142 resultados para Empresas : Planejamento
The Strategic Planning is the managerial process that it makes possible to establish one heading for being followed by the company, with views to obtain an optimization level in this relationship with the external atmosphere. In the small company¿s improvement the general performance of the results and the use of resources, however it is still little known and used. These organizations need administration tools to be capable to promote the business growth and to guarantee the survival more and more in this market competitive. This way, it is done necessary to approach the strategic planning in a complex less way and the objective of this research is to provide larger knowledge regarding the Strategic Planning in the personal computer and small companies, to verify the limitations in the implantation, to analyze the reasons for the low effectiveness of the use in companies of this load and to identify the consultants interviewees close to the best way to implant it. The understanding of these limitations aids the small intrepreneur and the consultant in the implantation of the strategic planning as increment of competitiveness as this use provides reflections, guidelines for the activities of the organization, as well as it makes possible adaptation and answer capacity to the changes of the market.
Traça uma metodologia de coleta e análise de informações, visando detectar falhas e potencialidades, identificar suas causas, apontar as maneiras de solucioná-las e/ou aproveitá-las e elaborar um programa para execução das alternativas mais viáveis. O método foi aplicado a pequenas e médias empresas para verificação de sua adequabilidade a casos práticos
A abordagem trata como o intento estratégico interfere nas organizações, quando a nova economia exige um dinamismo mais veloz do que o planejamento das organizações, atropelando as regras tradicionais das mesmas. Tomando como base o exemplo do Pão de Açúcar, os pontos positivos e pontos a melhorar no processo de mudança de estratégia e implementação de um novo negócio. Apontando a estratégia com base na mais moderna teoria, e visão de tecnologia e impactos no ambiente dentro dos conceitos mais apurado na atualidade.
O presente estudo relata e discute características centrais do processo de expansão internacional das PMEs brasileiras. A análise concentra-se nos fatores críticos que caracterizam esse processo, particularmente nas decisões estratégicas tomadas, nos principais problemas enfrentados e nas práticas utilizadas pelos empreendedores. Para a investigação desses aspectos, um questionário foi enviado para 226 PMEs brasileiras com algum grau de internacionalização. Destas 52 empresas devolveram questionários aproveitáveis para a pesquisa. A análise dos dados obtidos nos questionários aponta um conjunto importante de efeitos na amostra: (1) a influência da rede de relacionamentos da empresa no seu processo de internacionalização; (2) a inexistência de uma teoria capaz de explicar a totalidade do processo de internacionalização; e (3) uma transformação paradigmática, em anos recentes, do perfil e do comportamento dessas empresas, em comparação com as PMEs exportadoras brasileiras pesquisadas nos primeiros estudos nacionais sobre o tema. As empresas da amostra atual demonstram mais pró-atividade e visão internacional.
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de identificar como os empresários de pequenas empresas industriais bem sucedidas definem práticas gerenciais e explorar quais são as práticas adotadas pelas empresas estudadas. O método de pesquisa do presente estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, consistiu na análise de quatro empresas, incluindo visita às instalações, realização de entrevista em profundidade com os proprietários e gestores e análise de documentação pertinente. Complementarmente, foram entrevistados oito especialistas em gestão de pequenas empresas, dentre os quais acadêmicos ligados ao tema, consultores e outros profissionais que se relacionam com o pequeno empresário, os quais contribuíram com diferentes perspectivas sobre o tema. Os estudos de caso revelaram particularidades das pequenas empresas, tais como a informalidade nos processos, o acúmulo de funções, a centralização das decisões e a presença do proprietário na operação, as quais influenciam diretamente a forma de gerir o negócio. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os proprietários e gestores das empresas estudadas são conscientes da importância das práticas gerenciais para o sucesso do negócio, o que reflete na adoção de práticas relativamente sofisticadas de gestão. No entanto, percebe-se que as pequenas empresas abrem mão de práticas consideradas relevantes, seja por desconhecimento, falta de recursos, característica pessoal dos proprietários ou por considerarem a relação custo-benefício desvantajosa. A análise das práticas gerenciais nas áreas de planejamento estratégico; operações e logística; gestão de clientes; inovação; monitoramento e incentivos; gestão de recursos humanos; gestão financeira; relacionamento com grupos de interesse; e sustentabilidade, nos permitiu compreender melhor a realidade das pequenas empresas industriais e seus desafios de gestão.
The leadership of American literature in the field of business strategy and its consequent influence on the scientific and entrepreneurial world in Brazil is a real fact. It's also true that the major theories in strategy, especially from the classic school, the oldest and most influent in this field, were originated from empirical studies in large ¿ if not giant ¿ companies, many of them currently present in Brazil. The micro, small and medium Brazilian companies, of well known social and economical importance to the country, and its strategists are certainly not inert to this knowledge, but it doesn¿t necessarily means it can be applied with success in such different context. Previous studies indicate that this strategist makes use of intuition and is not very friendly with bureaucratic controls, but, in reality, the profile of this Brazilian executive is still unknown. Naturally, we do not expect this profile to be static in time, but reactive to changes on business environment, especially with the current globalization process. This research, aiming at knowing the profile of the Brazilian strategist of micro, small and medium companies and through an intensive revision on strategy literature, has built a mathematical model by the use of factor analysis, that can be applied in future studies. A new typology to understand the strategic thinking of these leaders is proposed. The conclusion shows that, for the executives in this research, intuition is not predominant on their decisions. Although more rational than intuitive, they refuse the idea of being purely rational. Besides, in the strategy formation process, they tend to have a collective spirit rather than deciding alone and to believe in the importance of being formal, planning and registering their intentions.
Over the past two decades there has been a profusion of empirical studies of organizational design and its relationship to efficiency, productivity and flexibility of an organization. In parallel, there has been a wide range of studies about innovation management in different kind of industries and firms. However, with some exceptions, the organizational and innovation management bodies of literature tend to examine the issues of organizational design and innovation management individually, mainly in the context of large firms operating at the technological frontier. There seems to be a scarcity of empirical studies that bring together organizational design and innovation and examine them empirically and over time in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. This dissertation seeks to provide a small contribution in that direction. This dissertation examines the dynamic relationship between organizational design and innovation. This relationship is examined on the basis of a single-case design in a medium sized mechanical engineering company in Germany. The covered time period ranges from 1958 until 2009, although the actual focus falls on the recent past. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive field work. The main findings are: 1. There is always a bundle of organizational dimensions which impacts innovation. These main organizational design dimensions are: (1) Strategy & Leadership, (2) Resources & Capabilities, (3) Structure, (4) Culture, (5) Networks & Partnerships, (6) Processes and (7) Knowledge Management. However, the importance of the different organizational design dimensions changes over time. While for example for the production of simple, standardized parts, a simple organizational design was appropriate, the company needed to have a more advanced organizational design in order to be able to produce customized, complex parts with high quality. Hence the technological maturity of a company is related to its organizational maturity. 2. The introduction of innovations of the analyzed company were highly dependent on organizational conditions which enabled their introduction. The results of the long term case study show, that some innovations would not have been introduced successfully if the organizational elements like for example training and qualification, the build of network and partnerships or the acquisition of appropriate resources and capabilities, were not in place. Hence it can be concluded, that organizational design is an enabling factor for innovation. These findings contribute to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between organizational design and innovation. This highlights the growing importance of a comprehensive, innovation stimulating organizational design of companies. The results suggest to managers that innovation is not only dependent on a single organizational factor but on the appropriate, comprehensive design of the organization. Hence manager should consider to review regularly the design of their organizations in order to maintain a innovation stimulating environment.
Land, capital and work dictated the organizations¿ success in the industrial era. Added to these factors, the intangible assets are considered the key complement to determine business¿ sustainability in the knowledge era. The globalization creates a new dynamic in the markets and the knowledge management becomes focal point to the organizations. It becomes more common the incorporation of inter-organizational nets to improve business, in a strategy win-win where the tacit knowledge, noncodified, which is shared. More specifically, the innovation management, one of the intangible assets aspects, plays an important role in the Federal Government agenda, through the PDP and other market players. BNDES made significant progress to assist companies¿ demands in the knowledge era, among them: the adoption of the Intangible Assets BSC methodology to evaluate companies¿ credit risk and the partnership with Brightom University (UK) to train innovation management to companies¿ managers. Besides the initial steps, what are the challenges that BNDES will face from now on? In the bibliographic review, it is analyzed the competitive factors in the knowledge era, the evolution of the intangible assets concept, the consolidation of the networking as business strategy, evaluation its advantages and disadvantages, some innovation definitions and its management through the identification of the development level of the Brazilian companies¿ in this aspect. After that, it is analyzed the management tool so-called Balanced Scorecard, which is fundamental to the Intangible Assets BSC. The actions already implemented by BNDES, Sebrae and FINEP focused on the subject are identified in order to evaluate the integration level among those actions. Then, it is demonstrated the relevancy of the subject not only to BNDES, but also to society. This study faces the subject by the preparation of a diagnostic from 30 actives SMEs investments from BNDESPAR portfolio, a BNDES subsidiary, adopting the BSC methodology through questionnaire. The objective is to certify if there is enough space to elaborate an action plan focused on creating value to companies considering them intangible assets and, if it is viable, how this toll can be useful and adequate to achieve such objective. The questionnaire content, answered by the training participants in the innovation management program, is also evaluated to check the suggestions of actions to maximize the expected feedback. In the conclusion, it is verified that the tool so-called Intangible Assets BSC is adequate to the management activity of the investments in PMEs from BNDESPAR portfolio and there is enough space to adopt measures focused on creation of companies¿ value, mentioning some examples and highlighting some preliminary academicals contributions to improve the tool and also suggests other steps that BNDES can adopt to optimize the actions already implemented.
Trata dos efeitos da Internet sobre as organizações, abordando as características da chamada Nova Economia da Informação. Focando a Indústria Farmacêutica, analisa os fundamentos que devem ser considerados pelas na revisão de seus modelos estratégicos e a proposição de um novo modelo de negócios para a Indústria Farmacêutica tomando em conta os impactos da Internet.
Explora o conceito e os modelos utilizados para definição e implementação de estratégia nas empresas e principalmente a contribuição das áreas funcionais na formação de estratégias emergentes nas empresas.
Trata da aplicação do processo sugerido de avaliação e seleção de opções estratégicas em unidade brasileira de negócios, pertencente à corporação suíça Asea Brown Boveri. Sugere processo de avaliação e escolha baseado no potencial de criação de valor para o acionista, medido através de parâmetro financeiro. Compara vários parâmetros de medição do potencial gerador de valor e sugere a utilização do fluxo de caixa descontado (FCD) no processo proposto
Este trabalho entende que somente através de uma invesigação profunda das "entranhas" do processo histórico da EAESP, tornando explicito os interesses e correlações de forças subjacentes as diversas crises políticas enfrentadas por esta instituição, especialmente em relação à Fundação Getúlio Vargas, sua mantenedora, é possível captar, apreender as contradições intrinsecas que gestaram uma das mais ricas, fecundas e originais experiências mundiais de Business School, como tornamos explícito no nosso modelo EAESPIANO de capacitação em gerência estraégica de negócios
Professor Carlos Osmar Bertero fala de sua carreira nas áreas de estratégia e estudos organizacionais
Prof. Luiz Artur Ledur Brito indica livros de estratégia empresarial
Professor Fabio Mariotto fala de sua carreira na área de estratégia de empresas