143 resultados para validity

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Presents a response of the author on the reliability and validity of Freud's method of free association and interpretation. Data gathering in clinical setting of psychoanalysis; Claims for reliability and validity; View of Freud on determinism.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of observers to use voice-recognition analysis to accurately classify gait transitions and quantify gait durations typical of team games. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was also determined. Four males were filmed performing pre-determined gait protocols, each comprising different sequences of walking, jogging. running and sprinting. Two operators independently classified gait transitions and the time spent in each gait was determined by the voice recognition system. All gait modes as measured by trained observers demonstrated statistically significant correlations (p<O.O I) to predetermined measurement criteria. The mean absolute error for all gait transitions was less than half a second (0.32-0.36 5) with the maximum percentage error being approximately 4% for the walk, jog and run gaits and 10% for sprinting. Gait classification error was low at 1-9%. The intra-rater and inter-rater reliability was consistently high ranging from r =' 0.87 to 0.99. In conclusion, observers using voice-recognition software provided valid measures of time spent in each of the four gait categories with 90% or better accuracy achieved.


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This study examined the validity and reliability of survey items measuring one-week recall of physical activity (PA) and examined differences by weight status. A sub-aim of the study was to objectively assess the intensity of activity that most closely matches self-report. A questionnaire was administered to adults twice, three days apart. It was again administered after subjects wore a MTI/CSA accelerometer for seven days (n = 118). Several metabolic equivalent (MET) thresholds were applied to the accelerometer data. Agreement between test and re- test estimates of sufficient physical activity for health benefits (150 min/week) was high (% agreement > 90%). Correlations (rho) between total reported PA (mins/day) and accelerometer data were 0.29 (p < 0.05) among men and 0.25 (p < 0.05) among women. Among men, self- reported duration of moderate PA (3-5.9 METS) and accelerometer data were significantly correlated (rho = 0.40, p < 0.01), with no differences by weight status. Among women, a significant relationship was found only for those who were not overweight (rho = 0.52, p < 0.001). A significant correlation between self-reported duration of vigorous PA (6+ METS) and accelerometer data was only found for overweight men (rho = 0.40, p < 0.05). When lower MET thresholds were applied to the accelerometer data, women's reported duration of moderate-intensity PA was most strongly correlated with moderate PA (accelerometer) defined as 2.0-5.9 METS (rho = 0.39, p < 0.01). The recall instrument provides a consistent measure of physical activity and validation coefficients were similar to those obtained for other physical activity recall questionnaires. However, the ability to measure PA by self-report may vary by weight status.


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This paper reports on the psychometric properties of the Social Phobic Inventory (SoPhI) a 21-item scale that was designed to measure social anxiety according to the criteria of DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, APA (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder , 4th Edn., Washington). Factor analysis of the SoPhI using data from a clinical sample of respondents with social phobia revealed one factor which explained approximately 59% of variance and which demonstrated strong internal reliability ( agr= 0.93). The SoPhI demonstrated concurrent validity with the SPAI ( r = 0.86) and convergent validity with the Fear of Negative Evaluations-Revised ( r = 0.68). The predictive utility of the scale was demonstrated in a sample of university students classified as extroverted, normal, shy/introverted, and phobic/withdrawn ( -2 57%). Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed that the combined university sample differed from the clinical sample on the summated scores on the SoPhI and that 43% ( -2 ) of this difference was attributable to group membership. This figure rose to 58% attributable to group membership when these same groups were compared for differences on the 21 individual items. Scores of the SoPhI that are indicative of concern and of possible diagnostic criteria, as well as suggestions for future research, are discussed.


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Background and Purpose: The impact of stroke is multidimensional however standard stroke measures do not discriminate well when stroke patients are less physically impaired. The Stroke Impact Scale 2.0 (SIS 2.0) is a multidimensional measure of the impact of stroke but its'' psychometric properties require further testing. The SIS-16 is a measure of physical functioning designed to be more sensitive to differences in physical functioning than current stroke outcome measures but there is only preliminary information detailing its'' reliability and validity. The current study examined the internal consistency and validity of the SIS 2.0 and SIS-16 in an Australian sample of stroke patients. Methods: The SIS 2.0, SIS-16, World Health Organization Bref-Scale (WHOQOL-BREF) and Zung''s Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) were completed by 74 stroke patients in rural Victoria, Australia.
Results: The item convergent validity index indicated good item convergence of the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 domains. The item discriminant validity index had only adequate divergence for most SIS 2.0 domains. Internal consistencies of the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 domains were acceptable (agr = 0.87–0.95). Correlations between the SIS-16 and SIS 2.0 and the WHOQOL-BREF and SDS supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the SIS-16 and all the dimensions of the SIS 2.0 except lsquoParticipationrsquo which lacked discriminant validity. Conclusions: The SIS 2.0 and SIS-16 had good psychometric properties with support for the internal consistency and validity of both measures.


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Multiple choice questions are used extensively in nursing research and education and play a fundamental role in the design of research studies or educational programs. Despite their widespread use, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines relating to design and use of multiple choice questions. Little is written about their format, structure, validity and reliability of in the context of nursing research and/or education and most of the current literature in this area is based on opinion or consensus. Systematic multiple choice question design and use of valid and reliable multiple choice questions are vital if the results of research or educational testing are to be considered valid. Content and face validity schould be established by expert panel review and construct validity should be established using ‘key check’, item discrimination and item difficulty analyses. Reliability measures include internal consistency and equivalence. Internal consistency should be established by determination of internal consistency using reliability coefficients while equivalence should be established using alternate form correlation. This paper reviews literature related to the use of multiple choice questions, current design recommendations and processes to establish reliability and validity, and discusses implications for their use in nursing research and education.


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This analogue study investigated the social validity of classroom interventions designed to promote peer interactions in young children. The influences of child characteristics and diagnostic labels on social validity ratings were examined, as were the relationships among three components of social validity. Forty-two preschool teachers completed a 15-item social validity scale that yielded scores pertaining to intervention goals, procedures and effects. Participants rated three types of intervention, which varied according to individuals targeted and intensity of programming procedures, with reference to one of three case descriptions of children with social interaction problems. Half the participants were provided with the child’s diagnostic label. Results indicated that social validity is affected by interactions between intervention methods and child characteristics. The inclusion of diagnostic labels in the case descriptions had no effect on social validity ratings. Strong positive relationships were found among the components of social validity. Implications for the use of empirically validated interventions in inclusive preschools are discussed.


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Introduction: The Emergency Department (ED) at The Northern Hospital is currently participating in the Victorian Department of Human Services funded Emergency Nurse Practitioner Project. This project aims to develop, implement and evaluate the Emergency Nurse Practitioner role in Victorian EDs. This led to a need to develop a specific data collection tool called The Northern Emergency Nurse Practitioner Staff Survey to examine the knowledge and attitudes of ED medical and nursing staff. This paper describes the development of The Northern Emergency Nurse Practitioner Staff Survey and presents the results of reliability and validity studies. Method: Twenty-five items were developed and piloted on a sample of 58 ED medical and nursing staff. Content and face validity were established by expert panel review. Reliability was established by tests of unidimensionality, exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency. Results: Four items were discarded because of low item to total correlation. Exploratory factor analysis of the remaining items revealed five factors with eigenvalues >1 and acceptable correlation coefficients that explained 76.7% of the variance. Cronbach’s coefficent α for these items was 0.926 indicating a high degree of internal consistency. The factors were titled to reflect the content domain of the items in each factor and the factors arranged in a logical sequence to form the final version of The Northern Emergency Nurse Practitioner Survey.


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The aim of this study was to develop brief versions of the continence self-assessment awareness questionnaire (CSAAQ), sensitive to gender-specific experiences of incontinence, and to evaluate their construct validity. Recruitment took place at four Victorian healthcare settings during 2001 and 2002. A total of 431 participants completed the CSAAQ following an appointment or hospital discharge. Factor analyses performed on CSAAQ items demonstrated there were three factors (urinary incontinence symptoms, faecal incontinence symptoms, lifestyle adjustment behaviours) for both women and men. The urinary and faecal items that loaded on their respective factors were different for women and men. Consequently two versions of the CSAAQ were developed; one for males and one for females. Analyses supported the construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the gender specific questionnaires. The brief gender specific CSAAQs could be produced as a single questionnaire with separate sections for female and male specific items. The brief CSAAQs are suitable for use as an incontinence self-assessment questionnaire to increase awareness of individual incontinence issues and to encourage health-seeking behaviours.


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Examines the development of a reliable, valid and feasible method for assessing physical activity among children ages 5-6 and 10-12 years. Information on the subjects of the study; Assessment of test-retest reliability of a parental proxy questionnaire and a children's self-report questionnaire; Utilization of accelerometry to assess the criterion validity of the questionnaire.


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Background and Aims: Play is the primary means through which children develop skills and socially interact with other children. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between pretend play and social competence in 4–5-year-old typically developing children, thereby adding further knowledge to the construct validity of the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment (ChIPPA). Procedure: The pretend play ability of 35 preschool children aged 4–5 years was assessed using the ChIPPA. Parent/guardians of the children were interviewed regarding their child's social competence using the Vineland Social–Emotional Early Childhood Scales (Vineland SEEC Scales). Main Findings: No significant correlations were found between the children's play scores and their Vineland SEEC Scales scores. A significant and negative relationship was found between cooperation and sharing and elaborate play scores, suggesting that children who scored poorly on the play assessment were rated as cooperative by parents. Principal Conclusions: Parent report of social competence cannot be inferred from play scores. Reasons for the negative and significant finding are put forward and clinical implications of the findings are discussed. Additional investigations are necessary to further explore the construct validity of inferring social competence using the ChIPPA.


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Aims: To assess the validity of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) as a screening tool for detecting 'at risk' emotional and behavioural  maladjustment in children with diabetes, using the Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC) as a gold standard measure. Methods: CHQ and BASC were administered to 103 parents of children with Type 1 diabetes, aged 7–12 years. Sub-scales of the two measures were compared using Pearson's bivariate correlations. CHQ sensitivity and specificity cut-points were optimized against the BASC borderline category using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: The BASC Externalizing Problems scale correlated strongly with CHQ Behaviour, Global Behaviour, Mental Health, Family Activities and Family Cohesion scales (r-values −0.68, −0.54, −0.51, −0.59, and −0.42, respectively). BASC Internalizing Problems scale correlated strongly with CHQ Behaviour, Mental Health and Family Cohesion scales (r-values −0.40, −0.43 and −0.45, respectively). Using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the CHQ Mental Health scale most effectively identified children classified as borderline on the BASC Internalizing Problems scale (sensitivity 87%, specificity 78%), while the CHQ Global Behaviour scale most effectively identified children classified as borderline on the BASC Externalizing Problems scale (sensitivity 73%, specificity 82%). Conclusions: Significant correlations were seen between the CHQ Global Behaviour and Mental Health scales and the BASC Externalizing and Internalizing scales, respectively. Sequential use of the CHQ, as a screening tool, followed by an established mental health measure such as the BASC, may help identify children with diabetes 'at risk' for chronic maladjustment and poor health outcomes.