96 resultados para honors


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Direct legislation in the United States is a subject that has received a great deal of attention recently. A large proportion of this attention however has been focused on the potential for direct legislation to harm minority groups. An example of this negative potential can be seen in a group of ballot propositions that were presented to California voters in the 1990s. These initiatives can all be interpreted as targeting various minority groups in California. As California is the state which makes use of the ballot initiative more frequently than any other, this is a cause for concern. There are however several other factors that make it unclear whether direct legislation will more often lead to negative outcomes for minorities. There is also a noticeable effect of direct democracy generally on political participation. Several studies have found a positive correlation between the extent that a state uses ballot initiatives and referenda with political participation indexes such as voting rates. These findings complicate the negative attention that ballot initiatives have recently received.


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This study examines the common belief that misdemeanor offences are usually committed by individuals from lower socio-economic classes. 1 suggest that this is a misconception and that individuals from all classes commit misdemeanors. The data are from the Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12thGrade Survey), 2000-2008 (University of Michigan. Institute for Social Research Survey Research Center). I will focus on 12th grade students from the years 2000 to 2008. For the purposes of this study, a misdemeanor is less severe than a felony and includes such crimes as disorderly conduct, shoplifting, public drunkenness, or minor assault. In addition, conviction for a misdemeanor usually results in a fine or imprisonment in a jail for less than a year. I will examine evidence tor the common belief about the characteristics of misdemeanor offenders and explore other influences on those who commit misdemeanors. This research shows that family relationships, the importance of religion to the respondent, and race have an effect on whether an individual commits a misdemeanor. The results of this study »"~'-10'."""'~ that other factors, besides social class, may be important for understanding misdemeanor activity.


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Biblical justifications for a vegetarian diet seem to meet with much adversity within mainstream American culture. Texts suggesting that people were intended to be vegetarians can be found in the Bible. However, this interpretation of Biblical texts has not been widely accepted by Protestant Christianity. This research attempts to identifY social and religious characteristics of people who are vegetarian. Fundamentalism, denomination, belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, and strength of belief in Christianity are examined as factors related to supporting vegetarianism. The General Social Survey's data from 1993 and 1994 were used in this study. The data were analyzed using frequencies, means, cross tabulations. correlations, and regressions. The sample was 57% female and 87% white, the mean age was 46 and the average level of education was 13 years. The study found that, among the independent variables. belief in animal rights, rather than any specific religious views, had the strongest influence on vegetarianism.


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Executive compensation includes components intended to acquire and retain executives as well as to align their goals with those of shareholders. This paper focuses on retention compensation, commonly known as "golden handcuffs", including stock options, long-term incentive plans and restricted stock. The extant literature examines CEOs that change jobs despite their golden handcuffs, and argues that such compensation is not an effective means of executive retention. In this paper, I compare the golden handcuffs of a set of CEOs who change jobs to a matched set of those who do not in order to determine the efficacy of such compensation for executive retention. I find that restricted stock is positively related to CEO turnover whereas stock options are negatively related.


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University College proudly presents the third Undergraduate Scholarship at Winthrop University Book of Abstracts, which chronicles the scholarly accomplishments of students throughout all five academic colleges in the university: College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Education (COE), the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) and University College (UC). The book also highlights the students who have completed Honors Theses, applied for Nationally Competitive Awards, and were selected as McNair or WISE Scholars.


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The Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers consist of correspondence relating to Dr. Delano, Hallet Abend, and Virgilia Peterson (Princess Sapieha of Poland), an account of her trips to Europe and Mexico City, honors and awards she received, a dissertation presented to the Board of Graduate Studies at Washington University, notes on projected research on William Cullen Bryant, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, and family photographs.