104 resultados para Tablet computers--South Carolina
The South Carolina International Women's Year Conference Records focuses on the workings of the various committees which organized the (SCIWY) Conference and provided essential information on the planning and execution of the state meeting. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda notes, reports, speeches, financial records, newspaper clippings, press releases, election tally sheets, delegate applications, questionnaires, brochures, photographs, cassette tape recordings and publications pertaining mainly to the (SCIWY) Conference but also to the National Conference.
The South Carolina Council on Family Relations was organized in 1956 to promote communication among representatives of participating organizations and citizens in order to further their common objective of strengthening family life in South Carolina. The South Carolina Council on Family Relations Records consist of constitutions, brochures, pamphlets, minutes, correspondence, membership lists, and annual reports, documenting the council’s growth, development, and functions.
The Christine South Gee Papers include family histories; biographical data; annual reports of home demonstration work in South Carolina (1920-1922) compiled by Mrs. Gee; speeches; magazine articles (1935-1963); newspaper clippings (1934-1968); photographs (1903-1954) and certificates of awards. The collection primarily pertains to Mrs. Gee’s work as South Carolina State Home Demonstration Agent (1918-1923); her role in the formation of the South Carolina Extension Homemakers’ Council (1921), formerly the South Carolina Council of Farm Women; her activities as president of the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1943-1945); her study of development in programs for adult education and rural women; and her historical interest in South Carolina statesmen and political leaders. Family histories include information on the Puckett, Smith, Martin, Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon families.
Inside this Issue: Archives Kickoff for Winthrop’s Integration CommemorationGiving Thanks … Dean HerringWoodfork ScholarshipActive Friends Member List for 2015Rudy Mancke to SpeakNote From the Chair … Dr. Jane WhiteMembership Form
Inside this Issue: Bob Gorman RetiresKim Wright to SpeakWhy Friends Matter … Dean HerringActive Member List & Friends Fall ElectionMembership Application
Inside this Issue: Friends Board Meets Baumgarte to SpeakInaugurations… — Dean HerringA Note From the Sec.- Treas. — Dr. FaulknerMember Application
Inside this Issue: Friends Board Meets Gorman on Blue SoxGiving Thanks — Dean HerringA Note From the Chair — Dr. WeaverMember Application
Inside this Issue: Bela and M.H. Herlong Book Talk Success of April 8Welcome New WU President ComstockMergers, Mayhem and More — Dean HerringA Note From the Chair — Dr. WeaverMember Application
Inside this Issue: Library Endowment Fund EstablishedActive/Life Member List for FriendsA Note From the ChairMembership Form
Inside this Issue: Business Report of the Friends / Endowment to be EstablishedDean HerringKay McSpadden Wins Norman Mailer AwardA Note From the ChairMember Application
Inside this Issue: Changes in Friends BylawsDean HerringRenovations UpdateA Note From the ChairMember Application
Inside this Issue: Current MembershipList State Heritage HorseLibrary Boards to Merge - Dean HerringMajor RenovationsA Note From the ChairMember Application
Inside this Issue: Sharyn McCrumb 11/3A Few Words from Dean HerringA Note from the ChairFriends of Dacus Library Membership Application
Inside this Issue: Sharyn McCrumb 11/3Business Meeting Items, 10/7/2011 Dorothy M. MedlinMap and Parking for Events of Oct. 7 and Nov. 3 Membership FormA Note from the Chair
Inside this Issue: Dean’s WelcomeChanges in the Library: Physical and MetaphysicalLibrary Board Members Board Actions 3/2/11 Shetuni BookDDA, not Dada Bi-Lo BoostersMembership List Membership FormNote from the Chair