43 resultados para Circuit courts--South Carolina--Newberry County--Auditing
The Thomas Belue Collection consists of the diary of Thomas Belue of Union County, South Carolina. He enrolled as a private in the Confederate Army in Co. F, Captain C.W. Boyd’s , 15th SCV. The diary covers August, 1861 to September, 1863, and May 1864. Belue describes battles fought in South Carolina, Georgia,Tennessee, and Virginia, mileage covered, camp life and events that occurred during his time in the army. The collection also includes biographical information, genealogical information, a partial transcript of the diary, and copies of Belue’s military records. In addition there is a tintype in a case of Belue in his uniform, two copies of the tintype, and photographs of his gravestone at Gilead Baptist Church Cemetery in Union County, South Carolina.
The Jimmie E. Nunnery Papers consist of personal correspondence, legal papers, financial papers, compositions of Iva Jordan Nunnery, genealogical papers, historical sketches of Landsford Canal, of General W.R. Davie and of Fort Lawn, papers relating to South Carolina Volunteers of the Confederate Army and Revolutionary soldiers, newspaper clippings, photographs and various papers relating to members of the Nunnery family of Chester County.
The Chester Genealogical Society Records consist of typescript material of writings and publications that covers mainly Chester County, SC history and genealogy from the 18th century to the 20th century. The collection includes information on covenanters, lists of Chester county American Civil War soldiers, Obadiah Hardin, Revolutionary War Lieut. Col. John R. Culp, Rev. Samuel McCreary, Mrs. M.A. Smith and the Smithton Lumber Co in Smithton, Arkansas, the Kulp family, Matthew Elder, Jr., Rev. Josiah Henson, the Gaston family, the Murphy family, Confederate Capt. G.L. Strait’s Company-6th regiment, Company B during the American Civil War, the McClure family and Revolutionary War Capt. John McClure, and recollections of Chester, South Carolina.
The Leila Russell Papers consist of a journal kept by Russell which formed the basis for a report to the Southern Education Board, describing conditions at various school houses in Anderson County, South Carolina. There are also photographs of school houses in Anderson and Marion Counties.
Written by Helen Deane Chandler, the history describes the battle fought in York County, South Carolina on October 7, 1780, gives brief accounts of previous celebrations of the battle, contains illustrations showing the battlefield and monuments, and has information concerning the 150th anniversary celebration that took place in 1930.
The Thomas Spratt Memoir consists of a typescript account titled Recollections of the Spratt Family, detailing the history of the Spratt family of York County, South Carolina from the arrival in America of Thomas Spratt from County Down, Ireland, in 1740 to 1876.
The Women's Club of Rock Hill's mission is to further the cultural, educational, and social interest of its members and to promote interest in Rock Hill’s civic development and welfare. The Women's Club of Rock Hill Records consist of constitutions and bylaws, histories, minutes, reports, correspondence, memoranda, program notes, brochures, newsletters, membership lists, yearbooks, questions, certificates, awards, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The records also relate to the thirteen affiliated clubs comprising the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill: Amateur Arts, Arts Appreciation, Book Discussion, Book Lovers, Crafts, Hearthstone, Hermitage, Home Study, Lantern, Literary, Outlook, Palmetto, and Politeia, and to other records for the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Records of various organizations not directly related to the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill are also included, such as the Tri-County Parents Without Partners, the Rock Hill Community Council, the Rock Hill Model Cities Commission, the Rock Hill Senior Center, and the South Carolina Conference on the Status of Women.
The Dora Dee Walker Papers consist of biographical sketches and data sheets, a letter, photographs, a newspaper clipping and a copy of the history of extension work in Allendale County, all relating to Dora Walker, pioneering State leader in extension work in South Carolina.
Thelma Ecord Busbee (1910-2004) was a Civic leader and club woman from Columbia, South Carolina. The Thelma Ecord Busbee Papers consist of correspondence, reports, constitutions, financial records, program notes, and other papers relating to her many club and civic activities. The collection covers the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1950-1959), The South Carolina Status of Women’s Conference (1961-1968), the Richland-Lexington Tuberculosis Association (1961-1964), South Carolina Alert, Inc. (1961-1962), the Palmetto Outdoor Historical Drama Association (1965-1968), the South Carolina State Library Board (1967-1968), the Lexington County Hospital Auxiliary (1970-1972), and the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1966).
The Boulware Family Papers consist of photocopies of a plantation journal (302 pages) kept by Thomas McCullough Boulware I (1829-1889) and a genealogy of the Boulware family written by James Richmond Boulware II of Lakeland, Florida, in 1948. The journal concerns the Blackstocks Plantation in Chester County, South Carolina and subjects include the planting of crops and farming of land; family events, such as deaths, births and marriages; family travel and vacations; church affairs, including the local temperance league; land sales; free black and northerners in Chester County after the Civil War.
Thomas Smithwick Gettys (1912-2003) was a lawyer and U.S. Representative for the Fifth Congressional District of South Carolina. The Thomas Smithwick Gettys Papers consist of reports, resolutions, correspondence, news releases, government publications, and newspaper clippings, relating to Getty’s efforts to enlarge and develop the Cowpens Battlefield Site of Cherokee County, South Carolina. Correspondents include Ernest Hollings, Donald Russell, John P. Saylor, W.S. Stuckey, Jr., Roy A. Taylor, Mark W. Clark, Wayne Aspinall, and Stewart Udall.
The Christine South Gee Papers include family histories; biographical data; annual reports of home demonstration work in South Carolina (1920-1922) compiled by Mrs. Gee; speeches; magazine articles (1935-1963); newspaper clippings (1934-1968); photographs (1903-1954) and certificates of awards. The collection primarily pertains to Mrs. Gee’s work as South Carolina State Home Demonstration Agent (1918-1923); her role in the formation of the South Carolina Extension Homemakers’ Council (1921), formerly the South Carolina Council of Farm Women; her activities as president of the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1943-1945); her study of development in programs for adult education and rural women; and her historical interest in South Carolina statesmen and political leaders. Family histories include information on the Puckett, Smith, Martin, Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon families.
Marguerite Tolbert (1893-1982) was a Winthrop alumna (class of 1914), club woman, and administrator with the Opportunity School in Columbia, South Carolina. The Marguerite Tolbert Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, galley proofs, biographical sketches, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to the publication of the book, South Carolina’s Distinguished Women of Laurens County. Miss Tolbert served as coordinator for the book project. Also included is an unpublished manuscript written by Clara Yarborough concerning the terms of office of seven former South Carolina governors. Miss Yarborough served as secretary under these governors.