156 resultados para Impostos-Recaptació-1652-Memorials
When, in a dynamic model, choices by an agent : i) are not observed, and; ii) affect preferences conditional on the realization of types, new and unexpected features come up in Mirrlees’ (1971) optimal taxation frame- work. In the simplest possible model where a non-trivial filtration may be incorporated, we show how these two characteristics make it neces- sary for IC constraints to be defined in terms of strategies rather than pure announcements. Tax prescriptions are derived, and we are able to show that uniform taxation prescription of Atkinson and Stiglitz fails to hold, in general. Clean results regarding capital income taxation are not easy to come about because usual assumption on preferences do not allow for determining which constraints bind at the optimum. However, in the most ’natural’ cases, we show that return on capital ought to be taxed.
In spite of a general agreement over the distortion imposed by the current Brazilian tax system, attempts to reform it during the last decade have faced several restrictions to its implementation. Two of these restrictions were particular binding: a) fiscal adjustment restriction (public sector debt cannot increase), b) fiscal federalist restriction (revenues from individual states and municipalities cannot decrease). This paper focuses on a specific reform that overcomes in principle the fiscal federalist restriction. Using Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987) model calibrated for the Brazilian economy, I analyze the short and long run macroeconomic effects of this reform subject to the fiscal adjustment restriction. Finally, I look at the redistributive effects of this reform among generations as a way to infer about public opinion’s reaction to the reform. The reform consists basically of replacing indirect taxes on corporate revenues, which I show to be equivalent to a symmetric tax on labor and capital income, by a new federal VAT. The reform presented positive macroeconomic effects both in the short and long run. Despite a substantial increase in the average VAT rate in the first years after the reform, a majority of cohorts experienced an increase in their lifetime welfare, being potentially in favour of the reform.
Enquanto o país acompanha debates acalorados no Congresso em torno da proposta de alteração da Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO) — para liberar a presidente Dilma Rousseff das penalidades por gastar mais do que ela mesma havia previsto —, não é fácil dizer exatamente em que o governo gasta tanto. Para tornar essa resposta mais fácil, a Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas (FGV/DAPP) desenvolveu o Mosaico do Orçamento, uma ferramenta interativa disponível na internet a partir de hoje que permite a qualquer cidadão visualizar onde vai parar o que sai dos bolsos dos brasileiros na forma de impostos. Logo na primeira visualização é possível constatar que, do total de R$ 1,8 trilhão em gastos autorizados no Orçamento da União em 2014, nada menos do que 23,1% vão direto para o pagamento de juros e amortização da dívida pública, entre outros encargos financeiros do governo federal. São R$ 410 bilhões que vão, na sua maioria, para as mãos de credores