107 resultados para unit delivery model

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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In this paper, we propose a GARCH-based unit root test that is flexible enough to account for; (a) trending variables, (b) two endogenous structural breaks, and (c) heteroskedastic data series. Our proposed model is applied to a range of time-series, trending, and heteroskedastic energy variables. Our two main findings are: first, the proposed trend-based GARCH unit root model outperforms a GARCH model without trend; and, second, allowing for a time trend and two endogenous structural breaks are important in practice, for doing so allows us to reject the unit root null hypothesis.


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The optimal delivery model for units always puzzle curriculum designers and lecturers, particularly when the unit is offered in the summer trimester and students have greater choice as to whether to enrol in a unit or not. An ongoing research project in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin University aims to understand students’ perceptions on unit delivery in the summer trimester in order to improve support for online delivery models. The five delivery models in the study ranged from ‘traditional’ i.e. on campus lectures and tutorials for each week of the trimester; to ‘wholly online’ i.e. learning materials and communications entirely through the web-based student portal. Students rated their preferences for the five delivery models with additional comments. Students overwhelmingly prefer wholly online delivery during the summer trimester despite the benefits of other delivery models and that wholly online delivery may not offer their preferred learning experience. The students’ primary need is for flexibility which can be at odds with their equal need for interaction with academics and peers. It is important that academics recognise students’ perspectives to ensure their design of online delivery models improves teaching and learning in the summer trimester.


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In 2005, a unit was converted to ‘wholly online’ delivery mode, where all teaching occurred online. Student evaluation survey data for 2005 suggested that students rated many aspects of the wholly online unit delivery significantly lower than previously. For 2006, ten percent of the unit marks were dedicated to an assessed assignment activity based around an online discussion area. Based on student evaluation items common to the preand post-2006 period, overall student satisfaction with the unit returned to the same levels as prior to the introduction of wholly online delivery. These findings suggest that careful thought, but not necessarily major changes, may be required to avoid student disillusionment and maximise student learning outcomes when moving an existing unit to wholly online delivery. During 2005 and 2006, the same unit was included in a large survey to gauge students’ perceptions of studying wholly online units. The sub-set of respondents relating to this unit was found to have a good demographic match to the total unit enrolment. The survey included the following question item, ‘39: How satisfied have you been with this unit being offered wholly online?’, as an overall measure of student satisfaction with studying the unit in wholly online mode. Multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted with survey item 39 as the dependent variable. While the resultant regression model should not be interpreted literally as a formula for student satisfaction, it does suggest some areas for action to improve student satisfaction with studying this unit in wholly online mode.


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Issue addressed: The determinants of individual and community mental health and wellbeing are diverse and many lie outside the sphere of action of the health sector. Developing the confidence and skills of these other sectors to contribute to improved mental health has been identified as a priority at State and national levels that requires the development of specific workforce capacity-building strategies. Methods: VicHealth developed and implemented a two day short course to raise the capacity of organisations from a range of sectors to contribute to the mental health and wellbeing of communities. The model of this short course was constructed to reflect the diverse sectors targeted, which included health, local government, community arts, sport and recreation, justice, and education. Results: Evaluation of the two year pilot program, with more than 1,000 participants, has identified a high degree of satisfaction with the content and delivery model of the course, with clear changes in knowledge, skills and practice having been achieved. Cross-sector understanding and collaborations between participants increased as a result of the course. Conclusions: Continuing demand for the course demonstrates clearly that mental health and well-being is relevant to the core business of a broad range of community and professional organisations. The course has increased the confidence and capacity of these sector representatives to take action on mental health as well as increased cross-sector dialogue and partnerships. The recruitment of trainers from diverse sectors was successful in promoting a key component of the program, which was the message that mental health promotion should be the business of all sectors.


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People with chronic kidney disease are ageing and have increasing co-morbidities. The current delivery of renal replacement therapy, dialysis and transplantation, needs to adjust to changing patient needs. This paper proposes a potential future service delivery model featuring a dialysis residential care facility and a care coordination focus. The residential care facility would be composed of four levels of care; high, hostel, independent and outpatient. The paper argues that this model may result in decreased morbidity, improved patient quality of life and may prove cost effective. Patients' nutritional status, medication adherence and transport efficiency may be improved. We propose this model to stimulate further debate in order to meet the needs of current and future chronic kidney disease patients.


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In this article, we examine the unit root null hypothesis for per capita total Health Expenditures (HEs), per capita private HEs and per capita public HEs for 29 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The novelty of our work is that we use a new nonlinear unit root test that allows for one structural break in the data series. We find that for around 45% of the countries, we are able to reject the unit root hypothesis for each of the three HE series. Moreover, using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that our proposed unit root model has better size and power properties than the widely used Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) and Lagrange Multiplier (LM) type tests.


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This paper proposes a new research program and presents a current analysis of the potential of health information systems (HIS) to improve primary care delivery in rural Indonesia. A new HIS will be implemented to facilitate patient centred primary care and to support the interactions and collaborations between three types of participants including the patient, their doctors and pharmacist in Malang, Indonesia. A tetradic relationship between the new HIS and three participants (patient, doctors, and pharmacist) is examined through the lens of the actor network theory (ANT) with a view to form a new healthcare service delivery model for primary care providers in Indonesia. Based on this model, a network of primary care providers would share the patient medical records (PMR) and provide collaborative care programs to promote healthy life styles, prevent diseases, and to manage chronic disease care more effectively and efficiently.


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Depression is a common problem among people with visual impairment and contributes to functional decline. This article presents a study protocol to evaluate a new model of care for those patients with depressive symptoms in which psychological treatment is integrated into low vision rehabilitation services. Low vision staff will be trained to deliver "problem solving therapy for primary care" (PST-PC), an effective psychological treatment developed specifically for delivery by non-mental health care staff. PST-PC is delivered in 8 weekly telephone sessions of 30-45 minutes duration and 4 monthly maintenance sessions. We predict this new integrated model of care will significantly reduce depressive symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with visual impairment.

Methods and Design:
A randomized controlled trial of PST-PC will be implemented nationally across low vision rehabilitation services provided by Vision Australia. Clients who screen positive for depressive symptoms and meet study criteria will be randomized to receive PST-PC or usual care, consisting of a referral to their general practitioner for more detailed assessment and treatment. Outcome measures include depressive symptoms and behaviors, quality of life, coping and psychological adjustment to visual impairment. Masked assessments will take place pre- and post-intervention as well as at 6- and 12-month follow-up.

We anticipate that this innovative service delivery model will lead to sustained improvements in clients' quality of life in a cost effective manner and provide an innovative service delivery model suitable for other health care areas in which depression is co-morbid.


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• Acute medical and nursing treatment in the home is increasingly seen as an alternative to hospitalization. Models such as hospital in the home (HITH) or acute home care are said to provide a safe, comfortable environment for patients that is conducive to healing.

• A review of the literature reveals the embryonic nature of the research and discussion related to this alternative care delivery model. In general, the benefits of hospital in the home programmes are presented in an uncritical manner.

• Medical practitioners have embraced the move to home care as a means of expanding the use of advanced technologies and improved drug regimes beyond the hospital walls.

• The nursing response has been mechanistic and recipe-like while advancing the HITH nursing role as an opportunity for speciality practice by virtue of the increased autonomy and independence required.

• This review demonstrates the influence of a professional mandate for specialization, and the ideological and scientific interests that have influenced the role of the nurse.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to review the team-nursing approach to care adopted by two general medical wards in a large private hospital. The delivery model of care was reviewed to determine the factors that enhance and/or hinder the timely delivery, continuity and communication of care.
Method: All nursing and ancillary staff who worked on two medical wards at a private teaching hospital were invited to participate in the study. Thirty eight participants from the two wards took part in focus group discussions, individual interviews and completed the Staff Continuity of Care Questionnaire. Findings: Findings indicated that achieving functionally sound teamwork is a complex task that is affected by the interplay of a number of organisational, patient and staff factors. Its smooth application is further affected by the uncertain and changing conditions on the wards, which are difficult to control and impact on the smooth delivery of patient care. The findings revealed strengths and weaknesses in teamwork, communication of care, documentation and discharge planning. The results also highlighted factors that enhance and hinder the smooth delivery of care. This paper details the factors that influence the delivery of care from the perspectives of nursing staff and makes recommendations to enhance the delivery of patient care using a team-nursing approach.