2 resultados para Bandello, Matteo, 1485-1561.
em Lume - Repositório Digital da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
When a muscle contracts it produces vibrations. The origin of these vibrations is not known in detail. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism associated with muscle vibrations. Mechanisms which have been proposed in the literature were described as theories (cross-bridge cycling, vibrating string and unfused motor unit theories). Specific predictions were derived from each theory, and tested in three conceptually different studies. In the first study, the influence of recruitment strategies of motor units (MUs) on the vibromyographic (VMG) signal was studied in the in-situ cat soleus using electrical stimulation of the soleus nerve. VMG signals increased with increasing recruitment and decreased with increasing firing rates of MUs. Similar results were obtained for the human rectus femoris (RF) muscle using percutaneous electrical stimulation of the femoral nerve. The influence of MU activation on muscle vibrations was studied in RF by analyzing VMG signals at different percentages (0-100%) of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). In our second study, we tested the effects of changing the material properties of the in-situ cat soleus (through muscle length changes) on the VMG signal. The magnitude of the VMG signal was higher for intermediate muscle lengths compared to the longest and the shortest muscle lengths. The decreased magnitude of the VMG signal at the longest and at the shortest muscle lengths was associated with increased passive stiffness and with decreased force transients during unfused contractions, respectively. In the third study, the effect of fatigue on muscle vibrations was studied in human RF and vastus lateralis (VL) musc1es during isometric voluntary contractions at a leveI of 70% MVC. A decrease in the VMG signal magnitude was observed in RF (presumably due to derecruitment of MUs) and an increase in VL (probably related to the enhancement of physiological tremor, which may have occurred predorninantly in a mediolateral direction) with fatigue. The unfused MU theory, which is based on the idea that force transients produced by MUs during unfused tetanic contraction is the mechanism for muscle vibrations, was supported by the results obtained in the above three studies.
A ferrugem da folha é a moléstia de maior importância econômica para a cultura da aveia e a resistência qualitativa, geralmente utilizada para o seu controle, apresenta pouca durabilidade. A utilização de resistência parcial, caracterizada pelo progresso lento da moléstia, tem sido reconhecida como alternativa para obtenção de genótipos com resistência mais durável. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o progresso da ferrugem, o controle genético da resistência, e identificar marcadores moleculares associados a essa resistência, em várias gerações e anos. Populações F2, F3, F4, F5 e F6 do cruzamento UFRGS7/UFRGS910906 (sucetível/parcialmente resistente) (1998, 1999 e 2000) e F2 do cruzamento UFRGS7/UFRGS922003 (1998), foram avaliadas a campo quanto à porcentagem de área foliar infectada, para determinar a área sob a curva do progresso da doença (ASCPD). Mapeamento molecular, com marcadores AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism), foi realizado em F2 e F6, do primeiro cruzamento, identificando marcadores associados à resistência quantitativa (“quantitative resistance loci” ou QRLs). Resultados de três anos evidenciaram alta influência do ambiente na expressão da resistência, apresentando, entretanto, variabilidade genética para resistência parcial nas populações segregantes. A distribuição de freqüências do caráter ASCPD nas linhas recombinantes F5 e F6 foi contínua, indicando a presença de vários genes de pequeno efeito em seu controle. Estimativas de herdabilidade variaram de moderada a alta. O mapa molecular F2 foi construído com 250 marcadores, em 37 grupos de ligação, e o mapa F6 com 86 marcadores em 17 grupos de ligação. Cinco QRLs foram identificados na F2 e três na F6. O QRL identificado na F6, pelo marcador PaaMtt340 apresentou consistência em dois ambientes.