenta como uma perspectiva fértil para a compreensão dos fenômenos ao encará-los sob um ponto de vista relacional. A dinâmica da mudança será investigada a partir de experiências de membros de grupos AA relatadas em entrevistas. A razão pela qual escolhemos falar do tema a que nos propomos através da situação específica do alcoolismo e daqueles que passam a frequentar o AA deve ser clarificada. Sendo a síndrome de dependência do álcool uma condição que traz problemas de grande gravidade àqueles que a apresentam, e sendo o AA uma forma de tratamento que tem se mostrado muito eficaz, ambos merecem ser investigados, pois podem trazer luz à compreensão do processo de mudança. E é a isto que nos propomos neste estudo. Mais que apresentar conclusões fechadas, desejamos abrir caminhos a questionamentos sobre a mudança, sobre o alcoolismo e a prática do AA, a qual parece oferecer uma sistemática para aquilo que a visão teórica ecossistêmica apresenta.


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O presente trabalho visa analisar quais os efeitos das sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos da América, União Europeia e Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas contra a sociedade civil da República Islâmica do Irã. Inicialmente será abordado o histórico da construção das sanções, observando como se deu a relação entre os EUA e o Irã após 1979 até a imposição das mais recentes sanções, com ênfase no período pós-2009, época que apresenta uma mudança no comportamento das entidades sancionadoras. Vê-se que a política norte-americana para o Irã sempre foi baseada na dualidade entre diálogo e pressões econômicas, sendo este ultimo utilizado como ferramenta para desenvolvimento do primeiro. Em seguida se analisará todo o arcabouço jurídico construído com vistas a restringir a capacidade econômica iraniana e consequentemente sua capacidade de desenvolver seu programa nuclear. Neste capitulo é observada a amplitude que alcançaram as sanções e como estas buscam apesar de tudo gerar mecanismos de alivio a sociedade civil, deixando transparecer um discurso humanitário. O ultimo capitulo terá como ênfase os impactos das sanções na sociedade civil, nele será demonstrado que apesar das exceções legislativas, a população iraniana tem sido amplamente afetada. Através da analise de depoimentos e de noticias de periódicos serão vistas quais foram esses impactos e sua extensão. Por fim faremos um breve balanço do que fora apresentado, refletindo se quais os resultados alcançados pelas sanções e se eles superam os custos sociais impostos a população iraniana.


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Corporate governance has been in the spotlight for the past two decades, being subject of numerous researches all over the world. Governance is pictured as a broad and diverse theme, evolving through different routes to form distinct systems. This scenario together with 2 types of agency problems (investor vs. management and minorities vs. controlling shareholders) produce different definitions for governance. Usually, studies investigate whether corporate governance structures influence firm performance, and company valuation. This approach implies investors can identify those impacts and later take them into consideration when making investment decisions. However, behavioral finance theory shows that not always investors take rational decisions, and therefore the modus operandi of those professionals needs to be understood. So, this research aimed to investigate to what extent Brazilian corporate governance standards and practices influence the investment decision-making process of equity markets' professionals from the sell-side and buy-side. This exploratory study was carried out through qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative phase, 8 practitioners were interviewed and 3 dimensions emerged: understanding, pertinence and practice. Based on the interviews’ findings, a questionnaire was formulated and distributed to buy-siders and sell-siders that cover Brazilian stocks. 117 respondents from all over the world contributed to the study. The data obtained were analyzed through structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics. The 3 dimensions became 5 constructs: definition (institutionalized governance, informal governance), pertinence (relevance), practice (valuation process, structured governance assessment) The results of this thesis suggest there is no definitive answer, as the extent to which governance will influence an investment decision process will depend on a number of circumstances which compose the context. The only certainty is the need to present a “corporate governance behavior”, rather than simply establishing rules and regulations at firm and country level.


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Choosing properly and efficiently a supplier has been challenging practitioners and academics since 1960’s. Since then, countless studies had been performed and relevant changes in the business scenario were considered such as global sourcing, quality-orientation, just-in-time practices. It is almost consensus that quality should be the selection driver, however, some polemical findings questioned this general agreement. Therefore, one of the objectives of the study was to identify the supplier selection criteria and bring this discussion back again. Moreover, Dickson (1966) suggested existing business relationship as selection criterion, then it was reviewed the importance of business relationship for the company and noted a set of potential negative effects that could rise from it. By considering these side effects of relationship, this research aimed to investigate how the relationship could influence the supplier selection and how its harmful effects could affect the selection process. The impact of this phenomenon was investigated cross-nationally. The research strategy adopted was a controlled experiment via vignette combined with discrete choice analysis. The data collections were performed in China and Brazil. By examining the results, it could be drawn five major findings. First, when purchasers were asked to declare their supplier selection priorities, quality was stated as the most important independently of country and relationship. This result was consistent with diverse studies since 60’s. However, when purchasers were exposed to a multi-criteria trade-off situation, their actual selection priorities deviate from what they had declared. In the actual decision-making without influence of buyer-supplier relationship, Brazilian purchasers focused on price and Chinese buyers prioritized delivery then price. This observation reinforced some controversial prior studies of Verma & Pullman (1998) and Hirakubo & Kublin (1998). Second, through the introduction of the buyer-supplier relationship (operationalized via relational capital) in the supplier selection process, this research extended the existing studies and found that Brazilian buyers still focused on price. The relationship became just another criterion for supplier selection such as quality and delivery. However, from the Chinese sample, the results suggested that quality was totally discarded and the decision was majorly made through price and relationship. The third finding suggested that relational capital could legitimate the quality and sustainability of the supplier and replaces these selection criteria and made the decisional task less complex. Additionally, with the relational capital, the decision-makings were associated to few biases such as availability cognition, commitment, confirmatory and perceived biases. By analyzing the purchasers’ behavior, relational capital inducted buyers of both countries to relax in their purchasing requirements (quality, delivery and sustainability) leading to potential negative effects. In the Brazilian sample, the phenomenon of willing to pay a higher price for a lower quality offer demonstrated to be a potential counterproductive and suboptimal decision. Finally, the last finding was associated to the cultural effect on the buyers’ decisions. From the outcome, it is possible to observe that if a purchaser’s cultural background is more relation-oriented, the more he will tend to use relational capital as a decision heuristic, thus, the purchaser will be more susceptible to the potential relationship’s side effects


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This exploratory research aims to find out the extent to which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts the purchasing behavior of Peruvian consumers when it comes to convenience food products. The study includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis consists of in-depth interviews with CSR representatives from consumer product companies, CSR practitioners and some consumers from the quantitative sample. That group’s composition was selected in order to obtain a wide picture of the consumers’ perception towards CSR, including their understanding of the concept and the relevance in their decision making process when buying convenience food products. The quantitative analysis portion consists of an on-line survey focused on Peruvian consumers who live in Lima during the year 2015. Consumers included in the sample were selected by convenience. After analyzing the 134 completed surveys, the results obtained suggest that even though there is an increasing interest in CSR, including CSR as an attribute of the purchased goods, interest is not fully demonstrated by the purchasing behavior of consumers. The main breach leading to this inconsistency appears to be the lack of or failure in the companies’ CSR communication towards consumers. Consumers demand reliable information which socially responsible companies usually provide; however at this stage, the target audiences of such information are mostly corporations and communities surrounding the manufacturing plants of convenience food products.