51 resultados para web of power

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This article argues that claims of diversity in communication in deaf education are empty rhetoric when underlying structures of power are unexamined and remain unchanged. The field of deafness provides a powerful example of the way in which competing interests can be played out under the guise of choice of communication methods. Historically, teachers of the deaf have been divided about whether deaf children should be educated through speech or sign. However, recognition of the legitimacy of native sign languages has caused a shift in the debate to the linguistic basis of this communication and the way in which language policy privileges one cultural group and its method of communication over another.


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A model of a yam package is established for a ring spinning system. The yarn layer, surface area, and mass of the yam package are formulated with respect to the diameters of the empty bobbin and full yarn package, yarn count, and yarn winding-on time. Based on the principles of dynamics and aerodynamics, models of the power requirements for overcoming the skin friction drag, increasing the kinetic energy of the yarn package (bobbin and wound yarn), and overcoming the yarn wind-on tension are developed. The skin friction coefficient on the surface of a rotating yam package is obtained from experiment. The power distribution during yam packaging is discussed based on a case study. The results indicate that overcoming the skin friction drag during yarn winding consumes the largest amount of energy. The energy required to overcome the yarn wind-on tension is also significant.


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Artificial neural network (NN) is an alternative way (to conventional physical or chemical based modeling technique) to solve complex ill-defined problems. Neural networks trained from historical data are able to handle nonlinear problems and to find the relationship between input data and output data when there is no obvious one between them. Neural Networks has been successfully used in control, robotic, pattern recognition, forecasting areas. This paper presents an application of neural networks in finding some key factors eg. heat loss factor in power station modeling process. In the conventional modeling of power station, these factors such as heat loss are normally determined by experience or “rule of thumb”. To get an accurate estimation of these factors special experiment needs to be carried out and is a very time consuming process. In this paper the neural networks (technique) is used to assist this difficult conventional modeling process. The historical data from a real running brown coal power station in Victoria has been used to train the neural network model and the outcomes of the trained NN model will be used to determine the factors in the conventional energy modeling of the power stations that is under the development as a part of an on-going ARC Linkage project aiming to detail modeling the internal energy flows in the power station.


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The current penetration of mobile phones in Australia is 92% and it records one of the world’s highest rates of ownership among children under 18. The paper reviews the literature on mobile phones and Australian children and examines the various discourses dominating the public debates; the systematic frames used in these discourses; and whose interests are served in the process. The frames discussed fall under the optimistic (gains); pessimistic (losses, costs or harms); pluralistic (technology per se is neutral but how it is used matters); historical development (skills learnt and the importance of using mobiles); futuristic predictions (promises and dangers for the future); current uses (connectivity, convergence and interactivity); and the techno-realist view (as a mixed blessing) views of technology. Taking the critical perspective and borrowing from Joshua Meyrowitz, the paper illustrates how mobile phones have eroded parental power over how, when, where and with whom their children communicate, surpassing adult supervision, intervention or knowledge, while at the same time, becoming a ‘digital leash’ for parents to re-establish their control an d an ‘umbilical cord’ for their off spring to remain connect! ed with parents, at all times.


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ln this paper, we discuss methodological issues that emerged as we worked through a small empirical research project, 'Engaging Aboriginal students in education through community empowerment'. Recent national policy statements (see, for example, MCEETYA 2000,. NBEET 1995) argue the importance of education/research that keeps the locus of control within the Aboriginal community as a means to further the goal of self-determination and improve educational outcomes. In keeping with these recommendations, our project aimed to challenge assimilationist frameworks and sought to 'empower' members of the local Aboriginal community through participation in the project. 'Research as dialogue' was a guiding principal and a primary aim was to listen actively to all key stakeholders in the remote community setting, particularly to lndigenous parents, students and teachers, in order to identify current strengths and concerns regarding the provision of culturally inclusive schooling. A proposed second stage of the project is to develop, on the basis of these consultations and in collaboration, community-based education projects that engage non-attending Aboriginal students. Here we discuss the consultative processes undertaken in stage one of the project, and critically analyse the difficulties as well as potential strengths of trying to form collaborative partnerships as researchers across cultural differences and with diverse community groups.


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The research aims to gain a deeper understanding of direct buyer-supplier relationships within the Australian fresh produce industry. Specifically, dependence and power within the buyer-supplier relationship are considered in terms of their antecedents and their relationships their-in. In-depth interviews with buyers and suppliers provided the means by which to expose perceptions with regard to the relative importance of dependence and power within the relationship. The research reveals that relationship antecedents (trading offer: price and quality) impact power and dependence and are, in tum, impacted by them.


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The 'rescuing' of Indigenous children (from their communities) through education, and the notions of assimilation associated with that, is an aspect of colonialism that has persisted into the so-called 'post-colonial' era. Recent national policy statements (eg. MCEETYA, 2000; NBEET, 1995) argue the importance of education/research that keeps the locus of control within the Aboriginal community as a means to further the goal of self determination and improve educational outcomes. In this paper, we report on the initial stage of a small empirical research project, Engaging Aboriginal Students In Education Through Community Empowerment.

'Research as dialogue' was a guiding principal and a primary aim was to listen actively to all key stake holders in the remote community setting, particularly to Indigenous parents, teachers and service providers, in order to identify current

strengths and concerns regarding the provision of culturally inclusive schooling; and then, to develop, on the basis of these consultations and in collaboration, community-based education projects that engage non-attending Aboriginal students.

In this paper, we critically analyse the difficulties as well as potential strengths of trying to form collaborative partnerships as researchers, across cultural differences and with diverse community groups. For example, what does 'acknowledging' very different cultural perspectives actually mean to/in this kind of research process? The ways in which relations of power amongst all parties are played out in/through such an approach is also opened up for scrutiny and further discussion.


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Within Australia, very little attention has been given to the potential biodiversity benefits of power line easements, if ecologically sensitive management regimes are developed. This study examined the potential power line easements may have for the conservation of small mammals, and in particular the near threatened, Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus, in Australia. Easement vegetation was found to support a diverse small mammal community, including M. fuscus if the vegetation was allowed to develop some structural complexity. M. fuscus was one of the first species to recolonize the easement habitat, provided that the areas had regenerated to a sufficient level. Results suggests; however, that the current management technique used, where the entire easement is managed at one time via mass slashing, on short rotation times, is most likely limiting M. fuscus to low abundances, and causing isolation of the current M. fuscus populations. To ensure that power line easements supply functional, usable habitat for small mammals and other species and to minimize their potential to fragment small mammal populations, it is recommended that current management techniques be reassessed. In an effort to develop more appropriate management regimes, it was recommended that rotation times be increased between management, that mass slashing of the easement at one time be reassessed, especially in naturally low growing areas and that rotational type slashing be implemented. Other techniques such as spot spraying, may be all that is needed within some areas to control emergent saplings. This study highlights that potential biodiversity values do exist for Australian power line easements, if some changes occur to the current management practices.


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The majority of women's health nurses in this study work in generalist community health centres. They have developed their praxis within the philosophy and policies of the broader women's health movement and primary health care principles in Australia. The fundamental assumption underlying this study is that women's health nurses possess a unique body of knowledge and clinical wisdom that has not been previously documented and explored. The epistemological base from which these nurses' operate offers important insights into the substantive issues that create and continually shape the practice world of nurses and their clients. Whether this represents a (re)construction of the dominant forms of health care service delivery for women is examined in this study. The study specifically aims at exploring the practice issues and experience of women's health service provision by women's health nurses in the context of the provision of cervical cancer screening services. In mapping this particular group of nurses practice, it sets out to examine the professional and theoretical issues in contemporary nursing and women's health care. In critically analysing the powerful discourses that shape and reshape nursing work, the study raises the concern that previous analyses of pursing work tend to universalise the structural and social subordination of nurses and nursing knowledge. This universalism is most often based on examples of midwifery and nursing work in hospital settings, and subsequently, because of these conceptualisations, all of nursing is too often deemed as a dependent occupation, with little agency, and is analysed as always in relation to medicine, to hospitals, to other knowledge forms. Denoting certain discourses as dominant proposes a relationship of power and knowledge and the thesis argues that all work relations and practices in health are structured by certain power/knowledge relations. This analysis reveals that there IX are many competing and complimentary power/knowledge relations that structure nursing, but that nursing, and in particular women's health nurses, also challenge the power/knowledge relations around them. Through examining theories of power and knowledge the analysis, argues that theoretical eclecticism is necessary to address the complex and varied nature of nursing work. In particular it identifies that postmodern and radical feminist theorising provide the most appropriate framework to further analyse and interpret the work of women's health nurses. Fundamental to the position argued in this thesis is a feminist perspective. This position creates important theoretical and methodological links throughout the whole study. Feminist methodology was employed to guide the design, the collection and the analysis. Intrinsic to this process was the use of the 'voices' of women's health nurses as the basis for theorising. The 'voices' of these nurses are highlighted in the chapters as italicised bold script. A constant companion along the way in examining women's health nurses' work, was the reflexivity with feminist research processes, the theoretical discussions and their 'voices'. Capturing and analysing descriptive accounts of nursing praxis is seen in this thesis as providing a way to theorise about nursing work. This methodology is able to demonstrate the knowledge forms embedded in clinical nursing praxis. Three conceptual threads emerge throughout the discussions: one focuses on nursing praxis as a distinct process, with its own distinct epistemological base rather than in relation to 'other' knowledge forms; another describes the medical restriction and opposition as experienced by this group of nurses, but also of their resistance to medical opposition. The third theme apparent from the interviews, and which was conceptualised as beyond resistance, was the description of the alternative discourses evident in nursing work, and this focused on notions of being a professional and on autonomous nursing praxis. This study concludes that rather than accepting the totalising discourses about nursing there are examples within nursing of resistance—both ideologically and X in practice—to these dominant discourses. Women's health nurses represent an important model of women's health service delivery, an analysis of which can contribute to critically reflecting on the 'paradigm of oppression' cited in nursing and about nursing more generally. Reflecting on women's health service delivery also has relevance in today's policy environment, where structural shifts in Commonwealth/State funding arrangements in community based care, may undermine women's health programs. In summary this study identifies three important propositions for nursing: • nursing praxis can reconstruct traditional models of health care; • nursing praxis is powerful and able to 'resist' dominant discourses; and • nursing praxis can be transformative. Joining feminist perspectives and alternative analyses of power provides a pluralistic and emancipatory politics for viewing, describing and analysing 'other' nursing work. At the micro sites of power and knowledge relations—in the everyday practice worlds of nurses, of negotiation and renegotiation, of work on the margins and at the centre—women's health nurses' praxis operates as a positive, productive and reconstructive force in health care.


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Presents an analytical study of the development and implementation of the Australian Community Aged Care Packages Program. Undertaken from a critical perspective, it also critiques the role of power in shaping and legitimising what is to be counted as "rational" within social policy-making in present liberal democracies.


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The thesis seeks to assess the concept of power in relation to Bosnia's experience after the Cold War. It argues that power is best conceptualised as compromising two parts: 'agent power' which involves an ability of an actor to directly influence another and 'impersonal governance' which refers to the indirect effects of power.


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In this interpretive study, six women who have had some difficulty with breastfeeding, tell of their experiences of breastfeeding following childbirth. These stories are discussed using the feminist poststructuralist theory of discourse analysis, as presented by Weedon (1987). The women's stories reveal a wide range of experiences, and conflicting discourses, many of which relate to issues of power and control surrounding breastfeeding.